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18件中 1-18の結果を表示しています
  • 戦後混乱期における保全論
    白井 彦衛
    1976年 40 巻 1 号 35-46
    発行日: 1976/07/25
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Progress and stagnation of the ideas on Green Space Conservation after the war
    1) Securing Open Space on the reconstruction plan
    The feature of open space acquisition in the disordered period after the war was that the funder, mental policy indicated the more than 10% of city area as open space reservation. It was a great progress compared with the 3% of occupancy of Plot Planning Standard before the war.
    Based on the fundermental policy, Open Space Plan of 10 million Tsubo (3, 300ha) was prepared by Mr. Ishikawa and other members in Tokyo. In that plan, total area of open space was approximately 9, 700, 000 Tsubo, comprising 34 places with the total length of 160km.
    2) Green Space Zone provided by Special City Planning Act
    Total area, 54, 480, 000 Tsubo (18, 010ha) of green space zone was designed outside of above mentioned open space by the Act for the purpose of 1) control of expanding cities, 1) conservation and provision of recreation for the people of cities, 3) maintenance of agricultural zone.
    3) Stagnation of Green Space Strategy
    Embodiment of Open Space secured by the reconstruction plan and Green Space Zone designated by Special City Planning Act were likely to occure the establishment of Green Space System. In 1949, however, the postwar construction plan was re-examined and reduced in scale to dismiss the acquisition of 10% green space. Green Space Zone has been gradually reduced its scale by the mid 1950's.
    2. The movement of Open Space Conservation
    In 1949, the construction of a baseball ground by reclaiming the Pond Shinobazu in Ueno Park gave rise to a big debate. People who encouraged the construction plan were mainly the people concerned with athletics such as the committee of International Baseball Ground Construction. Opposite side were City Beautification Association, Open Space Association and City Planning Association. With the effort of these organization, the Pond Shinobazu was restored to maintain its existance.
    3. Hama Villa Garden and Arterial Street
    In 1953, the route of passing through the edge of Hama Villa Garden was proposed on Arterial Street Plan. Many landscape Architects opposed against the route plan and insisted on its change. Although this problem was solved by chaning the route of the plan the lack of recognition of people concerned showed the serious problem about cultural property.
    4. Enactment of City Park Act
    In 1956, the first City Park Act of our country was enacted, though its movement has been already undertaken for a half century. The main objectives of enacting the Act were 1) to maintain parks, 2) to define the right of park management. This Act also adopted the area of 6m2 person for the standard of provision of parks. It must be mentioned that Mr. A. Satoh made a great contribution toward the enactment of the Act.
    5. Civic movement of“Flower and green campaign”
    In 1955, “HANA-IPPAI”civic movement, advocated by Mr. I. Komatsu in Matsumoto City was started and was gradually spread all over the country. From the latter half of 1950's, National Conference was taken place and began its activity. Now the Conference is held once a year.
  • 宮本 克己
    1993年 57 巻 5 号 397-402
    発行日: 1993/03/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    戦前の過大都市抑制思想を引継ぎ, 戦後混乱期の暫定的な意味をも含み設定された東京の緑地地域は, 終戦直後の混乱期, まず自作農創設事業との調整から始まり, その後幾多の難題をかかえながら, 大小の区域変更を繰り返えし, 首都圏計画の動向に対応しつつ紆余曲折を経て今日に至っている。本稿は, その経過を明らかにしようとするものであり, 緑地地域が漸次解除されて行くその時々で激しく繰りひろげられた議論とその背景を仔細に検討するものである。緑地地域をとりまく周辺の種々の計画との関連において, 緑地地域がいかなる意味を有していたのか, ここに改めて考察しようとするものである。
  • 宮本 克己
    1983年 47 巻 5 号 281-285
    発行日: 1983/03/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    市街地における緑地環境は地域的にさまざまな様相を呈している。この実態を市街化過程との関連でとらえるべく, 東京効外にかつて指定された緑地地域のその後の変遷について, 主としてその解除に際していかなる配慮がなされたか, また解除後の市街地の形成過程においていかなる緑地環境か形成されてきたか, 二, 三の事例を検討しながら緑地環境形成にかかわる課題について整理することを試みたものである。
  • 田園都市と大ロンドン緑地帯
    清水 正之
    1970年 34 巻 1 号 25-33
    発行日: 1970/08/29
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    With industrialization, which originated from the Industrial Revolution, and with development of transport facilities, urban population showed a remarkable increase. In England and Wales, the urban population was about 20 percent of the whole at the beginning of 19th century, but it increased to 80 percent at the beginning of 20th century. Ever since the population ratio of urban of rural districts has remained almost unchanged, notwithstanding the increase in total population.
    In those times when the urban population increased rapidly, “urban environment” was taken up as an important problem. The Public Health Act and Acts concerning Housing of the Working Class were carried into execution. The administrative organization was reformed simultaneously. When the urban population was nearly maximum, E. Howard put forward a doctrine for Garden City, that afterwards led to the fundamental principles of metropolis planning. Urban areas kept on sprawling together with automobile development. The Greater London Plan and the County of London Plan to distribute the population were proposed in view of making up London Conurbation as an ideal urban region. These plans, covering the road program for motorization of the city, were developed into the reconstruction basis of London in the immediate post-war years. As the results, establishment of green belts and construction of new towns along with Howard's idea of Garden City were brought to realization.
    These plans, grounded on a great deal of researches made by various committees, were the best for that time. But the population distribution program turned out fruitless because of rapid growth of employment in London region, so far as to be criticized “The Greater London plan of 1944 was prepared in restrictionist mood on premises inherited from a period of economic depression, ……it was based on the assumption that there would be a stationary population, economy and culture. It has hardly been a suitable framework for the guidance of development in a period of expansion.” The Royal Commission on Local Government in Greater London stated, “We have no hesitation in finding as a fact that the presuppositions of the Greater London Plan requir early reconsideraticn.” It is noteworthy that this Commission assume that the Green Belt Policy will be maintained and the boundary of the Review Area runs mainly through the Green Belt. Although there were criticism against the Green Belt Policy, millions of pounds have been spent by the Government on compensation and the green belt expansion overtures have been made. This proves how inveterat ely the Green Belt Policy in England has been framed to date.
  • 菊竹 倉二
    1939年 6 巻 3 号 109-114
    発行日: 1939/12/25
    公開日: 2011/04/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菊竹 倉二, 田住 満作
    1953年 17 巻 2 号 25-30
    発行日: 1953/10/15
    公開日: 2011/04/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菊竹 倉二, 神田 俊也
    1952年 16 巻 2 号 18-22
    発行日: 1952/10/31
    公開日: 2011/04/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 竹内 智子, 石川 幹子
    2009年 72 巻 5 号 705-708
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2010/06/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper analyzes the effect of various urban development projects on the open spaces environment on the fringe of Tokyo Ward areas that were once designated as green districts in 1948-1969 and presents some proposals for green open space policies. The history of policies on parks and open spaces in Tokyo was divided into three periods from the viewpoint of urbanization. Based on previous urban development and open space policies, target areas are categorized into eight types. A study based on a survey on each type's open space environment revealed the following three points: (1) The stringent building restrictions pertaining to green districts and subsequent well-planned development projects in the rapid urbanization period helped making many green open spaces in the present built-up area. (2) The stringent building restrictions pertaining to planned parks by the city planning law are not enough to keep green open spaces. (3) Categorization based on the historical process of urbanization policies is useful for parks and open space control, especially for urban redevelopment areas.
  • 本間 勝
    2024年 64 巻 6 号 333-342
    発行日: 2024/02/10
    公開日: 2024/04/26
    ジャーナル 認証あり



  • 宮本 克己
    1992年 56 巻 5 号 361-366
    発行日: 1992/03/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    焦土と化した全国罹災都市の復興を期して, 戦後一連の施策が講じられた。戦災復興院の設置とともに「戦災地復興計画基本方針」がいちはやく示され, 特別都市計画法の公布をみた。その第三条には,「緑地地域」が明記され引続き「緑地地域指定標準」,「戦災都市における土地利用計画の設定について」が用意される等, ここに復興への第一歩が踏み出された。一方, 時を同じくして農地改革が断行されるが, この復興計画, 緑地計画に与えた影響に関しては, 従来から種々議論のあるところである。本稿は, この時期の緑地計画について, その背景を, 一連の諸施策との関連において探り, その時代的位置を明らかにしたものである。
  • 蓑茂 寿太郎, 田中 尚人, 秋田 典子, 新保 奈穂美, 榎本 碧, 荒川 いずみ, 上原 奈桜, 植野 弘子, 橋本 美月
    2022年 86 巻 2 号 131-135
    発行日: 2022/07/30
    公開日: 2022/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 北多摩地域を対象として
    竹内 智子, 石川 幹子
    2009年 44.3 巻 877-882
    発行日: 2009/10/25
    公開日: 2017/01/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 内山 正雄
    1982年 46 巻 3 号 215-220
    発行日: 1982/02/18
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    都市公園法が成立するまでの学会, 官界, 社会等の情勢, 並びに成立要件を跡付けながら法律制定の基本的背景を分析する。
  • 造園・緑地学の分野における研究を通して
    勝野 武彦, 小出 進
    1983年 2 巻 2 号 27-33,72
    発行日: 1983/09/30
    公開日: 2011/04/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    This report reviews the history of studies of rural settlement, and rural planning in the field of the landscape architecture.
    This was already a important theme when the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architect (JILA) was started. Until 1960, there were few studies of rural planning as compared to the abundant studies of open space in urban areas and natural parks. In this report, the author reviewed several famous books of landscape architecture that were published between 1960 and 1970. When the IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architect) congress was held in Tokyo, their book was also published. This book reconsiders the traditional rural landscape very well. Then after, was closed upthe problem withthe open space inruralarea through the decrease of naturalenvironment and the urbanization.
    Between 1965 and 1969 there were some topics related to Hachirogata Rural Developing. After 1970, the following issues became dominant 72 Journal of Rural Planning Association Vol. 2, No. 2, 1983. 9
    * the problem of mixed living and open space
    * the meaning of a windbreak small forests and copse
    * landscape management through ecological landscape studies.
    Between 1975 and 1979 the field expanded into environmental planning, the consideration of green, open space in general rural planning sphere. After 1980, many studies were increasingly concerned with the diminution of natural resources, e. g. an investigation into the actual condition of green space in rural districts, rural consolidation and the land embellishment in West-Germany.
    In the future we must investigate the traditional use of green space in rural areas, the functions of green space, and classification of these areas.
    The following considerations are necessary for the studies in another field
    * rural district consolidation with a plan
    * function of green space in the rural area
    * landscape maintenance in rural districts and rural area
    * the conservation of the natural habitat.
  • アメリカ合衆國に於ける其の展開形態を中心として
    菊竹 倉二
    1938年 5 巻 1 号 12-31
    発行日: 1938/03/28
    公開日: 2011/04/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 混迷期における保全論 (1)
    白井 彦衛
    1976年 40 巻 2 号 22-31
    発行日: 1976/11/15
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Urbanization and Green Conservation
    The Japanese economy entered the high growth rate period from the reconstruction period during 15years from the mid-1950's and many cities expanded rapidly during this period. However, thoughts and measures for green conservation did not grow at a fast rate during this period. Rather, priority was given to productivity of ecnomy and time passed while thoughts and measures on green conservation were still in a perplexed and confused condition.
    The first feature of urbanization in the 1960's was construction of large-scale residential spaces and the method of development was such that high efficiency transformation from green space to residential space was left to the ability of technicians. Senri, Kohri, Tokiwadaira, Makomanai and Ohasa are new towns which were developed during this period but measures for green space wer not suffiicient in all of these.
    The second feature is that new industrial cities and industrial belts were developed in the coastal areas from 1963.(next issue)
    2. Industry and Highways, and Green Conservation
    Historical parks and gardens have been lost by construction of industrial lands and municipal highways. In Yokohama, the Sankeien Garden wich commanded a view of the sea became isolated in the midst of industrial land. And in Osaka, the seabathing beach disappeared from Hamadera Park as a result of construction of industrial land by reclamation.
    In Tokyo, the edge of Shirogane educational Nature Garden was cut off by construction of the Metropolitan Highway and also, plants in the garden have been damaged by automobile emission gas.
    3. Laws Related with Green Conservation
    The government enacted laws for presernation of trees and conservation of green space zones but the contents of these laws were only passive measures.
  • 都市計画研究連絡会の活動に着目して
    中島 直人
    2017年 52 巻 3 号 953-960
    発行日: 2017/10/25
    公開日: 2017/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 西川 亮
    2020年 55 巻 3 号 1265-1272
    発行日: 2020/10/25
    公開日: 2020/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

