This paper presents a method to predict retrieval terms from relevant/surrounding words or descriptive texts in Japanese by using deep belief networks (DBN), one of two typical types of deep learning. To determine the effectiveness of using DBN for this task, we tested it along with baseline methods using example-based approaches and conventional machine learning methods, i.e., multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and support vector machines (SVM), for comparison. The data for training and testing were obtained from the Web in manual and automatic manners. Automatically created pseudo data was also used. A grid search was adopted for obtaining the optimal hyperparameters of these machine learning methods by performing cross-validation on training data. Experimental results showed that (1) using DBN has far higher prediction precisions than using baseline methods and higher prediction precisions than using either MLP or SVM; (2) adding automatically gathered data and pseudo data to the manually gathered data as training data is an effective measure for further improving the prediction precisions; and (3) DBN is able to deal with noisier training data than MLP, i.e., the prediction precision of DBN can be improved by adding noisy training data, but that of MLP cannot be.
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