This paper deals with the concurrent process oriented language COL for the robot control system. The implementation of virtual machine (COL machine) is also described. When we construct a Systematized-Robot with high ability by connecting separately developed functions, we have to combine not only hardware but also software systematically. In this case, if we can, describe control software of each function as concurrently executed processes (concurrent processes), these programs will be easily understandable in general. To describe such kind of software by ordinary languages, control software of each function and the process scheduling software are mixed together in one program because ordinary languages have no ability for describing concurrent processes. Therefore much time is needed for programming and dabugging time dependent errors.
On the contrary, COL is the language with the ability of concurrent processing. COL has the following functions:
(1) concurrent processing
(2) event control
(3) priority control
(4) shared variable management
(5) real time operation
(6) I/O handling
(7) interrupt handling
(8) process state control
COL consists of the following two parts. The first one is the compiler for generating P-code. The second one is the interpreter for executing P-code.
In the experiment, management of touch-sensors attached to the fingers, coordinate transformation, trajectory planning and feedback control are described as processes by COL. And the manipulator is controlled by them. Furthermore parformance of COL machine is analyzed.
COL can describe not only the robot control program but also the robot control system including the run-time system. Using COL newly developed functions can be added easily into the system.
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