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クエリ検索: "日本脳炎ウイルス"
1,074件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 小林 譲, 長谷川 均, 小山 孝, 玉井 伴範, 城口 朝雄, 草場 公宏
    1983年 57 巻 6 号 519-530
    発行日: 1983/06/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    日本脳炎 (JE) ウイルスの免疫学的性状を解析するために, 細胞融合法により作成したJEウイルス中山-RFVL株に対してHI反応性を示すモノクローナル抗体 (NARMA) を用いて, JEウイルス株間の比較検討を行った.
    1935年から1979年までに国内各地で分離された24株と国外のMuar株 (Singapore), Chiang Mai株 (Thailand) および691004株 (Sri Lanka) の27株のJEウイルスに対して, HI反応性が異なる5系統のモノクローナル抗体によるHI試験の結果, 反応パターンにより, 1-1群: 中山-RFVL, 中山-予研の2株, 1-2群: 中山一薬検株, II群: Kalinina, G-1 late, JaGAr 01, JaGAr 02の4株, III-1群: Sekiya, 望月, 西園, JaFAr 401465, JaFS O1, 将野65, 上山, Sasazaki, 三重44-1, 福岡7101, 福岡7202, 福岡7309, 福岡7311, 福岡7452, 福岡7463, 福岡7506, 熊本80679, Chiang Maiの18株, III-2群: 691004株, およびIV群: Muar株に大別された. 中山-薬検株は, 中山-RFVL株および中山-予研株と同一起源としても, 中山株特異抗原を失った変異株である.さらに最近わが国に流行している株は, 中山株やJaGAr 01株と抗原性に差異があることが明らかになった. また, NARMA13は, 26株と同程度の反応を示す種持異性抗体であり, NARMA5は, 中山-RFVL株と中山一予研株にしか反応しない株特異性抗体であることが確認できた.
    JEウイルスの薦糖・アセトン抽出抗原において, HA価の比較的低い抗原では, モノクローナル抗体の反応性に相違がみられた.
  • 小林 譲, 長谷川 均
    1985年 59 巻 3 号 237-244
    発行日: 1985/03/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    細胞融合法により作成した日本脳炎 (JE) ウイルス中山-RFVL株に対するモノクローナル抗体 (NARMA) を用いて, 赤血球凝集抑制 (HI) 試験および中和試験により, 代表的な11株のJEウイルス (中山-RFVL, 中山-予研, 中山薬検, G-11ate, JaGAr 01, JaGAr 02, 上山, 三重44-1, 熊本80679, 691004, Muar) の免疫学的性状を解析した.
    HI反応性を示す14系統の種特異性抗体のうち, 13系統に免疫株である中山-RFVL株に対して中和活性を認めた.これらの抗体のHI価と中和抗体価との間には, 相関関係は認められなかった.さらに, これらの抗体は, 次のような性状を示した. (1) JEウイルス全体に対して, HI反応性および中和活性を認める種特異性抗体 (NARMA 3), (2) JEウイルス全体に対して, 主としてHI反応性のみを認める種特異性抗体 (NARMA 13), (3) 中山-RFVL, 中山-予研株に対して株特異的にHI反応性および中和活性を示す抗体 (NARMA 6), (4) 中山-RFVL, 中山-予研株に対して, 株特異的にHI反応性を示す抗体 (NARMA5), (5) それらの中間的性状を示す10抗体.
    11株のJEウイルスは, 4群に大別され, Muar株は他の10株と抗原性に大きな相違が認められた.さらに, それぞれの群の中でも, 抗原性のさらに細かい部分には相違がみられるものがあった.
  • IV. ヒト組織の培養におけるウイルス増殖曲線
    堀田 進, 大山 昭夫, 広瀬 長敏, 大野 幹人
    1964年 38 巻 4 号 124-132
    発行日: 1964/07/20
    公開日: 2011/11/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present investigations were undertaken for the purpose of extending the results obtained previously (Refer to: Hotta et al., this Journal, Vol.37, pp.335-342, 1963). Human tissues, adult, embryonic or newborn, were cultivated by the plasma-embedded roller tube method, the same as described in the former report. Viruses used were Gi strain JBE virus, of the 240th to 245th mouse brain passages, JATH 260 strain JBE virus, of the 1st to 4th mouse brain passages, and Negishi strain virus, a member of the RussianSpring-Summer encephalitis group, of the 7th to 10th mouse brain passages. At intervals following inoculation of the viruses of a given concentration, portions of the culture fluids were taken and measured for active virus contents. The viral growth curves obtained are summarized as follows:
    (a) Fb: Cultures in which fibroblastic cells are dominant.
    Ep: Cultures in which epithelial cells are dominant.
    Rd: Cultures in which round wandering cells are dominant.
    *Sp: Cultures consist mostly of spindly myoblast-like cells.
    **: Cultures consist of cells of various kinds (fibroblastic, glial and nerve cells, as well as macrophages).
    (b) Legends indicate the highest points of virus titers (mouse-intracerebral LD50/0.02ml
    in logarithmic numbers) obtained in viral growth curves.
    (+++): Highest titer is more than 104.
    (++): Highest titer is in 104-102.
    (+): Highest titer is below 102, but active_ virus is unequivocally detected.
    (-): No active virus is detected 1 day after viral inoculation or later.
    Legend (*) is nearly equivalent to Category I (“convex” curve) proposed in the previous report, (+) to Category II (“flattened” curve), (++) to an intermediate of Categories I and II, and (-) to Category III (“continuously declining” curve).
    (c) n. t.: Not tested.
  • 第5報 ブタ血清のSephadex G-200による分画
    森 良一, 木元 浩一, 大塚 悟, 真子 憲治
    1968年 23 巻 5 号 366-369
    発行日: 1968/05/25
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    In a series of their previous papers, the authors reported that 2-Mercaptoethanol (2ME)-sensitive antibody against Japanese encephalitis virus had been detected from pigs during the first two to four weeks of antibody response and that, thereafter, the antibody had become resistant to 2ME treatment. Further studies were carried out to characterize the swine antibodies obtained at various stages of antibody response by means of the gel filtration technique using Sephadex G-200. Most of the antibody of initial response was found to be contained in the 19S fraction and to be 2ME-sensitive. From serum samples of a pig which had previonsly been reported to have produced 2ME-sensitive antibody at the third oversummering, the antibody was detected in the 19S fraction. Possibility of reinfection by Japanese encephalitis virus in antibody-bearing pigs and human beings was suggested in relation to antibody response.
  • 第3報日本脳炎の流行予測
    吉田 靖子, 薮内 清, 岩崎 謙二, 田口 文章
    1986年 60 巻 2 号 91-98
    発行日: 1986/02/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    ブタ集団における日本脳炎 (日脳) の感染流行の実態をより理論的に表現し, かつ日脳の流行を予測することを目的に, 血清疫学調査結果の数値論的解析を試みた.
    日脳の感染流行の様相の変化は, (1) 感染源となるブタ数の比率 (yi-1), (2) 未感染ブタ数の比率 {100-(y0+y1+yi-1)} および (3) 伝播係数 (K) の三要因で表現出来ると仮定し, 新たに感染するブタの比率 (発生率) yi=yi-1× {100-(y0+y1+yi-1)} ×Kなる理論的想定式を設定した.
    この想定式に流行経過の各単位時間までの実測値 (HI抗体陽性率) を代入し, 最小二乗法により伝播係数 (K) を求め, 設定した感染流行開始時の感染源となるブタ数の比率 (y0) とから, 発生率と感染率を求めた. その結果, ブタにおける日脳流行のごく初期におけるHI抗体陽性率を代入して想定式から求めた感染率は, 日脳流行の全経過を通してのHI抗体陽性率を代入して想定式から求めた感染率ときわめて近似の値を示す結果を得た.これらのことから, ブタにおける日脳の感染流行のその年の規模を, 想定式を用いる数値論的解析法によって予測できることを示す結果を報告する.
  • 大塚 悟, 真子 憲治, 本村 一郎, 国広 英文
    1969年 19 巻 6 号 336-339
    発行日: 1969/12/30
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    During the summer of 1967, five sentinel cattle were exposed to the bites of vector mosquitoes in the campus of the Fukuoka Prefectural Zootechnical Experiment Station, Ogori-machi, Fukuoka Prefecture. The cattle were bled at an interval of seven days and the blood samples were provided for antibody determination and for virus isolation. The antibody determination was made by means of hemagglutination-inhibition test and the virus isolation by means of intracerebral injection method in suckling mice. Four of the five cattle developed antibody in the period between June 26th and July 17th, but the remainder remained negative of antibody to the last. In one of the four cattles, a strain of virus was successfully isolated from the blood sample obtained on July 10th. One week after the virus isolation the animal developed antibody. The virus isolated was finally identified as Japanese encephalitis virus by means of hemagglutination-inhibition and complement fixation tests.
  • 第1報 ブタ腎初代培養細胞による日本脳炎ウイルスの増殖
    山田 昭, 後藤 勲, 熊野 正巳, 今村 直彦, 石田 弘, 上野 直彦
    1967年 17 巻 4 号 172-181
    発行日: 1967/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present report concerns the multiplication of the Japanese encephalitis virus in primary porcine kidney cell cultures. Suckling and weanling pigs were constantly excellent donors of tissues. Viability of trypsinized cells was dependent on washing procedure; this was especially the case with tissues from marketable animals. Confluent sheets were obtained in 5 to 7 days, and the virus was usually inoculated on the 7th to 8th day of incubation. Unfortunately, medium 199 did not support the growth of viruses so well as did the Lactalbumin hydrolysate-Earle's medium. So far tested LE medium fortified with bovine albumin was the best one, although this could be substituted by human albumin or gelatin. The optimal concentration of sodium bicarbonate fell in between 2.5 and 2.6g per liter of medium. At the early stage of adaptation the viruses were sensitive to the lower temperature, while adapted strains were not affected appreciably by the temperature. In order to have a maximal yield relatively large size of inoculum was required, the optimum being 104 to 105 PFU per milliliter of medium. Growth curves showed peak titers at 48 hour of incubation both in cells and fluid phase. Some promissing results were also obtained by submerged cultures.
  • 中村 清
    1962年 12 巻 5 号 187-193
    発行日: 1962年
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    In earlier papers hitherto published on this serial study, the author and the co-workers have reported that the Japanese B encephalitis virus can easily multiply in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells propagating in mice. Furthermore, they reported that the infection of these tumor cells with the virus could be established in a moment, and once the first step of the infection was accomplished, the cell infected virus instantly enters such a state, that it can not easily be neutralized by the hyperimmune serum of enough neutralizing potency against the virus, although the virus existing in a free state can readily be neutralized by the same serum. Such an infected virus can persist in a latent state for considerably a long period of time in the tumor cells that are existing in mice which contain the neutralizing antibody of significant potency.
    In the present study the author performed experiments in order to investigate whether the infection of cells with the virus can also be established in a case as such, that the cells had previously been in contact with the neutralizing antibody for a certain period of time, and afterwards encounters with the virus that comes into this environment.
    Experimentations are as follows; i.e. 1.0ml. of undiluted hyperimmune rabbit serum against Japanese B encephalitis virus and 1.0ml. of packed mass of washed Ehrlich ascites tumor cells of mouse were mixed and incubated at 37°C for 30min. After the incubation, to each of these mixtures was added each of decimal dilutions of Japanese B encephalitis virus, from 10-1 to 10-7 in amount of 1.0ml. respectively. The mixture consisting of the antiserum, the cells and the virus, was again incubated at 37°C for 30min. After that, the mixture was centrifuged. The neutralization of the virus existing in free state in the mixture of the respective virus dilution was testified by the direct intracerebral inoculation of the supernatant of each of them to mice. The cell adsorbed virus in each virus dilution was put to the demonstration test by the indirect in vitro cell virus infection method, described as follows. The cells in the sediment were washed three times and were inoculated each to three normal mice in certain amount intraperitoneally. Four to 7 days thereafter, the tumor fluid of the mice of each group was drawn, pooled and centrifuged respectively. The supernatant was put to the demonstration test of the virus with the direct method of mouse intracerebral inoculation. When the result of this was positive; i.e. if the virus was demonstrated in the ascitic fluid, the cells that had been intraperitoneally inoculated 4-7 days ago, were designated to have been infected with the virus, although the trials of demonstration of the free virus in the same respective mixtures had resulted in negative.
    The results are as follows; i.e., the cell adsorbed virus could be recovered by the indirect method from the mixture consisting of the cells, the virus and the immune serum of rather surplus potency, while the free virus could never be recovered from it by the direct method. In a word, it was demonstrated that the Japanese B encephalilis virus could be adsorbed to the Ehrlich ascites tumor cells that had been suspended in immune rabbit serum or immune mouse ascitic fluid of sufficient potency against the virus and had been in contact with the antibody, and could establish the first step of the virus infection of the cells in this environment.
    There remains much to be made clear as to the mechanism of this phenomenon, but standing upon the results obtained so far, it may be possible to conclude, that the first step of virus infection of cell can be established in the existence and under the action of the neutralizing antibody against the virus, so far as at least the Japanese B encephalitis virus and the Ehrlich mouse ascites tumor cells are concerned.
  • 埼玉及び鹿児島県における抗体保有状況
    堀本 政夫, 酒井 健夫, 後藤 仁
    1989年 63 巻 1 号 10-14
    発行日: 1989/01/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    1982年から1984年までの3年間に, 埼玉県及び鹿児島県の牛それぞれ1306頭, 536頭から採取した血清について
    に対する抗体保有状況を調査した.3年間の抗体保有率は鹿児島県では68.8%であり, 埼玉県の65.5%に比較して有意な差は認められなかった.月別抗体分布をみると, 埼玉県では抗体保有率及び抗体価ともに夏期に上昇し, その後, 下降する夏山型の変動が認められたが, 鹿児島県では夏期に上昇した抗体保有率及び抗体価が12月にも持続する持続型の変動であった.年齢別抗体保有率をみると, 埼玉県では64.0%から82.8%の範囲で推移し, 加齢に伴う変動は認められなかったが, 鹿児島県では1歳29.4%, 2歳50.0%, 3歳47.4%及び4歳74.5%と, 加齢に伴う上昇が認められた.しかし, 年齢別の平均抗体価は, 埼玉県では15.3から22.5, 鹿児島県でも20.0から38.3の範囲でそれぞれ推移し, 両県とも加齢による変動は認められなかった.
  • 草場 公宏
    1971年 45 巻 7 号 253-269
    発行日: 1971/07/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Antigenic comparison of strains of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was carried out using the modi -fied hemagglutination-inhibition technique of Casals (Grid HI test). Eight of these JEV strains were isolated from different areas of Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Fukuoka, and Gunma Prefecture), and one from Thai land. The strains were isolated from different hosts over a period of 30 years. Antigens for the test were obtained from suckling mice brain by the sucrose-acetone method, and specific hyperimmune sera were prepared in adult mice.
    The results obtained are as follows:
    1. Nakayama-Yoken strain showed an optimum pH of 6.15-6.40 in hemagglutinin activity, and the others a pH of 6.45-6.75.
    2. It was found that the final pH of the system in hemagglutination-inhibition test, after the suspen sion of erythrocytes had been added, influenced the results of the test; the inhibitory action of the serum increased with the pH in the limits of an optimum pH of its antigen.
    3. There was significant antigenic difference between Nakayama-Yoken strain and Nakayama-RFVL, JaGAr 01, and the recently isolated strains. Hemagglutinins of the latter strains were inhibited by Nakayama-Yoken antiserum but the HI titer of the serum was not so high as when tested against the-homologous antigen. On the other hand, antigen of the Nakayama-Yoken strain was inhibited by anti -sera of the other strains with a titer nearly that of the homologous system. It has been believed that Nakayama-Yoken and Nakayama-RFVL strain, the representative strains of JEV, had the same origin, and it was suggested that the antigenic characteristics of the former had been changed in the course of long passage.
    4. There was slight antigenic difference between Nakayama-RFVL strain and JaGAr 01 or the recently isolated strains, but antigenically they were closely related each other.
    5. Considerable antigenic discrepancy was present between JaGAr 01 strain and the recently isolated strains, and it was demonstrated that the latter had broader antigenic composition than the former.
    6. No antigenic difference was observed among the six recently isolated strains.
  • 第2報 ホルマリン不活化ワクチンの製造に関する基礎的研究
    山田 昭, 後藤 勲, 熊野 正己, 石田 弘, 上野 直彦
    1968年 18 巻 3 号 229-236
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present report deals with the production and characterization of inactivated Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine grown in porcine kidney cells for human trials. Bottle cultures of RFVL line of Nakayama strain were completely harvested by freeze-thawing followed by sonication. This improved the potency of the vaccine although there was no apparent rise in virus titer. The paradox may in part be explained by the lability to the temperature of the virus. In fact, the halflife of the virus was measured as follows: 15hr at 30°, 11hr at 33°, 7hr at 36° and 5hr at 37°. The resulting virus suspension was further centrifuged at 10, 000×g for 30min and filtered through membrane filter of 0.45μ pore size with little loss of virus. As inactivating reagent, formalin was superior to β-propiolactione since the latter significantly impaired the antigenicity. Optimal concentration of formalin was found to be 1: 2000 to retain the immunizing potency. However it must be kept in mind that over-neutralization by sodium metasulfate of formalin may be detrimental to the antigenicity. Safety tests were performed at appropriate stages of processing; these included sterility test, safety test in a narrow sense, and exclusion of recidual JEV as well as contaminating or adventitious agents in porcine kidney cells. Potency test was carried out in mice in two ways; one was the direct challenge method required by the Japanese government, and the other was to evaluate the antigenic extinction limit method as determined by the 50% plaque reduction. In our experience the latter technique was bettter in that it was more sensitive and reliable. The potency of the tissue culture vaccine was estimated to be 1/2 to 1/4 of that of the mouse brain type of vaccine. The stability of the vaccine was observed by storing it at refrigerator temperature for 3 years, during which period the relative potency of the tissue culture vaccine to current mouse brain vaccine remained unchanged. Finally the vaccine was tested in both man and monkey for antibody response. It was revealed that the tissue culture vaccine was not satisfactory in a primary response but showed definite booster effects. No untoward reactions were noted among vaccinees.
  • 松村 富夫, 後藤 仁, 清水 亀平次, 杉浦 健夫, 安藤 泰正, 熊埜御堂 毅, 平沢 澄, 秋山 綽
    日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
    1982年 44 巻 6 号 967-970
    発行日: 1982/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    1979~81年に, 北海道全域より収集した馬血清910例のゲタウイルスと
    に対する抗体調査から, 馬の間における両ウイルスの伝播様相を比較検討した. 両ウイルスの抗体保有状況は地区によって異なり, とくに道北地区では, ゲタウイルスが広く伝播していた (105/230, 45.7%) のに対し,
    の伝播は非常に少ない (18/230, 7.8%) か, あるいはほとんど伝播していないことが示唆された.
  • 長谷川 均
    1982年 56 巻 10 号 855-866
    発行日: 1982/10/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    日本脳炎 (JE) ウイルスの免疫学的性状を解析するため, P3X63 Ag 8.653細胞とJEウイルス中山・RFVL株免疫r7ウス脾細胞をポリエチレングリコールを用いて融合させ, 26系統の赤血球凝集抑制 (HI) 抗体を産生するハイブリドーマを得た.
    これらの抗体は, JE, Murrayvalley脳炎 (MVVE), west Nile (WN), st.Louis脳炎 (SLE), Russianspring-summer脳炎およびDengue-1の6種のHavivirus抗原に対するHI試験によって, (1) JEだけに反応する種特異性抗体, (2) JEとMVEにだけ反応する抗体, (3) JE, MVE, WN, SLEの3ないし4種に反応する抗体, (4) 6種全部に反応する属特異性抗体の4群に大別された.
    これらのうち, 種特異性抗体は, 中山-RFVL, 中山-予研, JaGAr 01および上山の4株のJEウイルス抗原に対してHI試験を行った結果, (1) 中山株にのみ反応する株特異性抗体, (2) 中山株と上山株に反応し, JaGAr 01株には反応しない抗体, (3) 中山株とJaGAr 01株に反応し, 上山株に反応しない抗体, (4) 4株すべてに反応する抗体が認められた. これらの成績から, 中山-RFVL株と中山-予研株には, HI試験の至適pHの相違などはあっても, 抗原性の差はほとんどなく, 他方, 中山株, JaGAr 01株・上山株の間には, それぞれ抗原性の差が認められた.
    Igクラスの検討より, IgM抗体には, 株特異性抗体が多く含まれ, IgG抗体には, 種特異性あるいは属特異性およびそれらの中間型の抗体が多く含まれた.
  • 第4報 日本脳炎ウイルス組織培養継代株の2, 3の性質について
    竹原 学
    1965年 20 巻 2-3 号 101-107
    発行日: 1965/03/25
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Japaneses B encephalitis (JBE) virus investigated was Gl strain which was serially passaged into primary hamster kidney tissue cultures more than 150 generations. The virus infected culture fluid was used in the following experiments and this was designated as “TC strain”.
    On the other hand, the mouse-passaged original JBE virus (Gl strain) of more than 250 generations was also used for comparison with the former and designated as “M strain”.
    Some experimental methods and results obtained are summarized as follows:
    (1) The chromatographic behavior of the M and TC strain viruses on DEAE-cellulose column:
    Each virus suspension diluted in the medium was load onto DEAE-cellulose column and eluted with 0.07M phosphate buffer (PH 7.2) increasing stepwise from 0.1 to 0.6M NaCl. The eluates were fractionated in every 10ml and their viral contents were assayed by inoculating into hamster kidney cell cultures.
    From these results obtained, it was found that more than 74% of the TC strain virus was recovered in earlier fractions (1 to 6) of the effluent and its elution pattern showed a simple curve. On the contrary, the M strain virus was slowly eluted from the cellulose column.
    (2) Interaction between the viruses and some animal tissue homogenates:
    Each virus suspension was mixed with the tissue homogenates, incubated at 37°C for 2 hours, and then centrifuged at 15, 000rpm for 30 minutes. The infectivity of residual active virus in the supernatant fluid was titrated by inoculating into either mice or hamster kidney cell cultures. The infectivity of M strain virus was completely inactivated by the brain tissue but not liver or kidney tissue homogenates of mice. On the the other hand, the infectivity of the TC strain virus was affected, to similar extents, by the brain, liver or kidney tissue homogenates of mice, and inactivated, more or less, by the liver or kidney tissue homogenates of hamster.
    (3) Thermal inactivation of the viruses:
    The thermal inactivation rate of both virus strains was determined at different temperature. The infectivity of the TC strain virus was completely inactivated by being heated at 55°C for 30 minutes, while about 0.01% of the TC strain virus had shown the viral infectivity. After incubation at 40°C for 120 minutes, about 1.7% of the TC strain virus remained active and, on the contrary, the surviving rate of the M strain virus was only 0.1% under the same condition.
  • 山内 哲三
    1989年 63 巻 4 号 387-399
    発行日: 1989/04/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    日本脳炎 (JE) ウイルスの免疫学的性状を解析するために, 細胞融合法により, 赤血球凝集抑制 (HI)試験でJEウイルス上山株に対してHI反応性を示すモノクローナル抗体 (KAMIMA) を作製した. JEウイルスのみにHI反応性を示し, Murray Valley脳炎, West Nile, St. Louis脳炎, Russian springsummer脳炎, Dengue-1ウイルスの5種のFlavivirusにHI反応性を示さない抗体を15系統作製した.それらのうち, HI反応性が異なる5系統の抗体を用いて, 1935年から1979年までに国内各地で分離された21株と国外で分離された4株を合わせた合計25株のJEウイルスに対してHI試験を行い, 反応パターンにより血清学的分類を行った. その結果, A群: 上山, Sekiya, 望月, 西園, Sasazaki, 三重44-1, 福岡7101, 福岡7202, 福岡7309, 福岡7311, 福岡7452, 福岡7463, 福岡7506, 熊本80679, ChiangMai, JaGAr 02の16株, B群: 中山-RFVL, 中山-予研の2株, C群: 中山-薬検, Kalinina, G-1 late, JaGAr01, 北京1, 691004の6株, D群: Muar株に大別された. この所見を, 抗中山-RFVL株モノクローナル抗体による分類と比較すると, JEウイルス25株のうち22株に血清学的分類の一致がみられた.
    モノクローナル抗体の生物学的活性の検討では, HI価, ELISA価, 中和抗体価の間には, 相関はみられなかった. 中和活性と感染防御能との間には, 中和活性を示す抗体は感染防御効果を示したが, 中和活性を示さない抗体のなかにも感染防御効果を示す抗体があった.
    また, SDS-PAGEおよび免疫プロット法によるモノクローナル抗体の対応抗原の解析では, 3系統のモノクローナル抗体が非還元下で52.0kD, 還元下で53.0kDに, 5系統のモノクローナル抗体が非還元下でのみ52.0KDに, 7系統のモノクロナール抗体が非還元下, 還元下ともに14.5kDに反応した.
  • 木村 道也
    1958年 70 巻 3supplement 号 5-7
    発行日: 1958/03/20
    公開日: 2009/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Wenn Rattus norvegicus mit dem Virus von Encephalitis japonica durch Impfung in das Gehirn infiziert wird, so findet bei der Ratte während einer Periode von 72 bis zu 96 Stunden nach der Impfung eine Virämie statt, ohne dass irgend eine klinisches Zeichen auftritt. Es scheint dem Verfasser dass die Ratte in der Epidemiologie diesser Krankheit eine Rolle als ein vorübergehender Reservewirt spielt.
  • 歴史と現状
    髙崎 智彦
    2021年 57 巻 5 号 366-370
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 草場 公宏, 長沢 浩平, 岩橋 徳二, 鉢嶺 一男, 二宮 紀郎, 真弓 武仁, 一木 隆, 橘 宜祥, 小林 譲
    1985年 59 巻 4 号 396-404
    発行日: 1985/04/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    福岡市およびその近郊に居住する健康成人集団を対象に1966年から1982年の間, 計画的に日脳予防接種を施行し, 本集団におけるHI抗体保有状況の推移を観察した.
    1966年12月にHI抗体陰性であった101名は, その後頻回の追加接種を行ったにもかかわらず1982年調査時に38名が陰性, 33名が抗体価10倍と低値のままにとどまった.このようなHI抗体産生不良の群の割合は本集団の約14%程度にあたるものと推定された.これらの例でも中和抗体産生は正常であり, また, 特定のHLA-A, BおよびC抗原型との関連はみられなかった.
    1971年6月にHI抗体価20倍以上であったもの220名は, その後6年間追加接種を受けなかったが, この間に陰転したものは27名で, 残り193名, 87.7%は陽性のままであった.ことに抗体価80倍以上のものは6年後も全員陽性であった.このうち51名は1966年以来16年間にまったく追加接種を受けなかったが, 1982年においても全員10~320倍陽性であった.
    16年間にわたる計画的な予防接種の結果, 本集団の日脳HI抗体陽性率は, 1966年12月の507名中220名, 43.3%から, 1971年6月に810名中547名, 67.5%, 1982年6月には627名中459名, 73.2%という高率に達した.年代別には若年層での陽性率の上昇がめだち, その結果, 日脳流行時にみられた年齢と共に陽性率が上昇するというパターンがくずれ, 各年齢層での陽性率が接近した.
  • 鉢嶺 一男, 草場 公宏, 二宮 紀郎, 小林 譲
    1985年 59 巻 3 号 303-309
    発行日: 1985/03/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    不活化ワクチンを5日間隔で3回, cyclophosphamide (CY) 処置マウスに接種し, 抗体産生に対するCYの影響について検討した.免疫初期にCY (240μg/g体重) 処置を1回行うと, HIおよび中和抗体の出現時期は遅延し, 抗体価のピークも低下した.CY2回処置では, 抗体産生はさらに著しく抑制された.次に, 不活化ワクチンを2回接種後3回目に生ウイルスを接種すると, CY処置マウスの一部は発症死亡し, CY処置の回数を増すと死亡数は著しく増加した.CY処置マウスで遅れて出現する抗体のクラス別を, 2-ME処理と黄色ブドウ球菌CowanI株による吸収処理でみると, 初期にはIgMが主で, その後引き続きIgGが出現するパターンは, 無処置群の場合と同様であった.1回のCY処置によって, CY投与後4~7日の間, 腹腔内滲出細胞 (PEC) 数が減少し, またCY投与1日後からその後約7日間にわたってPECのrandom migration機能が抑制されることが観察された.
  • 森田 睦郎, 長谷川 久則, 工藤 重則, 市原 俊二
    1971年 21 巻 1 号 12-14
    発行日: 1971/04/01
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Isolation of Japanese encephalitis virus was attempted from Culex tritaeniorhyncus and the blood from slaughtered swines during the summer from 1967 to 1970 in Oita Prefecture. Virus was isolated 7 days in 1967, 3 days in 1968, 13 days in 1970 earlier from the swines than from the pools of collected Culex tritaeniorhynchus.
    Only in 1969, the virus was isolated from the mosquitoes 7 days earlier than from the swines.
    Isolation of the virus from slaughtered swines may provide an adequate tool in the local laboratories for a certain purpose of the epidemiological study of Japanese encephalitis comparing with the laborious works of virus isolation from mosquitoes collected in the field.