Online ISSN : 2432-1508
Print ISSN : 0387-3412
ISSN-L : 0387-3412
109 巻
  • ―古義堂との関わりを踏まえて―
    神谷 勝広
    2019 年 109 巻 p. 1-10
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Tada-Nanrei was a writer of “ukiyo-zōshi” illustrated books in the Edo Period. As he was also a devout Shintoist, little attention is paid to his relation to Kogidō, the Confucian school in Kyoto, because of their difference in religious faith. In his journal Shoken-chō, however, Itō-Tōgai, one of the school’s members, says that he introduced Nanrei to his acquaintances as his own pupil. Indeed some characters in his stories were modelled after Suyama-Nantō, Kagawa-Shūan, Hori-Nanko, Sawada-Issai, and other Confucian scholars. The critical view Tōgai’s brother Baiu had about Yamazaki-Ansai in his collection of essays Kenmon-dansō was also reflected in Nanrei’s literary and prosaic writings. Biographical research is thus indispensable in studying Nanrei’s works. By identifying the actual models and then grasping the readership whom the author must have born in his mind in writing them, we can make more correct interpretations of his texts.
  • 藤川 玲満
    2019 年 109 巻 p. 11-25
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Akisato-Ritō was a “yomihon” writer who published a series of illustrated books called “zue-mono” between the late Kansei Period and the Kyōwa Period. His “zue-mono” illustrated books such as Genpei-seisuiki-zue, Hōgen-heiji-kassen-zue, and Zen-taiheiki-zue are underestimated as literary works because of their scarcity of originality. But they are well worth a comprehensive review. This article reconsiders the design and direction of his works in intertextual relations to Ehon-chōsen-gunki, Ehon-nendaiki, and other illustrated books. The representations of historical persons, especially of the Minamoto clan, reflect his taste for biographical writings. The quotations and allusions of Chinese sayings are derived from his profound knowledge and acute sense of haiku poetry. The descriptions of historical events are as faithfully based on facts as those of scenic and historical sites in his illustrated guidebooks. All these indicate that Ritō was deeply involved in the history-oriented trend of the contemporary literary scene.
  • ―版元、そして貸本問屋として―
    松永 瑠成
    2019 年 109 巻 p. 27-42
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ōshimaya-Denemon, the publisher and wholesaler of rental books, played an important role in marketing rental books and boosting the popularity of “chūbon” books in the late Edo Period. The aim of this article is to historically examine the early modern marketing of rental books through the profile of the publisher. The first section outlines the company history through the three generations of family business. Referring not only to books themselves but also to inventories and advertisements, the second section treats the publisher’s long-term contribution to increasing the circulation of “chūbon” books. The third section points out its affiliation with Chōjiya-Heibei, Kawachi-ya, and other publishers in the Kamigata area which was greatly helpful in the extension of its commercial network.
  • 2019 年 109 巻 p. 43-44
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー