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38件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 佐藤 かおる, 河野 一郎, 笠原 成元
    1992年 43B 巻
    発行日: 1992/10/31
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 佐藤 かおる, 河野 一郎, 田中 敏博, 笠原 成元
    1991年 42B 巻
    発行日: 1991/09/10
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • ―パッシングゲームに着目して―
    長門 智史, 内山 治樹
    2005年 4 巻 1 号 17-45
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/04/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this research is to show a concrete building procedure of freelance offense in basket ball games, by summarizing a theory for offense-maneuver, a step-by-step teaching method, and a practice drill, taking an example of “Passing Game” which is a form of free-lance offense, performed by a women team of T-University in 2004.
    The aim of the “Passing Game” which the women team of T-University performed was, to make a “flow” by a continuous movement of the players and the ball based on a quick passing maneuver, and to make an “offensive maneuver toward the basket” by driving straightly to the goal using such maneuvers as “driving” and “cutting”.
    The “Passing Game” consisted of 6 principles, in order to achieve the two big aims. In the concrete method of teaching, the following 5 items of maneuvering technique have to be strengthened: “Passing”, “Receiving”, “Cutting” “Driving” and “Drifting”.
    A practice drill can be done step-by-step to strengthen each item of the skill, but the final check of the achievement must be done in the scrimmage. As the changes in the offensive maneuver, which were brought about by the “Passing Game” performed by the team of T-University in 2004, the following can be stated compared to and analyzed by the data of games in 2003: (1) More scores were acquired, (2) Shooting maneuver was performed more evenly by players in participation, (3) More shooting maneuvers were performed near the basket.
    The tendency of the 3 achievements was confirmed, which indicates the powerfulness of the offensive method.
  • 田方 慎哉, 青柳 領, 小牟 礼育夫, 金田 詳徳, 長嶺 健, 大山 泰史
    2023年 15 巻 331-344
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/11/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    監督やコーチは,多くの主観的な情報を総合したイメージを用い,選手起用を行っている.そこで本研究では,選手の主観的特徴からイメージ因子を抽出し,他の因子との組み合わせから選手の類型化を行った.さらに,スタッツなどの客観的なデータによる類型化との比較も行った.評価者は,JBA 公認コーチライセンスを保持する指導者67 名で,認知度が高いB.LEAGUE(B1) でプレイする12 名の選手を対象とした.評価者には,対象選手について35 項目からなる主観的な特徴に関するアンケート調査に5 件方式で回答してもらった.結果,エキスパートのイメージによる類型化によって,4 因子が抽出され,オフェンスを中心とした因子について類型化を行なったところ,5 つの群に分類された.さらに,主観的なイメージによる選手の類型化では「ポジション」「ディフェンシブかオフェンシブか」「身体能力」の3 つの要因が影響していることが示された.最後に,客観的なデータによる分類では,主観的な分類と比較して「ポジション」や「身体能力」などに類似と相違が見られた.つまり,エキスパートは,オフェンスによるイメージをより詳細に持っていると考えられた.
  • 内山 治樹
    2007年 52 巻 2 号 133-147
    発行日: 2007/03/10
    公開日: 2007/06/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is important to extract the deep-layer arrangement to study on sports tactics, which makes the tactics as they really are, rather than analyzing the phenomenal forms at their surface. The purpose of this study was to propose the “original doctrine-based approach” as a logical method suitable for studying the arrangement of sports tactics and to examine the objective reasonableness of it. As a result of considering and examining the three viewpoints, namely the conceptual regulations of sports tactics, meta theory of sports tactics studies, and the original doctrine-based approach, sequentially and in turn, it was verified that, unlike the methods adopted in sports tactics study implemented thus far, the approach proposed by this study is an effective method for analyzing the deep-layer arrangement of sports tactics and universal principles that support the arrangement and put it in good order, if some condition control, having some objective reasonableness, can be set. It can be concluded that the method clarified by this study provides a new paradigm not only for the observation and analysis of complicated and diversified one-time-like, passing sports tactics actions, which appear at the superficial layer, but also for the creation and construction of sport tactics actions not yet materialized, and it is considered to greatly support actual sports coaching scenes.
  • -ビジネスシューズおよびウォーキングシューズを例に-
    武末 慎, Ping Yeap LOH, 古達 浩史, 村木 里志
    2021年 57 巻 2 号 70-77
    発行日: 2021/04/15
    公開日: 2021/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 武末 慎, LOH Ping Yeap, 村木 里志, 濱中 伸介, 山田 敦志, 池上 功一, 和田 健希, 古達 浩史
    2018年 54 巻 3 号 108-114
    発行日: 2018/06/15
    公開日: 2019/07/12
    ジャーナル フリー

    本研究は,靴着用時における歩行中の足甲接触圧分布の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした.被験者は若年者男性10名であった.足部皮膚上の母趾球上面,第一趾脛側最突出点,腓側中足点,小趾球上面,第二楔状骨点および踵点に薄型圧力センサを貼り付けた状態で足部寸法計測により選定したサイズの測定靴を着用させた.約10 mの木板歩行路上を自由歩行の速度で歩行を行い,歩行動作中の足甲接触圧を測定した.母趾球上面および踵点における足甲接触圧の経時変化は踵接地時および足部蹴り出し時において静止立位時の接触圧と比較して有意に高値を示していた.また,第一趾脛側最突出点,腓側中足点および小趾球上面では遊脚期中の接触圧が静止立位時に比べ有意に低かった.荷重の受け継ぎや身体の前進に特に重要な役割を果たしている歩行相では接触圧が増加する部位が多く見られ,足部が地面から離れている遊脚期では靴設計時の隙間により接触圧が低くなる部位があった.以上のように,足と靴の歩行中の足甲接触圧の特徴を明らかにすることができた.

  • ―運動形態の発達とラテラリティ現象との関連に注目して―
    内山 治樹, 大神 訓章, 小野 秀二
    1996年 9 巻 1 号 25-37
    発行日: 1996/03/31
    公開日: 2021/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the skilled process related to the qualitative change by the movement form of dribble shoot by non-dominant hand in 23 female subjects who were from the third grade to the sixth grade in an elementary school. We also aimed to obtain some suggestion of adaptable instruction of the shooting skill.

        The main results may be summarized as follows:

       1) A certain close relationship was found between the number of experienced month and the score of form. In addition, it was found that the starting time of instruction of dribble shoot by non-dominant hand is effective to start the same time of instruction of dominant hand.

       2) The difference between the skilled process of dribble shoot by dominant and non-dominant hand was appeared by the keep phase. According the develpomental tendency of qualitative change in dribble shoot movement by non-dominant hand was depended on the keep phase.

       3) The skilled process of dribble shoot by non-dominant hand was found to develop step by step through the 6 stages from the state of beginners to that of the skilled performers and to appear the one-handed shoot if the performer was enabled to step the stride pattern from non-dominant foot to dominant foot in the keep phase.

       4) When instructing the dribble shoot by non-dominant hand, it should be instructed through the following processes: to step the stride pattern from non-dominant foot to dominant foot, then to lift the opposite foot of takeoff foot and carry the ball up with one hand, finally to release the ball softly and jump still higher.

  • Basketball Canada と吉井理論の分析を通して
    内山 治樹
    1998年 11 巻 1 号 1-13
    発行日: 1998/03/31
    公開日: 2021/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
        Successful offense in basketball depends on each player's leaming and execution of a set of skills fundamental to offensive plays. Regardless of the type of team offense used, we can expect little success if the players do not have the individual tactics needed to perform one-on-one offense within an offensive system. However, in the present situation we find players given techniques and tactics too difficult, too complex, or too numerous for their talents and abilities. In additon, so far as the author has been able to uncover, very little literature exists in which clear definitions of the terms “technique" and “tactics" are given, and how much relationship and interdependence they have has not yet been made clear. The purpose of this study is to provide a trail plan on the classification of “fundamentals" and “individual tactics" in offensive basketball from the viewpoints of the careful selection and structurization by analyzing Basketball Canada and Shiro Yoshii's theories.

        The main results may be summarized as follows :

     (1) Offensive fundamentals can be roughly classified into “body control" , “ball handling" and “shooting".

      1) Body control consists of “body balance" and “footwork".

      2) Ball handling consists of “ball handling",“reception" “passing" and “dribbling".

      3) Shooting is organized from the following four steps of shots : “one handed set shot",“jumping set shot",“jump shot" and “lay-up shot".

     (2) Individual tactics can be divided into two parts: player with the ball and player without the ball.

      1) Individual tactics of player with the ball is triadically classified into the exeution of fundamentals, “one player maneuvers" and “faking" depending upon whether or not they are under direct pressure from a defender.

      2) Individual tactics of player without the ball is classified into “getting open" and “faking" depending upon whether or not they are under direct pressure from a defender.

        From the results described above, we may conclude that we have been able to give a guideline for the investigation of the careful selection and structurization of offensive techniques and tactics in basketball.

  • 禿 隆一, 西脇 雅人
    2014年 11 巻 31-38
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2020/03/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    本研究は,歩数計を用いた大学体育バスケットボールの授業が受講者の歩数を増大させるか,さらに,歩数が増大するとすれば,得点や勝敗(勝ち点)に影響を及ぼし得るか,検討した.被験者は,一般教養科目としてのバスケットボールの体育実技を履修した大学1年生37名であり,合計4回の授業で歩数計を用いて歩数の値を計測した.歩数計を装着した1回目および2回目では,歩数計のディスプレイをあらかじめビニールテープで覆い,歩数の値を隠したSealed条件で授業を行った(S条件).これに対し,3回目および4回目の授業では,ディスプレイをビニールテープで覆うことはせずに,歩数を表示するOpen条件で授業を行った(O条件).また,授業中に実施した試合(ゲーム)の得点や勝ち点を記録し,各チームを歩数の値で歩数高値群と歩数低値群とに分けて解析を行った.その結果,S条件の歩数に比して, O条件の歩数は有意に増大した.さらに,O条件において,ゲームにおける得点や勝敗(勝ち点)を比較すると,歩数高値群の得点は,歩数低値群のそれよりも有意に高値を示した.しかしながら,勝ち点では歩数高値群の方が高値を示す傾向があったものの,両群の間で有意差は認められなかった.以上のことから,歩数計という補助的ディバイスを用いた大学体育バスケットボールの授業は,受講者が自身の歩数値をモニタリングすることによって確認可能となることから,授業内の運動量が増大することが示唆された.さらに,この授業内運動量の増大は,ゲームにおける得点を増大させ,チームの勝利する確率を高める傾向があるという点で有益なものである可能性が考えられた.こうした授業時の受講者の運動量の増大は,学生の挑戦達成や楽しさ実感の機会を増やす等,授業運営という観点からもより一層の教育効果を有する授業実施方法である可能性が高く,今後の継続的な実践とさらなる詳細な検討が期待されるところである.

  • -「スクリナー」の準備局面での動作に着目して-
    柏倉 秀徳, 内山 治樹, 池田 英治, 町田 洋介, 土肥 崇史
    2019年 33 巻 1 号 43-54
    発行日: 2019/10/20
    公開日: 2019/11/19
    ジャーナル フリー

        Focusing on the pick play screener which is often used in basketball tournaments and tactics, this study specifically aims at claritying the motion of the screenner in the preparation phase.
        To achieve the purpose, statistical analysis was conducted for teams that advanced to the semi-final of World Cup hosted by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) in 2006, 2010 and 2014. Statistical analysis was conducted for 8 games (4 games in the quarterfinals, 2 games in the semi-finals, 2 games in the final and 3rd-place match) in each tournament, therefore a total number of 24 games were analyzed.
        The following result: The ratio of pick plays used during games increased as each tournament was held. It also turns out that the simple preparation phase of the motion such as run or walk before screen the user instead of screening or faking is effective.

  • -国内トップレベルの大学チームを対象として-
    後藤 肇, 高野 聰, 柴田 尚都, 柳井 宗一郎, 天野 和彦
    1997年 10 巻 41-54
    発行日: 1997/10/01
    公開日: 2020/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー

     Gotoh, H.et al.(1995) considered that it was important in rugby football not merely for each team to establish a complete strategy and a polished tactics but for each player to perceive them sufficiently in a game. Therefore, players cognition in strategies and tactics was investigated by a factor analysis, and was examined, according to competitive levels, traditions and team structure. As a result, it was shown in the preceding study that cognition in strategies and tactics was indispensable and important.

     In this study, we compared the levels of cognition among 6 different top level university rugby football teams in Japan, focusing on their own practical team strategies. And we also made a comparative analysis for cognitive levels in actual mode of rugby style and team skills that were closelv connected with a team strategy.

     As a result, it was proved that there was a significant difference in cognitive levels of practical team strategies, actual mode of rugby style, and team skills among the teams. Consequently, it was considered that each player at the top level in Japanese universities had a specific feature in perceiving practical team strategies actual mode of rugby style and team skills, and performed on the basis of cognition in the three factors.

  • 大江 淳悟, 磨井 祥夫, 沖原 謙, 黒川 隆志
    2012年 26 巻 1 号 55-72
    発行日: 2012/11/20
    公開日: 2019/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー

        In this study, as well as Oe (2007) using the configured evaluation team tactics, patterns were analyzed to quantify aspects of an effective attack to break through in international soccer game, the following conclusions were obtained.
        1. Constitute a confirmatory factor analysis model for all aspects of the attacks against representatives of the two games against Slovakia and Japan Representative for Japan national team against UAE representative, population analysis revealed that simultaneous multi-factor loadings between the factors of the path and showed a high degree of fit of the model placed constraints imposed on the covariance, etc., has been verified that the factorial invariance is established. This showed that irrespective of the population to match the 10 factors extracted.
        2. Simultaneous multi-population analysis, using factor scores derived from the model were adopted, cluster analysis classified the attack scene. As a result, six pattern making stage, 11 stage trick patterns were classified into four phases break the pattern. The magnitude of the effect of the factor scores in attack patterns that characterize each phase (ES) and the success rate, could be an effective hierarchy break aspects of the attack pattern.
        3. By quantifying the attack scene, can be regarded fragmented attack patterns, it was clear to verify its effectiveness. Quantitative evaluation of the breakthrough stage attack patterns obtained in this study is superior in terms of objectivity, because when objective information and coaching tactics, thought to contribute to capacity building of soccer stadium be.

  • 大神 訓章, 笠原 成元, 浅井 慶一, 日高 哲朗, 内山 治樹
    1994年 7 巻 1 号 41-49
    発行日: 1994/03/31
    公開日: 2021/08/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大神 訓章, 日両 哲朗, 内山 治樹, 浅井 慶一
    2001年 14 巻 1 号 41-49
    発行日: 2001/03/31
    公開日: 2021/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 和久 貴洋, 小澤 聡, 柳川 真美, 香田 郡秀, 河野 一郎, 斎藤 実, 藤野 英明, 佐藤 成明
    1996年 28 巻 3 号 10-22
    発行日: 1996/03/31
    公開日: 2012/11/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of the present study was to examine the characteristics of “Kangeiko” in kendo with relation to changes in condition and aerobic capacity during Kangeiko, as special practice of kendo in winter, accomplished in a college kendo team. The Kangeiko was performed for 2 hours from 5: 00 to 7: 00 am., and was continued for 10 days in January in 1992 and 1994. Its main practices consisted of “Kirikaeshi” and “Kakarigeiko” for 30-40 minutes by the interval training form, and “Gokakugeiko” for about 30 minutes. We studied the condition of 39 college kendo players who participated in Kangeiko in 1992. They were instructed to record their physical, technical, mental, and total conditions with 5-point rating scale numbered from 1 to 5 (1; very bad,2; bad,3; commonly,4; good,5; very good). In 1994, we evaluated aerobic capacity (VO2 max) of 20 college kendo players before and after Kangeiko using multistage fitness test. They recorded their aerobic training program before Kangeiko, physical condition during and after Kangeiko with the same 5-point rating scale, and their life style for 2 days after Kangeiko. Although most of the physical, technical, mental, and total conditions did not improve during Kangeiko, some conditions such as muscle soreness, sleep, and endurance were significantly improved during Kangeiko for the players who have ever participated Kangeiko. Individual differences were observed in changes in aerobic capacity after Kangeiko, although the aerobic capacity was significantly decreased 3days after Kangeiko. In the players, whose aerobic capacity was decreased morethan 5% 3 days after Kangeiko, the aerobic capacity was remained at a significantly low level 3 months after Kangeiko. There was no significant difference in physical condition during and after Kangeiko between the players whose aerobic capacity was decreased and not. Most of the players did not carry out aerobic training before Kangeiko. There was a case of inadequate life style among the players whose aerobic capacity was remarkably decreased 3 days after Kangeiko. We concluded that changes in condition and aerobic capacity during Kangeiko would be influenced by condition before Kangeiko, experience, training load and program of Kangeiko, and life style after Kangeiko.
  • 笹島 恒輔, 和田 政雄, 飯塚 鉄雄, 成田 十次郎, 笠原 成元, 梅本 二郎, 伊東 春雄, 森岡 理右
    1974年 1 巻 1 号 37-44
    発行日: 1974/12/01
    公開日: 2018/01/09
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 稲垣 安二, 水谷 豊, 荒木 郁夫, 笠原 成元, 浮田 剛
    1994年 7 巻 1 号 31-39
    発行日: 1994/03/31
    公開日: 2021/08/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―Man-to-man defenseに対する攻撃を視点として―
    稲垣 安二, 荒木 郁夫, 笠原 成元, 水谷 豊, 畠山 栄一, 西尾 末広
    1993年 6 巻 1 号 1-9
    発行日: 1993/03/31
    公開日: 2021/08/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―世界における日本男子バスケットボールの現状と課題―
    孫本 真次, 倉石 平, 栗原 俊之, 笠原 成元
    2001年 14 巻 1 号 191-202
    発行日: 2001/03/31
    公開日: 2021/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー