Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
東原 孝則福岡 誠一安部 敏男水原 一瓢今田 克平野 礼次郎
ジャーナル フリー

1983 年 49 巻 7 号 p. 1015-1023


Marine yeats isolated from microbial flocks produced from alcohol fermentation slop (AFS), were an effective food for the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Large scale cultures of threes strains of the isolated yeasts, which are very effective as food, were carried out with a medium containing AFS as the sole source of carbon and energy using a 10-l jar fermentor. The yields of the isolated yeast cells from one liter of culture broth were in the range of 15-24g (dry cell weight). The dried yeast cells contained crude protein amounting to 33-38%. General compositions, amino acid and fatty acid compositions, and vitamin contents of the isolated yeasts cultured with AFS were compared with those of bakers's yeast. The results showed that except for crude ash there was no distinct difference to be found between the isolated yeasts and baker's yeast. Four representative strains of the isolated yeasts were identified as Torulopsis inconspicua YU-1, Candida guilliermondii var. guillermondii YA-3, Candida krusei ZA-3 and Candida valida KU-1, respectively.

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