Print ISSN : 0013-273X
船坂 鐐三小瀬 洋喜佐藤 孝彦
ジャーナル フリー

1975 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 101-105


In order to clarify the substances responsible for the offensive odor in fish, phenols were examined by gas chromatography. Phenol was detected, but cresols were not detected. It was proved that the concentration of phenol was high in the river water and in the bottom mud where the fish with offensive odor lived. Such phenol was also found in the muscles and digestive organs of the fish with offensive odor, but was not detected in their liver, or in the fish in breeding ponds and in Ayu (river trout) living in Nagara Bridge basin. Therefore, fish were kept in a tank with constant concentration of phenol and the taste of fisb was examined at regular intervals. At the same time, concentration of phenol in the internal organs of the fish was analyzed. Accumulation of phenol was recognized in internal organs except in the liver, and the offensive odor appeared on the 10 th day. At the time, 0.035 ppm of phenol was detected in the muscles. This value agreed with the concentration of phenol in the fish with offensive odor. These results suggested that phenol was responsible as a substances giving the offensive odor to fishes.

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