Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
清水 亘日引 重幸
ジャーナル フリー

1954 年 20 巻 4 号 p. 302-304


Continuing from the last report, we have studied on the process of putrefaction of the minced muscle of Various fishes. It is generally said that the mackerel is apt to be more easily spoiled and causes ptomaine poisoning more occaisionally than the yellowtail. But, when these minced muscles had been stored at same temperature, any difference between these muscles has been scarcely found in the decomposed substances. We have therefore regarded that the difference of easiness in patre-faction between these fishes should be due to the physical properties of these muscular tissues.
The minced muscle of the sardine and the bonito has been seemed to us to be similar to the formers in the manner of putrefaction. However, we have observed that there has been a little variation especially in the quantity of histamine in accordance with the time elapsed when the experiment began after catching fishes. It would seem to be a question concerning with the contamination of bacteria. In the same manner, the histamine was found to be developed in a small amount in winter, even in the fish muscle stored at the same temperature as in the case of other seasons, probably owing to a minor existence of histamine producing bacteria in winter.
It was found that in the crab meat, the development of volatile base was very large in amount, while the histamine was scarcely produced.

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