Measurements of gingival thickness with dental probe have been clinically applied. An ultrasound thickness gage would be simple and less invasive compared to gingival piercing technique. However, neither relation between probe pressure and tissue displacement amount nor precise sound velocity in oral mucosa is clear. The purpose of the present study was to clarify these points.
The mucosa of alveolar ridge at porcine lower premolar region was trimmed at 10mm square and approximately 2mm thickness and then it was placed in the box cavity mold of the same size, which was made of plaster. Sound velocity of the ultrasound thickness gage was set to 1,540m/s, which has been reported as the mean sound velocity in a soft tissue. The probe, 5mm diameter, was connected to the micro material testing machine and it was touched to the surface of the mucosa perpendicularly. Then, the pressure was increased up to 2N with 0.25N stepwise for 2 minutes. Amount of the tissue displacement and thickness, which was obtained with the ultrasound thickness gage, and the thickness of the gingival mucosa were recorded. The sound velocity in the gingival mucosa was calculated based on these data.
The amount of tissue displacement was not constant from the first touch to 0.5N whereas this value was constant from 0.75N to 2N. The sound velocity at 0.75N was 1,567.8m/s.
Although the porcine gingival mucosa was used in the present study, these results indicate that precise measurement of gingival mucosa thickness is possible when the sound velocity is set to 1,567.8m/s. These results suggest that can be applied to the oral tissue regeneration technique.
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