Gypsum & Lime
Online ISSN : 2185-4351
ISSN-L : 0559-331X
Volume 1959, Issue 43
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Kunisaburo SAKUMA, Kiyoshi SUZUKI
    1959 Volume 1959 Issue 43 Pages 493-498
    Published: November 01, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 07, 2011
    The characters in mineralization of the gypsum are deposits are as follows.
    1) The kinds of the mother rocks of the deposits are various, green-tuff, shale, sand-stone, and etc.
    2) The boundary line between the are deposits and the mother rock are irregular in the elongate direction, and it is formed banded structure in dip-side derection.
    3) Sometimes, the massive ores are arranged in accord with the bedding plane of mother rock and veinded arabaster occur, too.
    4) The groups of the are deposits are characteristicly arranged by the mineralization which is under the control of the geological structure of those country rock.
    5) The ore body are showing many types occurrence, and mother rock by the selective mineralization. It is enable to detaminate which rock easily mineralize, but catching the abstractive tendency from the all mines is difficult.
    6) I thought that the selective mineralization are remarkably differenced in obedience to element of mother rock or geological structure and surrounding in which was formed.
    7) On the occation of deciding mining method, we don't pass over mineralize-elements, that is, character of the mineralization, and the degree of alternation of mother rock and etc.
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  • Fumito SIMIZU
    1959 Volume 1959 Issue 43 Pages 498-509
    Published: November 01, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 07, 2011
    The Wanibuchi Mine is situated on the western corner of Simane Peninsula; its gypsum production is occupied about 15-20% of whole of Japan. The mine areas are composed of Tertiary sediments and volcanic rocks. The gypsum deposits occur as large lenticular or massive bodies between black shak and green tuff in most cases. Several new ore deposits around “Bessio” ore deposit are found by boring prospect. On the work of mining, weakness of the ore bodies and the surrounding rocks exerts an influence upon underground work heavily. The inclined slicing method and concrete block lining are applied successfully to the heavy ground.
    This paper reports upon these problem of the Wanibuchi Mine.
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  • Tadayuki KAZAMA, Tokuzaemon SATO
    1959 Volume 1959 Issue 43 Pages 510-520
    Published: November 01, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 07, 2011
    There are many gypsum mines in Tohoku District, the gypsum mines which are now working amount to 24, particularly there are only in Tohoku District 13 mines.
    They are as follows ;
    Fukushima Prefecture 6 mines, Akita Prefecture 2 mines, Iwate Prefecture 2 mines
    Miyagi Prefecture 2 mines, Yamagata Prefecture 2 mines
    These gypsum mines concentrate in Fukushima Prefecture and Akita Prefecture. From the structural point view, these mines are mostly at upheaval places, and they are arranged as follows from the north.
    1) Mt. Mase-Lake Towada Line, 2) Hachirogata-Kitakami Line, 3) Mt. Chokai-Turukawa Line, 4) Mt. Asahi-Shiraishi Line, 5) Iide-Bandai Line, 6) The district of Mt. Asahi
    Besides in the North-South of the center part, there is an unheaval place, which, I named the South-North Center Line, particularly the mines mass in the point of intersection of the unheaval places of N. S. structure and N.W. structure ; as follows :
    Hanawa Mine District in Mt. Mase-Lake Towada Line, Okoku sine District in Hachirogata-
    Kitakame Line, Hosokura, Miyazaki mine District in Mt. Chokai-Furukawa Line, Fukuoka
    Mine District in Asahi-Shiraishi Line, Aizu Valley North District in Iide-Bandai Line
    There are similar structures in the case of Akita Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture, that is, the mines lie in the part of wings of the unheaval places. Moreover the gypsum mines are only in the green tuff district, which rise and fall slightly.
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  • [in Japanese], [in Japanese]
    1959 Volume 1959 Issue 43 Pages 521-526
    Published: November 01, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 07, 2011
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  • [in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese]
    1959 Volume 1959 Issue 43 Pages 526-530
    Published: November 01, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 07, 2011
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  • [in Japanese]
    1959 Volume 1959 Issue 43 Pages 531-533
    Published: November 01, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 07, 2011
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