In this paper is presented a detailed subdivision of socalled gabbro-amphibolite zone of the Hidaka metamorphic belt, the axis of island of Hokkaido.
It is composed of four tectonic units which are arranged in the following order from west to east, as is shown in figure I. 1) green schist zone, 2) epidote amphibolite zone, 3) green hornblende schistose amphibolite zone and 4) saussurite gabbro zone.
Concerning zones 1), 2) and 3), their original rock facies are not clearly determinable.
The zone of saussurite gabbro is composed of three varieties of amphibolite, a) hornblende schist facies, b) coarse grained amphibolite (=metasomatic) facies and c) compact amphibolite facies, all of which are derived from saussurite gabbro.
In such a diverse metamorphic process, the different characters of tectonic forces and combined metasomatic effects have been the chief determinants.
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