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クエリ検索: "The HIATUS"
2,170件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Kokori MITSUOKA, Ryou TANAKA, Yukiko NAGASHIMA, Katsuichiro HOSHI, Hirokazu MATSUMOTO, Yoshihisa YAMANE
    Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
    2002年 64 巻 12 号 1157-1159
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2002/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    A four-year-old male cat was presented with regurgitation. Thoracic radiography and contrast radiogram showed a large oval mass and elevated esophagus. Exploratory thoracotomy showed omental herniation into the posterior mediastium through the esophageal
    . Because the mass of the omental herniation was so large, celiotomy through a paracostal incision was combined in order to return the omentum to its normal position. The diameter of the esophageal
    was approximately 1 cm but no fibrous adhesion was observed around the
    . Continuous 1-0 surgical sutures on the
    reduced the diameter of the
    . The cat made a successful postoperative recovery without complications.
  • Yutaka Mitsuhashi, Koji Hayasaki, Taichiro Kawakami, Takashi Nagata, Yuta Kaneshiro, Ryoko Umaba, Toshiyuki Sugino, Tsuyoshi Inoue
    Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy
    2016年 10 巻 5 号 254-263
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/11/30
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2016/11/09
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    Objective: To report on unusual veins traversing the petromastoid part of the temporal bone (petrosal bone) and to discuss their embryological origins.

    Methods: Unusual veins traversing the petrosal bone were incidentally found on CTA, MRI, or conventional angiography in four cases. We have evaluated the course of these veins in detail and have reviewed the previous descriptions in the literatures about similar venous variations as well as the osseous and venous embryology around the petrosal bone.

    Results: In all cases, the vein was anteriorly connected to the dural venous sinus around the foramen ovale and entered the petrosal bone through the facial

    . With regard to the subsequent running course and its exit from the petrosal bone, the vein crossed the petrous internal carotid artery, exited the petrosal bone into the petroclival fissure, and entered the inferior petrosal sinus in two cases. In one case, the vein exited the petrosal bone through the stylomastoid foramen after running the entire length of the facial canal. In the remaining case, the vein ascended in the petrosal bone along its anterior aspect and emptied into the superior petrosal sinus. The running course of these veins may correspond to the course of the embryonic primary head sinus and its tributaries.

    Conclusion: Here we report on rare venous channels in the petrosal bone. We also believe that these veins may be remnants of the embryonic primary head sinus, based on their course in the petrosal bone and the embryological development of the veins in the region.

  • Yoshio Hoshihara, Akiyoshi Yamada, Shintaro Hoshino, Yoshimasa Hoshikawa, Noriyuki Kawami, Junko Aida, Kaiyo Takubo, Katsuhiko Iwakiri
    Journal of Nippon Medical School
    2021年 88 巻 1 号 32-38
    発行日: 2021/02/15
    公開日: 2021/03/11
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2020/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    Background: The reliability of methods for identifying the circumferential position of small lower esophageal lesions is unknown. We prospectively investigated a new method that presents lesion positions as times on a clock face. Methods: Eighty-seven patients were consecutively examined by endoscopy. After observing the esophagus, an endoscope was inserted into the stomach and fixed, and the greater curvature folds at the upper gastric corpus were set as horizontal on the endoscope monitor display. The scope was retrogressed into the lower esophagus. At this point, the right wall at the

    is at the 3 o'clock position (R-line). The scope was then retrogressed from the gastric angle to the cardia along the center of the lesser curvature in the retroflexed view to obtain the LC-line (the center of the lesser curvature at the cardia). The LC-line in the esophageal
    in the frontal view was then identified, and the angle between the R- and LC-lines (R-LC) was measured. Results: After excluding 7 patients with hernias >2 cm and 3 with esophageal stenosis, data from 77 patients were analyzed. The R-LC angle ranged from −38° to +35°. The mean R-LC angle was −0.3°± 15.9°, and its 95% confidence interval was [−4.0°, 3.3°] within [−15°, + 15°]. When indicating lesion locations as times on a clock face, there was an error of ±30 min (±15°); therefore, R- and LC-lines were shown to be identical on an equivalence test. Conclusions: This new method allows the circumferential position of small lower esophageal lesions to be reliably represented as a clock face.

  • 23症例の臨床, 外科的治療及び発生についての考察
    小柳 知彦, 辻 一郎
    1977年 68 巻 12 号 1218-1238
    発行日: 1977/12/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) Twenty-three cases of complete duplication of the urinary tract experienced at our institution from 1970 to 1976 were reviewed.
    2) They were subdivided depending on whether the major lesion of urinary obstruction was at the ureterovesical junction or in the kidney. Twenty-two cases belong to the former and were grouped into the following three groups: Group I of 9 cases with ectopic ureterocele, Group II of 9 cases with ureteral reflux (reflux to lower ureter in 7 and to upper ureter in 2) and Group III of 4 cases with ectopic ureter with marked hydroureter without ectopic ureterocele, ureteral reflux or stricture of the ureteric orifice. One special case was designated as Group IV because it was a case of intrarenal obstruction of upper pelvioureteric junction by vascular commpression.
    3) Retrospective observation was made from the operative and clinical findings regarding the type of vesical junction of the twin ureters. The twin ureters which shared the common
    of the vesical wall were arbitrarily designated as Type C (common). This type was comprised of in total 16 cases (each 7 from Groups I and II and each one from Group III and IV.). The twin ureters which independently had a completely separate
    were designated as Type S (separate). Here the orthotopic ureter was anchored to the lateral cornu of the trigone through the cranial vesical
    , while the twin mate ectopic ureter, being separated from the orthotopic ureter, took a completely independent extravesical course and was anchored at the bladder neck and urethra through the different
    . This type was found in 4 cases (each 2 from Groups I and II.). The twin ureters which simulate Type S, but differ from this in that the twin mate ectopic ureter, after separating from the orthotopic ureter, coursed in the tunnel between the two layers (outer detrusor longitudinal and inner deep trigonal) of bladder base before being finally anchored at the bladder neck through the separate
    , were designated as Type I (intermediate). Three cases of the Group III belonged to this type. To take a scrutinizing look at the type of hiatal condition in the duplex ureters appears to provide a better clue in understanding various pathophysiological conditions including the kidney, ureter and ureteral end. Because of not an infrequent instance of submucosal ureteral extension from the
    in ectopic ureters, hiatal position and size, rather than the position of the ureteral orifice per se as postulated by Mackie and Stephens (1975), appears to be correlated better with renal dysgenesis.
    4) Full utilization of batteries of diagnostic modalities from nephrotomography, voiding cystourethrography and endoscopy along with a shrewd suspect of the duplex system was of utmost importance in the diagnosis. These are also helpful in conceiving preoperatively about the type of the
    , the knowledge of which is valuable in the management of the ureteral end at the time of operation.
    5) Twenty-one of 23 cases required some forms of operative treatment to be relieved of various disabilities from the duplex anomalies. This implies that the complete duplex of the urinary tract is no longer the same clinical entity, hitherto conceived as common but clinically insignificant one. Regarding the operative management the significance of not leaving excess ureteral stump was discussed, and our method of excising the ectopic ureteral stump was also described in detail.
    6) In refecance to the embryogenesis of ectopic ureterocele, ureteral reflux and ectopic ureter o the duplex system, it was proposed to conceive them as developmental phenomenon involving the terminal end of the ureters where ureteral buds, dually layered precursors of bladder base and primitive vesicourethral canal interact to form the ureteral end in a true sence from the
    through submucosal ureter to the ureteral orifice. In understanding the abnormalities of the ureterovesical junction this e
  • 22症例の追加と前回報告23症例との比較
    後藤 敏明, 小柳 知彦, 松野 正
    1986年 77 巻 7 号 1121-1131
    発行日: 1986/07/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    1977年から1985年までに経験した完全重複腎盂尿管22例を1群 (尿管瘤) 11例, II群 (逆流) 8例, III群 (その他) 3例の3群に分け検討した. 全例女子で平均年齢は各8.3歳, 18.4歳, 2.8歳で臨床症状は尿路感染が多く次いで尿失禁, 排尿困難, 瘤脱などであった. 腎シンチ, 排尿時膀胱尿道造影, 内視鏡検査が特に大切でIVP上無機能な腎の真の機能評価, 瘤外翻の有無や尿管裂隙の型決定に有用で, これらの情報は治療方針決定に必須であった. 尿管裂隙の型は腎機能や腎形成異常の頻度とも密接に関連していた. 手術的治療は18例に施行, 特に尿管末端の可及的摘出が大切でその術式を紹介した. 尿管瘤の円蓋部切除には否定的意見も多いが, 経尿道的瘤遠位部小切開は診断・治療上幾つかの利点があり, 症例を選べば逆流は生じず時には更に操作を加える必要もなくなり試みてよい方法と考えた.
  • 深谷 幸作, 猪股 智夫, 浅利 昌男, 江口 保暢, 鹿野 胖
    日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
    1979年 41 巻 4 号 369-376
    発行日: 1979/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    牛胎仔および新生仔の食道, 気管, 血管に合成樹脂を注入して鋳型標本をつくり, 別にホルマリンで固めた標本と比較しながら, 食道の胸腔内における走行を, とくにその狭窄, 弯曲および膨大との関連について立体的にしらべた. 食道は胸腔内を経過する間に, 三ケ所に狭窄と弯曲が, またーケ所に膨大がみとめられた. 狭窄は胸腺と左肺前葉前端とに扶まれた部位, 大動脈に接する部位, および横隔膜食道裂孔直前の部位にみられた. 弯曲は胸郭前口から第2胸椎付近にかけ腹方への曲りと, 大動脈弓との接触部から始まる腹後方への曲り, および後縦隔膜を通過し, 食道裂孔に向かう間に生ずる緩い側弯である. 膨大は後縦隔膜に含まれる部分にーケ所認められた.
  • hiatus 分類に基づいた strategy
    松野 正, 後藤 敏明, 小柳 知彦
    1984年 75 巻 9 号 1444-1451
    発行日: 1984/09/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    昭和40年から57年の18年間に当教室で経験した異所性尿管瘤は20例22尿管であり, 男性2例2尿管, 女性18例20尿管であった. 全例が尿路感染症に起因する症状を訴え, その他には排尿障害5例, 瘤脱3例等がある. 初診時年齢は1歳未満4例, 1~3歳5例, 4~6歳3例で15歳以上は8例であった. 当疾患に対し我々は外科治療を原則としているが, その術式の選択決定のために次の項目の評価を前提としている. 即ち, (1)
    が common (type C) か separate (type S) か, (2) 瘤所属腎機能, (3) 姉妹尿管への逆流の有無, (4) 瘤の eversion の有無である. そのためには排泄性腎盂造影, 膀胱尿道鏡, 腎シンヂグラム及び排尿時膀胱尿道造影が有力な手段である. type Sの場合は, 我々の検討で全例に所属腎の形成不全を認めていることから heminephroureterectomy と瘤切除が施行されている. type Cの場合は, 排泄性腎盂造影で描出されなくとも腎シンチグラム上, 機能の認められる例が多く, 最近では腎を保存する傾向がはっきりとしてきており, 二尿管の膀胱新吻合術と瘤切除, あるいは経尿道的瘤切除のみが施行されている. 最後に我々が行っている術式の要点を述べた.
  • 第2編 慢性骨髄性白血病急性転化時の治療に関する研究
    北川 中行
    1983年 95 巻 9-10 号 913-927
    発行日: 1983/10/30
    公開日: 2009/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    To improve the effect of chemotherapy of chronic myelogenous leukemic (CML) in blastic phase, the following clinical analysis were conducted.
    1) The present study consisted of 53 adult patients with CML, who were registered to the 2nd Department of Medicine, Okayama University Hospital and diagnosed as blastic phase between from January 1970 to March 1980. There were 29 males and 24 females, and age ranged from 15 to 77 years (median: 41).
    2) These 53 patients were divided into 4 groups. i) Group I-A (5 cases) was diagnosed as blastic crisis (BC) with
    leukemicus (HL) and initially treated with multicombination chemotherapy such as NCD, DMP or NCDP regimens (N: Neocarzinostatin, C: Cytosine arabinoside, D: Daunorubicin, M; 6-Mercaptopurine, P: Prednisolone). ii) Group I-B (16 cases) was diagnosed as BC with HL and initially treated with VP or VPM regimens (V: Vincristine, P: Prednisolone, M: 6-Mercaptopurine). iii) Group II-A (11 cases) was early diagnosed as BC without HL according to our established criteria, and initially treated with multicombination chemotherapy such as NCMP, DCMP, NDMP, NCDP or NCDVP. and, iv) Group II-B (21 cases) was early diagnosed as BC without HL and initially treated with VP, MP, or VPM.
    3) Complete remission (CR) rate of each group was 20.0% in Group I-A, 56.2% in Group I-B, 27.3% in Group II-A and 47.6% in Group II-B.
    4) Median survival and its surviving ranges after BC of each group were 3.6 months (1.8-4.5), 6.7 (1.0-24.2), 6.0 (2.6-22.8) and 13.0 (4.1-43.5). Median survival of CR-responders was 3.6, 10.0, 8.7 and 17.0 months, respectively.
    5) The rate of one-year survivors of each group was 0%, 31.3% 9.1% and 52.4%.
    6) In conclusion, the most ideal approach to prolongation of the survival period of CML patients after entering BC is i) to diagnose BC as early and accurate as possible, and ii) to treat these patients initially with rather mild regimens such as VP or VPM, instead of aggressive regimens with multicombination drugs.
  • Takeya Ono, Cheryl Riegger-Krugh, Nancey A Bookstein, Michele Eisemann Shimizu, Shusaku Kanai, Akira Otsuka
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2005年 17 巻 1 号 1-4
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    There are no well-defined or documented boundaries for either the vastus medialis oblique or for the vastus medialis longus. The purpose of this study was to examine anatomically the boundaries of the vastus medialis longus and the vastus medialis oblique. In an embalmed adult cadaver, two vastus medialis muscles were examined by direct visual observation. Our observations indicate that the boundary of the vastus medialis oblique and the vastus medialis longus appears to be the line from the adductor
    to the medial rim of the patella. This finding indicates that the vastus medialis oblique and vastus medialis longus may have different functions in the vastus medialis.
  • John Dent
    Journal of Smooth Muscle Research
    2007年 43 巻 1 号 1-14
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/04/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    This article reviews and places into context the development of lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) manometry, the key technique for researching the mechanics of this region. The first of two major challenges, being able to record sphincter pressure accurately with generally available equipment, was solved by the advent of perfused manometry in the 1960s. The other main challenge was to achieve reliable, continuous recording of LOS pressure, despite the constant movements of the LOS relative to the manometric catheter. Though well documented, this challenge is still poorly understood and prioritised, as many clinical/diagnostic and research manometric studies use methods for LOS manometry that are invalidated by LOS movement. There are two techniques that can record continuously from the LOS, despite its movements: high resolution manometry (HRM), which uses multiple point pressure sensors spaced at 1 cm interval or less, and the sleeve, which is a single long sensor. HRM provides valuable additional information on the varied topography of pressure patterns across the gastro-oesophageal junction and how this can change in an individual, second to second. HRM especially, but also sleeve manometry continue to advance understanding of the mechanics of gastro-oesophageal reflux, to unravel the mysteries of the mechanics of
    hernia and the diaphragmatic
    , to define why antireflux surgery fails or causes dysphagia, to recognise patients with dysphagia due to isolated defects of LOS relaxation and to test novel therapies for reflux disease directed at LOS function. Ample evidence now exists that accurate monitoring of LOS and gastro-oesophageal junction pressures is important for the diagnostic assessment of many patients and for advancing research into several aspects of the mechanical function of the LOS and its surrounding structures. This evidence now needs to be better reflected in the methods used for routine clinical practice and research.
  • Qunfeng Li, Xinling Zhang
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2021年 33 巻 11 号 862-869
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/11/09
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    [Purpose] This study aimed to explore the application value of yoga intervention in early postpartum recovery of the levator ani muscle

    (LAH) area. [Participants and Methods] Females in natural labor from May 2020 to November 2020 in the Third People’s Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University Ultrasound Research Center were prospectively included for a pelvic ultrasound examination. The control group received no intervention. The experimental group received 60-min yoga once a week from week 1 to week 12 postpartum. A pelvic ultrasound examination was performed on the week 6 and week 12 postpartum. The LAH area was measured at rest, during contraction and Valsalva maneuver. [Results] A total of 128 participants who met the inclusion criteria were selected and randomly assigned to the control group (n=66) and the experimental group (n=62) in pre and post intervention design. No significant differences were found in age, parity, body mass index, and fetal weight between the control and experimental groups. Further, no significant difference was observed in the LAH area between the control and experimental groups at rest, during contraction and Valsalva maneuver on the week 6 postpartum. However, the LAH area in experimental group significantly reduced at rest, during contraction and Valsalva maneuver on the week 12 postpartum. The differences of LAH area (date week 6 minus date week 12) in the control group at rest, during contraction and Valsalva maneuver were 0.12 ± 3.12 cm2, 0.80 ± 2.29 cm2, and 0.80 ± 4.22 cm2, while in the control these were 1.95 ± 3.41 cm2, 1.39 ± 1.91 cm2, and 3.81 ± 5.49 cm2, respectively. Compared with control group, the differences of LAH area significantly increased in experimental group at rest and during Valsalva maneuver. [Conclusion] Yoga intervention can help in the recovery of LAH.

  • Harumichi SHINOHARA
    Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
    1999年 76 巻 2-3 号 89-93
    発行日: 1999/08/20
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    The position and size of the sacral
    were examined in sixteen human vertebral specimens. The cranial margin of the sacral
    was located caudal to the level of the fourth sacral vertebra in 75% of sacra examined; thus this level is considered to be the representative border for the formation of the vertebral arch. The developmental significance of the sacral
    was discussed.
  • Seiji Morita, Keiji Sakurai, Yasue Watanabe, Tomoya Nishino
    Internal Medicine
    2014年 53 巻 23 号 2755
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/12/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • *木村 雄貴, 平林 由希子, 木下 陽平
    2015年 28 巻
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/12/01
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    全球平均気温は2000年代に昇温傾向が止まり、いわゆる温暖化ハイエイタスの時期になっているといわれているが,陸上気温の高温極値は上昇し続けている.一方, 地球温暖化が進行すると世界の多くの地域で河川洪水の頻度が上昇することがいくつかの研究で指摘されており, 陸上の気温と洪水頻度には強い正の相関があることも指摘されているため, 温暖化ハイエイタスといわれる2000年以降についても世界の洪水の頻度が増加している可能性がある.そこで本研究では,流量観測データや全球河川氾濫モデルによる河川流量再解析データを用いて, 温暖化ハイエイタス期の洪水頻度について解析を行った. その結果,既往の研究で指摘されている通り,陸上の、年最大日平均気温に関しては上昇していることがわかった.また,GRDCの流量観測データと河川流量再解析データによる洪水頻度指標の双方において,20世紀から21世紀に洪水頻度指標が上昇しており, 2000年以降もその上昇傾向が続いていることが判明した.全球平均気温は2000年代に昇温傾向が止まり、いわゆる温暖化ハイエイタスの時期になっているといわれているが,陸上気温の高温極値は上昇し続けている.一方, 地球温暖化が進行すると世界の多くの地域で河川洪水の頻度が上昇することがいくつかの研究で指摘されており, 陸上の気温と洪水頻度には強い正の相関があることも指摘されているため, 温暖化ハイエイタスといわれる2000年以降についても世界の洪水の頻度が増加している可能性がある.そこで本研究では,流量観測データや全球河川氾濫モデルによる河川流量再解析データを用いて, 温暖化ハイエイタス期の洪水頻度について解析を行った. その結果,既往の研究で指摘されている通り,陸上の、年最大日平均気温に関しては上昇していることがわかった.また,GRDCの流量観測データと河川流量再解析データによる洪水頻度指標の双方において,20世紀から21世紀に洪水頻度指標が上昇しており, 2000年以降もその上昇傾向が続いていることが判明した.
  • 野田 大地, 佐藤 尚文, 尾形 敏郎, 五十嵐 清美, 井上 昭彦, 良永 康雄, 茜部 久美, 飯島 広和, 前原 康延
    2008年 58 巻 2 号 221-227
    発行日: 2008/05/01
    公開日: 2008/06/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     子宮広間膜異常裂孔ヘルニア2例を経験した.【症例1】 51歳女性. 14歳時, 虫垂切除. 上腹部痛, 嘔気出現し近医受診. 症状改善せず, 第3病日に当院紹介受診. 腹部膨満し腹部全体に圧痛を認めたが反跳痛や筋性防御なし. CT, USで拡張した小腸を認めたが腹水なし. イレウス管を挿入し 第4病日に造影した. 右骨盤内で小腸の完全閉塞を認め手術適応と判断した. 右の子宮広間膜に約1.5cmの裂孔があり, 回腸が約20cm陥入, 壊死していた. 小腸切除と裂孔閉鎖を行い, 術後15日目に退院. 【症例2】 53歳女性. 開腹歴なし. 朝から腹部違和感, 気分不快あり. 症状改善せず夕方当院受診. 腹部全体の膨隆を認めたが自発痛, 圧痛, 嘔気なし. CTで拡張した小腸と軽度の腹水を認めた. 保存的に経過をみたが嘔吐を繰り返したため第2病日にCT再検. 小腸拡張の悪化, 腹水増加を認めたため緊急手術を行った. 左の子宮広間膜に約2cmの裂孔を認めそこへ回腸が約5cm陥入していた. 用手的に整復し, 裂孔閉鎖した. 術後9日目に退院.
  • Wm. Mansfield ADAMS
    Journal of Physics of the Earth
    1978年 26 巻 Supplement 号 S459-S465
    発行日: 1978年
    公開日: 2009/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The tsunamicity of the Sanriku Coast has been shown to have an anomalous gap in energy, or tsunami magnitude. Furthermore, this gap in magnitude correlates directly with epicentral distance from shore-there also is a gap in the epicenter distribution versus offshore distance. The large tsunamis are generated on the east side of the trench. The gap is for intermediate tsunamis, of which there are none. These observed features can be explained by considering the spatial distribution of shear stress about a subduction zone. The stress attains maxima at two locations: one is on the upper interface between the mantle and the downgoing slab; the other is within the oceanic lithosphere, at the flexure. The observation rationalizes the observed anomalies of tsunamicity.
  • Tomoko Shiga, Yuriko Moriyoshi
    人間ドック (Ningen Dock)
    2013年 27 巻 5 号 818-823
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Objective: We previously investigated central obesity, metabolic syndrome, smoking, and reflux symptoms as risk factors for reflux esophagitis (RE) in healthy individuals. The aim of this study was to determine if dietary habits and upper gastrointestinal diseases are risk factors for RE.
    Methods: A total of 1,531 subjects who visited the Department of General Medicine, National Center for Global Health and Medicine from January 2003 through November 2008 for annual Ningen Dock health check-up were surveyed. We used multivariate logistic regression analysis to evaluate selected risk factors for RE.
    Results: RE was identified in many of the male subjects and was increased by fatty foods in the female subjects. Increased prevalence of RE was associated with presence of
    hernia. The presence of atrophic gastritis was associated with decreased prevalence of RE.
    Conclusion: Guidance on reducing fat intake in patients with RE would be especially effective in women. The prevalence of RE was related to presence of
    hernia and atrophic gastritis.
  • Futoshi NAKAJIMA, Gen MURAKAMI, Shigekazu OHYAMA, Takayuki HORIGUCHI, Yasunori SAKAKURA, Toshihiko YAJIMA, Koichi HIRATA
    Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
    2001年 77 巻 6 号 201-209
    発行日: 2001/03/21
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    we describe the configuration and size of the artificial fascial dome created in 57 cadavers. This dome protrudes into the thoracic cavity from the esophageal
    . This dome was a potential space realized by finger dissection (i.e., a specific but common surgical procedure during surgery of the upper part of the stomach). The vagus nerves penetrated the top of the dome and ran down along the esophagus. The height of the ventral wall of the dome ranged from 10-60 mm, while the dorsal wall was 10-40 mm longer than the ventral one since the dorsal wall attached to the lower, dorsal limb of the esophageal
    . Accordingly, the dorsal wall separated the “thoracic” aorta from the “abdominal” esophagus. We considered that the upper leaf of the phreno-esophageal membrane forms the fascial dome, although the lower leaf of the membrane was not identified in this study. According to the results, we proposed a schematic representation of the phreno-esophageal membrane.
  • 特に腎形成異常発生との関係
    後藤 敏明
    1983年 74 巻 9 号 1493-1508
    発行日: 1983/09/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    尿管膀胱接合部異常を伴つた諸疾患について所属腎の機能と形態について検討した. 特に尿管下端の異常と腎形成異常との関連については尿管発生との関連で検討し, いわゆる尿管芽分岐異常説で腎形成異常を説明出来るか否かなどについて検討した.
    単一性異所開口尿管では尿路内開口の4/14, 性路開口の13/13が無機能腎→全て形成異常腎. 前者は高度例多く後者は性差著明 (女≪男). 重複腎では全て尿路へ異所開口, 9/11が無機能腎→形成異常腎8.
    単純性尿管瘤では1/23のみ無機能腎→組織未検, 異所性尿管瘤では10/14が無機能腎→形成異常腎9. 軽度例が多い.
    非逆流性巨大尿管症では8/58が無機能腎→軽度形成異常腎2, 所属尿管は特異な所見あり.
    逆流性巨大尿管症では4/49が無機能腎→軽度形成異常腎3. 傍尿管口憩室では単一例2/23, 重複例上半腎2/5, 下半腎3/5が無機能腎→形成異常腎4, 腎欠損2. 下半腎が最も高度.
    単一例・重複例, 瘤の有無. 異所性の方向を問わず異所開口尿管の大半は尿管芽分岐異常説で説明可能だが, 尿逆圧や尿管形成異常による修飾も否定出来ぬ. 非逆流性巨大尿管症では尿管の分化停止を起こした因子が同時に腎をも侵した可能性あり, 尿管末端部閉塞では尿逆圧説を認めざるをえないと考えた.
  • 堀場 光二, 山下 精彦, 田中 宣威, 京野 昭二, 横井 公良, 樋口 勝美, 石川 紀行, 瀬谷 知子, 松本 智司, 瀧田 雅仁, 高橋 由至, 小泉 岐博, 李 栄浩, 勝田 美和子, 清水 哲也
    Progress of Digestive Endoscopy
    2001年 59 巻 2 号 48-51
    発行日: 2001/12/05
    公開日: 2014/05/22
    ジャーナル フリー