The antitumor activities of ara-C in an experimental tumor system are identified in 1961. Its action mechanism was primarilyc onsidered to be the inhibition of ribonucleo-ti de diphosphate reductase, which was laterdi sproved. Then the inhibition of DNA poly-m erase was proposed to be the major site ofac tion, where ara-CTP showed competitive in hibition against dCTP. Meanwhile, the nu mber of nucleoside binding sites on cellme mbranes, the inactivation by cytidine dea-min ase, the activation by deoxycytidine kinase, a nd the dephosphorylation of ara-CTP weres hown to be factors that affect its activities. In 1980, Kufe reported a strong correlation between cytotoxicity and incorporation of ara-C into DNA, which was then established as the major mechanism of action. Recently, the cell death induced by ara-C was found to be due to apoptosis. Thus, the mediators which link the proper action mechanism of ara-C to the common pathway, apoptosis, such as protein kinase C, bcl 2 are now being extensively studied. Clinically, crucial parameters regarding pharmacodynamics are intracellular ara-CTP and ara-C incorporated into DNA. As the in vitro assay of ara-CTP showed promising results, establishment of assays for both parameters and its application to determine the indication and administrative dose of ara-C is being investigated.