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197,187件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 簗浦 進一
    1965年 3 巻 1 号 35
    発行日: 1965/03/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大竹 和子, 大竹 皓子, 深田 比呂子, 堀井 康司, 村田 満
    2007年 51 巻 2 号 129-133
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2009/12/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    New cellulose acetate membrane SELECA-VSP was prepared as a substitute for the conventional cellulose acetate membrane SEPARAX-SP, which has been widely used for serum protein electrophoretic fractionation. We evaluated the separating quality of this new membrane, using fully automated serum protein electrophoresis system AES630.
    Correlation of serum protein fraction values (percentage composition) between the two membranes, those patterns of sera from patients with protein disorders, and reference intervals in healthy adults were analyzed. In addition, the electrophoretic determinations of amylases and glycoproteins were tested.
    The correlation coefficients of the each electrophoretic fraction between SELECA-VSP and of SEPARAX-SP were greater than 0.97. Reference intervals in healthy adults on SELECA-VSP and on SEPARAX-SP were nearly equal.
    The separating performance of SELECA-VSP were rather higher as compared to SEPARAX-SP for serum protein electrophoretic fractionation, amylase isoenzymes and glycoproteins.
    The utility and effectiveness of a new membrane SELECA-VSP can be best appreciated on the basis of our experimental results.
  • 古澤 幸弘, 三浦 弘一
    2007年 51 巻 2 号 109-112
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2009/12/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    As a cellulose acetate membrane for serum protein fractionation testing, SELECA-VSP has been developed to substitute for SEPARAX-SP. In order to investigate whether or not SELECA-VSP is available for routine laboratory testing, we evaluated basic performance of SELECA-VSP by use of automated electrophoresis system, Olympus AES series.
    As for the consecutive transportability, no jam was occurred on 300 consecutive membrane sheets of SELECA-VSP, lot T13-2. Reproducibility was good in within-run and between-run precision. However, the waiting coefficient for application should be set up adequately in each laboratory because SELECA-VSP tends not to dry up. Using SELECA-VSP the decolored clear zone between β globulin fraction and γ globulin fraction is more distinct than SEPARAX-SP, the results analyzed by diagnosis support program may be misinterpreted. In order to avoid the misinterpretation, the standard densitogram of normal control by use of SELECA-VSP should be prepared.
  • 奥正
    , 小出 直人
    1949年 5 巻 6 号 335-338
    発行日: 1949/12/30
    公開日: 2008/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [こん][どう] 〓
    1949年 18 巻 2-4 号 165-168
    発行日: 1949/10/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    On the basis of the results of the experiment given in the Report Nos. I-VIII, the author made an analytical study of the resistabilities of paddy rice varieties to unseasonable low temperatures, at the same time showing the relations between them and the phenomenon of low temperature injury, and also making observations of the possibilities of breeding resistent varieties, and methods of determining the resistabilities to low temperature injury. A summary of our findings is given below. (1) The mechanism of the resistability of a paddy rice variety to unseasonable low temperature is very complex, a number of factors taking part in it, but it can be roughly divided into insensibility to cold and insensibility to the blast disease, or analyzed into the three factors of environmental adaptability, resistability to cold and resistability to the blast desease. It is thought that resistability to coid and environmental adaptbility take part in insensibility to cold, while resistability to the blast disease and environmental adaptability go into insensibility to disease. (2) The mechanism of the resistability of paddy rice to cold varies according as its organs and tissues differ during the process of its growth. The function of forming primordia of stamens and pistils, function of forming generative cells and matured pollens etc. are remarkably sensitive to injury by cold, and there exists an inter-varietal differenee in this resistability to cold. (3) The insensibility of a paddy rice variety to cold is determined by a combination of the difference in the degree of decline of the physiological function of the plant body due to low temperature and the difference in the resistability of the organs and tissues to cold, and the insensibility of a paddy rice variety to cold in its broad sense can be represented, for pnctical purposes, by the insensibility to cold at the stage of formation of generative cells. (4) The mechanism of injury by cold and that of injury by cold water in a paddy rice variety is not always identical, but generally speaking, insensibility to cold and insensibility to cold water among varieties are practically shown in a parallel relation (Ref. Table 1). The inseiasibillty of a paddy rice variety to cold water which is expressed in injury to fertilization or per-centage of decrease in the weight of refined grains due to long-term irrigation with cold watet can, from a practical point of view, be considered as showing its insensibility to cold. (5) There exists an inter-varietal difference in the degree of decline of the physiological function of the plant body due to adverse weather, i.e. in the environmental adaptability, which is thought to play an important role in the insensibilities of a paddy rice variety to cold and to disease. (6) The injury of a paddy rice variety due to unseasonable low temperatures manifests itself as the composite results in which its resistability to low temperature and cultural environments take part. We made an inquiry into this relationship, about the main varieties used in this study by comparing the resistabilities to low temperature as shown by an experimental inquiry with the injury that actually took place in unseasonable low temperature years. (7) Different genetic factors take part in the iasensibilities of a paddy rice variety to cold and to blast (Ref. Table 2), and therefore it is thought possible to breed a variety possessed of these two characters, i.e. a variety both highly adaptable to environments and highly resistant to cold and to blast. (8) Different genetic factors take part in the resistability to unseasoual low temperatures, time of maturation and yieldability of a paddy rice variety (Ref. Table 2), and it is inferred therefrom that the breeding of a variety highiy yielding and highly resistant to unseasonal low temperatures is possible. (9) As a method of determining the cold resistant variety in plant-breeding experiment, a comparative study of the per-cent
  • [こん][どう] 〓
    1947年 17 巻 3 号 6
    発行日: 1947/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 星野 ローザ和美, 小渡 良博, 木下 晴都
    1989年 39 巻 3 号 326-331
    発行日: 1989/09/01
    公開日: 2011/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    足部陰経の経穴について国際的標準化の研究を行なった。古代から順次後代の文献を調査し, 部位を明確に記載した文献によって, 現代解剖学的に部位を表現した。骨度篇には足の陰経の基準尺度として, 内果から床面までを3寸と記載し, これを実測すると74mmであり, 踵点から足尖点までを一尺二寸と記し, これを実測すると229mmであった。次に足部腎経の湧泉は踵点と足尖点との間で足尖点から約1/3となり, 然谷, 太谿, 大鍾は古典にしたがい解剖学的に決定した。水泉, 照海は内果と床面の間に比例配分した。脾経の隠白, 大都, 太白, 公孫は文献記載に準じて解剖学的に決定した。
  • [こん][どう] [より]
    1947年 17 巻 2 号 7-8
    発行日: 1947/06/04
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 長谷川就一, 米持 真一
    2013年 52 巻 6 号 394-400
    発行日: 2013/12/15
    公開日: 2016/07/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    埼玉県におけるPM2.5 の常時監視測定結果による年平均値および日平均値の年間98 %値は,2011 年度に比べて2012 年度は低下し,環境基準達成率も2011 年度は0 %であったが,2012 年度は一般環境大気測定局では75 %に向上した.県北東部の加須市における長期的な測定に基づくPM2.5 の経年変化は低下傾向であり,廃棄物焼却や自動車による一次粒子の削減が寄与していたと考えられたが,二次生成粒子の低下は緩やかであった.また,冬季のSO42- について2011 ~2013 年を比較すると,特に2013 年に高くはなっていないことから,この時期に問題となった越境汚染の影響は,埼玉県では小さいと考えられた. 2011 年度秋季はPM2.5 が平均的に高かったが,これは気象条件とバイオマス燃焼の影響が大きかったと推測された.

  • 本田 信夫, 奥勝
    , 堀口 淳一, 及川 譲仁, 石井 謙吾
    1990年 46 巻 10 号 1639-
    発行日: 1990/10/01
    公開日: 2017/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [こん][どう] [より]
    , 五十嵐 憲藏
    1949年 18 巻 2-4 号 69-70
    発行日: 1949/10/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The occurence of sterile sprkelets as an injury by low temperature due to late seeding and transplanting is insignificant in a year like 1943 when abundant sunshine and high temperature prevailed during the whole growing period, and consequently no inter-varietal difference sbows itself, but in a year like 1942 when the climatic conditions during the growing period were unfavorable with frequent visits of abnormal low temperature at the stage of ear formation and flowering, the per-centage of sterile spikelets increases and inter-varietal differences show themselves somwhat notably. This manifestation of inter-varietal differences in injury to fertilization is chiefly sttributable to the differences in the varietal resistability to low temperature and the degree of decline of the physiological function due to late seeding and transplanting, chance concurrences of the stage of formation of generative cells or the stage of flowering and pollination with abnormal low ternperature, and other relations. By inquiring into such relations, we classified the insensibilities to cold of the varieties used in our experiment. In late seeding and transplanting, inter-varietal differences arise in the injury to fructification due to low temperature, but it is difficult to detect therefrom differences in the resistability to low temperature or in the insensibility to cold of a variety. Inter-varietal differences in the degree of reduction of the number of days from seeding to earing attendant upon late seeding and transplanting is thought to be accompanied with differences in the degree of decline of the physiological function, and therefore is, in this sense, related to the injury by low temperature. Inter-varietal differences in the delay of earing exercise an influence upon the degree of injury by low temperature by causing more or less chances of meeting with an unseasonable low temperature at the stage of ear formation or flowering. Decrease in the number of ears per hill (individual) is, in ordinary cases, not due to injuty dy low temperature. The total number of spikelets per ear generally shows little cbange, and inter-varietal differences in the rate of its decrease are hard to detect. Aa a method of determining the insensibility of a paddy rice variety to cold, late seeding and tra splanting has the advantage that a number of materials can be used in experiment at the same time, but this method can be employed only in cold regions, and that in a year when unseasonable low temperatures attack during the specific growing period. Moriover, it involves much labor and trouble in the conduct of an experiment and judgement of its results, and therefore cannot be considered as appropriate for general purposes. we have also made a classification of the insensibilities to disease of the varieties used in our experiment on the basis of the per-centages of ears affected by blast as the result of late seeding and transplanting, and we can infer that different genetic factors take part in the insensibilities of a paddy rice variety to cold and to disease.the differences in the varietal resistability to low temperature and the degree of decline of the physiological function due to late seeding and transplanting, chance concurrences of the stage of formation of generative cells or the stage of flowering and pollination with abnormal low ternperature, and other relations. By inquiring into such relations, we classified the insensibilities to cold of the varieties used in our experiment. In late seeding and transplanting, inter-varietal differences arise in the injury to fructification due to low temperature, but it is difficult to detect therefrom differences in the resistability to low temperature or in the insensibility to cold of a variety. Inter-varietal differences in the degree of reduction of the number of days from seeding to earing attendant upon late seeding and transplanting is thought to be accompanied with differences in the degree of d
  • [こん][どう] [より]
    , 五十嵐 憲藏
    1949年 18 巻 1 号 6
    発行日: 1949/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [こん][どう] [より]
    , 鈴木 俊[ひこ]
    1948年 17 巻 1 号 59
    発行日: 1948/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [こん][どう] [より]
    , 五十嵐 憲藏
    1948年 17 巻 1 号 58
    発行日: 1948/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [こん][どう] [より]
    , 鈴木 俊[ひこ]
    1948年 17 巻 1 号 57
    発行日: 1948/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今林 惣一郎, 尾形 武文
    1998年 67 巻 2 号 236-240
    発行日: 1998/06/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    極早生の水稲良食味品種を供し, 穂発芽性の品種間差異や栽培環境条件が異なる場合の穂発芽の発生程度, また試発芽とαーアミラーゼ活性と相関が高いとされるフォーリングナンバー値との関係を明らかにした.穂発芽性には明らかに品種間差がみられ, 各移植時期とも採穂時期にかかわらず, コシヒカリに比べてミネアサヒやキヌヒカリは穂発芽率が高く, 穂発芽性は'易'であった.穂発芽性'易'の両品種間にも差がみられ, ミネアサヒに比べてキヌヒカリは成熟期前の穂発芽率は低いが, 成熟期以降になると高くなる傾向がみられた.立毛中における穂発芽の発生は各品種とも普通期栽培に比べて早期栽培が, また倒伏程度が大きくなるほど多くなった.フォーリングナンバー値は浸漬による穂発芽処理が長くなるほど低くなる傾向がみられ, この値は水稲においても穂発芽程度を推定する尺度となることが示唆された.
  • 市村 恵一, 中村 直也, 田中 利善, 岡良
    1994年 87 巻 7 号 895-900
    発行日: 1994/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recurrent epistaxis as a manifestation of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT, Rendu-Osler-Weber disease) is usually difficult to control. Although no treatment is regarded to be completely efficacious, intranasal dermoplasty (ID), originally described as septal dermoplasty by Saunders, is considered to be the most effective means of management. ID, however, is not well established in Japan. During the last 2 years we performed ID on 2 patients with HHT to reduce the incidence of epistaxis by protecting the fragile vessels from trauma through the application of a split thickness skin graft over the abnormal superficial nasal vessels.
    The technical keypoints of ID in our experience are:
    a. In order to avoid septal perforation, ID should be performed on only one side of the septum at each procedure with preservation of the septal perichondrium.
    b. Exacerbation of bleeding after ID can be attributed to four factors. 1) telangiectasia develops in mucosa not covered by the graft, that is in the posterior half and anterosuperior tip; 2) abnormal mucosa can regenerate in a denuded area or in the portion where the graft fails to take; 3) the graft contracts over time exposing areas initially covered by the graft; 4) telangiectasia develops within the graft. Therefore, after the graft has been sutured anteroinferiorly to vestibular skin it should be attached to the perichondrium with fibrin glue, and the area of the anterosuperior remnant of the septal mucosa for suturing should be minimized. The intranasal skin graft should be as large as possible to cover all the denuded areas and to compensate for graft contracture.
    c. The graft is usually a split thickness graft. The thicker the graft, the later occurs the development of telangiectasia in the graft, and nasal stuffiness is common. If patients have nasal stuffiness in the preoperative period, the thicker graft will produce the desired effect.
  • 小塚 晃, 北川 慎介, 南條 暢聡, 辻本 良
    2020年 58 巻 1 号 81-86
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/09/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    富山湾では400年以上も前から定置漁業が盛んであり,暖水性の回遊魚を中心に漁獲してきた.主要漁獲物であるブリ, スルメイカおよびホタルイカについて,漁獲変動と海洋環境との関係を調べた.ブリでは,日本周辺海域の海水温の上昇 に伴い分布域がオホーツク海まで拡大し,2000年代後半以降に北海道の漁獲量が急増した.また,南下期である冬季の富 山湾への来遊状況は,12月に山形県沖が暖かく能登半島北西沖が冷たい水塊配置のときに好漁となる傾向が認められた. 富山県沿岸で1月~3月に漁獲されるスルメイカは,日本海北部海域の1月期における水温が低い年に南下経路が沿岸よ りとなり,漁獲量が多くなる傾向があった.日本海北部海域の水温上昇は,冬季の富山湾へのスルメイカの来遊量を減少 させる要因となると考えられる.ホタルイカでは,2008年まで,日本海における主産卵場である山陰沖の5月の水温が高 いと,翌年の富山湾漁獲量が多くなる傾向が認められた.しかし,2009年以降,山陰沖水温環境指標と富山湾漁獲量との 間の関係性が悪くなり,その要因の解明が必要となっている.これらの種は,東シナ海や日本海を産卵場とし,日本海を 広く回遊する.対馬暖流の勢力は,加入量や仔稚魚の分散にも関与し,富山湾への来遊は,日本海の水温や水塊配置に大 きく依存している.地球温暖化やレジームシフトによる海洋環境の変化により,日本海や東シナ海において産卵場や回遊 状況が変化し,長期的に富山湾の漁況が変化していくことが懸念される.
  • 徳増 厚二
    1962年 65 巻 1 号 8-33
    発行日: 1962年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Per-rotatory nystagmus was induced by constant angular acceleration of 3°sect2 for a limited time. Postrotatory nystagmus was induced by a sudden stop following constant angular rotation of 60°/sec. Stimuli were given by means of an electrically controlled rotating chamber and ocular movements were simultaneously recorded electronystagmographically. Totally 12 test-subjects showing normal caloric reaction were examined. Normal values were obtained with regard to the latency, duration, total amplitude and maximal eye-speed of the slow phase of per-and post-rotatory nystagmus. Experimental results showed that evaluation of rotatory tests should be done synthetically by considering all nystagmic elements. It is because there were only a few elements, among which correlation coefficients were over the level of the significant standard. The formular for the synthetic judgement by above-mentioned elements of per-and post-rotatory nystagmus were presented. Thirty-six patients whose caloric reaction is abnormal were examined by rotational test. They consisted of 16 cases with canalparesis (CP), 10 cases with combined form of canal paresis and directional preponderance (CP+DP), 6 cases with directional preponderance (DP) and 4 cases with spontaneous nystagmus (SN).
    The results obtained led us to the following conclusions: -
    1. Per-rotatory test surpasses post-rotatory test because the former is more sensitive in detecting slight vestibular abnormalities than latter.
    2. CP groups showed abnormalities in the highest persentage than CP+DP and DP groups.
    3. In CP cases CP-side does not show always less intensive reaction than that of the other side, while, in DP cases, DP-side always showed more intensive reaction than the other side, i.e. therefore, CP-side cannot be decided by rotational test, while DP-side can.
    4. Bilateral hypofunction of rotatory nystagmus was observed in CP and CP+DP cases, but not in DP cases. This appears to correspond with the so-called compensatory stage of canal paresis described by Ruttin in 1911.
    5. The second phase of post-rotatory nystagmus appears intensively towards DP-side. Therefore, it is considered that the senond phase of nystagmus shows the existence of DP of nystagmus.
  • 内田 干城, 舟久保 熙康
    1982年 48 巻 5 号 554-561
    発行日: 1982/05/05
    公開日: 2010/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー