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19件中 1-19の結果を表示しています
  • 松下 禎二
    1906年 2 巻 1-261_9
    発行日: 1906年
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 遠藤 佐々喜
    1935年 4 巻 12 号 1406-1408
    発行日: 1935/03/15
    公開日: 2017/12/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 安田 正昭
    1983年 78 巻 12 号 912-915
    発行日: 1983/12/15
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 長沢 利明
    地理学評論 Ser. A
    1984年 57 巻 4 号 217-236
    発行日: 1984/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    文化地理学の研究対象のひとつである言語資料をもとにして,琉球列島久米島の基層的文化複合の地域性を本稿では分析する.調査地である久米島島尻において,筆者は9名の高齢者インフォーマントから計198種の有用植物方名を採集したが,それは,栽培植物(穀類),同(蔬菜類),同(工芸作物・果樹類),薬用植物,天然果樹類,食用野草,生活および生産資材用植物,防風林・生垣・庭木用植物,その他の有用植物の9区分に分類された.そして,これらの方名リストを,琉球方言分布地域内の5圏域(奄美大島圏・南奄美圏・沖縄本島圏・宮古圏・八重山圏)での事例と比較対照し,久米島島尻方名リストの文化地理的な位置づけを試みた.その際に,共通音節をともなう類例の存在が確認された植物種数の比率を「方名共通率」として表示し,比較分析の成果とした.分析の結果, 5圏域との方名共通率は,奄美大島圏56.4%, 南奄美圏62.0%, 沖縄本島圏83.0%, 宮古圏50.4%, 八重山圏56.3%となり,久米島島尻事例と沖縄本島地域との近縁性が顕著にあらわれるという結果が得られた.ここでの指標をもとにみる限り,久米島と沖縄の中心地域との基層的文化複合面における密接な関連が認められた.
  • 水谷 知生
    地理学評論 Series A
    2009年 82 巻 4 号 300-322
    発行日: 2009/07/01
    公開日: 2011/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    現在,九州と台湾の間の島々を示す地域名称として「南西諸島」,「琉球諸島」,「薩南諸島」などが重層的に用いられている.本稿ではこの地域の地域名称の使用,浸透の経過を政治的な背景とともに明らかにした.「南西諸島」をはじめこの地域の島々の地域名称の多くは,明治期に海軍省水路部により付与されたが,「薩南諸島」は民間で用いられ,広く使われるようになった.地域名称は教科書類によって一般に浸透し,名称の整理には教科書検定制度が役割を果たした.奄美諸島は,江戸期には,薩摩藩の直轄領でありながら対外的には琉球領として扱われたが,明治初期の日清間での琉球領有を巡る論争の際,日本政府は「琉球諸島」を沖縄諸島以南と整理し,奄美諸島を含めないこととした.一方,第二次世界大戦後,米国は軍事上の必要性から奄美諸島以南を日本本土と切り離す意図を持ってこの地域をRyukyu Islandsとした.「琉球諸島」の名称の使用には特に政治的な意図が多く働いた.
  • —彼の生涯と沖縄における科学的観測(1855-1862年)—
    2018年 127 巻 4 号 483-501
    発行日: 2018/08/25
    公開日: 2018/10/05
    ジャーナル フリー

     1850年代の後半,パリ外国宣教会によって派遣されたフランス人宣教師,ルイ・フュレ(1816-1900年)は,琉球王国の本島・沖縄で最初の長期にわたる科学的な気象観測の実施を請け負った。フランス海軍兵站部から借り受けた測器を使って,彼は最近標準化された方式に基づいて,1日5回の観測データを収集した。これらのデータは,すべてフランス気象学協会創始者(1852年創設)のシャルル・サント–クレア・ドヴィルに送られた。ベルギー王立気象研究所の気象史研究者Gaston Demaréeと筆者は,最近になって,フュレの気象観測記録を発見したが,それらは,フランス気象学協会の後継者となったメテオ・フランス,つまり「フランス国立気象サービス」の公文書に含まれており,観測原簿と書簡類からなっている。

     本稿は,データ分析そのものには関与しないが(本号のDemarée et al., 2018を参照),フュレによって使われた各種の表(日別,月別,年別)に記録された数値と欄外の情報については綿密に調査している。本稿はまた,フュレの生涯と受けた科学教育について述べることを目指すが,それは彼が多くの宣教師たちのなかで選りすぐられ,観測を行ったという社会的状況とも関連している。フュレの沖縄における研究の関心は,科学に対して過度に傾倒しすぎているという上司からの批判を生んだとはいえ,実際のところ,気象学に限定されていたというにはほど遠かった。それらは,自然科学から住民の生活ぶりの記載にまで及んでいた。沖縄での6年間の滞在中に,フュレは数々の重要な科学研究所や学協会と書簡の交流を行っていた。彼は,地質学や化石学(彼の業績はその分野のパイオニアとして認められていた)および沖縄の天然資源を扱い,そして同様に沖縄の文化・歴史・言語を扱う各種学術雑誌に10編ほどの論文を刊行した。


  • 長谷川 洋史
    2014年 80 巻 3 号 395-414
    発行日: 2014/11/25
    公開日: 2017/06/03
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 西里 喜行
    2010年 13 巻 67-129
    発行日: 2010/02/20
    公開日: 2018/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日本外交史の諸問題 II
    許 世楷
    1965年 1965 巻 28 号 38-52
    発行日: 1965/04/27
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高島 精一
    1940年 6 巻 4 号 149-167
    発行日: 1940/04/20
    公開日: 2008/07/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 納富 香織, 米田 孝子
    2020年 43 巻 81-100
    発行日: 2020/03/19
    公開日: 2022/10/24
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 千田 稔
    1978年 21 巻 1 号 16-44
    発行日: 1978/10/20
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    I. It is widely known that among many studies about "Kinsatsu" (金札, note issued by "Ishin" government) there are two opinions-one is to put the emphasis on the character of "Shokusan-kogyo" (殖産興業, encouragement of industries) and the other is on the defrayment of government expenditure. Of course we cannot deny the former, but we think the latter fitted to the fact. In spite of the importance of the latter, however, it is not yet fully proved. So the author tries to make it clear that "Kinsatsu" was defrayed for the government expenditure. II. It has been so far neglected to consider "Kinsatsu" from the point of the attitude of people. The author intends to explain how "Ishin" government deceived people to manage them to be familiar with "Kinsatsu", through the study of the way of issuing "Kinsatsu", the situation of currency of it, the plan of exchange of new coin and note, and so on. III. It is no doubt that "Ishin" government was confronted with the financial difficulties, but it has been not yet fully cleared because of few historical materials on it. About the 1st and 2nd financial years we can say it was under the absolutely difficult finace. The 3rd and 4th, when the centralized institution of local finance was established, being different from them, the author tries to explain how the financial difficulties were, through the study of some plans of budget and some accounts of "Suitoshi" (出納司, the department taking charge of receipt and expenditure of treasury). Thus the author clears how "Ishin" government managed to deal with the difficulties by the deception of "Kinsatsu" as well as the severe collection of taxes and made "Haihanchiken" (廃藩置県, abolition of feudal clans and establishment of prefectures) inevitable.
  • 金城 朝永
    1950年 15 巻 2 号 88-100
    発行日: 1950/11/15
    公開日: 2018/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The name of Ryukyu (Luchu) first appeared in the Sui-shu (History of the Sui Dynasty). Some scholars considered that the Ryukyu mentioned here was another name for Okinawa, while others insisted that it was Formosa. Tan Shidehara, ex-President of Formosa University, criticized these ideas and concluded that it might be a colony of the old Ryukyuans in the southern part of Formosa, explored by the Chinese in early times. If his assumption is true, we may be able to reconstruct the culture and customs of old Okinawa through their colonial phase in Formosa. A no less interesting problem is raised by the legend of the Japanese hero and archer, Tametomo, who is said to have sired King Shunten, the first ruler (1187-1237 A.D.) of Okinawa according to the authorized history of Okinawa. This legend indicates the existence of a close connection between medieval Okinawa and Japan. The Yumiharizuki, a novel adapted from the legend, by Bakin Takizawa in the later years of the Tokugawa Shogunate, exerted a powerful influence upon the Japanese. There were not a few who having read the novel while young, made a visit to the legendary land. Another work on Okinawa of note during the Tokugawa period was the Nantoshi (Notes on Southern Islands), published in 1719, by Hakuseki Arai, a statesman and noted scholar of Chinese classics. After the Restoration of Meiji (1867), the Ryukyus were formally annexed to Japan in spite of Chinese protest, many Japanese came to Okinawa and wrote historical and geographical reports on the islands. As most of them were concerned with Japanizing the Okinawans, they stressed the concept of similar racial and cultural origins of the Okinawans and the Japanese, as well as the existence of close connections between them from early times. It was about half a century until the Okinawans themselves participated in research on their country. Among them, three of the most famous are Fuyu Ifa who devoted his life to the study of the Omorososhi (Collection of old songs of Okinawa), Anko Majikina, author of the History of Okinawa for IO centuries, and Kwanjun Higaonna, editor of the Nanto-Fudoki (Geographical Dictionary of Okinawa). Among the Japanese scholars who were interested in things Okinawan and not only supported but also instructed students in the field of Okinawan studies, are Kunio Yanagita, founder of Japanese Volkskunde, and Shinobu Orikuchi, noted poet and excellent folklorist. Both of thein visited Okinawa about 1920 for the research in folk religion and old customs, and made many contributions to the study of similarity between Japan and Okinawa. Yanagita organized the "Nanto-Danwa-kai." (Southern Islands Coversazione) and edited the "Rohen-sosho" (Fireside Series) in which are contained several works on Okinawa. With the moving of Ifa from Okinawa to Tokyo, the "Nanto-Danwa-kai" was reorganized by the Okinawans in Tokyo and named "Nanto-Bunka-kyokai" (Southern Islands Culture Association) which was the predecessor of the present "Okinawa-Bunka-Kyokai" (Okinawa Culture Association), now the only organ for studies on Okinawa in Japan. Before the war, in Okinawa, the "Okinawa-Kyodo-Kyokai" (Association for Studies on Okinawa) was established centering around Majikina, then President of the Okinawa Library, where there existed a collection of more than three thousand books on Okinawa. All of them were destroyed in air-raids. Since the end of the war, the Okinawans at home have been too preoccupied with their daily livelihoods and with the reconstruction of their war-devastated islands to resume studies on their own country. Members of the "Okinawa-Bunka-Kyokai", conscious of their mission to foster research on their culture, hold lecture meetings once a month and publish a bimonthly mimeographed organ.
  • Tomoaki HARA
    Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology
    2007年 8 巻 101-136
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2017/03/31
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The purposes of this paper are to track the main trends of Okinawan studies by Japanese scholars from the Meiji period to the present and to discuss the prospects for future studies. Before the Asian-Pacific War, most scholars embraced and attempted to verify the hypothesis called Nichiryu dosoron in which the Okinawan and Yamato peoples were thought to have a common racial and ethnic ancestry. After the war, however, interest in the origins of the Okinawan and Japanese peoples declined while interest in the socio-religious aspects of Okinawan culture increased. In the last two decades, Okinawan studies have become more diversified and specialized than ever before under the influence of postmodernism and postcolonialism. There are still, however, important subjects that remain almost untouched in Okinawan studies. Along with exploring subjects that have been ignored in the past, practitioners of Okinawan studies should strive to provide a common platform for promoting dialogue among themselves.
  • 我部 政男
    1984年 35 巻 79-102
    発行日: 1985/03/20
    公開日: 2009/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 清朝在外公館における外国人館員の私的活動とその意義をめぐって
    バレット トーマス
    2022年 131 巻 2 号 1-38
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2023/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は、一八七七年から一八八〇年にかけて、清朝駐日公使館に勤務した米国人館員のマッカーティ(Divie B. McCartee)に焦点を当て、琉球問題をめぐる彼の私的活動を考察したものである。
     本稿が明らかにしたのは、以下の二点である。第一に、マッカーティは琉球を二つ、また三つに分割する案の考案・具体化に深く関わり、両案をこの問題の調停に当たった元米国大統領グラント(Ulysses S. Grant)に提示したという点である。日本側は、二分割案はグラントの支持を得たものであると考え、一八八〇年の日清交渉において、実際の解決策として清朝側に提案した。第二に、マッカーティは、明治政府の「琉球処分」を正当化しようとする作意を徹底的に批判した論説を英字紙『ジャパン・ガゼット』(Japan Gazette)に匿名で発表したという点である。この論説は、明治政府の歴史認識の不備を指弾して話題を呼んだばかりでなく、一八八〇年に日本側が二分割案を妥協策として清朝側に提示することとなった要因の一つと考えられる。
  • 大島 明子
    2008年 117 巻 7 号 1219-1252
    発行日: 2008/07/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the research to date on government-military relations regarding the Japanese Army, emphasis has been put mainly on the relationship between party cabinets and the military high command. However, during the period between the establishment of a prefectural system to replace Tokugawa period feudal domains and the setting up of an independent general staff office (i.e., during the formation of Japan's modern armed forces), the Army consisted of groups affiliated to the feudal domains, resulting in ambiguity concerning the chain of command. Moreover, in the midst of clear divisions between civilian politicians manning the Cabinet (Sei'in 正院) and military personnel, opinions were divided over how a modern army should be formed; add in the political struggle brewing over the Treasury's jurisdiction over local entities, and there was an eminent danger of the Army disintegrating into smaller factions. Within this situation, the Ministry of the Army was granted broad powers, including control over personnel and military command, and enjoyed relative autonomy from the Cabinet in forming a modern army. However, from 1872-73, during which time the Imperial Guard was reorganized from troops sent by three powerful feudal domains to soldiers from divers regions, a plan was advanced by officers affiliated with Satsuma Domain and Minister of Foreign Affairs Soejima Taneomi 副島種臣 to invade Taiwan, and the Cabinet followed suit with plans of its own to recruit former feudal domain troops to form an expeditionary force. This article interprets these events as a political struggle between the Cabinet and the Ministry of the Army over military authority, and focuses on the participation of the Cabinet's Legislative Bureau (Sa'in 左院) at a time when it was aiming at both the abolition of the feudal status system and constitutional reform. The Legislative Bureau spontaneously cooperated in establishing a military conscription act and approached Tosa Domain with a plan for a "parliamentary body" that would deliberate on military affairs. An examination of this political process makes it possible to reinterpret political-military relations at that time in terms of a triangle involving the Cabinet, the Ministry of the Army and the Legislative Bureau (along with its regional administrators). What ultimately happened was that in June or July of 1873, a group led by councillor (sangi) Itagaki Taisuke of Tosa Domain halted the Legislative Bureau's attempts at constitutional reform by introducing a proposal to invade Korea, which led to political gridlock and the resignation of the invasion supporters in October. This incident should therefore be considered on two levels: constitutional reform vs. centralization of Cabinet power, and the struggle between the Ministry of the Army and the Cabinet over command of the military.
  • 上地 一郎
    2013年 31 巻 1-66
    発行日: 2013/03/31
    公開日: 2019/05/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • -その回顧と将来への希望-
    矢澤 大二
    1991年 100 巻 1 号 19-62
    発行日: 1991/02/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー