Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Online ISSN : 1347-5223
Print ISSN : 0009-2363
ISSN-L : 0009-2363
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Displaying 1-20 of 333 articles
  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 7 Pages 658-663
    The Application of Microsampling Disks in Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy for Peptide and Nucleic Acid Drugs Read more
    Editor's pick

    In recent years, there has been significant development of new drug modalities based on nucleic acids and peptides. Consequently, there is a growing need to develop quality evaluation methods suitable for the properties of medium-sized molecular drugs. In this research, the authors focused on CD spectra to evaluate the secondary structure of medium-sized drugs, aiming to develop testing methods based on modern scientific standards, such as reducing the use of reagents and solvents. The authors anticipate that the micro-sampling method developed in this study will be applied as a quality evaluation method for medium-sized molecular drugs, thereby contributing to the acceleration of their development.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 7 Pages 676-680
    Continuous Monitoring of Pseudopolymorphic Transition in Ezetimibe Using T1 Relaxation with Time-Domain NMR Read more
    Editor's pick

    Using the low-field NMR instrument, the authors continuously monitored the pseudopolymorphic transition from anhydrate to monohydrate. They chose ezetimibe as a model drug because of its characteristic chemical structure, i.e., the absence of methyl groups, and expected the difference in molecular mobility between anhydrate and monohydrate. The low-field NMR instrument was connected to a humidity controller, and the NMR relaxation was monitored, corresponding to a pseudopolymorphic transition. The used low-field NMR instrument has a permanent magnet and is easy to maintain; thus, this research may suggest its usefulness in controlling the quality of active pharmaceutical ingredient powders.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 7 Pages 689-692
    Total Synthesis of Dinorsesquiterpenoid Oxyphyllin A/Belchinoid A Read more
    Editor's pick

    In this Note, the authors reported the total synthesis of oxyphyllin A/belchinoid A, a 7,9-seco-8,12-dinor-guaiane sesquiterpene. The isolation of these compounds was reported in 2023 by two independent groups. Chen et al. isolated oxyphyllin A from the fruit of Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. and Yuan et al. isolated belchinoid A from the roots of Belamcanda chinensis. Both groups used NMR spectroscopy and ECD calculations to determine the structure and their conclusions were consistent, but the reported values of optical rotation differed significantly. The authors synthesized these compounds using an intermolecular alkylation/5-endo-tet sequential cyclization and provided accurate spectral data and optical rotation.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 7 Pages 700-710
    Two Preparation Methods for Peptide Thioester Containing Tyr(SO3H) Residue(s) without the Use of Protecting Group for Sulfate Moiety Read more
    Editor's pick

    Peptide thioesters are important building blocks for the chemical synthesis of proteins, and various methods for their preparation have been known. However, the preparation of peptide thioesters containing sulfated-tyrosine is limited to a method using a sulfate-protecting group strategy. The authors reported two methods for the preparation of them without using a sulfate-protecting group. The first is based on direct thioesterification on a protected peptide acid, and the other method is based on thioesterification on an activated peptide azide. Two critical points are involved in both methods: i) use of a counter-ion-stabilized sulfated-tyrosine, and ii) deprotection of the protecting groups with TFA at low temperatures.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 7 Pages 711-730
    Structure–Activity Relationship Study of CYM51010, an Agonist for the µ–δ Opioid Receptor Heterodimer Read more
    Editor's pick

    [Highlighted Paper selected by Editor-in-Chief]
    The opioid µ receptor, which is the main target of classical opioid analgesics, forms dimers with the opioid δ receptor. Targeting this dimer is expected to have potent analgesic effects with fewer side effects, although there are also counterarguments and ongoing debates. Herein, the authors conducted a structure-activity relationship study of CYM51010, a µ/δ heterodimer-preferring agonist, by dividing the molecule into three parts. The findings obtained here will play an important role in developing selective agonists for the heterodimer and elucidating its roles in both analgesic processes and side effects formation.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 6 Pages 524-528
    Theoretical Study of Natural Product Biosynthesis Using Computational Chemistry Read more
    Editor's pick

    In recent years, research on the natural product biosynthesis using computational chemistry has been actively pursued, leading to significant advancements in understanding complex biological processes. This review provides an in-depth overview of a number of studies conducted by the authors, focusing particularly on terpene compounds. These studies not only contribute to the fundamental knowledge of natural product biosynthesis but also hold potential applications in drug discovery, agriculture, and biotechnology. The insights gained from these investigations pave the way for future research in this rapidly evolving field.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 6 Pages 529-539
    Understanding the Manufacturing Process of Lipid Nanoparticles for mRNA Delivery Using Machine Learning Read more
    Editor's pick

    Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are crucial for mRNA medicine as they protect and deliver mRNA into cells. The manufacturing process involves two steps: preparing LNPs (upstream) and removing ethanol and exchanging buffers (downstream). Typically, microfluidic devices and dialysis membranes are used for these processes. However, determining the effects of manufacturing parameters on LNP quality is challenging. Authors used extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) to identify key parameters such as ethanol concentration, buffer pH, and flow rate, which impact particle size and encapsulation efficiency. Bayesian optimization was then applied to derive conditions for manufacturing LNPs of varying sizes. These findings will help improve the efficiency of mRNA-LNP manufacturing.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 6 Pages 540-546
    Three neo-Clerodane Diterpenoids from Tinospora cordifolia Stems and Their Arginase Inhibitory Activities Read more
    Editor's pick

    [Highlighted Paper selected by Editor-in-Chief]
    Arginases I and II are Mn(II)-dependent hydroxylases that convert L-arginine into L-ornithine and urea in the urea cycle, and has been proposed as a potential therapy target for various illnesses, such as cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory, autoimmune, oncological, and infectious diseases. Herein, authors report the isolations and structural elucidations of three neo-clerodane diterpenoids, including two new tinocordifoliols A and B and one known tinopanoid R from the Tinospora cordifolia stems as well as their inhibitory activities against human arginase I. The assay revealed that tinopanoid R was a natural arginase I inhibitor in a competitive manner with respect to L-arginine.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 6 Pages 566-569
    Oxidative Coupling of Hydroquinone Derivatives with Olefins to Dihydrobenzofurans Read more
    Editor's pick

    The development of efficient synthesis of heterocyclic compounds is crucial important for drug discovery. Authors have newly developed the oxidative coupling of hydroquinones/4-aminophenols, bearing the electron-withdrawing groups, with various olefins (styrenes, enol ethers, and allyl silane) to provide dihydrobenzofurans as important heterocyclic skeletons for bioactive compounds and natural products. For example, the oxidation of 2-methoxycarbonylhydroquinone using 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone and the following coupling with styrene in the presence of Lewis acidic FeCl3 could procced under the mild reaction conditions to give the corresponding dihydrobenzofuran product. This method can easily yield various dihydrobenzofurans that can contribute to drug discovery.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 6 Pages 570-573
    Total Synthesis of (+)-Silybin A Read more
    Editor's pick

    The authors achieved the first total synthesis of silybin A, a hybrid natural polyphenol with attractive biological activities. The highlight of the study includes modified Julia-Kocienski olefination reaction and Sharpless dihydroxylation, which enabled the highly stereocontrolled synthesis. Additionally, the acid-promoted generation of two types of quinomethide intermediates led to the biomimetic construction of both the 1,4-benzodioxane neolignane and the flavanol lignan core skeletons within silybin A. The high generality of this methodology would allow for the synthesis of a diverse array of structurally related silybins, isosilybins, and other hybrid polyphenols.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 5 Pages 422-431
    Studies on Comprehensive Total Synthesis of Natural and Pseudo-Natural Products for Drug Discovery Read more
    Editor's pick

    Natural products have played an important role in drug discovery. Recently, pseudo-natural products, whose structures have been modified based on natural products, have received much attention due to their unique biological properties that differ from the parent compounds. This review describes a series of total syntheses and structural elucidations of eurotiumides and developments of pseudo-natural products carried out by the author concerning the dihydroisocoumarin-type natural products eurotiumides with potent biological activities. One-point chemical structural modification and the dimerization strategy have led to the promising compounds, which are more active than the parent natural product.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 5 Pages 432-453
    Development of Efficient Synthetic Reactions Using Enamines and Enamides Carrying Oxygen Atom Substituent on Nitrogen Atom Read more
    Editor's pick

    This review describes the development of new synthetic methodologies for polyfunctional compounds using enamines and enamides carrying an oxygen atom substituent on nitrogen atom, such as N-alkoxyenamines, N,2-dialkoxyenamines, N-alkoxyenamides, and N-(benzoyloxy) enamides that have not received much attention. The efficient synthetic reactions using N-alkoxy-enamines and enamides as substrates proceed in the presence of triarylaluminum reagent via cleavage of a relatively lower energy N–O bond, and formation of new stronger bonds to afford 2-arylketones, 2-arylcarboxylic acids, tert-alkylamies carrying aryl group, 1,2-disubstituted phenethylamines, and 2-amino-2-arylethanols that are useful as partial structures in biologically active compounds.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 5 Pages 471-474
    Rapid Structure Determination of Ranitidine Hydrochloride API in Two Crystal Forms Using Microcrystal Electron Diffraction Read more
    Editor's pick

    The solid-state properties of drug candidates are crucial for their selection process. Traditional crystallographic techniques for structural analysis have limitations and require high-quality single crystals. Microcrystal electron diffraction (microED) can overcome these challenges by analyzing difficult-to-crystallize or small-quantity samples. In this study, microED rapidly determined the configuration of two crystal forms of the active pharmaceutical ingredient ranitidine hydrochloride. The structures obtained through microED were consistent with those determined by X-ray crystallography, demonstrating that microED is a valuable tool for efficiently elucidating molecular structures in drug development and materials science

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 5 Pages 475-479
    Isolation and Structure Elucidation of JBIR-157, a Skeletally Novel Aromatic Polyketide Produced by the Heterologous Expression of a Cryptic Gene Cluster Read more
    Editor's pick

    Authors have developed heterologous expression technique applicable to huge biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) which produce large molecular secondary metabolites.  Authors targeted concanamycin BGC (~100 kb) in Streptomyces neyagawaensis IFO13477.  Interestingly, heterologous expression of a BAC clone of which insert size was 211 kb involving the entire concanamycin resulted in the production of a new compound JBIR-157 in addition to concanamycin.  INADEQUATE analysis revealed that JBIR-157 consists of an unusual new skeleton produced by the cryptic type-II polyketide synthases (PKS) BGC.  In this study, authors reported the production, isolation, structure elucidation, and proposed biosynthetic mechanism of JBIR-157.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 5 Pages 512-517
    Intracellular Delivery of Plasmid DNA Using Amphipathic Helical Cell-Penetrating Peptides Containing Dipropylglycine Read more
    Editor's pick

    [Highlighted Paper selected by Editor-in-Chief]
    Significant efforts have focused on developing cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) for delivering nucleic acids into cells. In this study, authors tested seven peptides for their effectiveness in delivering plasmid DNA (pDNA). These peptides had previously been used for small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery, with one peptide containing the dipropylglycine showing successful delivery with low cytotoxicity. Despite both being nucleic acids, pDNA and siRNA differ in size and function, potentially affecting optimal peptide sequences for delivery. The authors' results show that three peptides were effective in pDNA transfection, with only one also showing efficient siRNA delivery. These findings support our hypothesis and provide insights for designing CPPs for both pDNA and siRNA delivery.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 4 Pages 393-398
    Discovery of a Novel Lidocaine Metabolite by Human Liver Microsome and Identification of Microbial Species Which Produces the Same Metabolite Read more
    Editor's pick

    Preparation of drug metabolites at the milligram scale is essential for determining their structure and toxicity. However, their preparation using recombinant proteins and human liver microsomes is often difficult because of technical and ethical issues. In this study, authors found that bacteria isolated from “natto” can produce an unknown lidocaine metabolite, which is produced by human liver microsome. Then, they prepared a fraction containing the metabolite through mass cultivation of Bacillus subtilis, then identified the metabolite by NMR. Authors demonstrated that food microorganisms can be a tool to prepare drug metabolites at a low cost and without ethical issues.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 4 Pages 349-359
    Development of Methodologies toward the Unified Synthesis of Ellagitannins Read more
    Editor's pick

    This review describes the development of methodologies toward the unified synthesis of ellagitannins, a class of polyphenols with divergent structures, as reported by the Yamada group at Kwansei Gakuin University during 2017–2023. Efficient methods for constructing 3,6-O-(aR)- and 4,6-O-(aR)-hexahydroxydiphenoyl-bridged glucose moieties, in addition to various C–O digallate structures, are disclosed. The total synthesis of corilagin, mallotusinin, neostrictinin, and rugosin C is also achieved via application of the established methods, which are expected to enable increase of the number of ellagitannins that can be chemically synthesized.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 4 Pages 360-364
    Unexpected Formation of 11(9→7)-abeo-Steroid Skeleton in Synthetic Studies toward Batrachotoxin Read more
    Editor's pick

    The authors previously disclosed two synthetic routes to batrachotoxin, a potent cardio- and neurotoxic steroid isolated from certain species of frogs.  The manuscript reports the attempted assembly of its ABCD-ring by an alternative strategy.  While Pd/Ni-promoted Weix coupling linked the AB-ring and D-ring fragments, samarium(II) iodide-mediated pinacol coupling did not cyclize the C-ring.  Instead, samarium(II) iodide promoted a 1,4-addition of the α-alkoxy radical intermediate to produce the unusual 11(9→7)-abeo-steroid skeleton.  Thus, this study demonstrates the convergent assembly of the skeleton of the natural product matsutakone in 11 steps from commercially available 2-allyl-3-hydroxycyclopent-2-en-1-one.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 4 Pages 374-380
    A Method for the Tensile Strength Prediction of Tablets with Differing Powder Plasticities Read more
    Editor's pick

    This study provided the prediction equation of tablet strength of binary powder mixture with different plastic deformability. The five materials from the general pharmaceutical powders were selected based on their plastic deformability, and their compression properties were evaluated by the Heckel analysis and the compression energy analysis. The plastic deformability of the powder mixture was evaluated to estimate the tablet strength using the compression properties of powder mixture. This finding indicated that the ideal mass fraction of plastic powders to form tablets with sufficient tablet strength could be predicted from the compression properties of single material.

  • Volume 72 (2024) Issue 4 Pages 413-420
    P(III)-Mediated Formal Reductive N–H Bond Insertion Reaction of Hydrazones to α-Keto Esters Read more
    Editor's pick

    [Highlighted Paper selected by Editor-in-Chief]  
    N-H bond insertion reaction is one of the useful transformations, wherein C1 units such as carbenes, carbenoids, and their surrogates can be incorporated into N-H bond to form N-C-H bond. To achieve successful this reaction, the use of diazo compounds as well as transition metal catalysts, thermal conditions, or blue LED irradiation were often required. The authors report a diazo- and metal-free N-H bond insertion reaction of a hydrazone with alpha-keto ester, demonstrating a broad substrate scope, a good functional group tolerance, and a late-stage functionalization of pharmaceuticals.
