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11件中 1-11の結果を表示しています
  • 佐々木 将太, 木幡 伸二
    2018年 5 巻 1-10
    発行日: 2018/10/31
    公開日: 2018/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究の目的は,高校生スピードスケート選手を対象に,夏期合宿時のコンディション評価についてWeb サービスを用いたアンケート(Web アンケート)を実施し,得られた知見の評価・検討,そして,今後の合宿時コンディション管理に役立てることである。対象は,高校スピードスケート部に所属する,16名(男子9名,女子7名)とした。合宿期間は,2018年8月の6日間(5泊6日)であり,期間中にコンディション評価項目(排便,体調,疲労感,食欲,食事摂取状況,水分摂取,身体状況およびトレーニングへの取り組みに関する内容)を任意に設定したWeb アンケートを実施した。その結果,合宿開始から終了にかけて疲労感を強く感じる選手が増えたが,食事量や水分摂取量は維持できていたと推測された。本知見を得られた理由として,遠隔において管理栄養士がWeb アンケート結果を確認することで,食事や水分摂取に関する情報提供を適切に実施できたことが考えられる。本研究から,合宿期間中のWeb アンケートは,コンディション評価に有用であることが示唆された。
  • *三好 英次, 三宅 敏博
    2019年 2019 巻
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2022/03/08
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    背景:日々のトレーニング負荷を定量化し、身体への内的負荷をモニタリングすることは、選 手の身体的負荷を的確に把握し、コンディションの予測や傷害予防の面でも有益といえる。 実践報告の目的:筆者らはウエイトリフティング選手の身体負荷の指標として心拍変動(Heart rate variability:HRV)を、またクラウドシステムを通じて主観的な指標を継続してモニター してきた。本研究では選手が実践したトレーニング負荷を定量化し、両変数との関連性につい て報告する。 対象:大学生女子ウエイトリフティング選手2名。Sub.A:19歳 競技歴5年7ヶ月、ユニバーシアー ド9位)。Sub.B(20歳 競技歴2年7ヶ月、全日本選手権9位)。測定期間はSub.Aが10週間、Sub. Bは6週間。 測定手順及び分析方法:①トレーニング負荷量(TRIMP):選手が行ったトレーニングをまず種 目ごとに計算し(%1RM×Rep×Set×種目別係数)、セッション内で行われた全種目の総和を Training Impulse(TRIMP)として求めた(種目別係数はSnatchおよびClean & Jerkを基準値 (1.0)とし、全種目の係数をコーチが設定した)。②身体的負荷(HRV):練習前および練習終了 30分後に選手の心拍(R-R間隔)を安静仰臥位にて5分間計測(Ho-sand製Minicardio PRO)し、 lnRMSSD(迷走神経活動指標)の練習前後の変化量を求めた。③主観的負荷:アスリートの データ管理のためのツール「
    (アトレータ)」(提供者:株式会社エムティーアイCLIMB Factory スポーツITカンパニー)を使用し、選手自身が感じた「練習強度」を、毎日の練習後 に選手自身がスマートフォンから入力し、0~100の間で数値化された。TRIMPとlnRMSSDの変化 量、またTRIMPと「練習強度」との関連について、対象者個別にPearsonの積率相関係数を求めた。 結果:Sub.A においてTRIMPとlnRMSSDの変化量との間で(r=0.479 p<0.001)、またTRIMPと「練 習強度」との間で(r=0.668 p<0.001)それぞれ有意な相関関係が認められた。またSub.Bにつ いてはTRIMPとlnRMSSDの変化量との間で(r=0.398 p<0.05)、またTRIMPと「練習強度」との間 で(r=0.493 p<0.05)各々有意な相関関係が認められた。 考察:実践されたトレーニングは、スナッチやハイクリーンなどのリフティング種目での高強 度の低repのセットを中心としたが、低負荷での技術的な練習や、80%1RM前後の負荷で限界近 くまで追い込むセットも含まれる。ウエイトリフティング選手が実際に行っている複合的なト レーニング内容において、トレーニング負荷量と選手の内的負荷との関連性が認められた。し かし内的負荷がTRIMPから予測される値を外れることも散見され、現場レベルで選手の負荷を 判断する精度には至っておらず、修正の必要がある。また2名の被験者間で相関の強さに差異 が見られたが、これには経験の差、または技術レベルの違いが影響していることも考えられる。 【現場への提言】トレーニング負荷が及ぼす内的負荷には個人差が見られること。また内的負 荷が予測値を外れる場合には、コンディションや心理的な問題を伴うことがあり、注意が必要 である。
  • 高岡 洋五
    2003年 51 巻 1 号 24-26
    発行日: 2003/01/25
    公開日: 2011/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    in vitroにおいてトリクロサン (2, 4, 4'-trichloro-2'-hydroxy diphenyl ether) は, 供試真菌株すべてに発育阻止効果が観察された。またトリクロサンに尿素と微量の硫酸を併用した場合の発育阻止効果は, トリクロサン単剤に比べ明らかに優れていた。この結果, 静菌的トリクロサンが尿素との相乗効果により抗真菌作用の増強を示すことが明らかになった。
  • Mariana L. Benites, Ragami C. Alves, Sandro S. Ferreira, Lucio Follador, Sergio G. da Silva
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2016年 28 巻 2 号 407-411
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    [Purpose] The aim of the present study was to verify the rate of perceived exertion and feelings of pleasure/displeasure in elderly women, who did normally perform physical exercises, following eight weeks of strength training in a constant routine. [Subjects and Methods] Eleven sedentary women were subjected to anthropometric assessment. The maximum load (100%) for each used in this study was determined by performing a test to determined the 1RM for each of them according to the protocol of Fatouros et al. and the Feeling Scale and RPE scale were explained to the women. After these initial procedures, the subjects followed a routine for strength training, performing three sets of repetitions at 70% of the one-repetition maximum for each exercise (bench press, leg extension, pulldown, leg curl) without modifying the exercises and their execution order. The frequency of training was three days per week. ANOVA was used to analyze the behavior of the dependent variable, and the post hoc tests were used to identify significant differences. [Results] Strength increased only in the fifth week. The rate of perceived exertion showed a reduction only in the fifth week in the leg extension, pulldown, leg curl. [Conclusion] The percentage of 70% the one-repetition maximum recommended to increase the strength gains and hypertrophy of skeletal muscle does not provide feelings of displeasure when performing proposed exercise. However, it may be possible to modulate this percentage to obtain more pleasant feelings over two months.
  • Adalberto FALASCHINI, Giulia MARANGONI, Sandra RIZZI, Maria Federica TROMBETTA
    Journal of Equine Science
    2005年 16 巻 1 号 1-9
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    An interesting aspect of athlete horse management is connected with the effects of the profuse sweating required to maintain body temperature. The various aspects related to thermoregulation are discussed, with special reference to water and electrolyte losses. The effects of the sporadic or systematic administration of rehydrating supplements were examined in four trotters aged 3-4 years used in competitions. The horses performed three exercise tests simulating a 2,000 m race. At the time of the second and third test, the control diet (Test 1) also included a rehydrating supplement which subjects had been receiving for one day (Test 2) or 12 days (Test 3). Subjects were weighed (at rest, after the race and 24 hr later) and blood samples were collected (at rest, immediately after the race; 20 min after the race, and 24 hr thereafter). Changes in weight and in blood parameters (pH, packed cell volume (PCV), lactic acid, Na+, K+, Cl-, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), antioxidant power (AOP) indicate a favourable effect of rehydrating supplements on muscle condition, especially when administered systematically.
  • 原 誠
    1969年 1969 巻 14 号 20-35
    発行日: 1969/10/01
    公開日: 2010/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Risa Koike, Yuka Kawakami, Riho Kondo, Misaki Onishi, Misuzu Akiyama, Toshihiko Asai, Hidekazu Arai
    The Journal of Medical Investigation
    2023年 70 巻 1.2 号 34-40
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/05/11
    ジャーナル フリー

    In Japan, hyperuricemia is on the rise. The guideline for the management of hyperuricemia and gout recommends lifestyle changes before beginning drug therapy. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of dietary counseling following the guideline. Thirty-three subjects (24 men and 9 women) with asymptomatic hyperuricemia underwent dietary counseling for 6 months based on the following recommendations : (1) prevent excessive purine intake, (2) prevent excessive fructose intake, (3) limit alcohol drinking, and (4) drink sufficient water. Obese subjects were counseled on adequate energy intake. Blood sampling, anthropometric measurements, dietary surveys, and 24-h urine collection were performed at baseline and at 6 months. Serum uric acid (S-UA) levels were significantly lower at 6 months compared to baseline. Water intake and urine volume were considerably higher at 6 months than at baseline. When compared to baseline, urine UA (U-UA) levels were significantly lower, and renal fractional excretion of UA (FEUA) was significantly higher at 6 months. Changes in renal function (serum creatinine, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and FEUA) were significantly associated with ?S-UA level. In this study, S-UA level was significantly decreased by dietary counseling in line with the guideline. This study illustrates the effectiveness of dietary counseling for asymptomatic hyperuricemia. J. Med. Invest. 70 : 34-40, February, 2023

  • Mitsuyoshi KANO, Norie MASUOKA, Chiaki KAGA, Saho SUGIMOTO, Ryoko IIZUKA, Katsuyuki MANABE, Toshiro SONE, Kazutoshi OEDA, Chiaki NONAKA, Kouji MIYAZAKI, Fumiyasu ISHIKAWA
    Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health
    2013年 32 巻 1 号 33-39
    発行日: 2013/01/20
    公開日: 2013/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial was conducted to investigate the beneficial effect of probiotic and prebiotic fermented milk on the skin of healthy adult women. Forty healthy Japanese adult female volunteers with healthy skin randomly received either a bottle of probiotic and prebiotic fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) (active group) or a non-fermented placebo milk containing neither probiotics nor GOS (placebo group) daily for 4 weeks. Before and after intake, hydration levels and cathepsin L-like activity in the stratum corneum and phenol levels in the serum and urine were determined. After intake, the hydration level of the stratum corneum decreased significantly in only the placebo group and was significantly lower than in the active group (p=0.031). Cathepsin L-like activity, an indicator of keratinocyte differentiation, was significantly increased in the active group (p=0.027). Serum and urine phenol levels decreased significantly in the active group (p=0.014, p=0.002, respectively), and serum phenol levels were significantly lower in the active group compared with the placebo group (p=0.006). The consecutive intake of probiotic and prebiotic fermented milk can benefit skin condition without dryness and decrease the levels of phenol production by gut bacteria in healthy adult women.
  • Naoko MORI, Mitsuyoshi KANO, Norie MASUOKA, Tomoe KONNO, Yumiko SUZUKI, Kouji MIYAZAKI, Yukihide UEKI
    Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health
    2016年 35 巻 3 号 105-112
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/07/28
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2016/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Although persistent constipation is considered to be associated with skin problems, the supporting evidence is limited. Hence, this study investigated the effects of probiotic and prebiotic fermented milk on skin and intestinal conditions in an open-label trial. Among the 101 Japanese healthy young female students that participated, the 81 subjects in the intake group consumed a bottle of probiotic and prebiotic fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult and galactooligosaccharides daily for 4 weeks after a pre-intake period of 4 weeks, while the 20 subjects in the non-intake group did not consume the test beverage. Defecation patterns, skin conditions including hydration levels in the stratum corneum, and urinary phenol and p-cresol levels were evaluated before (baseline) and after intake. All subjects completed the study. No differences in dietary intake and body mass index were observed between both groups during the trial. In the intake group, hydration levels of the stratum corneum, defecation frequency, and feces quantity significantly increased, and urinary phenol and p-cresol levels significantly decreased after intake compared with the corresponding baseline values. However, they did not significantly change in the non-intake group. A significant difference was observed between the intake group and non-intake group in regard to clearness of the skin as assessed by visual analogue scale. Therefore, consecutive intake of probiotic and prebiotic fermented milk might have beneficial effects on the skin that prevent dryness and beneficial effects on the intestinal conditions that stimulate defecation and decrease phenol production by gut bacteria in healthy young women.
  • 奥村 基生, 尾中 エウザミ美和, 香田 郡秀, 平川 武仁, 有田 祐二
    2009年 14.15 巻 1 号 31-45
    発行日: 2009/09/30
    公開日: 2022/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    The dropout of beginners is presently a critical problem of kendo in Brazil. To resolve this issue, we researched present coaching methods in Brazil and considered areas of possible revision. Participants included a dropout group (n = 58) consisting of former practitioners who had dropped out from kendo activities, and a beginner group (n = 52) consisting of current beginning practitioners of kendo. We developed questionnaires to query participants'perception of both actual and ideal coaching behaviors, instructional tasks, and coach-participant relationships, as well as participants'goals for partaking in kendo activities. Results showed several significant tendencies of the dropout group as compared to the beginner group: 1) Concerning the coaching behaviors, the dropout group felt dissatisfaction due to a lack of feedback. 2) Concerning the instructional tasks, they were satisfied with neither the tasks to be learned nor the environment of learning. 3) Concerning the coach-participant relationships, they felt the instructor was not giving satisfactory assistance during the instruction of techniques. 4) Concerning the ideal methods, they desired a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere and situations in which they could think and practice freely. We feel these results may reflect that a large number of members of the dropout group have activity goals to demand lightheartedness and enjoyment, and that they likely experienced certain coaching methods that did not correspond to their needs. We believe introduction of individual practices and/or lessons and free practices could bolster present coaching methods.

  • The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
    2021年 58 巻 Supplement 号 S167-S596
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/08/24
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス