Online ISSN : 2424-080X
Print ISSN : 0006-386X
Thiarmine-8-(methyl-6-acetyl-dihydrothioctate)disulfide hydrochloride経口投与時のシロネズミ体内α-リポ酸およびビタミンB_1の消長について
能勢 善嗣河嶋 新一郎斉藤 純逸
ジャーナル フリー

1961 年 24 巻 2 号 p. 97-101


The amounts of α-lipoic acid and thiamine in whole blood, liver and kidney of albino rats were estimated after the oral administration of TATD-HCl (1.7mg/kg) and of thiamine hydrochloride (1.0mg/kg) and DL-α-lipoic acid (0.61mg/kg), and also determined the excreted amounts in 24 hours urine. The lipoic acid and thiamine concentration in liver and kidney was increased at 3 hours after the administration TATD. The both levels of lipoic acid and thiamine were greater than that of the animals administered thiamine and lipoic acid. The levels of thiamine in whole blood of the TATD group gave a higher value than that of lipoic acid and thiamine groups, while the levels of lipoic acid did not show remarkable difference between both groups. Urinary excretion of lipoic acid and thiamine was higher in the TATD group than the other. These results suggest that the intestinal absorption of TATD is superior to that of lipoic acid or thiamine.

© 1961 日本ビタミン学会

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