Policy and Practice Studies
Online ISSN : 2189-1125
Print ISSN : 2189-2946
Volume 7, Issue 2
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
  • Tomoya Mukai
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 173-179
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    This study aimed to explore (1) how images toward criminals and victims were structured, and (2) how they related to attitudes toward criminal justice. In the pilot study, a qualitative method was used to collect images toward criminals and victims and the results were classified into different categories. In the subsequent quantitative study, factor analyses were performed on the 54 items created on the basis of the pilot study. The results showed that the images toward criminals comprised three factors— “negative image,” “image regarding criminals’ circumstances,” and “redeemability image”—and those toward victims comprised four factors— “image regarding victims’ predicament,” “emotional image,” “image regarding universality of victimhood,” and “negative image.” A correlation analysis was then conducted to examine the relationship between these extracted factors and attitudes toward criminal justice. The results revealed that each factor of images toward criminals and victims correlated with different sub-scales of attitudes toward criminal justice. Regarding the practical implications of the study, as images toward criminals and victims were not one-sided, their ambivalence during the formulation of criminal policies should be considered.
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  • Intention to visit after COVID-19 convergence based on activities
    Shingo Ando, Takafumi Kanno, Taichi Murooka, Mamoru Taniguchi
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 181-190
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    “Regional Experience Seekers” are anticipated as a trump card for the furtherance of future regional revitalization. The spread of COVID-19 infection has restricted activities for visitation in many regions. By contrast, expectations for non-visitation activities that engage with a community online and through other means are increasing. Nevertheless, the extent to which each prefecture has acquired a population of relations consisting of various contents remains unknown. The possibility of shifting to a visitation type in the future is also expected to differ depending on the composition of the contents of non-visitation-type activities. To implement community revitalization measures after control of the COVID-19 pandemic, first it is necessary to organize basic information related to the actual situation of acquiring such Regional Experience Seekers. Then the information must be examined. For this study, based on a large-scale nationwide survey, we specifically examined both non-visitation and visitation activities. We first identified spatial characteristics of the two related populations using indices such as the degree of divergence and the Gini coefficient. Subsequently, after categorizing prefectures based on the proportions of activities of each type, we clarified the acquisition characteristics of the concerned populations by showing the proportion of people with an intention to visit after control of COVID-19 for non-visitation activities of the respective types. Results indicate a weaker influence of distance resistance for non-visitation activities than for visitation activities, but that resistance is more concentrated in specific prefectures. Furthermore, results show that even if numerous non-visitation activities per person are acquired, regions for which contents depend on a hometown tax donation program are not expected to benefit from increased intentions of people to visit after resolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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  • Focus on the case analysis of cultural facilities and sports facilities at 3 cities and 4 towns of Chuwa and Seiwa Region, Nara Prefecture
    Kojiro Sho, Yuri Takagi, Shinjiro Hashito, Kaito Nishigami, Masahiro K ...
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 191-200
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    Facing the depopulation and aging society, the consolidation of existing public facility and sharing of public facilities beyond several municipalities has been recognized as an important issue in Japan. The purpose of this study is to propose an evaluation framework for the actual situation about “sharing” of public facility crossing municipalities aim at the consolidation of existing public facilities. By conduction the case analysis of 12 cultural facilities and 18 sports facilities at 3 cities and 4 towns of Chuwa and Seiwa Region, Nara Prefecture using questionnaire survey targeting on the activity holders and users of each facility, this study verified the effectiveness of the evaluation framework proposed. From the above evaluation results, this study also extracted the targets facility for the consolidation and target facilities considered reasonable for “sharing” beyond the 3 cities and 4 towns from the existing target facilities. Finally, this study summarizes some suggestions about the proposed evaluation framework toward the practical application in the evaluation for other public facilities.
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  • A case study of Tsushima area, Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture
    Hirotoshi Shirayanagi, Tomoyasu Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Hatori
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 201-208
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    Regional communities can be improved through residents’ voluntary contributions. The voluntary contribution of residents is based on their attachment to the region. However, there is not sufficient research on the factors that lead to the development of regional attachment. The present study highlights the role of conservation of the landscape in developing residents’ attachment to the region. This study set two hypotheses: first, that the degree of conservation of the landscape, as evaluated by the historical landscape characterization method, affects the recall of residents’ memories about the region, and second, that the recall of residents’ memories about the region affects their attachment to the region. The hypotheses were examined based on a questionnaire survey and a survey on the conservation status of the landscape in the Tsushima area of Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture. The results showed that the higher the time-depth, the more residents recall their memories of natural features, and the more they recall their memories, the more they become attached to the area, which supports the above hypothesis.
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  • Rintaro Sakai, Yuichiro Kawabata, Satoshi Fujii
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 209-222
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    In recent years, the security environment surrounding Japan has become severer, and there are symptoms of change in the geopolitical environment, such as security concerns with neighboring countries and the possibility of the reduction of the U.S. military presence in East Asia. On the other hand, insufficient development of logistics such as marine transportation, and the lack of rules for controlling transportation in emergency have been discussed. The development and control of transportation and traffic networks is one of the issues of national land planning, and it is thought that an integrated study of security planning and national land planning is necessary, but very little research and practice have been conducted. Sakai et al. (2021) pointed out that geopolitical perspectives were incorporated into national land planning in the pre-war period, and that the perspective has become unclear in the post-war period. On the other hand, this study examines the literature on geopolitical theories rather than national land planning to determine whether or not, and how much, geopolitical conditions have had an intrinsic influence on national land planning, especially transportation. In addition, based on geopolitical theories, this study propose that, national defense is desired to be planned and operated in conjunction with national land planning even presently, and what are the important strategic elements.
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  • A case study on Maebashi City
    Shinya Tsukada, Tetsuo Morita
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 223-229
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    This study analyzed the relationship between residents’ expectations and their quality of life regarding the construction of the Komayose Interchange for heavy vehicles in Gunma Prefecture. The study was conducted using covariance structure analysis, and the results revealed the following points. First, residents had high expectations for “improvement in automobile convenience.” In addition, there were high expectations for “economic revitalization and promotion of regional development,” and also “disaster prevention.” Second, residents’ expectations of the interchange had an impact on their quality of life. In particular, it had an impact on “community activities,” which are a component of the quality of life. The study was conducted in a rural area, and when comparing urban areas with rural areas, it was considered that rural areas emphasized community activities more than urban areas in the evaluation of quality of life. In addition, it was considered that residents who participated in community activities received information on the benefits of the Komayose Interchange heavy-duty vehicle development.
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  • Yunhao Tu, Yuki Kawano, Mayu Urata, Mamoru Endo, Takami Yasuda
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 231-239
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    In recent years, digitalization has made key progresses in every corner of modern society, and the utilization of data and information and communication technology has become increasingly important in various fields including government. In the administrative field, it is critical to utilize information and communication technology and formulate policies based on data to respond to administrative management and social issues in local governments. Therefore, a prominent need rises for promoting the utilization of data especially open data in local governments. In this study, we build a support system that utilizes artificial intelligence technology through industry-government-academia collaboration toward the practice of promoting image open data in local governments. Currently, local governments nationwide are promoting open data in text and tabular format, but due to issues such as portrait right and privacy, it is not common to disclose images as open data in local governments. This makes it difficult to promote and utilize image open data. Therefore, in this study, we have developed a support system to promote the disclosure of images become open data. In addition, the support system was verified through demonstration experiments in local governments through industry-government-academia collaboration. As a result, we were able to confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of disclosure images owned by local governments into open data. We consider that this will lead to the utilization of image open data. Also, we reduce the work burden related to image open data in local governments and improve work efficiency. Furthermore, through this study, we aim to verify the effect and significance of using artificial intelligence technology for local government works, and to deepen the understanding and image of the use of artificial intelligence technology.
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  • Keita Aragane, Tomohiro Ichinose
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 241-266
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    This study examined the potential contribution of the method of watershed planning in the Parks and Open Space Master Plan by using a case study in the Tsurumi River Basin. In the Tsurumi River basin, rapid urbanization has caused large amounts of rainwater to flow into the river at once, causing flood damage frequently. It has become difficult to prevent flood damage only through river improvements. Flood control measures have been taken not only in the river area but also in the watershed area in a comprehensive way that include green infrastructures. Green infrastructures include such as multipurpose retarding basin, reservoir, preservation of green spaces, dry wells and trenches, rain garden, etc. During Typhoon Hagibis in 2019, those green infrastructures in the Tsurumi River Basin played a significant role in preventing flood damage. Also, landscape ecological planning from the viewpoint of biodiversity conservation was developed in the Tsurumi River Basin as a precedent case in Japan. In conclusion, we pointed out that, as the risk of disasters increases due to climate change, and the biodiversity crisis will become more critical, introducing the method of watershed planning in the Parks and Open Space Master Plan will become more important in the future.
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  • Nanami Kazama, Hideya Fukushima, Tsuneaki Fukui
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 267-281
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    The reconstruction of the Great East Japan Earthquake emphasized the importance of considering the characteristics of each region. A comprehensive and diachronic understanding and description of the regional characteristics that emerged during the reconstruction process will provide important insights for future discussions on reconstruction projects, but there is a need for more efficient and effective methodologies for survey and analysis in this complex situation. In this study, we focused on the Local Government Newsletters that the local governments, which are the main actors of reconstruction, have continuously sent out information about the region during the reconstruction process, and attempted to read the characteristics of the region that appeared during the reconstruction process by analyzing the contents of the articles over time. As a result of this study, the characteristics of the composition and contents of the Local Government Newsletters of the six municipalities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake were grasped, and some of the characteristics of the regions that appeared in the reconstruction process were clarified through text analysis of the articles on “local events” that had been continuously sending out information close to the residents before the earthquake.
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  • Focusing on an enhancement of domestic maritime feeder shipping and an introduction of international container shuttle services
    Ryuichi Shibasaki, Hisayuki Wakashima, Zilui Liang, Yudai Mizuno, Yosh ...
    2021 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 283-304
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 22, 2025
    This paper extends the existing global logistics intermodal network simulation model developed by the authors so that the model can consider the cabotage restriction and the difference in value of time by commodities, for examining domestic maritime feeder and international container shuttle services in Japan. After validating the model fitness by inputting various data as of 2016, various policy scenarios in Hakata port on promiting domestic maritime feeder shipping including an introduction of new service and reduction of transshipment cost and introducing an international container shuttle service, as well as combined scenarios of both domestic and international shippings are examined, from the viewpoints of changes in container volume transported by domestic and international maritime shipping and their sensitivities by changing cargo value of time.
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