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371件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 小倉 圭
    2020年 36 巻 1-12
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    本研究の目的は, 内野手のゴロ処理において, 捕球時におけるステップ位置のばらつきと捕
    パフォーマンスとの関係を明らかにし, ステップ位置のばらつきがゴロ処理のパフォーマンスの客観的な評価指標になり得るか検討することであった. 大学野球選手および社会人野球選手24名を対象に, ゴロ処理の際の, 捕球位置を原点としたステップ位置のばらつきと捕
    パフォーマンスとの関係について分析した. その結果, 次のような結果が得られた. 1) 上位群は, ハーフバウンドの割合が有意に低く, 捕球成功率が有意に高かった. 2) 上位群は, 捕球位置の標準偏差が前後方向, 左右方向ともに有意に小さかった. また, ステップのばらつきと捕球位置の標準偏差(左右方向) との間に有意な正の相関がみられた. 3) 右足接地位置の標準偏差(前後方向) と
    動作時間との間に有意な正の相関がみられた. 4) 上位群は, ステップ角度が有意に大きかった. また, ステップのばらつきとステップ角度との間に有意な負の相関がみられた.  以上のことから, 捕球時におけるステップのばらつきは, 捕球パフォーマンスおよび
    パフォーマンスに影響を与え ることが考えられた. 本研究の結果は, 捕球時におけるステップ位置のばらつきが, 内野手の捕
    パフォーマンスを 評価するための客観的指標になり得ることを示唆する.
  • 鈴木 智晴, 前田 明
    2024年 16 巻 80-91
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/03/29
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    動作の特徴を明らかにしようとした.その選手の特徴として遠投の飛距離(肩の強さ)はプロとして突出していないものの,動作の速さが高い盗塁阻止率につながっていると評されている.この捕手と他プロ野球捕手3 名の二塁
    の測定には,光学式3 次元動作解析システムとフォースプレートを用いた.動作局面を3 つに細分化し,各局面に要した時間,
    速度およびキネマティクスを分析した.その結果,日本代表に選出された捕手は捕球からリリースまでの動作時間に要した時間が最も短かった.特に,捕球してから軸脚が接地するまでに要した時間が他3 名の捕手よりも短かった.さらに,捕球時の身体重心速度において日本代表捕手が最も高い値を示した.以上のことから,日本代表に選出された捕手は,捕球する前から重心移動速度を高めることにより,捕球してから軸脚が接地するまでの時間を短縮し,動作時間を短縮することで素早い二塁
  • *酒井 美喜雄, 新野 大輔, 井尻 敬
    2019年 18.04 巻 18-04-085
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2023/03/31
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    スポーツでは,肉眼による詳細な確認が困難な素早い動きが多く存在するため,その練習支援に高速 度カメラが活用されている.本研究では,野球の守備練習に着目し,高速度動カメラを用いた内野手の守備動作 解析手法を提案する.具体的には,野手の守備練習を撮影した高速度動画から,捕球から
    までの時間,動作 中のフットプリント,
    速度,を自動的に推定するシステムを提案する.提案法の精度確認のため,提案法に よる推定結果と手作業による測定結果との比較を行った.その結果,練習目的には十分な精度で推定を行えるこ とを確認した.また,提案法の有用性を評価するため,複数の実験参加者の守備動作の解析実験を行い,守備動 作時のフットプリントの傾向や個人差を可視化できることを確認した.
  • 宇賀神 允, 押山 徳
    2019年 23 巻 012
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2021/05/13
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 宇賀 大祐, 遠藤 康裕, 中澤 理恵, 坂本 雅昭
    2012年 2011 巻
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/08/10
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    【はじめに、目的】 野球選手では,over useや運動連鎖の破綻,投球フォームの影響等により,肩関節や肘関節に障害が多く見られる.それらの原因追求や障害予防を目的とした数多くの研究がなされてきた.しかし,それらの分析は投手に着目しているものが多く,すべてのポジションの選手に当てはまるとは言い難い.特に,捕手は非常にポジション特性が高いにも関わらず,捕手に着目した研究は少ない.そこで今回,捕手の
    動作において肩関節と体幹に着目した動作分析をすることで,その特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした.【方法】 投球障害を有さない野球経験者14名(年齢20.9±2.0歳,身長170.8±5.7cm,体重65.4±11.2kg,野球経験9.6±2.8年)を対象とした.さらに捕手経験2年以上の捕手経験群7名(捕手経験3.7±1.4年)と,捕手経験なしの捕手非経験群7名に群分けした.セットポジションからの通常投球動作(以下,set条件)と,しゃがみ込んだ姿勢からの捕手
    動作は,2台の高速度カメラ(SportsCamTM,FASTEC IMAGING社製)をサンプリング周期250Hz,シャッタースピード1250Hzで同期させ撮影した.反射マーカは両肩峰,両上前腸骨棘,右肘頭,両足先端に貼付した.撮影した動画を,画像解析処理ソフトImageJにてマーカの2次元座標を読み取り,Direct Linear Transformation 法を用いてマーカの3次元座標を算出した.各部位の3次元座標から「ボール初速度」「TOP時肩水平外転角度」「BR時肩水平内転角度」「体幹回旋角度」「推進運動率」を求めた.なお,TOPとは肘を最も後方に引いた肢位(肩最大水平外転時)と定義した.統計処理はSPSS statistics 17.0を用い,各条件での群間比較は対応のないt検定,各群内での条件間比較は対応のあるt検定を用い,有意水準は5%とした.【倫理的配慮、説明と同意】 対象者には研究の主旨を十分に説明した上で同意を得た.【結果】 「TOP時肩水平外転角度」は,捕手経験群では条件間での有意差はなかったが,捕手非経験群はset条件38.3±11.0°,catcher条件26.0±9.0°と有意差を認めた(p<0.05).また,肩水平外転角度は両条件とも群間での有意差はなかった.「体幹回旋角度」は,捕手非経験群でset条件55.3±9.0°,catcher条件44.9±10.3°と有意差を認めた(p<0.05).また,catcher条件での群間比較は,捕手経験群が63.6±16.4°であり有意に高値を示した(p<0.05).set条件においても有意差はないものの,捕手経験群が高値を示す傾向にあった.「ボール初速度」,「BR時肩水平内転角度」,「推進運動率」には群間,条件間いずれも有意差を認めなかった.【考察】 投球動作は,投球方向かつ,踏み出した足への重心移動や,股関節を中心とした骨盤回旋,体幹回旋,上肢の動きと運動連鎖が正確かつスムーズに行われることで,必要十分なエネルギーをボールに効率良く伝えることが出来る.また,投球動作における体幹の役割は,身体重心の移動や下肢筋力によって発生したエネルギーを,円滑に上肢に伝えることであり,体幹の機能不全により運動連鎖が破綻し,上肢への負担が大きくなる.今回の結果では,捕手経験群は,条件の違いによる変化は認められなかったのに対し,捕手非経験群はcatcher条件においてTOP時肩水平外転角度および体幹回旋角度が減少した.catcher条件では,set条件よりも素早い動作が求められるため,捕手非経験群は動作時間の短縮がTOP時肩水平外転角度および体幹回旋角度の減少に影響している可能性がある.それに対し,捕手経験群は,素早い動作が求められても角度に変化はなく,捕手非経験群よりも両条件で体幹回旋角度が高値を示した.本研究からは,この体幹回旋角度の変化が運動連鎖にどのような影響を及ぼすのかということまで言及することはできないが,捕手
    動作の特性といえるかもしれない.このことから,捕手経験年数により,障害が発生しやすい部位が異なるのではないかと考える.臨床において,今回着目した捕手に限らず,ポジションの聴取だけでなく,経験年数も考慮する必要性がある.今後は,捕手経験年数や練習量と障害の関係性について追求していく必要がある.【理学療法学研究としての意義】 これまで投球障害に関する研究としては投手が中心に行われてきた.しかし,投手以外の選手には,
  • *梶田 和宏, 川村 卓, 島田 一志, 八木 快
    2016年 67 巻
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2017/02/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー



  • 吉村 正
    1982年 9 巻 2 号 21-25
    発行日: 1982/11/20
    公開日: 2017/07/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大田 穂, 木塚 朝博
    2014年 22 巻 177-187
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2017/02/15
    ジャーナル フリー


    と状況判断のデュアルタスクと捉えられ, その状況判断は視覚情報獲得の方略の影響を受けると推察される. 本研究は, ソフトボール上級群と中級群を対象に, デュアルタスク時の守備技能と, 視覚情報獲得の方略である状況判断時の頭部回転を比較した. その結果, 守備技能では, 各シングルタスクにおいて両群の有意な差は認められなかったが, デュアルタスクにおいて上級群が中級群よりも有意に優れた. また, 状況判断時の頭部回転において, 通常条件では上級群が中級群よりも有意に小さいが, 視野制限条件では両群に差はみられなかった. 本研究の結果, 頭部回転の大きさの違いが, 守備技能における差の要因の1つであることが示された.

  • *山田 紀史, 前川 直也
    2019年 70 巻
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/12/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー





  • 梶田 和宏, 川村 卓, 島田 一志, 金堀 哲也, 八木 快
    2019年 32 巻 2 号 171-187
    発行日: 2019/03/20
    公開日: 2019/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー

        This study clarifies the features of throwing motion to second base of professional baseball catchers.Eleven catchers of two Nippon Professional Baseball Organization teams were participants. Using the highest confidence data among analytical trials for throwing time, we defined it as ‘the time required from catching until ball arriving at second base with shortest time’. Following five characteristic features were revealed. 1) In time parameter, professional catchers have a difference in motion time (the time required from catching to release in amateur catchers), especially during the beginning phase having a relation with duration time (arrival time from the ball release to the second base), the throwing phase having a relation with the throwing time and release speed (speed average of ball speed of 3 frames after releasing the ball), and the grip changing phase having a relation with motion time. 2) Further, professional catchers have a tradeoff relationship between the motion time and the duration time as well as amateur catchers; and, particularly good professional catchers can shorten the duration time even while shortening motion time leading to shortening of the throwing time. 3) In stride parameter, professional catchers have a difference in the length of the pivot foot in amateur catchers, especially, the X component has a relation with the motion time while the Y component has a relation with the duration time, and the stride length is likewise; there was no relationship between all the items. 4) In release parameter, professional catchers maintain a higher projection height of the ball than amateur catchers and maintain the tendency of the projection angle to be lower, improving the throwing accuracy, especially the elevation angle is related to the duration time and the release speed, but the azimuth angle is likewise; there was no relationship between all the items. 5) In center of gravity of the body, professional catchers have a relation with the movement speed of the center of gravity of the body and the release speed as well as amateur catchers, but the moving distance of center of gravity of the body is likewise; there was no relationship between all the items.

  • 川端 浩一, 浦田 達也, 伊藤 章
    2013年 26 巻 2 号 197-202
    発行日: 2013/03/20
    公開日: 2019/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー

        This study investigates the catcherʼs throwing time to second base (time from the ball being caught to the completion time of the thrown ball reaching second base). The throwing motion of college baseball catchers (n=12) and the catching motion of a second baseman were videotaped at 210 Hz using different high-speed cameras. The throwing time was divided into the motion time (time from the ball being caught to being released) and the airborne time (time from the ball being released to the ball reaching second base). The motion time was further divided into the hold time (time from the ball being caught to the ball being held in the right hand), the stride time (time from the ball being first held in the right hand to the lead foot contact), and the release time (time from the lead foot contact to the ball release). To evaluate the throwing ability of the catchers, the throw distance was measured. There were no significant correlations between the throwing time and the motion time, but there were significant positive correlations between the throwing time and the airborne time. These results indicate the importance of increasing the initial velocity of the ball after release. There were no significant correlations between the throwing time and the hold time, or between the throwing time and the stride time. However, there were significant negative correlations between the throwing time and the release time, and the airborne time showed a significant negative correlation with the release time. These results suggest that catchers exhibiting the shorter the throwing times attempted to increase the initial velocity of the ball after release, although the release time became longer. Throw distance showed a significant negative correlation with the airborne time. These results clearly demonstrate the necessity of increasing throw distance to obtain a higher initial velocity of the ball at release.

  • 安部 静子
    1995年 44 巻 5 号 321-329
    発行日: 1995/05/15
    公開日: 2010/07/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岩瀬 弘和, 村田 厚生
    1997年 33 巻 Supplement 号 314-315
    発行日: 1997/05/16
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 向 晃佑
    2016年 15 巻 1 号 159-170
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2020/07/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菊政 俊平, 國部 雅大
    2019年 64 巻 2 号 613-624
    発行日: 2019/12/16
    公開日: 2019/12/20
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2019/10/24
    ジャーナル フリー
     The present study aimed to examine the temporal and spatial information used by baseball catchers when making decisions about fielding in pairs. The subjects were 7 collegiate baseball catchers. The experiment was carried out in the defense scenario of a sacrifice bunt with no outs and a runner at first base in the actual field. The participants made decisions about 1) the player (catcher or pitcher) who caught the ball, 2) where to throw the ball (first or second base) when catchers caught the ball, and 3) instructing a teammate (i.e., the pitcher) where to throw the ball (first or second base). The data were subjected to canonical discriminant analysis using a stepwise method according to the type of decision, using the player who caught the ball (catcher or pitcher) and the base at which to throw the ball to (first or second base) as a dependent variable. Ball velocity, ball direction, catching distance, catching time, running time, runner velocity, and runner displacement were used as explanatory variables. The results indicated that 4 explanatory variables – ball velocity, ball direction, catching time, and catching distance – were incorporated in the 3 discriminant functions, and that the discriminant predictive value was 84.1%. From the discriminant functions, it was shown that 1) decisions about the player who caught the ball were based on prediction of the position where the player caught the ball (i.e., catching distance) using information about ball velocity, 2) when catchers made decisions about the base they threw to, they used information about ball velocity and direction, and the time required to catch the ball (i.e., catching time), and 3) when catchers instructed a teammate where to throw the ball, the decisions were based on prediction of the time required to catch the ball (i.e., catching time) using information about ball velocity. These results suggest that catchers make decisions about fielding in pairs using information about ball velocity and direction, the time required to catch the ball themselves (catcher) or by their teammates (pitcher), and the catching position of both players.
  • *松崎 慎平, 川田 裕次郎, 野栗 立成, 山口 慎史, 広沢 正孝, 柴田 展人
    2018年 31 巻 KPBR03
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/08/14
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 大田 穂, 木塚 朝博
    2014年 59 巻 1 号 17-28
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/06/13
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2014/01/10
    ジャーナル フリー
      In sports, assessment of skill is important for both evaluation of training and selection of players. The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of a dual-task testing paradigm for assessing the defense skills of softball players. 20 softball players were assessed using 2 testing methods: the dual-task test, and assessment by a coach. In the dual-task test, 20 players were evaluated through 2 different tests. The first was evaluation of catching-throwing and judging situations as separate tasks (single-task test), and the second was evaluation of the 2 tasks at the same time (dual-task test). The catching-throwing and judgement ratings were calculated based on the scores obtained. In assessments by coaches, softball coaches and other sports coaches evaluated the defense skills of the 20 players. The relationship between the dual-task test results and the assessments by softball coaches was analyzed, and this demonstrated a significant correlation between the 2. However, the relationship between the dual-task test results and the assessments by other sports coaches was not significant. These results showed that use of the dual-task test made it possible to assess the defense skills of softball players as effectively as softball coaches. In addition, the relationship between the assessments made by softball coaches and assessments derived from a combination of other sports coaches and the dual-task test showed that defense skills could be assessed by other sports coaches as effectively as by softball coaches, through simultaneous use of the dual-task test. We conclude that the dual-task testing method can help coaches to assess the defense skills of softball players in their teams.
  • 中垣 貴裕, 岡出 美則
    2009年 29 巻 1 号 29-39
    発行日: 2009/11/30
    公開日: 2013/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to set up standard on defensive game performance in baseball type game for junior high school students. To achieve the purpose, following task was set: Based on student's performance success rate, expected performance level in tentative standard was assessed.
    The participants (n=32) were first grade students in a junior high school. Students game performance in a 15 hours unit were taken by video camera, and their game performance were analyzed based on following categories; catching, throwing, and decision-making on throwing, and assessed from the following perspectives;the number of success, the number of failure, and the success rate. In addition, based on French et al. (1991),expected achievable success rates criteria were examined.
    The results were as follows:
    1) In catching, 50% students have shown more than 70% success rate, little less than 80% of them, more than 60%. All students have achieved more than 50% of it.
    2) In throwing, little less than 80% students have shown 70% success rate, more than 90% of them, more than 90%. All students have shown more than 50% of it.
    3) In decision, 70% students have shown more than 80% success rate, more than 80% of them, 70%. More than 90% of them have shown more than 60% of it.
    To make more reliable performance criteria, number of participants should be added.
  • 金堀 哲也, 川村 卓, 岡本 嘉一, 小倉 圭
    2015年 29 巻 1 号 23-29
    発行日: 2015/10/20
    公開日: 2019/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー

        The purpose of this study was to clarify the basic movement patterns and factors for changing these patterns at the catching of grounders among the infielders of college players. Three college baseball players who had had more than ten yearsʼ experience as infielders received 100 fungoes thrown from the shortstop position to first base. All these attempts were recorded using a video camera. The three persons who had had a baseball career of more than ten years watched these images of playing and categorized these plays into 5 categories (“direction of the batted ball”, “catching bound”, “handling”, “the stepping manner”, and “throwing”). And they also assigned 12 labels for the 5 categorized plays with the agreement of all three of them for all plays. After categorization, we counted the number of each label in each category. Moreover, we performed statistical analysis using the chi square test with the cross tabulation for examining the relationship of two categories. When the result of the chi square test was statistically significant, we processed the residual analysis. The infielders of college players were assumed to have the following movement as the basic movement pattern. Namely, “direction of the batted ball” was the “front”, “catching bound” was “long bound”, “handling” was “both hands”, “the stepping manner” was “one-step”, and “throwing” was “overhand throw”. However, as a result of residual analyses, “handling” used “single hand” when “direction of the batted ball” was the “right side”, and “the stepping manner” used “plural steps” when “catching bound” was “half bound”. The above results show that the infielders of college baseball players changed their movements quickly in response to such change of situation. Therefore, it is necessary for the coaches to instruct them in the basic movement patterns and also corresponding plays for sudden situation changes in defense coaching.

  • 川端 浩一, 浦田 達也, 秋山 真信, 伊藤 章
    2012年 63 巻 09-22--09
    発行日: 2012/08/22
    公開日: 2017/04/06
    会議録・要旨集 フリー