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クエリ検索: "佐竹哲雄"
26件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 滝沢 文雄
    1979年 1 巻 139-143
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石川(三野) 与吉
    1965年 38 巻 9 号 547-556
    発行日: 1965/09/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. はしがき 2. 地理学と教科地理学との区別,現状叙述の地理科から考える地理教科へ. 3, 4. 地理教育書を通じてみる地理学の方法,本質論は地理学者の考えそのものではない. 5. 地理学の本質・方法論は先ず,われわれが主張すべきことがらを話合ってしぼるべきである. 6. 地理学は自然科学的方法で研究している.それが学校教育で社会科に入ったのは教員養成の歴史的遺産である. 7. 内外の専門学修用の地理学書は事象項目の羅列・並列方式でありこれ以外に方式はないか. 8. 事象の分布規模の大小による配列方式はどうか. 9. 地理学者は事象を分布・配置の面から取り上げている. 10. 地理学の仮定条件としての均等分布・配置の原理と安定の法則について. 11. 地理学者は (10) を根底に考え,表面には不均等配置・不安定の原理・法則によって研究を行なっている.地誌的即地的研究はこの現われである, 12, 13. 地域的地誌的研究は体系的系統的地理学へ通じる道程にあり,地理学と地誌学とは対立させるべきでない. 14, 15. 地理学の体系は易から難へ,簡から煩へと,積み重ね方式の階梯をつくり,各階段に,人文・自然の事象を入れて作る方式を考えたらどうだろう. 16. 分布図そのものについての性質・解析の研究が必要である. 17. 学校地理学以外に,社会の要求に応じる研究を行うべきである.
  • 森山 工
    2024年 18 巻 1 号 2-9
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/04/15
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This article explores different manners of distinguishing diverse academic fields, which comprise natural sciences, technology, humanities and social sciences. It is true that the division of literary fields and scientific fields is most mentioned in this area of discussion: the article refers, however, to the possibility of other divisions of vast academic fields, that tantamount to relativize the division of literary and scientific fields and to traverse those two. The article tries to find out ways to bridge various divisions of academic fields from this perspective.
  • 平塚 彰
    2003年 2003.78 巻
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • “American Geography”への1批判
    村田 喜代治
    1958年 31 巻 4 号 219-230
    発行日: 1958/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. It follows from the very nature of a science that until it has reached a certain stage of development, definition of its character is necessarily impossible. But once this stage of development has been reached not only is it not waste of time to investigate precise chracter; it is waste of time not to do so. (L. Robbins) By the way Prof. E. G. R. Taylor stated once “What have they dooe ? This was the question derisively asked by the educated public about the Fellow of Royal Society in the early years of their incorporation. It is asked today, and in the same mocking spirit, about geographers”. To answer the above question it will be usefull to show the actual works done by many geographers. At the same time, however, geographers also must attempt methodological examination. Because as mentioned above, in case a science has reached a certain stage of development, its further development and repletion of its contents are to be accomplished by methodological examination but not only by trial and error.
    2. The writer's methodological examination is first directed to views stated in “American Geography”. In this book Prof. P. E. James shows three contributions of geography. (cf. p. 6) The writer has some questions of the foundation of his views. His first and second items assert to apply practically the concepts and principles provided by other systematic sciences, therefore the writer understands that he characterizes geography as the applied branch of other sciences with theory like the applied chemistry as against the theoretical chemistry. Such understanding leads me to the conclusion that the third asserrtion has no substantial meaning because it remains simply as an applied perspective. Then what is the reason why Prof. James venture to express his views without considering the theoretical basis underlying them? To me such a logical confusion seems to arise from some sort of belief that “area” is a peculiar objective accepted only in the field of geography. To the geographers who have such a belief, so far as their study is concerned with area, it is geography science even if it gets some benefit by the result of other sciences. But there are some questions on area. They are; (1) the concept and treatment of area is not exclusive possession of geography (e. g. as indicated by Prof. R. B. Hall), (2) it is a created intellectual concept (e. g. Prof. D. Whittlesey), (3) it is genetically a product which was brought as the result to avoid inpetous conclusion by environmentalism. So far as these views are admitted, the writer can say on each of them as following; (1) It seems to me that the view intending to characterize the geography only by connection with area has no scientific foundation. So far as the surface of the earth is the stage of human activities, it will be a common field of many sciences, and it is natural that many other sciences have some interest on the approach. Thus it is clear that area is not monopoly of geography.
    (2) If area is a created intellectual concept then what is its substantial content? As Prof. H. H. McCarty stated economic geography “derives its concepts largely from the field of economics, ” economic geographers, almost always treat economical phenomena by using concepts of economics. Therefore the writer can say that concrete contents of economic area are agglomeration of economic phenomena studied in economics. The fact that systematic and topical approaches are used in economic geography as well as regional approach, means that the contents of area substantially make those approaches indispensable. The systematic approach means, for instance, that economic geography must depend on the economics, consequently it must have stand-point of economics to areal study.
    (3) So far as the area is a product to avoid the defect of environmentalism, it is not an objective but genetically a means of environmentalistic approach.
  • 大久保 忠利
    1966年 15 巻 8 号 534-541
    発行日: 1966/08/01
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 林 力丸
    2008年 18 巻 4 号 370-377
    発行日: 2008/11/20
    公開日: 2009/01/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    High-pressure processed food is in the stream of hundred years’ history of “high-pressure biology” which concerns high-pressure effects on biological systems. This review briefly describes the research histories of high-pressure effects on deep-sea organism, biological reaction, enzyme and protein, cell membrane and lipid, and muscle contraction, citing proceeding books of several symposia, which were mainly held in Europe and U.S.A. from 1950 to 1990. Burst of study on high-pressure food science in 1987 stimulated to found an international organization with high-pressure biology and food science, and led to the successful establishment of the International Conference of High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (HPBB). The first conference was honorably held in Kyoto as HPBB-2000, promising the successive holding in every two years. This review also suggests artificial science in addition to natural science to give a logical background in applying unnaturally high compression of water to living systems.
  • 宗川 吉汪
    2016年 51 巻 12 号 32-37
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2024/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 良一
    2018年 10 巻 2 号 93-104
    発行日: 2018/10/30
    公開日: 2020/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 緑川 信之
    2016年 66 巻 6 号 254-259
    発行日: 2016/06/01
    公開日: 2016/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 現代地理学の論理
    松本 正美
    1976年 49 巻 10 号 655-668
    発行日: 1976/10/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    筆者は1975年の6月に Harvey の処女作“Explanation in Geography”(第15章まで)の邦訳を完了した.それを機会に,現代地理学め歴史と構造とを整理してみようとしたのが本稿である.我が国のこれまでの地理学史や地理学方法論は,地理学の「対象」や,それを取り扱う「方法」に関する議論に終始している.しかし,そのような「対象」や「方法」の論理は,「主体」の論理に先行されねばならない.本稿はその論理を「人間の人間化」と規定し,その論理を詳述するとともに,それをHartshorneからHarveyへの流れに沿って具体化している.人間が「生理的人間」から「知的存在」を経由して「志向的意識の主体」へと純化されるにつれ,その各段階にそれぞれの地理学が存在し,しかも人間の規定様式が地理学の内容を制約するのである.現代地理学の構造と歴史は,英文要旨の中に図表化しておいた.これらの認識が,地理学そのものを洞察する唯一の手段であると信じる.
  • 花田 俊典
    1993年 27 巻 1-13
    発行日: 1993年
    公開日: 2023/05/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐藤 敬三
    1978年 11 巻 13-27
    発行日: 1978/10/20
    公開日: 2009/05/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 益田 凡夫
    1968年 1968 巻 7 号 1-14
    発行日: 1968/03/25
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    To develop the imaginative power for design is a mission allotted to the education of the basic design. To create a meaning with imagination is as important a factor for design training as to train sense through the construction of forms and the practice in a color scheme and to train the technique of expression. In order to carry out this mission it is requisite to visualize imagination by combining real forms. Therefore it is one of the available methods, I think, to make use of photo-collage in this training. For this method help us freely develop and fix idea by seeing many photographs, selecting a good one from among them and combining them according to our intention. Moreover, in the process of this production the imaginative power is given ample stimulus for it to make an active operation at every opportunity. This paper is intended to be an analytical consideration of the relationship between imagination and photo-collage, the meaning of photograph as material, and the method of expression in photo-collage.
  • ―懐疑主義から自然主義へ―
    真船 えり
    1998年 21 巻 5-19
    発行日: 1998/04/01
    公開日: 2018/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper aims to clarify some of the intentions of Hume's arguments concerning the mind-body problem in his Treatise of Human Nature, I, iv, 5. It attempts to examine three main things: (1) the features of Hume's argu­ments compared with those of Locke; (2) Hume's own use of the words, such as ‘notion’, ‘fiction’ or ‘feign’, and ‘imagination’ or ‘fancy’; and (3) Hume's new method of explanation in terms of human nature on the problem concern­ing a conjunction of mind and body in place. In the course of these examina­tions, it will be shown that Hume's sceptical arguments suggest a new solution on the problem concerned, and lead to the naturalism, presented in the light of human nature.

  • 中村 貴志
    1986年 368 巻 157-166
    発行日: 1986/10/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    L'expression graphique de l'architecture ouvre la deuxieme problematique de l'architecturo-logie. Suivant les termes tres divers (esquisse, avant-projet, projet, plan, plan d'execution, detail etc), elle nous presente tous les niveaux de conceptons a travers la demarche de creation. Comme "signe visuel", le dessin d'architecture essaie d'indiquer (γρσφη) au sens technique la realisation d'un edifice a construire, qui n'existe que dans l'imagination. Fixer une "pre-figuration" (Vor-gestalt) de <quidiuris> est sa raison d'etre. Mais en meme temps la for-mation du dessin veut etre un sym-bole (γρσμμη) de l'ideale du monde architectural, son mode d'existence consiste dans la recherche de l'idee de l'Architecture. En y analysant de differents modes d'integrations, on est confronte ici a une double <negatite> essentielle : "l'imparfait epistemologique" et "l'inacheve ontologique". Il est a faire reflexion sur le fait que Le Corbusier a pu "decouvrir le vrai terrain" de sa petite maison apres une longue errance ; "le plan dans la poche" d'une part, et d'autre part sur le po£me de Michel-Ange qui nous annonce finalement une hesitation creatrice de l'existence ; "nessum volto・・・rimmagine del cuor".
  • 保育学の研究方法論を考える(2)保育実践研究:その可能性を探る
    大豆生田 啓友, 平野 麻衣子, 岩田 恵子, 上田 敏丈, 吉川 和幸, 榎沢 良彦
    2018年 56 巻 3 号 229-244
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/03/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 清水 紀宏
    2007年 21 巻 1 号 3-14
    発行日: 2007/03/31
    公開日: 2018/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 荘子 邦雄
    1954年 5 巻 2 号 159-190
    発行日: 1954/11/20
    公開日: 2022/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 難波 精一郎
    2017年 71 巻 2 号 53-
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
     G. T. Fechner proposed his logarithmic law between physical continuum of stimulus and an attribute of sensation in 1860. Fechner also proposed the distinction between outer and inner-psychophysics. Outer-psychophysics deals with the relation between the observable participant's response and stimulus. In outer-psychophysics, it can be postulated that the response is located on the interval scale when the logarithmic law between stimulus and response is established.
     In inner-psychophysics, the logarithmic law is established in mind on the assumption that the equality of subjective size of just noticeable difference (jnd). However, it is difficult to verify the equality of jnd using empirical procedures. Bergson strongly criticizes that Fechner's law is based on an assumption that cannot be verified.
     Zwislocki (1991) defines that the measurement entails matching of common attributes of things or events. According to his definition of “Natural Measurement”, we can match the different things or events on the common psychological continuum. As a result, matching operation can ensure the point of subjective equality (PSE) to be a common attribute among different objects. When an appropriate measure is applied, the same PSE from different things or events confirms the same point on the continuum of common attribute of sensation. The PSE is a physical measure. It can be measured using objective or empirical procedure. An important role of psychophysics is to find an appropriate physical measure. Usually, the standardized physical measure of adequate stimulus is modified on the basis of psychophysical data and reflects the characteristics of sensation. Therefore, a good relationship between subjective response to adequate stimulus and a standardized measure can be expected.
     It is true that the relation between the loudness judgment of various kinds of nonsteady sounds and a standardized index (e. g. equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level: LAeq) exhibits a high coefficient correlation. However, a law derived from the experimental results depends on the psychophysical method used. For example, the method of category scaling results logarithmic law and magnitude estimation results power law.
     The result of the experiment using the scale discriminative method was introduced to verify whether the logarithmic law or the power law was valid for the loudness judgment. The results showed that participants' quantitative judgments were well adapted to the experimental procedure. Torgerson (1960) suggests that the participants seem to judge the stimulus taking a different strategy depending on the purpose of the experiment. In daily life situations, we are very adaptive to quantitative behavior for satisfying the purpose of the behavior. This poses a problem of ecological validity in psychophysics. Therefore, it is necessary to select the appropriate stimuli and method to simulate the daily life situations in the psychophysical experiments.
     Main attributes of auditory sensation are loudness, pitch and timbre. Both loudness and pitch are one dimensional, but timbre or tone quality is multidimensional. It is difficult to constitute rating scale of tone quality expressed by only one physical dimension, and at present, it is far from to establish a general psychophysical rule for applying to tone quality. However, if the sound source is limited, a possibility of establishing a physical scale to predict tone quality. Some examples of the machine sound's tone quality control were introduced.