To examine the effect of changes in temperature on the cerebral circulation during the rewarming period of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), we measured blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery by transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) and the arteriovenous oxygen content difference (a-vDO
2) by intermittent sampling from the jugular venous bulb during cardiac surgery in 11 patients (mean age±SD: 55.4±10.0 years) . The mean blood flow velocity was 43.5±16.9cm/s in the pre-rewarming period and 50.9±19.5cm/s during rewarming, thereby indicating a significant increase during rewarming (P<0.05) . In addition, a-vDO
2was 1.74±1.00 vol.% in the pre-rewarming period and 3.09±1.24 vol.% during rewarming, showing a significant increase during rewarming (P<0.01) . This widening of a-vDO
2suggests that oxygen demand was excessive relative to oxygen supply despite the increase in cerebral blood flow. We concluded that rewarming alters the cerebral circulation rapidly and may increase the risk of unbalanced cerebral oxygenation. Rapid evaluation of the cerebral circulation may be necessary during specific periods of CPB such as rewarming.