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クエリ検索: "指揮官"
1,720件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 荒田 洋治
    2012年 48 巻 7 号 680-680_1
    発行日: 2012/07/01
    公開日: 2016/12/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 荒関 守
    2023年 22 巻 1 号 161-179
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    等」)が,駐屯地の臨床心理士に期待する業務とその期待の形成プロセスを明らかにすることである。A 駐屯地の
    等4 名から得られたデータを,修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチによって質的に分析した。その結果,7 つのカテゴリー,11 のサブカテゴリー,29 の概念が得られた。またカテゴリー,サブカテゴリー,概念間の関係を説明したプロセス図が得られた。結果から,①
  • 川崎 和彦
    2001年 2001.Autumn 巻
    発行日: 2001/09/11
    公開日: 2017/06/08
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    プロジェクト・マネージャーにとって, リーダーシップは, プロジェクトを推進する上で重要な要素の一つである。PMBOKでは, コッター氏の論文を引用し, リーダーシップは"方針の設定", "人々を方向つける", "動機付けと鼓舞をすること"を含むと説明している。一方, 戦術的な組織において, リーダーシップは,
    によって発揮される, 指揮とは,
    に求められるものは, 責任感, 率先垂範などである。本稿では, SIプロジェクトのリーダーシップと戦術的な組織におけるリーダーシップの類似点及び相違点を明らかにし, SIプロジェクトのプロジェクト・マネージャーに取り入れていくべき事項について述べる。
  • 登尾 浩助
    2014年 128 巻 1-2
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2021/08/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 池田 輝政, 菱田 隆彰
    2012年 27 巻 5 号 55-58
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2018/04/07
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    近年,一般的になってきたシリアスゲームは,単純な e-Learning やシミュレーションと比べ,学習意欲を喚起しやすい教材と言える.シリアスゲームを利用することで,効率的な学習の支援が期待できる.しかし,現行のシリアスゲームは一人で使用することを前提に製作されたものが多く,学校の授業など複数人が参加する環境では導入しづらい面がある.シリアスゲームを教育の現場でより活用するためには,個人単位での利用だけでなくグループ学習のような環境で利用できるシステムを提供する必要がある.本研究では,複数人が同時に参加できるシリアスゲームの開発を目指す.さらに,参加者同士での相談や協力を必要とする要素を設けることで,協同的な学習を支援できる手法を検討する.また,LMS(Learning Management System)とのデータの共通化を図ることで, e-Learning による個人学習との連携も視野に入れる.
  • 星野 辰彦
    2006年 21 巻 1 号 8-9
    発行日: 2006/03/31
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • -敗北は時として勝利よりも良い-
    レイモンド =B=ファーロン, 蔵原 大
    2012年 6 巻 1 号 25-28
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2021/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中村 純
    1986年 34 巻 38-47
    発行日: 1986/03/18
    公開日: 2017/05/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper deals with the "Ten Thousand." in Anabasis as a good example of change in the Greek army when faced with a difficult military situation after the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. For about two years the Ten Thousand marched in a strange country where they met new enemies with new methods of warfare. We can find something in common between the Ten Thousand and other Greek armies after the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. They were destined to advance. A prolonged campaign and a greater variety of tactics made this development necessary. And this development could be made only when a new kind of relation between the general and his soldiers came into existence. Generals wanted to increase their authority over their soldiers. In Anabasis we can see the generals trying to establish their authority. At the same time, we can see soldiers who would not endure being under anyone's authority. In the army of the Ten Thousand, the common soldiers were members of the general assembly. They decided all matters of importance in this assembly. They were "fighting and voting". They were called "a marching democracy". We can see how difficult it was among the Ten Thousand in Anabasis for Greek generals to exercise their authority. Anyway without the exercise of authority by the general, it was hardly possible for the Greek army to meet the needs of the military situation after the Peloponnesian War.
  • 藤井 雅文
    2023年 37 巻 Supplement 号 69-
    発行日: 2023/12/20
    公開日: 2024/01/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 上村 克郎
    2005年 17 巻 99 号 40-41
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2020/06/23
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • ―「列国海軍指揮官会議」の果たした役割を中心として―
    大塚 海夫
    2018年 46 巻 2 号 107-124
    発行日: 2018/09/30
    公開日: 2022/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 柴山 滋
    2001年 44 巻 1 号 131-144
    発行日: 2001/09/30
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The 'Abbasid rule had been declining since the tenth century. This decline meant the beginning of the period of the rule by army corps in the Islamic world. In this period, it is the Ziyarids that had wielded power in the remote highlands of Daylam at the south-western corner of the Caspian Sea in 319-489/931-1090.
    The preceding studies which specially dealt with the Ziyarids followed their whole activity. But it is not enough to only study the special features and historical position of the Ziyarids' army in Mardawij's period in Islamic history.
    In this paper, the author tries to investigate the military organization of the Ziyarids in Mardawij's period and the special features of this army.
    As a result of studying this army, the author made clear the following points:
    (1) The military of the Ziyarids in Mardawij's period consisted of two kinds of military groups, that is, (1) Daylamites-Gilites and (2) Turks.
    (2) In the case of the first group, the soldiers were of the ex-Asfar's soldiers, the Daylamites and Gilites who came to Mardawij after the death of Asfar, and the ex-Makin's soldiers. In the case of the second group, the soldiers were of the Amirs' soldiers and the his bodyguards.
    (3) In this army, the military group of Daylamites-Gilites was more active than that of the Turks.
    (4) The number of people in the army was around 40, 000-50, 000.
    We can see that the military of the Ziyarids in Mardawij's period showed two kinds of features: first, this army was the great armed forces of western Iran and second, a rapid militarization of Daylamites-Gilites occurred in the first half of tenth century.
  • 川邉 慶久, 大坪 義一, 宇田 宏, 小林 滋, 高森 年
    2008年 2008 巻 2P1-B02
    発行日: 2008/06/06
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    The rescue robot is operated at a distant place to prevent second human suffering. It is difficult to operate the robots because transmitted information from the robot is almost only visual image on mounted camera. So, the support system is necessary for everyone to search smoothly and efficiently. This paper is described about operation support system. The developed system has the following functions which are drawing the additional lines, drawing the map view, changing the most suitable views and setting up the camera parameters to support the robot operator.
  • 白石 善明, 掛井 将平
    電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティマガジン
    2020年 14 巻 1 号 19-25
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 池田 嘉郎
    2009年 84 巻 47-63
    発行日: 2009/06/16
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    данная статья посвящается анализу особенностей самодержавной системы управления в годы первой мировой войны через деятельность Верховного начальника санитарной и эвакуационной части принца А. П. Ольденбургского (1844-1932). Особенное внимание обращается на его работу в области курортного дела как мобилизация ресурсов различных регионов империи. В сентябре 1914 года Николай II назначил принца Ольденбургского Верховным начальником санитарной и эвакуационной части и предоставил ему часть тех прерогатив, которые принадлежали лишь Верховной власти. Деятельность принца вообще и в области курортного дела в особенность отличалась, во-первых, повсеместностью властей и его лично, и его аппарата. Например, принц стремился к собранию сведений о всех занятых и свободных местах в лечебных учреждениях с целью установления централизованого их распределения для больных и раненых воин. Здесь заметно не только влияние тотальной войны ХХ века, но и архаичного понятия о повсеместной, верховной власти. Деятельность принца отличалась, во-вторых, тем особенным положением, что он воздействовал на работы обычных учреждений <<извне>>. Этим самым он стремился реагировать на каждую проблему различных регионов оперативно. В действительности его авторитарный стиль работы привел к столкновению принца с министрами. Однако, можно считать, что именно те особенности самодержавной власти, которые отразились в работах прицна Ольденбургского - повсеместность власти и ее воздействие на установленные аппараты извне - лежали в основе динамизма царизма.
  • 大葉 昇一
    1986年 95 巻 7 号 1135-1172,1286-
    発行日: 1986/07/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Chinghis khan reorganized his troops in accordance with the decimal system in 1204 before he attacked the Naiman tribe. This formation was a military unit, but on the other hand, it was also an administrative unit. This system is called the Ch'ien-hu-zhi 千戸制, which has remained the standard system in the Mongol Empire since then. The features of this formation are a simple chain of command, a simple style of organization and ease of mobilization. It functioned very effectively. But this formation had irregular characteristics and various ploblems. For example, the chief of the Ch'ien-hu 千戸 (chiliarchs) posessed a Po-hu 百戸 (centurions) which was under his direct control. He held the post of the chief of the Po-hu concurrently. And the chief of the Po-hu posessed a Shi-hu 十戸 (decurions), which was under his direct control. He held the post of the chief of the Shi-hu concurrently. In these cases, we find the traces remaining of the body guard formation of clan faction organization. These cases do not describe the usual military formation of the Mongol empire. At least in the period of the Yuan dynasty, the hierarchy of officers was systematized bureaucratically and the officer's compentence was restricted reasonably. However, in the cace of the Shih-wei-ch'in-chun 侍衛親軍 (the imperial personal army), there was not a solitary commander who could lead the whole army in the bureaucratic system, in order to prevent an army clique from appearing. On the contrary, high officers of the central government were able to occupy the post of the solitary commander. It was too difficult to prevent men from concentrating power. They were the Mongolian and the Se-mu-ren 色目人 who stood on the basis of the Shih-wei-ch'in-chun. There are various explanations about the Ch'ien-hu. The correct explanation is that it was organized with one thousand hu 戸 (households), which were able to offer one thousand soldiers. In Mongol, the general idea of hu was that it was a kinship group, each such group with one manhood was counted as one hu, whose man was destined to be a soldier. A group with two soldiers was counted as too hu, and so on. Therefore, every hu had only one male member who should be a soldier. In Mongol it was the social custom that they counted the number of hu this way. The Ch'ien-hu was the military and administrative unit organized with one thousand hu each of which offered one soldier. However the number of members or hu was not mathematically strict. The Yuan dynasty used the system of Ch'ien-hu when it organized the Chinese into the Han-chun 漢軍. But the households of Han-chun could not stand the military economic burden. Therefore, the Yuan dynasty had to allow military households, which could not offer a soldier, to mainly bear military expenses. Consequently, the capacity for mobilization did not correspond to the fixed numbers in accordance with the decimal system. This difference resulted from the fact that the military formation of the nomadic society was applied without revision to the farming society. However, after the middle of the Yuan period, the formations of Han-chun were completed relatively, resulting in the military of the Mongols and the Se-mu-ren severely lacking in soldiers. This paper aims at describing the general idea of the military formation of the Mongol empire and the Yuan dynasty and how to solve it's structural deficiencies from the viewpoint of both the chain of command system and the style of organization.
  • 大饗 亮
    1983年 1983 巻 33 号 216-218
    発行日: 1984/03/30
    公開日: 2009/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • なぜ北朝鮮の軍人はクーデターを起こさなかったのか?
    宮本 悟
    2005年 56 巻 2 号 195-215,253
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    For a long time, a majority of people have thought that the military would attempt a coup d'etat in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea due to the widespread economic deterioration in the past, and the fact that the domestic economy has seen some recent improvement makes this event more unlikely at present.
    Why haven't a group of officers within the Korean People's Army attempted a coup d'etat? In this research, I provide three key reasons that explain why, even during three crisis periods involving major politico-military purges, this has not happened.
    Chiefly these were: entrenched clique competition in the military; the existence of an organization that can oppose the armed forces; and a systemic and purposeful division of the military. I have confirmed through this research that the system that has divided the military still exists in the army, a system controlled effectively by a senior commissar. Therefore, this research concludes that the possibility of a coup d'etat occurring is low even in the present D. P. R. K.
  • ―決断中心のC4システムへの進化―
    武居 智久
    2007年 34 巻 4 号 27-46
    発行日: 2007/03/31
    公開日: 2022/04/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 反乱参加者の分析による「ザンジュの乱」再考
    中野 さやか
    2003年 46 巻 1 号 118-143
    発行日: 2003/09/30
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the real character of the “Revolt of the Zanj, ” the great rebellion in the Abbasid empire, by analyzing the backgrounds of the participants in the revolt. To study it, I divided this revolt into three periods, the beginning (863-869), the heyday (869-879), and the decline (879-883), and analyzed the participants at the beginning and the heyday, and the rebels who surrendered to the Abbasid military at the decline.
    In the beginning, the number of participants was small. The group consisted of townspeople and those from the upper echelons of society. The reason that participants consisted of various groups was that 'Ali b. Muhammad had not confined the scope of the rebellion to a particular social class.
    The heyday of this revolt began when tens of thousands of Zanj, who had been taken from East Africa to Iraq as agricultural slaves, joined the revolt in 869. Through their participation, the rebel troops swelled in number and occupied Southern Iraq in 879. During this heyday, various types of people, such as townspeople, farmers, Arab nomads and people from the upper echelons of society, participated. However, they were lacking in solidarity as they participated merely because the rebel troops were powerful militarily.
    The decline of this revolt began in 879 when the Abbasid military launched an attack against the rebels. The leader of the Abbasid military, Muwaffaq, while besieging the rebel stronghold of Mukhtara, called on the rebels to surrender to the Abbasid military and treated the rebels who did surrender respectfully. Therefore, the main body of the rebel troops surrendered and this revolt collapsed. The reason for this rapid collapse was that the main body of the rebel troops were people who put their own interests first, such as Zanj and townspeople.