Breeding Science
Online ISSN : 1347-3735
Print ISSN : 1344-7610
ISSN-L : 1344-7610
74 巻, 2 号
  • 2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. cover
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    On the cover

    Recently, moist-textured sweetpotatoes are preferred in the Japanese market (Photo image courtesy of Dr. Taguchi, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization). Moist sweetpotatoes are distinguished visually by their wet cut surfaces after steaming. By the application of a polyploid-adapted QTL-seq method to hexaploid sweetpotato, genomic regions associated with moist flesh have been identified. Consequently, DNA marker-assisted selection of moist-textured sweetpotatoes has become feasible prior to harvest (This issue, p. 103–113).

    (H. Yamakawa: Institute of Crop Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization)

Research Papers
  • Tenta Segawa, Sorachi Saiga, Marina Takata, Riki Kumazawa, Makishi Har ...
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 73-82
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/02/29
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    DNA markers serve as essential tools in breeding selection and genetic analysis. However, developing DNA markers can be time-consuming and labor-intensive due to the need to identify polymorphisms between cultivars/lines and to design suitable primers. To address these challenges, we have developed DNAMarkMaker, a tool designed to automate the process of primer design for Amplification Refractory Mutation System (ARMS) and Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) markers, utilizing resequencing data. One key feature of DNAMarkMaker is its user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI), ensuring its accessibility and ease of use, even for researchers not well-versed in bioinformatics. We confirmed DNAMarkMaker’s applicability by developing DNA markers for rice, potato, and turnip—each representing distinct genome structures: homozygous diploid, heterozygous autotetraploid, and heterozygous diploid, respectively. DNAMarkMaker will contribute to the rapid and efficient development of DNA markers, accelerating breeding and genetic analysis in various crops.

  • Kitiya Amkul, Kularb Laosatit, Yun Lin, Tarika Yimram, Jingbin Chen, X ...
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 83-92
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/02/29
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Flowering time is an important agronomic trait that is highly correlated with plant height, maturity time and yield in mungbean. Up to present, however, molecular basis of flowering time in mungbean is poorly understood. Previous studies demonstrated that flowering time in mungbean is largely controlled by a major QTL on linkage group 2 (LG2). In this study, the QTL on the LG2 in mungbean was investigated using F2 and F2:3 populations derived from a cross between mungbean cultivar Kamphaeng Saen 2 (KPS2) and wild mungbean accession ACC41. The QTL was narrowed down to a genome region of 164.87 Kb containing a phytochrome gene, designated VrPHYE, encoding phytochrome E (phyE), a known photoreceptor modulating flowering time. Compared to VrPHYE of the wild ACC41, VrPHYE of KPS2 contained several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) causing amino acid changes. Those SNPs were also found in other mungbean cultivars. Some amino acid changes were predicted to occur in the regulatory region of phytochromes. Gene expression analysis revealed that VrPHYE in KPS2 was expressed significantly higher than that in ACC41. These results showed that VrPHYE is the candidate gene controlling flowering time in the mungbean.

  • Miho Ito, Honami Ohashi, Masahiro Takemoto, Chiaki Muto, Takashi Seiko ...
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 93-102
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/03/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Salt tolerance has been an important issue as a solution for soil salinization and groundwater depletion. To challenge this issue, genetic diversity of wild plants must be harnessed. Here we report a discovery of a candidate gene for salt tolerance in Vigna nakashimae, one of the coastal species in the genus Vigna. Using intraspecific variation, we performed a forward genetic analysis and identified a strong QTL region harboring ~200 genes. To further narrow down the candidate genes, we performed a comparative transcriptome analysis, using the genome sequence of azuki bean (V. angularis) as a reference. However the detected differentially-expressed genes (DEGs) did not include those related to salt tolerance. As we suspected that the target gene in V. nakashimae is missing in V. angularis, we sequenced the whole genome sequence of V. nakashimae with long-reads. By re-analyzing the transcriptome data with the new reference genome, we successfully identified POCO1 as a candidate gene, which was missing not only in V. angularis but also in the salt-sensitive accession of V. nakashimae. Further comparative analysis revealed that the tolerant genotypes conserved the ancestral form of the locus, while the sensitive genotypes did not. We also emphasize the pitfalls in our study, such as position effect in a growth chamber, missing important genes in the reference genome, and limited reproducibility of RNA-seq experiments.

  • Hiromoto Yamakawa, Tatsumi Mizubayashi, Masaru Tanaka
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 103-113
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/02/29
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) includes diverse cultivars with flesh textures ranging from dry to moist. Moist-fleshed cultivars often contain starch with a lower gelatinization temperature (GT). To elucidate the genetic determinants of flesh texture and starch GT, we conducted a QTL analysis using F1 progenies obtained from a cross between dry-fleshed and moist-fleshed cultivars, ‘Benikomachi’ (BK) and ‘Amahazuki’ (AH), by using an updated polyploid QTL-seq pipeline. Flesh texture was assessed based on the wet area ratio (WAR) observed on the cut surface of steamed tubers, as progenies with dry and moist flesh exhibited low and high WAR values, respectively, demonstrating a strong correlation. Three QTLs were found to regulate the WAR. Notably, two AH-derived alleles at 4.30 Mb on Itr_chr05 and 21.01 Mb on Itr_chr07, along with a BK-derived allele at 2.89 Mb on Itr_chr15, were associated with increased WAR. Starch GT, which displayed no correlation with either flesh texture or WAR, was distinctly influenced by two QTLs: a GT-increasing BK-derived allele at 1.74 Mb on Itr_chr05 and a GT-decreasing AH-derived allele at 30.16 Mb on Itr_chr12. Consequently, we developed DNA markers linked to WAR, offering a promising avenue for the targeted breeding of sweetpotato with the desired flesh textures.

  • Kei Matsushita, Akio Onogi, Jun-ichi Yonemaru
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 114-123
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/03/08
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Data from breeding, including phenotypic information, may improve the efficiency of breeding. Historical data from breeding trials accumulated over a long time are also useful. Here, by organizing data accumulated in the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) rice breeding program, we developed a historical phenotype dataset, which includes 6052 records obtained for 667 varieties in yield trials in 1991–2018 at six NARO research stations. The best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to determine the relationships with various factors, including the year of cultivar release, for 15 traits, including yield. Yield-related traits such as the number of grains per panicle, plant weight, grain yield, and thousand-grain weight increased significantly with time, whereas the number of panicles decreased significantly. Ripening time significantly increased, whereas the lodging degree and protein content of brown rice significantly decreased. These results suggest that panicle-weight-type high-yielding varieties with excellent lodging resistance have been selected. These trends differed slightly among breeding locations, indicating that the main breeding objectives may differ among them. PCA revealed a higher diversity of traits in newer varieties.

  • Tomoyuki Furuta, Ohm Mar Saw, Sandar Moe, Khin Thanda Win, Moe Moe Hla ...
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 124-137
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/03/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    To counteract the growing population and climate changes, resilient varieties adapted to regional environmental changes are required. Landraces are valuable genetic resources for achieving this goal. Recent advances in sequencing technology have enabled national seed/gene banks to share genomic and genetic information from their collections including landraces, promoting the more efficient utilization of germplasms. In this study, we developed genomic and genetic resources for Myanmar rice germplasms. First, we assembled a diversity panel consisting of 250 accessions representing the genetic diversity of Myanmar indica varieties, including an elite lowland variety, Inn Ma Yebaw (IMY). Our population genetic analyses illustrated that the diversity panel represented Myanmar indica varieties well without any apparent population structure. Second, de novo genome assembly of IMY was conducted. The IMY assembly was constructed by anchoring 2888 contigs, which were assembled from 30× coverage of long reads, into 12 chromosomes. Although many gaps existed in the IMY genome assembly, our quality assessments indicated high completeness in the gene-coding regions, identical to other near-gap-free assemblies. Together with dense variant information, the diversity panel and IMY genome assembly will facilitate deeper genetic research and breeding projects that utilize the untapped Myanmar rice germplasms.

  • Daisuke Ogata, Fumio Taguchi-Shiobara, Osamu Uchikawa, Masayuki Miyaza ...
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 138-145
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/03/23
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    In mechanically harvested soybean, green stem disorder (GSD) is an undesirable trait that causes green-stained seeds, which are graded lower in Japan. To obtain DNA markers for reduced GSD, we conducted a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis for 2 years using F4 and F5 lines from a cross between ‘Suzuotome’ (less GSD) and ‘Fukuyutaka’ (more GSD). We validated the effect of a detected QTL for GSD by first identifying F4 or F5 plants in which one or more markers in the QTL region were heterozygous. The F5 or F6 progeny of each plant was used to form a pair consisting of two groups in which the QTL region was homozygous for either the ‘Suzuotome’ or ‘Fukuyutaka’ allele in a similar genetic background, and the two groups within each pair were compared for GSD. Over 3 years of testing, the ‘Suzuotome’ allele of a QTL on chromosome 6 was found to reduce the level of GSD. This novel QTL was mapped to the region around DNA marker W06_0130, and was not closely linked to QTLs for important agronomic traits including yield components. Using this marker, the low level of GSD from ‘Suzuotome’ could be conferred to ‘Fukuyutaka’ or other high-GSD cultivars.

  • Daiki Toyomoto, Yukika Shibata, Masato Uemura, Satoru Taura, Tadashi S ...
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 146-158
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/04/02
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Seed development is an essential phenomenon for all sexual propagative plant species. The functional allele at SEED DEVELOPMENT 1 (SDV1) or SEED DEVELOPMENT 2 (SDV2) loci is essential for seed development for Oryza sativa and Oryza meridionalis. In the present study, we performed fine mapping of SDV1, narrowing down the area of interest to 333kb on chromosome 6. Haplotype analysis around the SDV1 locus of O. meridionalis accessions indicated that they shared the DNA polymorphism, suggesting that they have a common abortive allele at the SDV1 locus. Linkage analysis of the candidate SDV2 gene showed that it was located on chromosome 4. The candidate SDV2 was confirmed using a population in which both the SDV1 and SDV2 genes were segregating. The chromosomal region covering the SDV1 gene was predicted to contain 30 protein-coding genes in O. sativa. Five of these genes have conserved DNA sequences in the chromosomal region of the SDV2 gene on chromosome 4, and not on chromosome 6, of O. meridionalis. These results suggest that these five genes could be candidates for SDV1, and that their orthologous genes located on chromosome 4 of O. meridionalis could be candidates for SDV2.

  • Tomohito Ikegaya
    原稿種別: Research Paper
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 159-165
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/03/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Starch properties are the major determinants of grain quality and food characteristics in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Understanding the interactions between genetic regions responsible for starch properties will lead to the development of rice cultivars with desirable characteristics. This study investigated the genetic effect and interaction between qAC9.3, a low-amylose quantitative trait locus (QTL), and the genetic region around Starch branching enzyme IIb (SbeIIb). Both these factors are responsible for the starch properties of the Hokkaido breeding population. The amylose content, pasting temperature, and amylopectin chain-length distribution were compared using F5 lines derived from the cross between the lower amylose content and lower pasting temperature strain ‘Hokkai332 (qAC9.3, SbeIIb)’ and the higher amylose content and higher pasting temperature variety ‘Kitagenki (-, SbeIIbsr)’. The qAC9.3 genotype exhibited low amylose content and reduced the hardness of boiled rice but increased the ratio of amylopectin long chains and did not alter the pasting temperature. In contrast, the SbeIIb genotype was associated with pasting temperature but did not affect the amylose content and hardness of boiled rice. It was suggested that appropriately selecting genotypes of these genetic regions and QTL would allow the fine-tuning of starch properties of cooked rice suitable for future demand.

  • Eri Ogiso-Tanaka, Sompong Chankaew, Takehisa Isemura, Rusama Marubodee ...
    原稿種別: Note
    2024 年 74 巻 2 号 p. 166-172
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/03/29
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Vigna nakashimae is a wild species closely related to the azuki bean (V. angularis), with salt-tolerance abilities. The present study aimed to explore the genetic and salt tolerance diversity within the species, by evaluating the phylogenetic relationships of 55 accessions of V. nakashimae including 25 newly collected from the Gotō Islands and Iki in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. We conducted salt-tolerance analysis for 48 of the accessions, including 18 of the newly collected accessions. Phylogenetic analysis based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms obtained from MIGseq and RADseq analyses revealed the genetic diversity of V. nakashimae to reflect the geographic arrangement of the habitat islands. Korean accessions formed one clade, while Japanese accessions predominantly grouped into Uku Island and Fukue Island subclades. Within this population, we identified “G4-2” (JP248291) as the most salt tolerant, surpassing even the previously reported “Ukushima” accession. Both accessions collected from Uku Island, with accessions belonging to the Uku Island subclade exhibiting a strong trend of salt tolerance. Our results strongly suggest the occurrence of genetic mutations conferring enhanced salt tolerance in specific clade and region. This study highlights the potential of genetic analyses for identifying regions suitable for collecting valuable genetic resources for stress tolerance.
