KONA Powder and Particle Journal
Online ISSN : 2187-5537
Print ISSN : 0288-4534
ISSN-L : 0288-4534
Front Cover
Front Cover

2022 Volume 39 Pages Cover39_1


Front Cover

KONA Powder and Particle Journal is a refereed scientific journal that publishes articles in the field of powder and particle science and technology annually since 1983. This journal is distributed free of charge to the members of scientific communities and universities and research libraries throughout the world by the Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation (www.kona.or.jp) established by Mr. Masuo Hosokawa in 1991.

The Chinese character “粉” in the cover is pronounced as “KONA” in Japanese, and means "Powder", which was hand-written by Mr. Eiichi Hosokawa, the founder of the Hosokawa Micron Corporation (www.hosokawamicron.co.jp/en/global.html).

About the Cover

Various types of particulate materials with controlled size, morphology, component and additive have been prepared via gas phase, liquid phase, and solid phase routes. These modified powder and particles have been applied as pharmaceutical drugs with different dosage forms ranging from tablets, capsules, eye drops, to injection. In order to achieve the effective and safe drug delivery, colloidal drug carriers such as liposomes, liquid emulsion, and polymeric nanoparticles have great potential to deliver drugs mainly by oral, pulmonary and ocular routes. Particle design research for a variety of pharmaceutical materials will contribute to the design of patient-friendly dosage forms to solve various issues related to the unmet medical needs of patients. Review on this topic is discussed on pp. 150–175.


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