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11件中 1-11の結果を表示しています
  • 埼玉県日高市内の戸建住宅地を事例として
    *関口 達也
    2016年 2016a 巻 304
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/11/09
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    本稿では、地域の高齢化の進展などにより,地域住民が買い物に関する問題を有しやすく、今後の事例の増加や問題の深刻化が懸念される大都市近郊の住宅団地を対象としたアンケート調査の分析を行う。具体的には、1)地域住民の食料品の買物環境・購買行動の実態の把握,2)食料品の買い物環境の評価に用いられる主観的指標の相互の関係性の検討,を通して,今後の買い物難民問題に対する調査等に資する知見を得る事を目的とする. 分析対象をこま武蔵台地域(埼玉県日高市武蔵台1~5丁目)とした.2015 年11 月に住民へアンケート調査を実施し,611件の回答を得た.調査では個人属性や食料品の買い物に関する質問(主に利用する店舗や移動手段・満足度など)のほか,住環境,医療・福祉サービスや居場所の利用状況などについても質問した. 対象地域で特に利用者が多いのは1)地区内の店舗、2)高
    周辺の2店舗と飯能市の市境界付近の店舗は自動車利用が主である.これらの店舗に対して,総合満足度を除く11種類の満足度(①距離,②到達安全性,③交通利便性,④店舗の信頼感,⑤接客,⑥通路の広さ,⑦トイレ利用,⑧商品のとり易さ,⑨品揃え,⑩品質,⑪価格)への不満の有無を集計したところ,1)の地区内の店舗では商品の質に関する不満(⑨~⑪)が多い一方で,2),3)の地区外の店舗では店舗への到達性(①~③)に関する不満が多かった. これらの満足度が店舗の総合満足度に与える影響をみるため,前述の11種類の満足度に対して因子分析を行った.その結果,(1)店舗質(商品・設備)に関する因子(④~⑪の因子負荷が大),(2)店舗へのアクセス性に関する因子(①~③の因子負荷が大)0と解釈できる2種類の因子を得た。さらに,前述の1)~3)の立地の異なる3種類の店舗(群)ごとに総合満足度を被説明変数,上記の2つの因子を説明変数とする重回帰分析を行った.結果としては、いずれの店舗も、店舗質に関する因子の方が総合満足度に対する重みが大きいが,アクセス性に関する因子は立地ごとに違いが見られた.これには、それぞれの店舗を利用する住民の属性や、店舗までの距離の差異が影響を与えていると考えられる。 これらは,今後の買い物環境の調査計画等において,店舗への評価を買い物環境の良否を問う指標として用いる際に一定の考慮が必要な点と考えられる.
  • 照明学会誌
    2002年 86 巻 12 号 875-876
    発行日: 2002/12/01
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 埴岡 靖男
    1983年 28 巻 3 号 213-215
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2009/12/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 雑草研究
    1983年 28 巻 Suppl 号 181-190
    発行日: 1983年
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松原 仁, 田柳 恵美子
    2015年 2 巻 1 号 16-19
    発行日: 2015/04/28
    公開日: 2018/07/12
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML
  • 谷島 賢, 大江 展之, 坂本 邦宏, 久保田 尚
    2012年 68 巻 5 号 I_943-I_949
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2013/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 埼玉県日高市こま武蔵台を対象として
    樋野 公宏, 石井 儀光, 関口 達也, 馬場 弘樹
    2018年 83 巻 750 号 1497-1504
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     Far suburban residential areas, located around 50 km from Central Tokyo, are facing problems such as a decreasing and aging population and an increase in the number of vacant houses. One solution to these problems is promotion of “kinkyo” (living near relatives). When a young household lives near their parents, they can receive childcare support from their parents and the parents, in turn, may be cared for by their children in the future. However, the current situation of kinkyo cannot be determined from existing statistics and its benefits have not been proven with evidence. We aimed to grasp the current situation of kinkyo and prove its benefits in Koma-Musashidai District in Hidaka City, Saitama, Japan. Approximately 5000 people from 2000 households live in the district.
     First, we conducted a questionnaire survey of residents with the cooperation of the residents' organization in November 2015, to which 611 householders or their spouses responded. Next, an interview survey with the only real estate agent in the district, which deals with approximately 80% of real estate transactions in the district, was conducted in January 2017 to ask about transactions between 2010 and 2016. Then, we conducted a word-of-mouth survey of residents to get information on positional relationships between parent-child kinkyo pairs on a housing map in September 2017.
     The results of the questionnaire survey showed the proportion of residents who lived near their parents or children was more than 10% and around one-third of young (<45 years old) households responded that their parents lived in the same district. Significantly high percentage of households who lived near their parents inhabited townhouses, which occupy around 20% of housing in the district and are smaller and less expensive than detached houses. The proportion of kinkyo in real estate transactions was around 20% and pregnancy or the birth of grandchildren was often a trigger of a child's household move into the district. Regarding positional relationships between parent-child pairs, they tended to live in the same neighborhood among seven neighborhoods in the district and parent-child pairs lived significantly nearer on average than randomly selected pairs from all houses in the district. Regarding the benefits of aged parents living near their child's household, the child or his/her spouse routinely went shopping on behalf of the parents; therefore, they tended to have significantly less inconvenience than other aged residents. Additionally, aged parents tended to have less anxiety regarding continuing to live in the district and their home as their final abode, as well as better self-rated health.
     The findings of this study on the current situation of kinkyo and its benefits provide evidence for the promotion of kinkyo. Residents' associations could serve as the voices of aged residents who live near their children and enjoy the benefits of kinkyo to other residents in the district and their children living outside of the area. Real estate agents should deliver information about newly vacant properties within a neighborhood to its residents first because parent-child pairs tend to live close to each other. The municipality should moderate the required conditions of subsidies for the promotion of kinkyo because households moving into the district previously did not meet its strict conditions.
  • 埼玉県日高市こま武蔵台を対象とした食料品の購買行動・意識調査の解析から
    関口 達也, 樋野 公宏, 石井 儀光
    2019年 84 巻 760 号 1423-1432
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     Recently, many suburban residents in Japan are facing problems when shopping for groceries. The two primary causes of these problems are store closure and an aging population. For example, when all stores in an area close, residents may be forced to travel further to other stores or remaining small stores might not be adequate for people’s grocery needs. Moreover, elderly residents of an area will not be able to use a car and their moving range become narrow and they will have difficulties with shopping groceries.In these areas, new stores seldom open, so creating shopping support services (e.g. a delivery or local chauffeur service operated by the residential association) is important to solve these problems. When a local government selects a suitable support service, it is indispensable to examine whether the service can alleviate people’s dissatisfaction with the difficulties in getting groceries.

     This study aims to examine the desirable direction of shopping support services in Koma-Musashidai District in Hidaka City, Saitama, Japan, based on an analysis of customer store choice and store dissatisfaction. In this study, “desirable services” refers to services which can improve people’s grocery shopping experience . The researchers conducted a questionnaire survey on customer shopping behavior of people in November 2015. Respondents (N=611) were either householders or their spouses. First, we analyzed the relationship between people’s store choice and customer-based evaluations of the stores. From this, we summarized the problems people experience with grocery shopping.

     Results showed that people’s store choice depended on their personal characteristics (e.g. age, family structure) and their mode of transport. Results also showed that people’s store evaluation could be classified into two factors: quality and accessibility. People who drove used higher quality stores located farther from the district. People who could neither use a car nor travel far easily tended to choose a smaller, nearer store (Store A) with lower perceived quality. Residents’ inconvenience when shopping was found to be related to low accessibility and poor store evaluations, especially regarding groceries sold.

     Based on these findings, we analyzed the need for the existing delivery service and local chauffeur service. Results suggested that if a customer of Store A used a delivery service more than once a week, their inconvenience was ameliorated. Even the chauffeur service, though limited, could get rid of people’s dissatisfaction with Store A’s accessibility. In addition, if the moving ranges were extended and people could reach higher quality stores, it would help resolve the dissatisfaction with accessibility. Even if expanding the service area was difficult, the result of this analysis suggested that delivery service, strengthened cooperation with the current residential organization, and relatives living near respondents could play important roles in resolving people’s dissatisfaction. As the number of children in the district living with or near a respondent is increasing, this could alleviate dissatisfaction because the child could take the respondent to a higher quality store that is farther away.

     Findings of this study are applicable to those on other similar suburban residential areas in Japan. To resolve the problems related to grocery shopping in these areas, it is important to pay attention not only to store distance but also to various other sources of dissatisfaction (e.g. quality of items, stock and availability, etc.). In addition, it is necessary to provide better shopping environments by not only opening new stores but also improving existing shopping support services.

  • 岡田 喜義
    1966年 50 巻 11 号 643-655
    発行日: 1966/11/25
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 谷島 賢, 大江 展之, 舩戸 諒子, 坂本 邦宏, 久保田 尚
    2011年 67 巻 5 号 67_I_987-67_I_999
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2012/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 照明学会雑誌
    1958年 42 巻 8 号 314-350
    発行日: 1958/08/25
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー