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2,439件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 槇山 次郎

    1944年 13 巻 5-8 号 320-321
    発行日: 1944/08/30
    公開日: 2018/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 古城 祐樹, 冨山 清升

    2000年 59 巻 3 号 245-260
    発行日: 2000/09/30
    公開日: 2018/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Microhabitat and niche segregation of coexisting two freshwater snail species, Semisulcospira libertina (Gould, 1859) (Prosobranchia ; Pleurocerdiae) and Clithon retropictus (Matens, 1879) (Prosobranchia ; Neritidae) were studied. Semisulcospira libertina, which is an ovoviviparous snail, is distributed in freshwater in Japan. Clithon retropictus, which is an oviparous snail, is distributed in brackish water and freshwater of south-east Japan. These two species show sympatric distribution at fresh water area in the middle reaches of the Goino River (31°28′N, 130°31′E), Kagoshima City, Kyushu Island, Japan. In this study, we showed that S. libertina and C. retropictus segregated their niche in the sympatric area. We settled four places of investigation areas by the river mouth from the upper reaches of the Goino river and each named as station 1, 2, 3 and 4. Samples were collected at random every month in these four stations and population densities were estimated. Collected snails were measured by shell width. After measurement, snails were released again. In the S. libertina population, the frequency distributions of shell size showed that newborn juveniles mainly appeared in April and December. In the C. retropictus population, the frequency distributions of shell size showed that newborn juveniles appeared in September. Salinity-tolerance experiment of C. retropictus showed that adults were tolerant of the freshwater condition compared with juveniles. In the investigation of microhabitat, the type of microhabitat was divided by riffle-pool type and by substratum type, and four types (pool-stone, pool-sand, rapid-stone and rapid-sand) of microhabitat were defined. At the time of survey, twenty quadrats (50 cm×50 cm) were set in each of type of microhabitat in the four stations randomly, and the number of snails appeared in the quadrates were counted to estimate the microhabitat preference of two species. This measurement was investigated in August (the summer season), October (the fall) and December (the winter) to examine whether there was a seasonal change of microhabitat preference. Semisulcospira libertina preferred pool to rapid. Adults of Clithon retropictus preferred rapid to pool and preferred stone-flat to sand-flat. In the Station 1 where only S. libertina was distributed alone, most S. libertina inhabited stone-flat surface. On the other hand, in the Station 2 and Station 3 where S. libertina coexisted with C. retropictus, S. libertina rarely inhabited stone-flat surface. In the Station 4 where only C. retropictus inhabited alone, C. retropictus had a tendency to prefer stone-flat surface as well as in the Station 2 and the Station 3 where C. retropictus coexisted with S. libertina. From these facts, it is concluded that S. libertina narrows its niche by limiting using microhabitat type where they coexist with C. retropictus. In other words, at the place where S. libertina coexists with C. retropictus, some competitions occur between the two species, and the niche is segregated by S. libertina evacuating from stone-flat as the life space.
  • 亀田 勇一, 加藤 真
    Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan)
    2008年 66 巻 3-4 号 127-145
    発行日: 2008/03/31
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    オキナワヤマタカマイマイ亜属(ナンバンマイマイ科)は琉球列島に固有の樹上性の陸貝である。筆者らは以前の研究においてオキナワヤマタカマイマイが以下の2つの生物学的種からなり,沖永良部島の固有種,オキノエラブヤマタカマイマイとヒメユリヤマタカマイマイもこの中に含まれることを示した。これを受けて本稿ではこの種群の再記載を行った。また,遺伝的にも独立種であると確認されたイヘヤヤマタカマイマイ,アマノヤマタカマイマイ,オモロヤマタカマイマイ,ウラキヤマタカマイマイの4種についても生殖器形態を再評価し詳述した。Satsuma (Luchuhadra) largillierti (Pfeiffer, 1849)シラユキヤマタカマイマイ(新称)殻は本亜属にあってはやや低平で,殻高は殻径より小さい。ほとんどの個体は白色無帯あるいは周縁に1本の色帯を持つ。生殖器では膣や陰茎付属肢はあまり肥厚せず,陰茎本体は陰茎鞘の半分から3分の2程度の長さであること,鞭状器が短く急に細まること,輸精卵管が受精嚢柄部の周りを螺旋状に1回転する個体が多いことなどが特徴である。従来沖縄島南部の個体群がこの学名で呼ばれていたが,それは次種に相当する。本種の分布域は沖縄島の浦添市以北と沖永良部島であり,那覇市以南には生息しない。なお沖永良部島の個体群はヒメユリヤマタカマイマイS. sooi Minato, 1982と呼ばれてきたが,沖縄島産の本種と遺伝的・形態的に明確な差が見られないため同種となる。Satsuma (Luchuhadra) eucosmia eucosmia (Pilsbry, 1895)オキナワヤマタカマイマイ 殻は前種よりやや大きく,比較的背が高い。色彩は赤地に1本の白帯を周縁に持つもの, 白地に2本の色帯を周縁に持つもの,白色無帯の3つが基本的なパターンである。生殖器では膣と陰茎付属肢の基部が著しく肥厚すること,陰茎本体が陰茎鞘の4分の3以上の長さであること,鞭状器がやや長く徐々に細くなることなどで前種と区別できる。沖縄島南部と北部に分布し,南部ではアマノヤマタカマイマイと,北部では前種と同所的に生息することがある。これまでに"オキナワヤマタカマイマイSatsuma largillierti (あるいはLuchuhadra largillierti)"として図鑑等で紹介されていたものの多くは本種である。学名を伴わない場合でも本種の個体をオキナワヤマタカマイマイとして取り上げている例が多いことから,混乱を避けるため本種の和名をオキナワヤマタカマイマイとする。なおオキノエラブヤマタカマイマイは従来独立種とされてきたが,遺伝的には本種に含まれるうえ,殻形態以外では明確に区別できないため亜種(S. eucosmia erabuensis)とする。
  • 家山 博史, 大垣内 宏

    2000年 59 巻 3 号 217-224
    発行日: 2000/09/30
    公開日: 2018/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    イブキゴマガイ(箱根町), オキゴマガイ(西の島町), ヤマトゴマガイ(箱根町), 未同定種のゴマガイ(篠山町)の染色体と核DNA量を調べた。4種・亜種とも染色体数は2n=26で, 核型は多くの中部付着型染色体とわずかの次中部付着型染色体からなり顕著な差は認められなかった。核DNA量(pg/diploid)はイブキゴマガイ13.41, オキゴマガイ15.43, ヤマトゴマガイ10.45, 未同定種7.85であった。模式産地箱根町のイブキゴマガイの核DNA量は天龍村のそれとは大きな差はなかったが, 養老町のイブキゴマガイとは明らかな差があった。養老町のイブキゴマガイはオキゴマガイやキイゴマガイに近いDNA値を示し, おそらく新亜種ではないかと思われる。
  • 高見 明宏

    2000年 59 巻 2 号 149-163
    発行日: 2000/06/30
    公開日: 2018/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    The distribution of a freshwater snail, Semisulcospira libertina was surveyed at 26 localities including the type locality in Japan. Intraspecific variations in the shell feature of adult snails, the size of newborns and the number of births in a year were investigated. Surface of adult shells from Amami-Oshima (type locality) and Izu Peninsula was similarly smooth, but that at Lake Ashinoko, the lake type of S. libertina, had prominent ribs. Intraspecific variations of the size and the microsculpture of the newborns between Amami-Oshima and Izu Peninsula were found. Microsculpture on the newborn shells at 12 localities was classified into 3 types, smooth type in Amami-Oshima, keel type in Izu Peninsula and developed nodes type in Lake Ashinoko. The mean sizes of newborns at 12 localities were classified into 2 types, medium and small type. The mean size of the newborns in the medium type, i.e. 0.8 mm of shell diameter and 1.1-1.2 mm of shell height, showed only a little variation at Amami-Oshima and Izu Peninsula. The mean size in the small type collected at 2 localities in Izu Peninsula, were 0.6mm of shell diameter and 0.8 mm of shell height. Average numbers of newborns during one year in the medium type were estimated 400-531, which were less than that in the small type as previously reported in Tokai District.
  • 吉葉 繁雄
    1984年 39 巻 2 号 565-572
    発行日: 1984/06/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Conus-sting, 55 cases, including 21 fatalities caused by about 20 species of Conus as of Aug. 1982. Among the 21 fatalities, 18 cases were caused by C. geographus. The fatality rate associated with this species has reached 55.3% in Japan and 66.7% in the world. C. geographus is therefore considered to be the most dangerous snail belonging to the genus Conus. This fact is also proven experimentally by comparison of the lethal dose within 1 hour (LD1h) of the venom of this species (CGV) in various animals. Results show the values of LD1h of crude CGV are 1.3mg/kg in mice, 4mg/kg in chickens and 0.09mg/kg in goldfishes. These values represent the lowest value of venoms in various species of Conus examined by the author.
    However, it is impossible to estimate the lethal dose (even not LD1h) in humans directly by means of experiment. Therefore the lethal dose for humans was estimated by means of 1) examination of the records of Conus-stings in the world and 2) measurement of the quantity of CGV thought to be injected into a victim by the snail.
    1) From an analysis of the record of Conus-stings collected by Shirai (June 1982) and 3 cases investigated by the author (Sep. 1982) it can be concluded that C. geographus injects in one attack crude CGV in ammount corresponding to LD70 in humans. Consequently, it was fatal in the cases of small men or children stung by large snails and death came within 40 minutes to 5 hours after the sting but larger men stung by smaller snails were saved.
    2) It has already been proven by the author that C. geographus injects its venom only in the amount charged within a single radular tooth into the victim according to its predatory behavior. As a result of the measurement of the volume of capacity of a single radular tooth from C. geographus in several sizes, the amount of raw crude CGV which would be injected into a human was converted into 0.06 to 0.2mg in dry weight.
    Thus the lethal dose of CGV in humans was estimated to be 1 to 3μg/kg. However in 2 cases of geographus cone-stings which occured in Okinawa on Jul. 22 and Aug. 17 in 1982, both doses of CGV are presumed to be only 0.2 and 0.5μg/kg respectively according to the estimation in this report. Yet the patients fell into severe paralysis of voluntary movement accompanied by disturbance of speech and dyspnea. They subsequently recovered in a hospital aided by medical treatment.
  • 近藤 高貴, 田部 雅昭, 福原 修一
    Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan)
    2006年 65 巻 3 号 241-245
    発行日: 2006/09/30
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Two genetic types (A and B) of Anodonta "woodiana" were identified as A. lauta and A. japonica respectively, based on the number of large teeth on the hook of glochidia, which was always more than 12 in A. lauta, but less than 11 in A. japonica on the average. The ratio of shell height to shell length in the glochidia was not a suitable character to identify these two species, because it varied largely in A. japonica.
  • 高見 明宏
    Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan)
    2019年 77 巻 1-4 号 37-43
    発行日: 2019/05/15
    公開日: 2019/06/06
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    The karyotypes of three species of the genus Semisulcospira at Lake Biwa and the Uji river, Japan were reexamined. The observed diploid chromosome number was as follows: Semisulcospira reiniana, 2n=36 (28M+6SM+2ST); S. nakasekoae, 2n=22 (18M+2SM+2T); S. morii, 2n=32 (20M+10SM+2T). The number of chromosomes in S. niponica group ranged from 2n=18 to 32, but no case of 2n=30 has been reported. The number of chromosomes in S. libertina group was 2n=36 with a variation of karyotypes.

  • 家山 博史, 大垣内 宏

    1998年 57 巻 2 号 133-136
    発行日: 1998/07/31
    公開日: 2018/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    キイゴマガイとイシマキゴマガイの染色体と核DNA量を調べた。染色体数は両種とも2n=26で, これまで調べられているゴマガイ科14種と同じであった。キイゴマガイの核型は中部付着型染色体20+次中部又は中部付着型染色体2+次中部付着型染色体4からなっていた。イシマキゴマガイの核型は中部付着型染色体20+次中部付着型染色体6からなっていた。キイゴマガイとイシマキゴマガイの核DNA量(pg/diploid)はそれぞれ15.69と12.34であった。
  • 伊藤 寿茂, 丸山 隆
    2004年 54 巻 2 号 85-94
    発行日: 2004/08/25
    公開日: 2017/05/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    Seasonal and diel flow patterns of glochidia of the freshwater unionid mussel Pronodularia japanensis in a paddy field ditch were investigated by using drift nets (5×20cm frame, 0.113mm mesh). The glochidia were collected from May to September, maximally in July, mainly during the daytime and equally at both the surface and bottom layers of the study ditch. The flow distance was estimated to be less than about 180m. Dead glochidial shells were collected until October, equally during the day and night. Consequently, the use of drift nets was found to be valuable for investigating the flow patterns and spawning seasons of Pronodularia japanensis glochidia.
  • 高見 明宏
    Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan)
    2013年 71 巻 1-2 号 97-103
    発行日: 2013/01/31
    公開日: 2016/05/31
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The karyotypes of three lotic snails, Semisulcospira kurodai, S. habei and S. fluvialis were surveyed at 3 localities in Japan, including the type locality of respective species. The observed diploid chromosome number was as follows: Semisulcospira kurodai 36, S. habei 18, S. fluvialis 26. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes were different from one another. Their karyotypes were different from three lotic species reported previously.
  • 木村 妙子, 角田 出, 黒倉 寿
    1995年 49 巻 3 号 148-152
    発行日: 1995年
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    淡水域に生息するイガイ科カワヒバリガイ属のカワヒバリガイLimnoperna fortunei fortuneiとその亜種で汽水域に生息するコウロエンカワヒバリガイL. fortunei kikuchiiの塩分耐性と浸透圧調節の比較を行った. カワヒバリガイでは0から3%の低塩分濃度下で生存率が高かったのに対し, コウロエンカワヒバリガイでは実験期間中, 0から30%まで生存率が高く, 広い範囲の塩分濃度耐性が認められた. コウロエンカワヒバリガイを中心に行ったヘモリンパ中の成分分析により, 3%以下の塩分濃度下では飼育水よりもヘモリンパ中の浸透圧が高くなることが明らかになった. また, ヘモリンパ中のナトリウム, カリウム, カルシウム, マグネシウムおよび非タンパク態窒素やアンモニア濃度は, 低塩分濃度下で上昇し, 低塩分濃度下での浸透圧調節機能のあることが示唆された.
  • 安東 美穂, 冨山 清升
    Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan)
    2005年 63 巻 3-4 号 145-151
    発行日: 2005/01/31
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Seasonal changes in size and density of a potamidid snail, Cerithidea cingulata (Gmelin, 1790), were studied on a tidal flat neighboring the mangrove forest at the mouth of the Atago River, southern Kyushu, Japan. Juvenile snails smaller than 2mm in shell width occurred from October through May, suggesting recruitment during this period. The proportion of snails with lips retroflexed was higher at the upper site than at the lower site. The seasonal change in size structures suggests that it takes two years for juveniles to become large-sized snails with retroflexed lips.
  • 中野 大三郎

    1995年 54 巻 1 号 77-82
    発行日: 1995/03/31
    公開日: 2018/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to examine the availability of embryos of Semisulcospira libertina as a laboratory animal, the optinum season for obtaining early embryos (fertilized egg to gastrula) from the brood pouch, optimum cultured temperature and optimum developmental stages were investigated with culture experiment. Early embryos (fertilized egg to gastrula) were continuously observed in the brood pouch from May to October. Embryos obtained each month were cultured under three different temperature conditions, by taking habitat water temperature into consideration. Embryos have well developed at 28℃ (July and August) and 25℃ (June and September), but not well at 18℃ (May and October). 28℃ was considered to be the highest temperature observed under natural conditions, and 25℃ would be the normal water temperature during the main ovulation season. Therefore, experiments were repeated at a constant temperature of 25℃. Embryos obtained in June, July, September and October developed well until the veliger stage. It was concluded that embryos developed beyond the morula stage obtained from June to October are highly suitable as materials for culture experiment at 25° or 28℃.
  • 上村 了美, 土屋 誠
    Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan)
    2008年 66 巻 3-4 号 191-204
    発行日: 2008/03/31
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    日和見的な摂食活動を行うウミニナ科のイボウミニナBatillaria zonalisについて,沖縄本島南部に位置する与根干潟における個体群および餌資源の季節変動に関する調査を2001年1月から2002年12月まで行った.この調査地ではイボウミニナは最も優占的に生息する巻貝であり,2001年,2002年とも冬の時期に密度およびバイオマスが高くなっていた.ウミニナ科のリュウキュウウミニナB. flectosiphonataやフトヘナタリ科のヘナタリCerithidea cingulataが同所的に生息していたが,それらはイボウミニナより低い密度であった.コホート解析およびベルタランフィーの成長曲線(VBGF)からイボウミニナの成長を推定したところ,1年で殻高21.0mmに達し,最大殻高31.5mmになるには9年を要すると推定された.2年間の調査において,イボウミニナは少なくとも4回加入したと考えられたが,1年齢未満の個体(殻長21.0mm未満)は先行研究よりも出現頻度が非常に低く,将来的にこの生息地におけるイボウミニナ個体群が縮小していく可能性が危惧された.イボウミニナの餌資源であるアナアオサUlva pertusaは1-4月,堆積物中のクロロフィル-a (chl-a)は4月,海水のchl-aは6月とそれぞれ異なる時期にピークがみられた.イボウミニナのバイオマスが高い時期とアナアオサの被度が高い時期は一致し,アナアオサの減少に続いてイボウミニナも減少したことから,イボウミニナの高いバイオマスはアナアオサに支えられていると考えられた.さらにアナアオサの減少後には,堆積物中のchl-aと海水中のchl-aが交互にピークを示したことなどから,このような餌資源変動の下ではイボウミニナの日和見的な摂食活動は有効な戦略であると考えられた.
  • 神谷 敏詩, 島本 昌憲
    Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan)
    2005年 64 巻 3-4 号 161-176
    発行日: 2005/12/31
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Two freshwater snail species of the genus Semisulcospira, S. libertina (Gould) and S. reiniana (Brot), inhabit various areas in the Japanese Islands. It has been pointed out that these two species are indistinguishable by their adult shell morphology. In the present study, genetic and morphological variations of the adult shell of the two species were examined, and the genetic relationship between them was inferred through starch gel electrophoretic analysis. The individuals examined of 19 populations mainly in the areas of the central to eastern Japan were separated into two almost-isolated groups without natural random mating between them. The Mpi locus is fixed for the allele Mpi^A in one group (MpiAA type) and for the allele Mpi^B in the other group (MpiBB type) except a few heterozygous individuals. The MpiAA type individuals live throughout the central to northeastern areas and Okinawa island in Japan, while the MpiBB ones are distributed in the area west of the Kanto district. As to the morphological features of adult shells, 85 percent of the MpiAA type individuals have smooth shells with no ribs, and pronounced ribs are recognized on the shell of 53 percent of the MpiBB type individuals. Except for the rib feature, there is no appreciable difference in the adult shell morphology between the two groups. Considering these morphological features and previous taxonomical research, the MpiAA type and MpiBB type individuals are assignable to S. libertina and S. reiniana respectively. According to molecular phylogenetic tree based on the gene frequency at 12 gene loci, MpiBB type individuals are inferred to be derived from a population of MpiAA type individuals.
  • 吉葉 繁雄
    1984年 39 巻 2 号 555-564
    発行日: 1984/06/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Conus-sting is a syndrome produced by the sting of marine snails belonging to the genus Conus. These snails are predacious and feed on their prey (fishes, snails and polychaetes) by means of shooting a radular tooth into the victim. The radular tooth, which is hollow and harpoon-like in shape and charged with venom, is ejected from the tip of a tapering proboscis lengthened from the mouth (rostrum).
    More than 55 cases of Conus-sting including 21 fatalities have been recorded in tropical Indo-Pacific (16 cases including 7 fatalities in Japan) as of Aug. 1982. The majority of fatal case are caused by C. geographus although about 20 species of Conus are reported to have stung humans. The fatality rate of C. geographus stings is 66.7% in the world and 55.3% in Japan. The main symptoms induced by C. geographus' venom (CGV) are paralysis of voluntary muscles and death caused by hindrances of respiration. No cardiac disfunction was observed.
    In considering possible therapy for the Conus-sting syndrome in humans, the effect of ligation of an extremity at the part proximal from the site injected with CGV was examined using mice. The crude CGV used was obtained by squeezing the venom duct of the living snail, and was stored in a deep freezer until use. The ligation was performed for 30 minutes as follows: A) Ligation at the distal end of a thigh just before injection with CGV in 1.54-3.84×LD1h (Lethal dose within 1 hour) into a leg; B) Ligation at the ankle joint 10 seconds after injection of CGV in 1.0-2.5×LD1h into the sole of a foot; C) Ligation at the distal end of a thigh various times (10, 30, 60, 180, 240 and 300 seconds) after injection with CGV in 1.54×LD1h into the sole of a foot. In this experiment, the LD1h of dried crude CGV for mice corresponds to 1.3mg/kg into a thigh or leg and about 2.0mg/kg into the sole. The symptoms caused by these doses of CGV were crying, due to severe pain at the time of the injection, excitement, fatigue, ataxia in gait, clonic convulsions on every voluntary muscle (continues to death), breathing disorders (irregular, convulsive and finally standstill) and death within 1 hour. In the control group injected with a dose of. 1.5×LD1h or more without ligation, death came within 10 minutes.
    As a result, in all the cases accompanied by ligation, except one that was ligated 5 minutes after injection with CGV, lifesaving or lifepreservation was successful. Especially, in the case of mice injected with CGV in the foot area, death could be completely prevented and the mice recovered without any physical signs, when the thigh was ligated within 3 minutes after injection of 1.5×LD1h or just before the injection of 3.84×LD1h. Ligation in these cases has a larger significance than in cases of snakebites by species with necrotic venom because Conus-sting is not accompanied by organic changes such as necrosis. Ligation is therefore considered to be the most effective primary treatment of Conus-sting due to C. geographus in humans as well.
  • 宮原 義雄, 平井 剛夫, 大矢 慎吾
    1986年 32 巻 96-100
    発行日: 1986/10/30
    公開日: 2009/05/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 野外で交尾中の貝を採集し,ガラス室内で,緑藻類の1種Pithophora sp.を餌として産卵を調べた。8,9月の期間には多くの個体が2,3日間隔に,1夜に1卵塊を産卵した。産下された卵塊の孵化率は低くく,産卵日により著しく変動すると共に,その変動の規則性は明らかでなかった。雌貝の大きさにっいて,殻高と卵塊の大きさとの関係を調べたところ,正の相関関係が,また,卵の孵化率との間には負の相関関係がみられた。
  • 森下 文浩
    2020年 46 巻 169 号 12-15
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/03/05
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 入村 信博, 梶山 誠

    1999年 58 巻 2 号 71-77
    発行日: 1999/06/30
    公開日: 2018/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    To clarify sexual maturation in the land snail, Euhadra peliomphala, seasonal changes in some items of the albumen gland were examined. No clear differences were detected in the shell size and whole body weight. The weight of the albumen gland and the ratio of the albumen gland weight to the whole body weight showed relatively high values from spring to summer, and low values from autumn to winter in the semi-laboratory condition. Further, soluble proteins extracted from the albumen gland in each season were quantified, and were subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Levels of soluble proteins in the snails in May were 3-fold larger than those in the snails in March. SDS-PAGE showed clear differences of the protein composition in each season. The 68k protein seemed to be synthesized from spring to summer. In conclusion, the present study clearly showed the seasonal changes appeared in the weight of the albumen gland, the ratio of the albumen gland weight to the whole body weight and the protein contents of the albumen gland in E. peliomphala.