Online ISSN : 1881-2368
Print ISSN : 1346-9770
ISSN-L : 1346-9770
木下 明美山本 公平
ジャーナル フリー

2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 117-120


  At present, the carbohydrate source in a staple Japanese diet is mostly polished rice. Brown rice polishing mainly enhances its appearance and gives it a soft texture. Unfortunately, brown rice polishing causes the loss of valuable nutrients. In recent years, the Japanese are concerned with healthy foods as a precaution against life-style related diseases and metabolic syndrome. Unpolishing rice could be a healthy option. What is improved for the ease of consuming tasteless brown rice is germinated brown rice. Thus, germinated brown rice has recently appeared in the commercial market. In addition, rice cookers with a setting for germinated brown rice are now available.
  Rice bran oil is commonly consumed as vegetable oil. In this study, the fatty acids composition of brown rice was analyzed.
  It was expected that the fatty acids in the lipids of germinated and ungerminated brown rice were changed by the germination or the boiling. However, there were no effects on the fatty acid contents, and the germinated brown rice is a safe food to eat, and its high consumption will improve dietary quality, and the useful dietary education of young children.

© 2012 日本食生活学会