Online ISSN : 2436-6129
Print ISSN : 0910-8955
中学生の友人関係認知と抑うつとの関連性- C. R. Rogersの中核3条件に着目して -
山口 祐子
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 63-71


Characteristics of understanding relationships with friends junior high school students (N=810) were investigated from the perspective of Rogers’ three core conditions of “The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change” based on the school year and gender. Moreover, the effects of the three core conditions on depression and methods of overcoming depression were examined from the perspective of mental development. Results indicated that (1) girls compared to boys had higher scores for all three conditions and depression. And “empathic understanding” and “unconditional positive regard” showed a grade difference among boys. (2) Among the three core conditions, congruence had a weak effect on depression. It is considered that depression might increase when there are differences between evaluations by a person’s environment and the person’s sense of values. The above findings indicated the effectiveness of sharing after structured group encounters as a possible activity for improving empathy and congruence in second and third-year junior high school students.

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