Online ISSN : 2424-242X
Print ISSN : 1343-7313
ISSN-L : 1343-7313
日本とフランスにおける宗教意識 : 宗教意識が性規範と政教分離に及ぼす影響
小堀 真
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 17 巻 p. 193-221


Our purpose is to explain how religiosity effects on religious activities, sexual morality and separation of church and state, with International Social Survey Program (ISSP) 98-Religion II Data Set. On this paper, we adopt factor analysis to extract religiosity from variables about religion and regression analysis to analyze how religiosity effects on religious activities, sexual morality and separation of church and state. Results are that the religiosity has one element in France, but in Japan, it has two elements. This result states that there is a structural difference of religiosity between Japan and France. And, the result of regression analysis states that 1)religiosity strongly effects on religious activities, sexual morality and separation of the church and state in France, and in Japan, it only effects on religious activities, 2) religiosity has little effect on separation of church and state in Japan, 3) Religiosity is one of the regulator of sexual morality in France, but not in Japan.

© 2007 日仏社会学会
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