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8件中 1-8の結果を表示しています
  • 齊藤 利幸
    2020年 65 巻 2 号 105-112
    発行日: 2020/02/15
    公開日: 2020/02/15
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    In this commentary, we will introduce the tribology technology related to the cultural properties of Aichi prefecture. First of all, with regard to intangible cultural properties, we focus on the Aichi parade floats and describe the technical features. Also on abundant industrial heritage, we describe machine tools and railway technology. In addition, we introduce the war legacy which keeps the remnant of war damage, and look back on the history of tribology. By looking at these cultural properties, you can feel familiar with the technologies that form the basis of today's tribology.

  • 宮崎 孝範
    1992年 63 巻 2 号 163-169
    発行日: 1992/04/15
    公開日: 2009/05/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Crankshafts for automobile (almost diesel), ship and other engines are main products in Daido's die forging section.
    Recently, automobile engines tend to high power and crankshafts needs to more high qualities and high performances.
    For attend to crankshafts needs, we established 8000t new forging press line (It will work in Apr., 1992) and are developing advanced technology to evaluate the crankshafts performance,
    1) technology of balance assurance,
    2) fatigue testing technology,
    3) development of crankshafts without subsequent heat treatment (quenching and tempering),
    4) technology for more accuracy forged crankshafts.
    We are trying to establish advanced technology to make excellent forged crankshafts with high performances.
  • 愛知用水管理損失の研究 (III)
    湯川 清光
    1972年 1972 巻 41 号 37-41
    発行日: 1972/07/25
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Gross efficiency is calculated from the relation between the diversion dischage and the consumptive use of crops on some laterals which serve only for upland field irrigation.
    But these laterals irrigate only four percent of all the upland, therefore the whole area is also checked.
    Summary of the results are as follows;
    (1) Consumptive use of crops is nearly the same as that of the original plan.
    (2) Effective rainfall is larger than that of the plan.
    (3) Gross efficiency is 35 percent, which is much smaller than the 73 percent of the plan.
    (4) Denendinz rates on each water source are;
    Actual operation Plan
    Main water source 34% 65%
    Effective rainfall 66 35
  • 湯川 清光
    1974年 3 巻 85-99
    発行日: 1974/03/25
    公開日: 2018/04/02
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 電気製鋼
    2002年 73 巻 4 号 243-248
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2003/02/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Anisotropic Nd-Fe-B powder made through hot-forming process is a promising material for high performance bonded magnet. It is important to clarify effects of various conditions in hot-deformation process on magnetic properties of anisotropic powder in order to improve them. In this study, we investigated effects of deformation temperature and strain on magnetic properties of anisotropic powder. The results showed that both of hot-deformation temperature and strain greatly influenced magnetic properties of the anisotropic powder. Consequently, the optimum temperature and strain condition to achieve the maximum hard magnetic properties were obtained. Anisotropic compression-molded bonded magnets made from hot-upset powder through the optimum condition were fabricated; the bonded magnet with the composition of Nd0.137Fe0.735Co0.067B0.055Ga0.006 showed the highest-class (BH)max value of 178 kJ/m3, on the other hand the bonded magnet with the composition of Nd0.130Dy0.016Fe0.726Co0.068B0.054Ga0.006 had not only high coercivity of 1.6 MA/m but high (BH)max of 138 kJ/m3.
  • 平塚 真弘, 平澤 典保, 大島 吉輝, 児玉 進, 宮田 敏男, 段 孝, 高徳 敬之, 栗林 秀明, 中村 亮介, 斎藤 嘉朗
    2019年 9 巻 2 号 95-102
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    2012年から5カ年にわたり, 厚生労働省の 「革新的医薬品・医療機器・再生医療製品実用化促進事業」 が行われた. 東北大学大学院薬学研究科では, 本事業において, 「ゲノム薬理学, バイオマーカーを用いた医薬品の有効性・安全性に関する評価方法」 として採択され, 国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 (NIHS) および独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構 (PMDA) との連携のもと, 医薬品候補化合物の非臨床および早期臨床試験を行い, その過程で主として関与する薬物代謝酵素およびトランスポーターの遺伝子多型影響の評価を行ってきた. その中で, 連携各機関の協力を得て, 主として日本人を対象に, 医薬品の非臨床および臨床第Ⅰ相試験における遺伝子多型評価のための科学的情報をとりまとめた. この留意事項文書は, 広く文献調査も行って知見を集積し, 低分子化学医薬品の体内代謝および体内分布に関与するシトクロムP450酵素およびその他の薬物代謝酵素の分子種, ならびに薬物トランスポーター分子種の遺伝子多型が, これら分子種の機能的変化と関連すること, さらに日本人で頻度1%以上である遺伝子多型について, その種類とin vitroでの被験薬の機能影響評価の方法などの概要を述べたものである. また有効性や安全性にかかわる薬効・副作用関連分子の遺伝子多型・変異についても例としてあげている. 薬物代謝酵素やトランスポーターなどの遺伝子多型評価の必要性に関しては, 今後の研究の進展, 国内外で行われている医薬品開発や欧米における指針など, 最新の知見と国際的な動向をふまえて, 継続的に議論を続けていくことが必要であると考えている. 本稿では, この成果物の概要を中心に, 関連する欧米などの指針を含めて紹介する.

  • 松沢 勲
    1968年 74 巻 2 号 61-71
    発行日: 1968/02/25
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 坂本 英夫
    1981年 33 巻 5 号 405-424
    発行日: 1981/10/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Japan onion production ranks fourth among the cultivated vegetable areas, and onions rank sixth in per capita consumption of vegetables as measured in kilograms. The onion occupies the first place among vegetables which are transported from the rural districts to the urban consumers. The author has been studying the geography of truck farming, above all its locational approach, so he began to investigate the onion producing regions in Hokkaido.
    As the onion likes a cool season, it is usually grown during the winter and spring seasons on Japanese farms. Hokkaido farmers, however, cultivate the onion during the cool summer and harvest in the autumn. There are two main producing areas in Hokkaido: one is Ishikari Plain and the other is the Kitami district. Kitami especially has developed recently in a remarkable way so that Hokkaido as a whole has the highest onion yield in Japan.
    In the Kitami district the temperature and the length of day which have an important bearing on onion bulb formation are highly favorable. The alluvial floodplain in Kitami Basin furnishes a fertile soil of sandy loam ideal for onion cultivation. An important social factor which has contributed to the increased production of onions in the Kitami district is that Kitami City has an abundant labor supply (especially women) cheaper than in the rival Ishikari Plain. In spite of these fundamental conditions, the development of onion cultivation in Kitami was delayed by insect damage and a poor marketing route. Yearly damage from the onion maggot hindered production after World War II until the life ecology of the worm was discovered and methods of extermination were determined in the 1960's. The Kitami district is a long way from the urban consumer market. Moreover, there was for a long time no marketing organization. When in 1965 the agricultural cooperatives began to manage onion sales, the Kitami farmers finally found an eager market for their crop.
    Two reasons have stimulated onion cultivation. First a change in eating habits in the 1960's caused a demand for onions and raised the price. Second when in 1970 rice production was restricted by the government, the Kitami farmers chose to plant onions as a substitute crop.
    As the onions stored until the supply is scarce are generally sold at a higher price than the freshly harvested crop, the agricultural cooperatives in the Kitami district have constructed many large onion storehouses since 1972. Kitami farmers who got good profits from onion production increased their onion fields in the following years.
    It is the usual practice in Japan that onions are transplanted to the field after seedling culture. Though the farmers in Hokkaido use machines to transplant the onions, much hand labor is required. As machine and labor costs are higher in Hokkaido than in other parts of Japan the producers try to increase gross income by increased acreage. The average onion fleld in Hokkaido is 2.7ha in area, while in the rest of Japan the average area is only 0.5ha. The farmer engaged in small scale production outside of Hokkaido makes a small investment and utilizes family labor and thus he makes his profits. In Hokkaido, including Kitami, the higher price of autumn harvested onions overcomes the higher costs of machinery and labor.
    In conclusion it seems that the new expansion of the Kitami onion fields is an example of intensive agriculture in a remote region caused increased demand.