Online ISSN : 2435-0028
Print ISSN : 0910-9749
  • 安心院 朗子
    原稿種別: 研究論文
    2023 年 39 巻 1 号 p. 1-8
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー

    The purpose of this study is to articulate general citizens and their satisfaction levels, and their recognition for electrically powered scooters. A cross-sectional anonymous questionnaire was conducted for 384 general citizens living in the hill and mountainous where such scooters were used.

    Their means of mobility was mostly their private cars and those driving cars by themselves had high satisfaction for their mobility. Thirty percent of them chose scooters as means of mobility when their physical function declined. Scooters may be used effectively in the areas where satisfaction of mobility such as cars is high and there are a lot of slopes.

    The survey results suggested that when they passed by a scooter, most of them thought that driving an electrically powered scooter running over a roadway was dangerous and didn’t know how to act in such a situation. The above result indicates that some of the citizens living together in areas felt problems about driving electrically powered scooters. It is suggested that in education to general citizens, it is necessary for them to experience actual driving of a scooter to understand its characteristics for living together with scooter users in the local without stress.
