In recent years, flying car (Urban Air Mobility, UAM) technologies have been actively studied in Japan and other countries. However, the social acceptability of flying vehicles such as UAM and drones (Unmanned Aircraft Systems, UAS) has not been extensively investigated. Social issues often arise when social acceptance is neglected. Thus, novel issues are expected to arise upon the advent of the so-called Aerial Industrial Revolution because of the industrial use of drones and the commercialization of flying cars. To overcome these issues, herein, the social acceptability of this revolution may be evaluated by two different approaches: real-time evaluation by electroencephalograph (EEG) measurement using a Kansei analyzer and social-psychological evaluation by using a questionnaire. However, at this stage, the applicability of the Kansei analyzer for the evaluation has not yet been fully addressed. Thus, in this study, an experiment was conducted to verify the applicability of the Kansei analyzer. In this experiment, subjects answered a questionnaire after hearing some noises. The effects of four types of sounds and three levels of volume on the noise-induced stress levels were investigated. This study described the results and consideration about the experiment to evaluate noise-induced stress among participants and confirmed that the Kansei analyzer is applicable for such stress detection. Moreover, the differences of results in both approaches were revealed.
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