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  • Keita SASAYAMA
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    This paper describes the importance of providing information about railway of East Japan Railway (JR East). JR East has conducted the customer satisfaction survey continuously in order to know trends in passenger's evaluation of JR East. In order to be loved by passengers and local communities, JR East Group is aiming "to attain the highest customer satisfaction unequaled in the railway industry". It is necessary to improve services train crews provide like enriching "Information provided at irregular circumstances" to increase customer satisfaction. Recently, changes of the circumstances around JR East Group are remarkable, so JR East should cope with these changes flexibly and every
    should think for themselves and then do what they can do so that every passenger can use railway with ease. This paper describes the efforts of the Tsuchiura Transportation Depot at the Mito Branch Office which is in charge of the Tokyo metropolitan area on the Joban Line. Firstly, the effort to improve
    skill to communicate with foreign passengers that have been increasing rapidly in recent years so that they can use railway with ease is described. Often used English words and phrases in communicating with foreign passengers using railway are posted up. Next, some of advantages and problems of the Ueno-Tokyo Line opened at March 2015, usefulness of a tablet computer each
    carries and JR East App released at March 2014 are described. Lastly, the outline of the new seating service at the Joban Express and the meeting with the Maebashi district at the Takasaki Branch Office before the start of the new service are described.
  • Munehisa Fukusumi, Yoshiyuki Kanagawa, Satoko Ohfuji, Kenji Miyazaki, Tamano Matsui, Kaoru Mizoguchi, Yasutoshi Yuguchi, Wakaba Fukushima, Kazunori Oishi, Yoshio Hirota
    Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
    2020年 73 巻 4 号 268-271
    発行日: 2020/07/31
    公開日: 2020/07/22
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2020/02/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    Station staff may be at high risk for influenza due to high frequency contact with other people. We examined the risk of influenza by occupational group in a railway company. A retrospective observational study was conducted among employees at a branch office of a railway company in eastern Japan, located in a metropolitan area, for 2012/13, 2013/14, and 2014/15 influenza seasons. The study population included employees who had received influenza vaccination for the season in question and the previous season. Outcome was defined as self-reported influenza illness during the respective season, identified through the vaccine screening questionnaire in the following season. Study participants included employees whose outcome information could be obtained. Standardized morbidity ratios (SMRs) by occupational group (station staff, engineers,

    ) for each season were calculated. For 2012/13, 2013/14, and 2014/15 seasons, attack rates were 4.7% (19/403), 5.2% (21/407), and 7.8% (31/397), respectively. Among the participants, SMRs of station staff were lower in the 2012/13 (SMR = 57; 95% confidence intervals [CI] = 18–133) and 2014/15 (SMR = 75; 95%CI = 36–138) seasons and similar to other groups in the 2013/14 season. Enhanced countermeasures, regardless of occupational group, may be effective in preventing the spread of influenza infection.

  • Kazuo OHNO, Kenichiro HORIGUCHI, Taku AISAKA, Kazunori HASEBE, Yoichi KONO
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    The reasons of manufacturing the sustina-Hybrid vehicles are originated from the Kyoto Protocol. In the present situations where global warming is ongoing, there is rising consciousness for environmental protection on a global basis, and therefore there are increasing countries and regions which aim to save energy, reduce CO_2 emissions and achieve a low carbon society. According to such background, we built the vehicles of two series; i.e., an accumulator-type vehicle with a combination of main circuit batteries and pantographs, and a vehicle with a combination of main circuit batteries and engine and a generator. Further, each of the system configurations was realized due to the development of main circuit batteries (lithium-ion secondary batteries) and the development of control management. Also as a result of the progress of power electronics and control technology in the field of inverters, these sustina-Hybrid vehicles were completed. Described herein are the features of the sustina-Hybrid vehicles.
  • 岩澤 永照, 流王 智子, 羽田 明生, 竹内 恵一
    2020年 140 巻 7 号 867-873
    発行日: 2020/07/01
    公開日: 2020/07/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    With development of information and communication technology, condition monitoring system for train vehicles has been improved recently. By monitoring the vehicles and quickly informing the

    of vehicle’s condition data, it is expected to develop safety and stability of the train operation. However, some existing vehicles cannot install networks for transmitting the monitoring data, because it is difficult to lay new wired lines due to insufficient space. On the other hand, it is relativity easy to secure space for a wireless terminal. To choose this alternative, a wireless network to monitor the vehicles has to be constructed. In this paper, we propose a method of construction of an inter-vehicle network. Moreover we consider the sequences of data transmission for regular and urgent. Then, we implemented a prototype system using the proposed method and performed the test of the prototype for confirming functionality and evaluating the method.

  • Masashi MIWA, Masatoshi MIZUNO
    Quarterly Report of RTRI
    2014年 55 巻 1 号 51-59
    発行日: 2014/02/01
    公開日: 2014/03/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    Railway track irregularities need to be kept at a satisfactory level through appropriate maintenance work by using MTTs (Multiple Tie Tamper). We have developed an optimal track maintenance scheduling model taking train derailment accident risk into consideration. Firstly, we analyze derailment accident data in order to build a model for estimating the number of casualties when a train derailment accident occurs. Next, by applying the result, we develop an optimal track maintenance scheduling model in order to minimize the track irregularities and mitigate the train derailment accident risk. Finally, we apply our model to decision making for yearly tamping schedule, then try to show the optimal tamping schedule obtained by the model.
  • 地方鉄道でのフィールドワークから見えた社会と共生できるロボットの要素
    *對馬 隆介, 山岡 和彦, 山﨑 綾, 田丸 和寿, 山口 智治, 長田 純一
    2018年 65 巻 A7-03
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/06/21
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • Hirofumi Sakurazawa, Akio Iwasaki, Toshiaki Higashi, Takeo Nakayama, Yukinori Kusaka
    Journal of Occupational Health
    2003年 45 巻 2 号 104-110
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2003/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    -Objective-It is important to have data about occupational magnetic field intensity to consider the contribution of occupational magnetic field exposure on the human body. We conducted research on exposure to occupational magnetic fields and tried to qualify data on the distribution of magnetic field' intensity in certain general working environments with individual measurements. Subjects and Methods-We performed sample research on the exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields of workers in certain occupations and in the working environment. We also assessed the relationship between working environmental magnetic field distribution and individual exposure. Results-Some occupations were found to be exposed to high magnetic fields. We observed that some workspaces, such as the transformer substation, generally had a uniform and high magnetic field measurement but employees were exposed to a lower intensity. We also found that welders were exposed to high magnetic fields at about 600 μT in a very short time but with a geometrical value of 0.08 μT. Conclusion-The determination of administrative levels and control levels, not only of the time weighted average of threshold limits or short term exposure limits, but also ceiling limits should be considered. More systematic research is necessary to determine variables such as operating conditions, measuring position, and frequency bands. Also, further studies will be needed to make a job-exposure matrix for the magnetic fields for each occupation type and to combine it with exposure in non-occupational settings such as commuting and ordinary life situations to explore the causal relationship between exposure to magnetic fields and disease.
  • 高橋 理, 片岡 健司, 小島 央士, 浅見 雅之
    2008年 128 巻 11 号 1291-1297
    発行日: 2008/11/01
    公開日: 2008/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Once the break-down of the train schedule occurs, the crew schedule as well as the train schedule has to be modified as quickly as possible to restore them. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for automatically modifying a crew schedule that takes all constraints into consideration, presenting a model of the combined problem of crews and trains. The proposed algorithm builds an initial solution by relaxing some of the constraint conditions, and then uses a Taboo-search method to revise this solution in order to minimize the degree of constraint violation resulting from these relaxed conditions. Then we show not only that the algorithm can generate a constraint satisfaction solution, but also that the solution will satisfy the experts. That is, we show the proposed algorithm is capable of producing a usable solution in a short time by applying to actual cases of train-schedule break-down, and that the solution is at least as good as those produced manually, by comparing the both solutions with several point of view.
  • Keisuke SATO, Naoto FUKUMURA
    Quarterly Report of RTRI
    2010年 51 巻 2 号 72-76
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Railway operators adjust timetables and reschedule rolling stock operation plans and crew duties accordingly when operations are disrupted. This paper discusses the problem of rescheduling driver assignment to freight trains after timetable adjustment has been completed. We model the problem as an integer programming problem with set-covering constraints, and solve it using the column generation technique. Numerical experiments using real data have revealed that the method can provide a quality driver-rescheduling plan within an acceptable computing time.
  • 室井 裕喜, 西 竜志, 乾口 雅弘
    2010年 130 巻 2 号 275-283
    発行日: 2010/02/01
    公開日: 2010/02/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The railway crew scheduling problem is to determine the assignment of crews to each traveling task to minimize the number of crews satisfying set covering constraints. Column generation method is often applied to solve railway crew scheduling problems. In this paper, we propose dual inequalities for railway crew scheduling problems to reduce the number of iterations in the column generation method. Three types of dual inequalities are generated from railway timetable data and they are added to the restricted master problem. Computational results show the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with the conventional column generation method.
  • 鈴木 大輔, 鈴木 綾子, 嶋野 景子, 清田 一貴, 柿崎 豊
    2020年 59 巻 2 号 83-91
    発行日: 2020/04/15
    公開日: 2020/04/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    駅での停車に関わるエラーを経験した運転士と経験していない模範的な運転士の運転操縦を比較し,エラーを経験した運転士の停車直前の運転操縦の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした.鉄道事業者の運転士156 名を対象に,実際の列車に搭載された運転情報記録装置から収集された2 ヶ月分のデータ,34 687 回の駅停車について分析した.評価指標は駅停車毎の停車5 秒前速度,停車前5 秒間のブレーキノッチ移動回数,停車前5 秒間の追加ブレーキ量とした.運転士毎の各評価指標の平均値や標準偏差を比較した結果,エラーを経験した運転士の特徴として,運転士個人内でブレーキ操作や走行速度のばらつきが大きいこと,ブレーキ操作や走行速度の分布からの外れ値が多いこと,普段から追加ブレーキを使用することが多いことがわかった.

  • Hideto MURAKAMI, Fuminori TSUNODA, Masumi NAKAMURA
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    To further improve train transport quality by ICT, we have developed software system for quick recovery from transport disorders by utilizing tablet PCs (,tablets,) for train crews. The three main functions we currently implemented to the tablets were "timetable transfer", "computerization of (or digitized, electronic) rule books and manuals", and "tablet location identification". Here, we took the strategy to use general-purpose ICT device as much as we can, and focused on higher reliability, faster development, and cost reduction. In the field tests, all crew members (conductors and drivers) of a crew depot who participated in the tests carried a tablet during their daily operation, and had a questionnaire after the trial. As a result, they were able to smoothly use these functions without any serious problem. Especially, the rescheduled timetables real-time online transfer to the tablets in transport disorder shortened time to make necessary
    re-arrangements to faster resume recovery train operation. Incorporating the findings of the development and testing, from the 2013 fiscal year, all crew members in our company have carried the tablets during their operation. Into the future, we will further improve response to abnormal situations so as to quickly resume operations by utilizing the latest technologies such as tablets. And to accomplish that, we will speed up development for improving transport and service quality.
  • Tatsuhiro Sato, Tomoe Tomiyama, Toyohisa Morita, Tomohiro Murata
    2012年 132 巻 2 号 260-268
    発行日: 2012/02/01
    公開日: 2012/02/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    We propose a method for solving the crew rescheduling problem (CRP) and the vehicle rescheduling problem (VRP) based on the Lagrangian relaxation method. The CRP/VRP is formulated as an integer programming problem on the basis of a network flow modeling approach from which a Lagrangian relaxation problem is constructed by relaxing the constraint that links multiple resources. Using two procedures that generate the upper and lower bounds of the primal problem, both of which utilize an efficient shortest path algorithm for the directed acyclic graph (DAG), the proposed method gradually improves the gap between the upper and lower bounds while updating Lagrangian multipliers. Experimental results of real-world vehicle rescheduling data from Japanese railway lines indicated that the proposed method generated feasible solutions that were confirmed to be fairly close to the optimal solutions according to the gap between the upper and lower bounds, and also clarified the quality of the other method's solution by using the gap, which could lead to streamlining and sophisticating real-world rescheduling related activities.
  • 西 竜志, 室井 裕喜, 乾口 雅弘, 高橋 理, 片岡 健司
    2011年 131 巻 6 号 1199-1208
    発行日: 2011/06/01
    公開日: 2011/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we propose a column generation method for the railway crew scheduling problem with a variety of practical constraints such as lower and upper constraints of one continuous traveling, total working time, admissible number of crews, and meal time constraints. The proposed method consists of the two steps. The first step is to derive a lower bound by the column generation and the second step is to generate a feasible solution by a heuristic method. In the proposed method, a label setting algorithm is developed to solve the pricing problem efficiently to reduce computational time. A new dominance condition is developed to eliminate unnecessary states in the label setting algorithm. A heuristic algorithm is also proposed to reduce the generation of the infeasible solutions violating the constraint on the number of the allocated crews. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated by using a real railway data.
  • 石上 圭介, 平林 健一, 河田 直樹, 長本 昌樹, 佐藤 国仁, 三須 弥生, 長谷部 和則, 松岡 茂樹
    2013年 2013.22 巻 1210
    発行日: 2013/12/09
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    It is possible that a
    cannot recognize a derailment immediately, even if a running railcar derails. From a serious accident in the past, we learned that damage from secondary collisions can occur when the derailed train continues to run. Therefore, in order to help mitigate and reduce these kinds of accidents, we have developed a derailment disaster algorithm. Also, in combination with the Train Protection Radio, we have made a "Train Protection System to Prevent Secondary Accident" device widely available in order to prevent secondary accidents by stopping other nearby trains. The derailment detection algorithm continuously monitors car body acceleration and determines if a derailment occurs by observing wave pattern abnormality. The development of this algorithm has been validated via inspection by desk simulation and examining derailment conditions during normal train running. The derailment detection device which was in use is comprised of an acceleration sensor and a microcomputer. Furthermore, triggered by a derailment accident which occurred in 2005, the "Train Protection System to Prevent Secondary Accident" device has been put into practical use to detect derailments, collisions and rollovers. In recent years, it is being used as standard equipment on 90% of JR East trains running in the Tokyo area, and its usage is still increasing. By the "Train Protection System to Prevent Secondary Accident" device, a rail vehicle derailment at Sagamiko Station of the Chuo Line was detected by this algorithm in 2013. This device functioning together with the Train Protection Radio automatically detected the derailment of the said train during neighborhood running and safely stopped the train. This clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the concept of this technology.
  • Naoki HATAKEYAMA, Yasunori OKADA, Kazunori HAYAMA, Toshiaki KABURAGI, Yumeko MIYACHI
    Quarterly Report of RTRI
    2016年 57 巻 2 号 138-143
    発行日: 2016/05/01
    公開日: 2016/06/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is necessary for train dispatchers to share risk-related information with their team members or superiors in order to deal with abnormal train traffic control situations. A training method was therefore developed to give train dispatchers communication skills. The training included risk scenarios, points to remember in terms of communication skills and a training program. A list of 45 key communication points to remember was also developed, which was designed to promote understanding about communication skills through regular use. This training method can easily be introduced into actual train traffic control fields. Trial experiments were conducted with actual train dispatchers which confirmed the effectiveness of the method.
  • Keisuke SATO, Naoto FUKUMURA
    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
    2011年 E94.A 巻 6 号 1222-1229
    発行日: 2011/06/01
    公開日: 2011/06/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    Railway operators adjust timetables, and accordingly reschedule rolling stock circulation and crew duties, when the train operations are disrupted by accidents or adverse weather conditions. This paper discusses the problem of rescheduling driver assignment to freight trains after timetable adjustment has been completed. We construct a network from the disrupted situation, and model the problem as an integer programming problem with set-covering constraints combined with set-partitioning constraints. The integer program is solved by column generation in which we reduce the column generation subproblem to a shortest path problem and such paths by utilizing data parallelism. Numerical experiments using a real timetable, driver scheduling plan and major disruption data in the highest-frequency freight train operation area in Japan reveal that our method provides a quality driver rescheduling solution within 25 seconds.
  • Takeshi MIZUMA, Morimasa HAYASHIDA
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    Japanese railway had an extremely successful safety record in comparison with that of other countries. However, this excellence in safety is not necessarily favorable for railway export. Under the condition that conformity to several international standards, RAMS standard (IEC 62278) in particular, is required for development of railway export, design balance is important between safety and reliability. This paper describes the consideration of design balance between safety and reliability for future Japanese railway.
  • 前川 勇樹, 皆川 剛, 足立 進吾
    2024年 144 巻 2 号 103-109
    発行日: 2024/02/01
    公開日: 2024/02/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    Managing disruptions on railway networks with high-density train services can be challenging for rescheduling crew members. It is crucial to reschedule their duties flexibly to ensure reliable services. However, conventional approaches to crew rescheduling can make it difficult for resource dispatchers to find appropriate solutions as they provide fixed objectives and constraints. To address this, we have developed a user assistance system that enables dispatchers to compare feasible crew plans and select one that suits the current situation. The system employs two techniques, zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams and satisfying trade-off methods, to achieve this goal. Testing on a medium-sized railway line showed that the system outperformed the conventional approach in terms of obtaining a user-preferred crew plan. The results indicate that the system is effective in interactive comparison situations, assisting resource dispatchers in improving their tasks and ensuring reliable railway services even during disruptions.

  • 今泉 淳, 三浦 礼, 重田 英貴, 森戸 晋
    2014年 134 巻 3 号 418-424
    発行日: 2014/03/01
    公開日: 2014/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Crew Recovery Problem frequently appears in transport industries. This problem is to modify schedules of crews who cannot perform their tasks in their duties given beforehand as the result from Crew Scheduling Problem because of delays of trains or flights. To obtain a good modified schedule of crews is needed when delay occurs while it is more important to find alternative and acceptable schedule(s) quickly. In this paper, we formulate the problem in railways as an integer programming problem and propose an approach to this as a basic framework for similar problems arising in transport industries. Our heuristic approach is based on the idea of column generation method, which is one of the effective and powerful methods for large scale integer programming problems. The procedure generates various schedules for a certain instance by gradually increasing the number of crews to be rescheduled, giving the lower bound to the optimal value of the objective function in each iteration. Numerical experiments are performed to instances from Japanese railway. The results indicate that our approach successfully gives good schedules in short computation time.