Sago Palm
Online ISSN : 2758-3074
Print ISSN : 1347-3972
Volume 18, Issue 2
Displaying 1-1 of 1 articles from this issue
  • Suzette B. Lina, [in Japanese], [in Japanese], Marcelo A. Quevedo, Ala ...
    2010 Volume 18 Issue 2 Pages 73-83
    Published: 2010
    Released on J-STAGE: July 09, 2023
     This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of slow-release urea fertilizer on sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) using nitrogen (N) uptake and growth factors. A pot experiment using a 1:2 mixture of Philippine soil (Eutropepts) and sand was performed by applying two types of urea fertilizer, common and slowrelease (Meister 40), which are expected to release up to 80% of their nitrogen for 400 days at 20°C at 50 and 100 kg N ha-1. Three replications of each treatment were arranged in a completely randomized design. Two types of urea fertilizer were applied twice at 2 weeks and 12 months after transplanting. Regardless to the forms of urea, the application of 50 kg N ha-1 significantly increased palm height, compared to the control (without fertilizer) plot. However, the application of 100 kg N ha-1 did not produce a remarkable difference in palm height. In the first few months after the application of urea fertilizer, the common urea treatment showed significantly higher N uptake by sago palm, while, with the application of the slow-release type of urea fertilizer, the N uptake became observable at 6 months, suggesting that the slow-release type controlled the release of N from the fertilizer and regulated N uptake by sago palm. Therefore, it is concluded that a slow-release type of urea fertilizer could be an appropriate fertilizer to use in sago production to mitigate N losses in the growth environment of sago palm.
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