The Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists
Online ISSN : 1883-0765
Print ISSN : 0021-4825
ISSN-L : 0021-4825
Volume 56, Issue 2
Displaying 1-4 of 4 articles from this issue
  • Granitic rocks in northeastern Japan
    Yoshinori Kawano, Yoshio Ueda
    1966 Volume 56 Issue 2 Pages 41-55
    Published: August 05, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: August 07, 2008
    K-A dating on about 60 granitic samples from the area between Osima Peninsula in Hokkaido to Fossa Magna in Middle Honshu, (dating ages of the Kitakami and Abukuma Massif were already reported), were carried out. As a result, the granitic activities of these districts were classified into the following five periods:
    1) Later stage of the lower Cretaceous
    2) Early stage of the upper Cretaceous
    3) Later Cretaceous_??_early Tertiary
    4) Miocene of the Tertiary
    5) Later Miocene to the Pliocene
    Former three periods' granitic rocks of the Cretaceous to the older Tertiary ages, intrude in echelon form of NNW direction from east to west, i.e. 120×106 years' granites invade in outer side, 90×106 years' in middle and 60×106 years' emplaced inner side as seen in Figure 1.
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  • Isamu Shinno
    1966 Volume 56 Issue 2 Pages 56-74
    Published: August 05, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: August 07, 2008
    Petrography (chemical analyses of rocks 15, clinopyroxenes 2, orthopyroxene 1, titanomagnetites 3; microscopic observation and compositional estimation of rock-forming minerals) of lavas of the Kirishima volcano are presented, with special reference to the distinguishable relation between olivine and pyroxene, which is able to make genetical classification of subalkaline rocks. Considering the thermodynamic knowledge and the data of olivines and pyroxenes obtained by Bowen and Schairer (1935) and Osborn and Muan (1956-59), the writer was induced to the following approach. If the oxygen partial pressures are sufficiently supplied, it may be tend to lower the temperature of crystallization. Mg-Fe distribution constant K(t) of olivine and pyroxene, and entropy changes _??_S of those mineral formation in magma.
    From the theoretical consideration on the petrographic properties of the lavas, the author proposed a hypothetical phase diagram MgSiO3-Fe SiO3 join, by which are interpreted most facts; i.e. occurrence of myrmekitic magnetite in pyroxene, reverse zoning of orthopyroxene, abnormal relation of phenocryst pyroxene and groundmass one (Taneda 1943, 1947), and no pigeonite inverted from orthopyroxene, in calc alkaline rocks.
    And by the petrochemical consideration, the writer agree with Yoder and Tilley's (1962) idea which the so-called “High alumina basalt magma” is not necessary as the original magma.
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  • xenolithic ejecta and inclusions of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Kyushu (2)
    Zenzo Moriyama, Sadakatsu Taneda
    1966 Volume 56 Issue 2 Pages 75-77
    Published: August 05, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: August 07, 2008
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  • Specially on Franciscan and Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks
    Hitoshi Onuki
    1966 Volume 56 Issue 2 Pages 78-92
    Published: August 05, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: August 07, 2008
    Mineral parageneses of glaucophanitic metamorphism are discussed from available data of the Sanbagawa and Franciscan metamorphic terranes. Firstly, the glaucophane schist facies is divided into the following subfacies including two subfacies proposed by Miyashiro and Seki (1958); pumpellyite-glaucophane, pumpellyite-lawsonite-glaucophane, pumpellyite-epidote-glaucophane, pumpellyite-lawsonite-epidote-glaucophane, lawsonite-glaucophane and epidote-glaucophane subfacies. Secondly, it is suggested that these subfacies are subdivided into high pressure and low pressure types by means of such stability relation as albite= jadeite + quartz or calcite= aragonite. Then, some considerations are noted on mineral facies of higher-grade than the glaucophane schist facies and their significances in glaucophanitic metamorphism.
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