Previous research has found that, in successful situations, East Asians tend to feel less pride and greater embarrassment than Westerners. From a socio-ecological perspective, we propose that these cultural differences in self-conscious emotions after success could be due to cross-societal differences in the expected reward or punishment that others would assign to the actor for high achievement, which in turn stems from different levels of relational mobility. Supporting our theory, a vignette study with American and Japanese participants showed that (a) Japanese felt more embarrassment and less pride in successful situations than Americans; (b) the cultural differences in embarrassment were mediated by relational mobility and the expected punishment for high achievers; (c) the indirect effect of relational mobility and the expected reward for high achievers on pride was in the predicted direction but was not significant.
2024年度 心理学研究掲載 優秀論文賞受賞論文
This study investigated the integrated teamwork model in organizations based on the survey data of 21 organizations, 812 teams, and 5,728 participants. First, consistent with the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model, the team-level mediating effects of “team leadership → team process → team performance” were confirmed. Next, we examined the further detailed relationships among the team-level variables. Our analysis demonstrated that relationship-oriented leadership was positively associated with daily communication, while task-oriented leadership was positively related to cooperation and goal sharing. In addition, goal sharing had a strong and positive association with team performance. Finally, we examined the interaction effect of task-oriented leadership and relation-oriented leadership. The analysis indicated a synergistic impact on which team process and performance were particularly enhanced when both were high, as assumed by the two-factor theory of leadership behavior represented by PM theory.
2024年度 心理学研究掲載 優秀論文賞受賞論文
本研究は,企業組織におけるチームワークの過程を,チームレベルで検討したものである。著者らは,チームワークについての基礎的なモデルであるInput-Process-Output (IPO) モデルと,課題遂行機能と関係維持機能の相乗効果というリーダーシップ行動論の古典的モデル(三隅のPM理論)の両方を実証的に検討した。分析対象は,21の企業組織に所属する812チーム,計5,728名のデータという大規模なものであり,マルチレベル分析を用いてチームレベルの分析が行われた。まずIPOモデルに基づき,チーム・リーダーシップを先行要因,チーム・プロセスを媒介要因,チーム・パフォーマンスを結果要因としたチームワークのモデルを検証し,その妥当性を確認した。さらに,課題志向と関係志向というリーダーシップの2側面がともに高い場合,チーム・プロセスやチーム・パフォーマンスが高くなるという相乗効果が見られた。本研究で検証された古典的なモデルは非常に影響力がある一方で,実際の企業組織の現場における,チームレベルでの実証的論拠は限られていた。本研究は,これらの古典的な理論を実証的に検討していることが,特に高く評価できる。これを可能にしたのはチームレベルでの大規模データである。ネット調査技術の進展もあり,数千人規模の調査データは心理学でも珍しくなくなりつつあるが,本研究は企業組織・チーム・個人というネスト構造を保有するデータを収集している。これにより,古典的理論の新たな(そして適切な)検証が可能となった。また,著者らの研究チームはこれまでにチームの影響過程についての研究成果を蓄積してきており,本論文ではそれらの知見を踏まえた上で,リーダーシップを先行要因として加えることで,新たな発展を遂げている点も評価できる。これらの理由から,本論文は優秀論文賞にふさわしいと判断した。
It has been shown that people tend to view opponents as biased. Recent theoretical studies showed that this tendency occurs due to naïve realism. People tend to be overconfident about their objectivity ─ they believe they see the world as it really is (Naïve realism: Ross & Ward, 1995) ─ hence, they assume that people who have a different view must be biased (Pronin et al., 2004). This study examines the effect of encountering clear demonstrations that personal sensory perceptions are not necessarily accurate on the perception of opponents’ bias in their social judgment through exposure to visual illusions. A total of 87 participants were grouped by whether or not they experienced visual illusions. Participants who experienced visual illusions rated opponents as having fewer biases in their social judgments than participants who did not experience visual illusions. This suggested that a person’s overconfidence in their own perception ─ “I see the world as it really is” ─ might be one of the causes of people’s negative perception of opponents.
2022年度 心理学研究掲載 優秀論文賞受賞論文
Drawing on the literature about approach-avoidance behavior, this study tested whether asymmetries in the ways people interact with their smartphones using flick input (an input method based on swiping a key in a certain direction to produce the desired letter) influence their evaluations of the emotional valence of words. Specifically, a downward flick is regarded as an approach behavior in that the movement of a finger is directed toward the self, while an upward flick is regarded as avoidance behavior in that the movement is directed away from the self. In five studies, the predicted relationship between emotional valence and direction of finger movement on the smartphone was observed for nonwords and existing words. On average, words with more downward flick letters were rated as more positive in valence than words with more upward flick letters (hereafter referred to as the Flick effect). Of note, the Flick effect was not found among people who have never owned a smartphone, suggesting that smartphone use with flick input shapes the meaning of words.
2021年度 心理学研究掲載 優秀論文賞受賞論文
The aim of this study was to investigate why certain youths identify with delinquent groups by examining specific factors that increase identification with them, such as intergroup relationships. Specifically, we hypothesized that the permeability of group boundaries would moderate the effect of group discrimination on identification with a delinquent group. In total, 96 male youths were recruited from four juvenile classification homes. The results revealed that youths who perceived group boundaries with lower compared with higher permeability cognitively identified with delinquent groups more strongly when perceiving group discrimination from teachers or the police; this finding supported our hypothesis. No other significant interaction effect was observed. Conversely, in terms of affective identification, we found an unexpected interaction between the permeability of group boundaries and group discrimination from peers. Overall, the findings did not support our hypothesis. However, some of the results suggest that delinquent youths may be able to decrease cognitive group identification by having friends outside of the delinquent group, even if they experienced discrimination from conformity groups such as teachers and the police.
2020年度 心理学研究掲載 優秀論文賞受賞論文
公開日: 2010/07/16 | 74 巻 3 号 p. 276-281
伊藤 裕子, 相良 順子, 池田 政子, 川浦 康至
Views: 2,337
Big Five尺度短縮版の開発と信頼性と妥当性の検討
公開日: 2012/11/20 | 83 巻 2 号 p. 91-99
並川 努, 谷 伊織, 脇田 貴文, 熊谷 龍一, 中根 愛, 野口 裕之
Views: 1,693
自閉症スペクトラム指数 (AQ) 日本語版の標準化
公開日: 2010/07/16 | 75 巻 1 号 p. 78-84
若林 明雄, 東條 吉邦, Simon Baron-Cohen, Sally Wheelwright
Views: 1,254
公開日: 2014/06/01 |
論文ID 85.13016
縄田 健悟
Views: 972
性格特性用語を用いたBig Five尺度の作成
公開日: 2010/07/16 | 67 巻 1 号 p. 61-67
和田 さゆり
Views: 803