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25件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 村上 周三, 松縄 堅, 持田 灯, 森川 泰成, 林 宏典, 大黒 雅之
    2007年 13 巻 26 号 659-662
    発行日: 2007/12/20
    公開日: 2008/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new assessment system named CASBEE-HI (Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency on Heat Island Relaxation) has been developed for evaluating the effects of various countermeasures related to building design on heat island relaxation. In CASBEE-HI, environmental efficiency concerning the heat island relaxation (BEEHI) is defined as QHI/LHI, where QHI is the quality of outdoor thermal environment within a building site and LHI is the loadings emitted from this building site to increase the heat island effects in its surroundings. To assist the evaluator to examine the wind environment, two different scale wind environment databases were developed. In the present paper, wind environment databases for Tokyo and Osaka are described. The present Tokyo database includes results of three-dimensional CFD analysis in which all the existing buildings in the special 23 wards of Tokyo are reproduced in three-dimensional geometries in a grid network of approximately 500,000,000 meshes with a spatial resolution of 8 m in the horizontal directions.
  • 村上 周三, 大岡 龍三, 足永 靖信, 大黒 雅之, 谷本 潤, 持田 灯, 松縄 堅, 河野 孝昭
    2006年 12 巻 23 号 241-246
    発行日: 2006/06/20
    公開日: 2017/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper, a new assessment system named CASBEE-HI (Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency on Heat Island Relaxation) has been proposed for evaluating the effects of various countermeasures related to building design on heat island relaxation, and the outline of the evaluation sheet of CASBEE-HI was reported. In order to determine weighing of evaluation items in the evaluation sheet of CASBEE-HI, the sensitivity analysis of the influence of each relaxation strategy is necessary. In this paper, the example which performed the trial calculation fo change on the environmental efficiency (BEE_<HI>) of the building on heat island relaxation described in the evaluation sheet by the numerical analysis using three-dimensional CFD and one-dimensional urban canopy model.
  • 藤賀 雅人, 岡辺 重雄
    2021年 86 巻 781 号 881-889
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper studied the deliberation process of revise the Urban Planning Law by the Home Ministry in 1946. During the revision, two different legislative approaches, one to revise the Urban Planning Law while separately enacting the Regional Planning Law, and one to establish a law integrating urban and regional planning, were explored.

     The revision of the Urban Planning Law alone aimed to position urban planning as a matter that should first be promoted by local governments. At the same time, it was proposed to place the Zoning Code regulations under the Building Regulation Law of 1919, within the Urban Planning Law. In line with these amendments, it was necessary to enact a law for regional planning.

     Based on some proposed amendments, a preparatory committee for drafting the Regional Planning Law and revising the Urban Planning Law was set up, and began a full-scale study on legislation of issues such as implementation of urban planning led by local governments, coordination between cities, and regional planning to deal with unregulated urban expansion, which the Urban Planning Law before the war had not been able to handle. Not only officials in the Home Ministry Planning Division, but also technical officials of the War-Damage Reconstruction Institute participated in the preparatory committee, creating a framework of building and urban planning administrations to study issues in an integrated manner.

     The preparatory committee formulated a draft that integrated the Regional Planning Law and the revision of the Urban Planning Law, in which it was proposed to set up areas with a planned development coordination function in view of urban expansion. On the other hand, it was considered too much of a challenge in the situation at that time to give the authority of urban planning completely to local cities. In addition, it was regarded as a fundamental principle to separately institutionalize the methods for controlling urban development under both laws even while zoning, etc., of the Building Regulation Law of 1919 within the Urban Planning Law.

  • 北米のゾーニングにおける特例的許可制度に関する研究
    木内 望, 米野 史健, 有田 智一, 飯田 直彦
    2009年 44.3 巻 703-708
    発行日: 2009/10/25
    公開日: 2017/01/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    条件付特定用途許可制度とは、ゾーニング条例(Zoning Code)でゾーニング地区(Zoning District)別に示される用途の制限において、権利として許可される用途(Permitted as of Right Uses)、禁止される用途(Prohibited Uses)とは別に、特例的に扱われる用途が示されており、該当の用途の計画内容を個別に審査し、一定の基準を満たすと判断される場合には、条件等を付して認める制度である。本研究は、米国諸都市での条件付特例用途許可について、制度設計の実態、技術的な判断基準、具体の運用状況等の詳細を明らかにし、日本での望ましい建築規制のあり方を考える際の有益な知見を得ることを目的とする。対象17都市を対象都市、市役所の担当職員にヒアリングを行うとともに、関係資料の提供を受けた。合わせて、インターネットによりゾーニング条例や解説資料、審査案件の情報等を入手した。以上より、(1)制度の定義、(2)審査手続と審査主体、(3)審査の方法と審査基準、(4)審査件数と典型的案件、(5)対象とされる用途及びゾーニング地区の設定状況に関する情報を把握し、都市間の比較考察を行った。
  • 岡辺 重雄
    2009年 74 巻 641 号 1593-1602
    発行日: 2009/07/30
    公開日: 2010/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Building Standard Law requires site corner-cutoff at each crossing when constructing a building with new road, while it doesn't require corner-cutoff if the site is located onto an existing road (i.e. Construction of a new road is not necessary). This paper reveals the historic reason of this double standard. Before World War II, the corner-cutoff rule for new roads was included in the building line guideline set by the central government, and the corner-cutoff rule for existing roads was included in the local government rules. After World War II, however, the new Building Standard Law was established, under which private citizens can apply for a road construction to the government, and two old corner-cutoff rules were abolished. In 1970, when the new road standards were established, the details about corner-cutoff for newly constructed roads was stipulated, but those about existing roads were left untouched.
    Then this paper studies following three thoughts on how to resolve this double standard: 1) the corner-cutoff rule should be regulated for all road, 2) necessity to unify regulatory criteria, 3) the exclusion of the corner-cut off rule is also necessary.
  • 岡辺 重雄
    2012年 77 巻 678 号 1905-1912
    発行日: 2012/08/30
    公開日: 2012/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study deals with the rules on installation of windows (the Japanese Civil Code Article 235) and the regional customs about such windows (Art. 236), both of which lead to protection of privacy. The Article 236 demands that such customs shall prevail if they exist.
    This study reveals that, in the late 19th century, when the Japanese government first establshed the articles, the government did not clearly define or take into account such customs, even though it acknowledged that some regions had such customs. Lack of clear understanding of such customs by the government then and now is partly responsible for some lawsuits over protection of privacy.
    This study concludes that the articles must be revised based on clear understanding of regional customs on privacy protection.
  • 用途に係る請願・陳情に着目して
    有留 健太朗, 有田 智一, 藤井 さやか, 大村 謙二郎
    2010年 45.3 巻 709-714
    発行日: 2010/10/25
    公開日: 2017/01/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 1970年~2000年までの日本の全都市圏を対象に
    金 昶基, 大西 隆, 菅 正史
    2007年 42.3 巻 835-840
    発行日: 2007/10/25
    公開日: 2017/02/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 藤賀 雅人
    2017年 82 巻 732 号 443-450
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/02/28
    ジャーナル フリー
     This paper analyzed characteristics of deliberation process draft of land law and amendment of urban planning law made by War Damage Reconstruction Institute after the World War II.
     In the immediate postwar period, engineering officers recognized necessity of the law about land in the city. They have begun to consider land law while studying related laws and regulations. This land law was considered from 2 ways of thinking one of the meaning as the method of multidiscipline urban planning including urban planning law and land readjustment act and the other meaning as the expansion type of the land readjustment act.
     As a result of examination, engineering officers made land law and bill to amend the urban planning law set up the new zoning for deliberate development and strengthened compelling force for the land rearrangement.
     After completion draft of land law and amendment of urban planning law, Ryoichiro Tsurumi examined proposals for changes. This draft was considered the land use planning divided in time.
  • 村上 周三, 松縄 堅, 持田 灯, 丹羽 英治, 大岡 龍三, 足永 靖信, 谷本 潤, 森川 泰成, 柳原 隆司
    2006年 12 巻 23 号 247-252
    発行日: 2006/06/20
    公開日: 2017/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new assessment system named CASBEE-HI (Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency on Heat Island Relaxation) has been developed for evaluating the effects of various countermeasures related to building design on heat island relaxation. In CASBEE-HI, environmental efficiency concerning the heat island relaxation (BEE_<HI>) is defined as Q_<HI>/L_<HI>, where Q_<HI> is the quality of outdoor thermal environment within a building site and L_<HI> is the loadings emitted from this building site to increase the heat island effects in its surroundings. A numerous number of numerical analyses were carried out to determine the weighting coefficients included in the assessment sheets for the evaluation of BEE_<HI>, according to the degree of relative effectiveness of each countermeasure. Case studies using the developed assessment system were conducted for many buildings and the applicability of CASBEE-HI has been examined.
  • - 建築法草案の検討過程に関する研究 その2 -
    藤賀 雅人
    2016年 81 巻 723 号 1153-1163
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     This paper analyzed expertise of key figures for outline of building law made by War Damage Reconstruction Institute after the World War II and characteristics of deliberation process of draft of building law.
     Key figures discussed this building law from various perspectives. There were some negative opinions in the committee, but recognized the advantage of proposition correlate well with urban planning.
     Revised building law based on key figure opinions was added title of “Project of Fireproof Building” and “Scenery”. Zoning of this law became the ideal division based on a theory of urban planning. In this way, key figures were going to position new suggestion of this law positively. On the other hand, an indistinct point about regulation contents was left.
  • 藤賀 雅人
    2015年 80 巻 711 号 1147-1157
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/06/24
    ジャーナル フリー
     This paper analyzed characteristics of bill to amend the building regulation made by War Damage Reconstruction Institute after the World War II. The results are given follows;
     1) As the first process, War Damage Reconstruction Institute thought coverage of the building regulation include in the city planning area.
     2) In the next process, suggested bill distributed the thought of bulk control and architectural regulation.
     3) Finally, War Damage Reconstruction Institute proposed the ideal draft include cooperation of the buildings.
  • 藤賀 雅人
    2014年 79 巻 695 号 141-146
    発行日: 2014/01/30
    公開日: 2014/07/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This research presents one part of the investigation stage for land use planning at the War Damage Reconstruction Institute, which proposed planning standards for each municipality. This paper analyzed preliminary draft of zoning made by Department of Interior and practical examination of land use planning by temporary employee. The results are given follows;
    1) The War Damage Reconstruction basic policy showed reconstruction plan based on a land use planning, but first draft of the land use planning standards focused on reconsideration of zoning. In the background of this deliberation, this draft had positioning as proposal towards revision of the building regulation.
    2) This draft came under review to the standards for land use planning match the War Damage Reconstruction basic policy. In this process, practical land use plan in the War Damage city proposed by temporary employee.
    3) Finally land use planning standards was changed as follows, district in the residential area become diversified. The particular area was re-arranged substantively. The implications of urbanization control of a green area were strengthened.
  • 藤賀 雅人
    2012年 77 巻 681 号 2553-2560
    発行日: 2012/11/30
    公開日: 2013/05/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    This research presents one part of the investigation stage for land readjustment planning at the War Damage Reconstruction Institute, which proposed planning standards for each municipality. This paper analyzed manuscripts by Kenichi Komiya investigated land readjustment planning, and drawings created at the War Damage Reconstruction Institute illustrated the relationship between land use planning and block planning. The results are given follows;
    1. Komiya investigated criteria for comprehensive land readjustment planning that included rural areas with change land use and open space system in mind.
    2. The land readjustment standard compiled more simplistically than Komiya's draft. Above all, typical value of the block and lot was worked-out on the basis of consideration of the open space.
  • 中野 卓
    2020年 26 巻 64 号 1126-1131
    発行日: 2020/10/20
    公開日: 2020/10/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    Although urban planning zoning systems define a commercial district as an agglomeration of commercial and business land, these days the number of high-rise apartments has increased in such areas. To prevent undesirable changes in the urban environment, through an excessive increase in housing, some cities implement residential development regulations in commercial districts. This study examines the current status of residential development regulations applicable to 434 commercial districts in Japan. The research concludes that conditional development directives will aid in implementing the various regulations applicable to commercial districts.

  • -建築基準法制定時の技術基準の検討に関する研究-
    藤賀 雅人, 三宅 博史
    2019年 84 巻 758 号 943-953
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This article studied the deliberation process of the building standard law enforcement order upon enactment of the building standard law.

     A deliberation of a building standard law enforcement order was necessary as a result of the enactment of the building standard law, and the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) came to play a role of deliberating such an enforcement order pursuant to the custom accepted from before the previous war. A deliberation committee was established, and in this deliberation committee, members who had been involved in building law systems, technologies and practical work since prewar era were chosen to take part freely in some of the subcommittees of the various fields to control related items for deliberation. On the other hand, researchers, architects and engineers from various related fields were encouraged to take part in the deliberation subcommittee from the universities, private sectors and governmental agencies. In addition, committees were provided at local branches, so that the nationwide deliberation could be executed.

     In the deliberations carried out by the subcommittees in an attempt to prepare new building standards, the operation of the new standards after the previous war was clarified in the field of structure, and the related provisions were made more stringent and the specific standards were attempted to be prepared in the field of fire prevention, too. On the other hand, in the field of urban planning, the opportunity was given to deliberate the use district which had not been deliberated sufficiently in preparation of the building standard law. In the field of building equipment and hazard prevention at construction sites, everything necessary to cover the nationally united technical standards was deliberated. Thus, the subcommittees were allowed to deliberate individually the different issues. The certain time was spared for modification work to meet the requests based on the opinions from the local branches.

     In relation to the field of building equipment, the AIJ had not much time to prepare replies to all the drafts presented, and their replies were reflected only to part of the standards that really required their replies, while their replies to the drafts in the fields of hazard prevention at construction sites were put off. As a result, the preparation of the new standards was restricted to the passive level. In particular, in relation to the standards and the details of the guidance that could not be generalized so as to follow the spirit of the building standard law, the AIJ could not replay to them, and the related descriptions were deleted in the modification work carried out in the construction ministry. Thus, the building standard law and its enforcement order were enacted while the problems described above were not resolved.

  • ―建築士法の成立過程に関する研究 その6―
    速水 清孝
    2011年 76 巻 660 号 457-463
    発行日: 2011/02/28
    公開日: 2011/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Kenichi Komiya (1911-1990) was one of the enactment members of the Kenchikushi Law for Architects & Building Engineers 1950. The purpose of this study is to find out his view of architect legislation. The results are as follows:
    1. It is quite possible that the person who drafted the original bill of the Architect Regulation of Qingdao 1942 was Komiya.
    2. The Architect Regulation of Qingdao 1942 was to prohibit architects from doing business as contractors. This was an ideal for members of the Association of Nippon Architects. On the other hand, the Ministry of Interior denied it at those days. Komiya, who had been working at that ministry, made it because Qingdao is the city which had been developed by Germany after 1898. Probably this draft was worth trying.
    3. The chapter of architect in the Draft for Building Law 1947 by the War Damage Reconstruction Institute was influenced by this Architect Regulation of Qingdao. His trial was to pursue a certain kind of ideals. However, it was not realized.
  • 五島 寧
    2019年 54 巻 3 号 585-592
    発行日: 2019/10/25
    公開日: 2019/11/06
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス


  • 用途地域制導入についての社会的背景として
    中川 雄大
    2021年 56 巻 1 号 98-104
    発行日: 2021/04/25
    公開日: 2021/04/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス


  • 藤賀 雅人, 岡辺 重雄
    2020年 85 巻 767 号 71-78
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/01/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper studied the deliberation process of revise the urban planning law by the Home Ministry directly after World War II.

     As World War II came to an end, the Home Ministry organized items to solve prewar urban planning issues and realized the necessity to construct a phased planning system including central planning, regional planning and urban planning. From a legal system aspect, it was necessary to associate and discuss the multiple related laws including revisions of urban planning law, the enactment of regional planning law and the enforcement of special urban planning law aimed at war-damage reconstruction.

     As preparations were underway for war-damage reconstruction, revisions of urban planning law were regarded as important. First, considerations were given to revisions of necessary parts in former urban planning law with the aim of placing regulations which support the creation of the ideal spatial image of postwar restoration such as establishing new zones as well as establishing construction regulations and land readjustment in urban planning law.

     Afterwards, not only revisions of urban planning law, but also discussions about new bill that include regional planning which deals with the coordination between cities and the expansion of cities were conducted. This draft was to organize regional planning led by the central government and urban planning led by regional government, and to suggest a unified framework from the coordination between cities to architectural regulation.
