Online ISSN : 1884-4715
ISSN-L : 0285-1555
36 巻, 36 号
  • 伊藤 慎
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 1-4
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日本における SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY の確立に向けて
    岡田 博有
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 5-8
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The concept of ‘sequence’ has been reviewed and some Japanese terms have been applied to representative terminology of sequence stratigraphy.
  • 伊藤 慎, 川辺 鉄哉, 大原 隆
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 9-17
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Kurotaki Formation is a basal unit of the Plio-Pleistocene Kazusa Group, a forearc basin fill in the Boso Peninsula of Japan. It is represented by shelf to slope sediments (9-320m thick), and was developed in response to the interaction between basin subsidence and an overall rise in glacio-eustacy during 2.4Ma through 1.6Ma. A sequence stratigraphic analysis of the lower part of the Kazusa Group shows that the Kurotaki Formation constitutes parts of four different depositional sequences (DS1 to DS4) and can be divided into lowstand systems tract of DS1 and transgressive systems tracts of DS1 to DS4. Therefore, the Kurotaki Formation is a diachronous succession and was developed at five different stages, constituting a transgressive sequence set that consists of DS1 to DS4.
  • 酒井 哲弥, 増田 富士雄
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 19-24
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Parasequence set was reported from coastal to shelf facies in the Plio-Pleistocene Kakegawa Group, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Parasequence boundary can be recognized by the abrupt change of facies from shallower to deeper and/or proximal to distal deposits. The parasequence set was formed by global eustatic sea-level change of 40 to 100ky cycles. Interfingering relationships and its formation among several formations presented in previous geologic maps and sections can be explained by the development of the parasequence set.
  • 廣木 義久
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 25-30
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Quaternary deposits in the Atsumi region comprise six depositional sequences. Each sequence contains furthermore two facies associations relating to the glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. One is formed in barrier-island system during transgression and the other is in strand-plain system during regression.
    The top of each sequence can be marked by the beach facies. The present altitude of the beach facies can be used as a marker of paleo-highstand sea-levels. Absolute crustal movement of the region has been inferred from the magnitude of the glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. The region had been subsided at the mean rate of 0.28m/ky.r. till 330Ka, and it abruptly turned to uplift at the mean rate of 0.17m/ky.r.
    The level of each beach facies varies from place to place, probably reflecting differential crustal movements. Based on the difference in the elevation, wave length of the crustal bending is estimated to be 50 to 100km. Amplitude of the bending was less than 10m before 330Ka, while it was 50m after 330Ka.
  • 中央北海道羽幌堆積盆の新第三系における解析例
    保柳 康一
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 31-36
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Neogene sedimentary rocks are widely distributed in the basins of Japan Sea side in the central Hokkaido. These basins were formed relating to back-arc spreading and collision of arcs. The Haboro sedimentary basin is one of them and Middle Miocene to Pliocene clastic rocks ranging approximately several thousand meters in thickness are present within the basin.
    The depositional sequences appear to have been controlled by both subsidence and third order eustatic changes. Using the concept of sequence stratigraphy in the outcrops, the subsidence rate and sea-level changes can be calculated. The basin subsided rapidly for 2Ma begining on the age of 16Ma.
  • 池原 研
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 37-45
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    大隅海峡にみられる水成デューンを伴う砂質堆積体の形成時期を, 現在の水成デューンの活動度や現世堆積作用, 最終氷期以降の海水準変動, 東シナ海の最終氷期の古環境から考察した. 大隅海峡の現世堆積作用は海峡を西から東に流れる海流 (黒潮の分流の一つである大隅分岐流) によって支配されており, 大型水成デューンは黒潮の変動に関連した分岐流の流速変動に関係して, 数年に一度程度活動していると推定される. したがって, 現在大型水成デューンの大規模な活動は期待できず, それを乗せる砂質堆積体もまた, 大きく成長しているとは考えられない. さらに砂質堆積体は水深約100mの平坦面上に形成されているので, その形成時期はこの平坦面の形成及び海峡への黒潮の流入後と考えられる. 東シナ海の最終氷期の古環境は, 沿岸域に沿岸水域の発達が認められ, 黒潮あるいはその分流の流軸が存在していたとは考えづらい. 九州西方への黒潮の流入は, 海水準上昇期の8000~10000年前と考えられ, 大隅分岐流の形成もこの時期より後と推定される. したがって, 大隅海峡の水成デューンを伴う砂質堆積体の形成は, 最終氷期以降の海水準上昇期と考えられる.
  • 海津 正倫
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 47-56
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Kiso river delta locates in the southern part of the Nobi plain, central Japan. Evolution of the delta has been strongly influenced by post-glacial sea-level changes, and landforms of the delta changed remarkably during the Holocene. Holocene sediments of the delta can be classified into the lower sandy, middle muddy, upper sandy and -uppermost terrestrial units.
    Silty or sandy transitional zones can be recognized in the upper and lower horizones of the middle muddy units by means of a particle size analysis. Sediments of the transitional zones are considered to be deposited between the foreset and bottom set beds of the delta as delta front sediments.
    Based on the 14C ages and characteristics of the sedimentary facies, Holocene sequence and evolution of the Kiso river delta are considered as follows.
    The post glacial transgression in the early Holocene (10000-8500 years BP) was slow, and in this slow transgressive stage, the lower sandy unit deposited as the flood plain sediments. During the rapid transgressive stage in the period between 8500-6500 years BP, the lower Kiso river delta submerged and the coast line retreated towards the central part of the present Nobi plain. Lower sandy unit deposited as a foreset bed of the Kiso river delta in the rapid transgressive stage.
    In the middle Holocene, muddy sediments of the middle unit deposited as a bottom set bed, and the sandy sediments deposited aggradationally in the innermost part of the embayment as a foreset bed of the Kiso river delta. The delta was in the central part of the present Nobi plain. This aggradational stage was in the period between 6500-5500 years BP. Following the culmination of the post glacial transgression since 5500 years BP, the Kiso river delta has advanced towards the southern direction. In this progradational stage, the upper sandy unit deposited progradationally as a foreset bed of the Kiso river delta. Surface of the delta has been covered with flood plain sediments as the uppermost terrestrial unit, and the delta front has advanced towards the present coastline. During the periods of ca. 5000-4500 years BP and ca. 3000-2000 years BP, slight regressions of the sea-level can be seen in the Kiso river delta region.
  • 井龍 康文, 中森 亨, 山田 努
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 57-66
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pleistocene reef complex deposits, known as the Ryukyu Group, are distributed over the most of the Ryukyu Islands. A historical review of stratigraphical works published on this group during the last 100 years reveals that the point of view that the group consists of reef sediments was not realized until recently. This paper aims to provide a basic framewark toward establishing a reef stratigraphy of the group. We here present a lithologic classification of limestones forming the group. These limestones are subdivided into one detrital unit plus four other units based on characteristic limestone-building organisms such as coral, rhodolith, Cycloclypeus-Operculina, and Halimeda. Depositional environment of these limestones is determined on the basis of the known distribution of biota and sediments in the modern reef complex around the Ryukyu Islands. Using such a framework, the group is shown to be divisible into a succession of plural reef complex deposits by referring to stratigraphic examples of this group in the islands of Toku-no-shima and Okierabu-Jima.
  • 狛 武, 安藤 一男, 宇野沢 昭, 坂本 亨
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 67-76
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    水戸市の北方10数kmのところにある海抜100m前後の瓜連丘陵は, 主とし久慈川の旧河谷を埋積した中部更新統の引田層によって構成されている. この旧河谷埋積層は, 礫→砂→泥のサイクルの少なくとも4回の繰り返しよりなっているものであるが, その下底から上限までのほぼ全体のようすは, 丘陵南西縁の坂地の北の砂利採り場の大露頭で観察することができる. 筆者らは, この露頭において, 引田層に挟まれる泥質岩のうち, 第1サイクルと第3サイクルに挟まれる2層 (厚さはそれぞれ8.4mと12.5m) について鉛直方向にほぼ5cmごとに試料を採集し, 全試料375個について, 全硫黄量の分析を行った. また, 硫黄の分析結果を考慮しながら抽出した48個の試料について, 化石珪藻の検討を行った. 全硫黄量にもとづいて推定された埋積環境と化石珪藻にもとづくそれとはよく一致している. 上記以外の第2サイクルの泥質岩について行った分析結果を加味すると, 引田層のうち少なくとも第1~3サイクルの泥質岩は海水の影響下で形成されたものと考えられる.
    引田層は, 河川環境の下にあった時期 (礫, 砂の堆積期) と河口環境下にあった時期 (泥質層の堆積期) を繰り返しながら, 次第に堆積されていった堆積物であろう.
  • 原田 憲一
    1992 年 36 巻 36 号 p. 77-82
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Modern science, based on atomism and mechanism and established in Western Europe in the 17th century, has successfully revealed the minute structure of natural components and relationship between energy and matter by means of laboratory experiments and mathematical expressions. Apparently, however, science has failed to recognize the dynamic movement of the earth's materials which involves the endogenic and exogenic cycles accompanying complex phase changes of matter.
    Take basalt, a common volcanic rock existing on both the earth and the moon, for instance. Any basaltic rock now resting on the moon should last for the next billion years without the slightest change in shape, position or composition, unless a meteorite hits the rock. However, any basaltic rock exposed on the earth's surface is subject to weathering. Water dissolves ions away from the rock-forming minerals, and ice in the rock cavities breaks the rock into smaller fragments. The dissolved ions and clastic grains are transported by running water to the ocean, where the ions precipitate to form chemical deposits such as rock salt, limestone, and chert, and the clastic grains settle down to form sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone and mudstone. These rocks may be uplifted onto the land again to undergo another exogenic cycle, may be depressed deep into the crust and transformed to metamorphic rocks, or may be transported into the mantle by a subducting plate and put into the endogenic cycle, which may produce the basaltic rocks on the land again. These cycles are maintained by energy from the sun and the earth's interior. The biosphere, unique to the earth and containing the cycle of biosynthesis and biodegradation, can be regarded as a subsystem of these cycles, because the photosynthesis, for example, is maintained not only by carbondioxide, water and the solar energy, but also by many dissolved inorganic materials produced by the weathering. Thus, the most distinctive property of matter on the earth is not derived from its composition nor structure but from cyclic, dynamic movement and phase changes.
    Since technology is a way to utilize nature for human life, the understanding of nature is an essential factor in technological developments. Take the invention of earthenware for example. The Jomon people, one of the ancestors of the modern Japanese, must have understood thermal hardening of a certain type of clay before they invented the first earthenware about 12, 000 years ago. Because present knowledge on nature derived from modern science is restricted to the physical properties of matter under a certain condition, modern techology, an application of the scientific knowledges, uses only those of exotic materials under the controlled conditions, and neglects the fate of industrial products and wastes which will eventually enter the natural system. Therefore, the more technology advances, the more exotic materials and the more amount of energy are required, causing exhaustion of the precious materials and a shortage of fossil fuels on the earth. In addition, the products and wastes disturb and interfere with the exogenic cycle, because these materials are not transformed nor disintegrated into simple, nontoxic compounds by nature when they undergo the weathering. They eventually damage the biological cycle and cause much harm to the ecosystem, resulting in environmental destruction.
    In order to overcome the problems caused by the modern technology, technological improvement is important. However, more importantly, we must change our view of the earth in order to lead us to a better comprehension of the actual conditions on this third planet of the solar system.
    As the Japanese Islands are located on a mobile zone, their geologic setting is quite different from that of Western Europe, which is on a stable continental crust. Under their particular conditions, the Japanese have appreciated the cyclical, dynamic changes in the natural phenomena and