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クエリ検索: "貝山道博"
22件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 国久 荘太郎, 倉澤 資成, 貝山 道博, 上田 廣
    1982年 13 巻 83-95
    発行日: 1983/12/31
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since the housing problem has been regarded as one of the most crucial urban problems, the public sector has diligently encouraged to allocate more resources for housing both by the subsidies for housing service demands and by the financial support to private housing investment. Such housing accumulation supported by the public sector would mean the improvement of housing shortage. However, it is plausible to suggest this accumulation would motivate more labor flow, more migration, from rural o urban areas, which has been made the housing problem worse. So far, this feature of housing policy has been investigated empirically by few authors. To investigate this problem, we have formulated a multiregional econometric model based several empirical facts findings.
    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate empirically the effects of alternative housing policies by simulation analyses. Four alternative cases have been simulated and these are based on different assumptions with regard to the public housing investment and to the financial support to private housing investment. In view of these results, we decided to focus specifically on regional Net Domestic Product, income per capita, per capita housing service measured by area of floor space and the spacial distribution of population. These results represent very strong evidence for the belief that there might be better housing policies than the actual one.
  • 貝山 道博
    季刊 理論経済学
    1977年 28 巻 3 号 207-219
    発行日: 1977/12/30
    公開日: 2008/02/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we formulate the optimal growth model of a dual economy. In our model, the production and consumption in traditional sector are more explicitly taken into consideration. For instance, the average product of labour in traditional sector diminishes with increment of labour input. The value of it is equal to the income per capita in traditional sector and the supply price of labour to modern sector.
    We obtain the following. On the optimal path, capital accumulation and the enlargement of consumption make progress simultaneously. And, in one case, income difference between two sectors occur after the lapse of sufficient time and the relation lasts long. The value of product of labour in traditional sector becomes larger than that in modern sector. In the other case, even after the lapse of sufficient time, the imputed price of investment is larger than the marginal social value of consumption of product of modern sector. Whether one of two cases occurs depends on the production technologies of two sectors, the depreciation rate of capital stock and the social discount rate. These are the characteristics which the Marglin-Dixit-Stern model fails to take into account.
  • 貝山 道博
    季刊 理論経済学
    1973年 24 巻 3 号 1-15
    発行日: 1973/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Lewis tried to elucidate the capital accumulation problem of a dual economy characterized by co-existence of a pre-capitalistic agricultural sector and a capitalistic industrial sector. However, the lack of his consideration on the change in the terms of trade between these sectors made it impossible to state in a satisfactory form the condition for "take-off" and sustained growth.
    Even after Lewis' work, due attention has not been paid to effects on "take-off" of the capital accumulation in the pre-capitalistic agricultural sector.
    This paper pays regard to the neglected factors and presents the Critical Minimum Effort Criterion for "take-off". The conclusions are as follows.
    (1) Whether the economy is dual or mature depends on the ratio of the capital in the agricultural sector to total labor population.
    (2) Suppose the economy is dual at a starting point. Further, suppose long-run equi-libria exist (the condition for existence of them is presented). Then, if the ratio of the capital in each sector to total labor population is over the critical level, the agricultural sector becomes capitalistic and the economy converges asymptotically to a long-run equilibrium in a mature economy. If not, the economy tends to a traditional agrarian economy in which the capitalistic industrial sector cannot exist.
    Conversely, unless long-run equilibria exist, there is no possibility of economic development and the economy tends to a traditional agrarian economy. Therefore, in this case, the reform of the structure by introducing high-productive technic into each sector or by reducing the growth rate of labor population is the first consideration for economic development
  • Alonso-Wheaton モデルの複数都市モデルへの拡張
    貝山 道博
    The Economic Studies Quarterly
    1988年 39 巻 2 号 174-185
    発行日: 1988/06/20
    公開日: 2007/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we analyze the following problem, using Alonso-Wheaton type two-city model; when the change of the unit transport cost in a city affects not only the utility level of its residents but also that of the residents in the other city through inter-city migration, how should its change be evaluated?
    We get the following results: Under an optimal inter-city income transfer, the benefits of the change of the unit transport cost in a city is measured correctly by the partial equilibrium measure. But, otherwise, its measure becomes over (under)-estimated if the marginal external effect of migration in the city is larger (smaller) than that in the other city.
  • 複数均衡存在下におけるプロジェクトの便益計測にむけて
    岸 昭雄, 河野 達仁, 森杉 壽芳
    2003年 20 巻 97-104
    発行日: 2003/09/30
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究は, 次善経済 (財の価格と限界費用が乖離して均衡している経済) 下において複数均衡が存在する場合における交通施設整備の便益計測方法を, 核-周辺モデル (Krugman, 1991) を用いて検討している. その結果, 交通施設整備によって均衡が変化しない場合, 従来型の便益評価手法で直接効果を計測可能である一方, 交通施設整備によって均衡が他の均衡に不連続に変化する場合, 従来型の便益評価手法は適用不可能であることを示している. また, 均衡が変化する場合における便益評価手法として, 実務的に有用な, 仮想, 交通需要関数の消費者余剰を計測する方法を提案している. そして, 一般に複数均衡が存在する下でのプロジェクトの便益評価の展望について考察している.
  • 柏谷 増男, 中村 良平, 山田 浩之
    1990年 8 巻 137-144
    発行日: 1990/11/20
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Demand side analysis has been the main approach of housing market studies so far. However, supply side is playing more important roles in these years. This paper presents an estimation model of housing stock change which is caused by newly constructed housing units. The model is composed of a new housing construction estimation model represented by a system of econometrics and a housing demolitionestimation model by an input-output model of housing vacancy. An empirical studyin Osaka prefecture assures that the model can estimate the housing stock changewith sufficient accuracy level for practical housing studies.
  • 河野 達仁, 柳田 眞由美, 樋野 誠一
    2005年 2005 巻 786 号 786_103-786_112
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/04/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    現実の経済には, 限界便益と限界費用の乖離, すなわち歪みが存在している. 本研究の目的は, 市場に歪みのある空間経済を対象にした, 生活関連公共施設整備便益の新しい計量手法の提案である. まず, 歪みとして混雑の外部性と環境質の外部性を明示化したモデルを構築し, 経済厚生変化を経済変量で表現する便益計測式を2本導出する. 次に, 便益計測式に含まれる環境質に対する支払い意思額を推計する方法として従来研究にはない方法の提案を行う. 更に, 事前評価のために, 間接効果の予測方法を示す. 最後に, 提案した環境質の支払い意思額の推計方法に関して実証分析を行い, その妥当性を検討する.
  • 河野 達仁, 宮原 史, 森杉 壽芳
    2007年 63 巻 4 号 524-535
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/12/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 秀島 栄三, 小林 潔司
    1998年 33 巻 19-24
    発行日: 1998/10/25
    公開日: 2018/04/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    In many situations, local jurisdictions are willing to form coalition or groups with others to share the cost of local public goods rather than solely to manage their own. In this article, the issue of stability of endogenously formed coalitions in games with positive spillover is investigated. It is shown that the standard concept of Nash equilibria fails to single out the unique equilibrium coalition and needs further refinement of the stability conditions. Coalition-proof Nash stability is proven to be more powerful in selecting stable coalitions by illustrating a numerical example.
  • 共同体的小農部門と資本主義的工業部門とにより構成される二重構造の成長分析
    堀内 久太郎
    1974年 10 巻 3-4 号 143-153
    発行日: 1974/12/25
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 貝山 道博
    The Economic Studies Quarterly
    1991年 42 巻 1 号 89-92
    発行日: 1991/03/20
    公開日: 2007/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐々木 公明
    1983年 14 巻 127-138
    発行日: 1984/12/31
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper discusses the methodology for evaluating urban transportation system changes by means of the general spatial equilibrium approach within the framework of the Alonso-type city. It especially focuses on investigating whether or not Wheaton's assertion [1977] that only the information on trip demand is relevant to evaluate a transportation system change generally applies. For that purpose, two alternative models are analysed, each having its own hypothesis on an individual's behavior. By doing this, this paper demonstrates that Wheaton's statement does not necessarily apply in the evaluation of transportation system change other than a change in “fare”, and, on the contrary, any change in a transportation system can be exactly evaluated by the total change in land rent.
  • 森杉 壽芳, 大野 栄治, 宮城 俊彦
    1991年 1991 巻 425 号 117-125
    発行日: 1991/01/20
    公開日: 2010/08/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper proposes a new definition of the residential relocation benefits derived from the transport project and constructs a model to measure the benefits within the context of the random residential location theory so as to be consistent with the location forecast. Define the households' utility function as the Gorman form, and the benefits by applying the concept of Equivalent Variation to the expected value of maximum utility. Applying the second approximation by the Taylor expansion around the condition without the project, as the result, it shows that the defined residential relocation benefits could be approximated to the consumers' surplus concerning with the changes of generalized transport cost and land rent.
  • 高橋 秀悦
    1991年 22 巻 1 号 167-183
    発行日: 1992/12/20
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Economic integration issue is one of the most important economic issues. In this paper, we consider simple macroeconomic models of two regions to analyse how market integration influences fiscal-monetary policy effects on regional variables, especially regional income. First, we focus on monetary integration. We show that an adoption of a single currency under a fixed exchange rate system strengthens the effect of fiscal expansion in a region on the region's income and weakens the effect on the other region's. We have the opposite results as the above under a flexible one. Second, we focus on regional labor market integration, and have the same results as the above if inflation expectations of workers fail ever to catch up with the actual rate of inflation.
  • 貝山 道博
    1984年 15 巻 1-14
    発行日: 1985/12/31
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper discusses the problem how the hierarchical supply system of local public services is evaluated from a viewpoint of efficiency. To focus on this point, it is assumed here that all individuals and all regions are homogeneous except for the difference in the number of the lower-ranking regions which each higher-ranking region has.
    As a result, we find the following; the above region specific factor makes impossible that the externality of migration in the region experiencing out-migration is canceled out by one in the region experiencing in-migration. It implies that under this system, the pareto-optimal population allocation cannot be attained through free migration, without some policy interventions of a central government.
    Finally, we define the pareto-optimal intergovernmental transfer policy by a central government and elucidate its properties.
  • 藤岡 明房
    1986年 17 巻 145-162
    発行日: 1987/11/30
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper investigates a benefit from a decrease in an accident rate which is one of benefits when driver uses an expressway. As the occurrence of accidents is a probablistic phenomenon, it is difficult to explain the benefit of risk-decreasing behavior by an usual consumer theory. Then an expected utility theory will be used to analyse a consumer behavior under uncertainty.
    It is a behavior as a risk-averter that a driver may choose an expressway which is a tollroad instead of a street which is not charged in order to reduce the accident rate. Therefore an insurance theory will be adopted to examine the behavior of a driver as a risk-averter. By the way, there are three kinds of insurance behavior accoding to I. EHRLICH AND G. BECKER; they are market insurance, self insurance, and self protection. In this paper, an idea of self protection will be used to explain the driver's risk-averting behavior because the driver will increase the frequency of using an expressway in order to reduce the probability of anaccidents.
    Consequently, the result of appling the self protection theory to explain the driver's behavior is plausible; for example, the increase of a probability of an accident on a street make the driver to use an expressway more frequently, or the rise of a toll of an expressway reduces the frequency of using it. From this result, it may be benefieial to apply an insurance theory to road problems.
  • 仲上 健一, 西田 一雄
    1984年 15 巻 83-101
    発行日: 1985/12/31
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The housing probrem has already converted from simple quantitative problems to qualitative problems which aim to create comfortable residential area.
    The environmental conditions between development area and its surrounding area become important factor for the planning process.
    The environment-oriented residential area development planning aimes at regional environment harmony under the development.
    Although we can find several confrontations among the interests groups connected with the development planning.
    The object of this paper is to examine the principle of the adjustment of the confrontation among the interests groups concerned with residential area development planning which is strictly subjected to environmental conditions.
    Especially, the confrontation between the economic efficiency and the environmental conservation has been studied with the Conflict-Management Model.
    A method of evaluating the harmonic degree between economy and environment is named “Conflict-Management Model of Development of Residential Area”.
    The frame of the model shows the states of conflicts among the interests groups who would like to maximize their own benefits. Namely, in this model, each interests groups enable to introduce his request by negotiating with a planner (developer).
    Therefore, “Operative Simulation Model” is built to get a more concrete answers. In this model, the optimum solution about the conflict of the interests groups will gain by the maximum value of the sum of cost-benefit ratios of theirs. In this paper, the profit of developer is examined as a representative value of cost-benefit ratio.
    To put it more concretely, that conflict are adjust in the process of purchasing development lot, confering with municipality, confering with inhabitants and so on.
    The change of the ratio of the profits (A: confering with municipality (γ=7%), B: confering with inhabitants (γ=7%), C: confering with inhabitants (γ=5.5%, 7%, 8%)) are simulated using the Model.
    It was found that the most important factores which determins ratio of the profits in the Model are the rate of interest and the selling price of housing lost. More, the maximum rate of the profits was recognized on the 3 to 5 iterations, and it was independent of the rate of interest.
    It is concluded from the results of simulation that the Conflict-Management Model is useful to examine the optimal process of development of the suburban residential area under environmental conditions.
  • 河野 達仁, 能登谷 浩路
    2006年 62 巻 1 号 32-42
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/01/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 横松 宗太
    2003年 20 巻 17-32
    発行日: 2003/09/30
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    自然災害リスクは負の効果をもつ地方公共財と考えることができる. 地域政府は防災施設の整備や保険システムの利用を通じて地域リスクを制御し, 家計はリスク選好に従って居住地域を選択する. 地域間では種種の外部性が発生する. 本稿では自然災害リスクの地域間配分の問題が, 基本的な地方公共財の地域間配分の問題としての性格を備えることを指摘するとともに, 自然災害リスクの問題に特有の構造について整理する. また自然災害リスク管理に関する地域政府と中央政府の役割について検討する. 本稿は多地域システムにおける自然災害リスク配分の研究の体系化を志向しながら, 本分野の今後の展開のための論点整理を与えることを目的とする.
  • 国久 荘太郎, 倉沢 資成, 貝山 道博, 上田 廣
    1981年 12 巻 177-204
    発行日: 1982/11/30
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Throughout the almost three decades since World War II, the Japanese economy has been characterized by the active pursuit of economic growth. The postwar economic spurt contributed to the increasing income per capita, while it caused several kinds of difficult urban problems such as land use, housing, transportation and environment.
    Since the housing problem has been regarded as one of the most crucial urban problems, the public sector has diligently encouraged to allocate more resources for housing both by the subsidies for housing service demands and by the financial support to private housing investment. Such housing accumulation supported by the public sector would mean the improvement of housing shortage. However, it is plausible to suggest this accumulation would motivate more labor flow, more migration, from rural to urban areas, which has been made the housing problem worse. So far, this feature of housing policy has been investigated empirically by few authors.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate this problem, both theoretically and empirically. After surveying the movement of housing market and the housing policy, we shall present any econometric model, which will be so cautiously built as to evaluate empirically the effects of alternative housing policies. Estimating the complete set of structural equations in our model, we examine the economic implications.