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37件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 廣木 義久
    2019年 125 巻 9 号 699-705
    発行日: 2019/09/15
    公開日: 2019/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study investigated the usage of north symbols on maps in signboards, newspaper flyers, and textbooks of elementary, junior high, and high schools, and assessed the recognition of north symbols by university students as well as the effect of elementary, junior high, and high-school lessons on such recognition. Almost all students recognized symbols similar to the magnetic north symbol used by the Geological Survey of Japan as the appropriate sign for north, but very few students (around 5%) were aware that the iconic representations of true north and magnetic north were distinct from each other. North symbols used in signboards and newspaper flyers were varied. Students have not acquired accurate knowledge with regard to the differences in north symbols through lessons imparted to them in elementary, junior high, and high schools, suggesting that there is a need to improve instruction on the subject. Students specializing in geology should be taught the correct symbols denoting the notion of north.

  • 日野 貴文, 寺尾 愛也, 鈴木 正嗣, 近藤 誠司, 吉田 剛司
    2015年 2 巻 2 号 23-35
    発行日: 2015/07/01
    公開日: 2017/06/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Although roadside forests are frequently used as refuge areas for deer, social and legal regulations make it difficult to manage deer populations around roads. The lakeshore forest of Shikotsu, adjacent to National Route 453, has been severely impacted by high deer density. To develop deer management options such roadside forests, sharpshooting with a vehicle was implemented by temporally blocking the National Route 453. This first trial on a Japanese national route was implemented on a 6.4km stretch of the road from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. on 25th and 27th February 2014, with the consent of local residents and in collaboration with the relevant ministries, agencies, and local governments. Twelve deer were culled without any difficulty, and this was as effective as the previous similar culling conducted in the Shiretoko Peninsula. Our findings suggest that as long as societal demand, scientific evidence, and strict safety control are present, sharpshooting from a vehicle at a roadblock is an effective method for controlling deer populations. Under the special circumstances of the roadblock, this option offers maximum efficiency for the management of high-deer-density areas, in particular, areas protected by current social and legal regulations.
  • 石井 八萬次郎
    1891年 3 巻 3 号 163-165
    発行日: 1891/03/25
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今井 雄介

    1990年 15 巻 5 号 269-275
    発行日: 1990/09/01
    公開日: 2011/03/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山川 晃司, 奥江 章, 佛淵 孝夫, 中島 勝也, 岸川 陽一, 菊池 直士, 久枝 啓史, 鳥井 芳邦
    1998年 47 巻 3 号 983-986
    発行日: 1998/09/25
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this report, we discuss the results of questionnaires and direct examinations on the running injuries of junior-high school and high school runners in Saga city. 354 cases were surveyed (Junior-high school; 130 boys and 102 girls, High school; 76 boys and 46 girls).
    92 (39.65%) out of 232 junior high school runners and 60 (49.18%) of 122 high school runners were not satisfied with their performance due to pain during and/or after running. According to the injured lesions, the highest incidence was the foot in junior-high school boys, knee in junior-high school girls, and foot in high school boys and girls, respectively. According to the diagnostic criterea, low back pain including spondylolysis showed the highest incidence, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) the second, and Chondromalacia Patellae the third, in both the junior-high school and high school athletes. We studied the correlation of the clinical symptoms of MTSS and the specific findings of the periosteum and bone marrow by means of MRI, and found a signicant correlation between them.
  • 今井 雄介, 森 博彦, 村上 政隆, 後藤 司

    1981年 6 巻 1 号 61-67
    発行日: 1981/01/01
    公開日: 2010/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 灌流系の細胞膜でのNa+, K+, Cl-等の保存的成分の非定常流束の測定につき理論的な考察と具体的な犬顎下腺の灌流実験の結果について報告した.
    2) 灌流組織をいくつかの概念的な区画に分割して, 各区画を成分容量体として流束を求める手段について考察した. 区画の性質により一般区画, 容積区画および流体区画に分けられる. 一般区画は流束によりその容積, 濃度共に変化するもので, その容量値, 流束は次式に示される.

    容積区画は容積が一定であって流束によりそこでの濃度のみが変化する区画である. 容量値, 流束は次式になる.

    流体区画では容積変化即ち容積流が本質的な性質であって, 流体中の濃度の経時的変化はない. 容量値, 流束は次式になる.

    3) 灌流系においてm個の区画流束があるときは, 流東成分が保存されるかぎり, m-1個の測定から, 残りの流束は算出される.
    4) 犬の灌流顎下腺での分泌時のNa+, K+, Cl-の流東を測定した. Na+とCl-は血管側より唾液側へ輸送される. K+は一過性に血管側および唾液側両側に腺細胞から脱出する. K+のこの一過性脱出は従来報告されていた値より大きく, 経過も早いことが明らかになった.
  • 鉱山地質
    1962年 12 巻 55 号 298-300
    発行日: 1962/10/30
    公開日: 2009/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 谷坂 隆俊, 竹森 尚樹, 薮 季仁, 江頭 宏昌, 奥本 裕, 山縣 弘忠
    1994年 44 巻 4 号 397-403
    発行日: 1994/12/01
    公開日: 2010/07/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    委性遺伝子8d-1供与親であるとする従来の推論を確認するため,また他の2組合せは十石がsd-1をもつことが明らかになったので,突然変異遺伝子とsd-1との対立性を検定するために用いた. まず,HSgOの短桿化は,劣性突然変異で生じた1個の
  • 半矢
    祐己, 乾 朋彦, 横島 聡, 徳山 英利, 福山 透
    2007年 49 巻 24
    発行日: 2007/08/24
    公開日: 2017/08/18
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    (-)-Conophylline (1), a bisindole alkaloid constituted of highly oxygenated vincadifformine-tabersonine moieties, was isolated from Tabernaemontana divaricata in 1992. It was shown to possess a potent inhibitory activity of ras function. The interesting biological activities coupled with the unique structural features have attracted our attention as a synthetic target. Herein, we report a convergent total synthesis of (-)-conophylline (1) utilizing a regio- and stereoselective coupling of the upper unit 5 and the lower unit 4 as a key reaction. The synthesis of the lower unit 4 is shown in Schemes 2-5. The Key indole intermediate 13 was synthesized through our tin-mediated indole formation from isocyanide 11, which was readily prepared from a commercially available benzoate 7 in a 11-step sequence including monoprotection of phenolic hydroxyl groups, nitration, Wittig reaction, and conversion to isocyanide. The 2-stannylindole, obtained by the radical cyclization was converted to 2-iodoindole 12 by immediate treatment with iodine and reduction of the ester group. Finally, installation of the methyl acrylate moiety and manipulation of protective groups provided the key indole unit 13. The alcohol 13 thus obtained was coupled with 14 by Mitsunobu reaction to give the desired protected secondary amine 15. The crucial construction of aspidosperma skelton was executed by sequential reactions including deprotection of Boc group, cleavage of DNs, and cyclization under heating to furnish compound 18. Dehydration of 18 gave tabersonine derivative 19, which was then converted to the lower unit 4 by protection of nitrogen with Troc group followed by stereoselective epoxidation according to Szantay's procedure. On the other hand, the upper unit 5 was readily synthesized from 21, which was a key intermediate in our (-)-vindoline synthesis, according to the above synthetic route to 4. With both the upper and the lower units in hand, we next focused on the coupling of these units by Polonovski-Potier reaction. We found that upon treatment of the N-oxide 23 with TFAA, generation of iminium salt 24 and subsequent nucleophilic addition of the upper unit 5 occurred regio- and stereoselectively to give the desired coupling compound 25 as a single isomer. The characteristic dihydrobenzofuran moiety was constructed efficiently via the cleavage of the allyl group followed by intramolecular 5-exo ring closing reaction. Finally, the mesyl and Troc groups were removed with LDA to complete a total synthesis of (-)-conophylline (1). In the same manner, we have completed a total synthesis of (-)-conophyllidine (2) as well. As an alternative route to access the key intermediate 21, we have developed a 9-step sequence starting from natural (-)-vindoline (29) in 27% overall yield. We believe that these synthetic pathways should be amenable to the synthesis of a wide variety of conophylline analogs.
  • 福田 善通
    1995年 45 巻 1 号 15-19
    発行日: 1995/03/01
    公開日: 2010/07/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    委性遺伝子を,第1染色体のRFLP連鎖地図上に位置づけた. SR-1およびジャワ型品種Dina1agaとのF2集団80個体について,脱粒性程度と秤長とを調査した結果,脱粒性程度と桿長との間に負の相関が認められた(r=-0.57**)、このことから,SR-1において離脱粒性突然変異遺伝子と南京!1号に由来する
    委性遺伝子のsd-1とは連鎖していると考えた、また既にRFLPマーカーを用いた分析より,半矯性遺伝子sd-1が第1染色体上に座乗していることが明らかにされている(Ogiet al,1993)ことから,第1染色体のsd-1近傍のRFLPマー力-を用いた計量形質遺伝子座(QTL)解析を,SR-1の離脱粒性遺伝子およびsd-1の染色体地図上への位置づけに適用した.QTL解析にはコンピュータープログラム(MAPMAKER/QTLver.3.O)を用いた.遺伝子座が存在する確からしさを示す尺度としてlodスコアーが示され,マー力-間についてもintervalmappingによりlodスコアーを算出し,lodスコアーが3.O以上で最高値を示した点に各遺伝子座が存在すると推定した
  • 西山 義剛,
    祐己, 横島 聡, 福山 透
    2012年 54 巻
    発行日: 2012/09/01
    公開日: 2017/08/18
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    Lepenine (1), a diterpene alkaloid isolated from aconite species, is characterized by a complex polycyclic system including bicyclo [2.2.1] and bicyclo [2.2.2] skeleton as well as 11 contiguous stereogenic centers. While a synthetic study of denudatine was reported by Wiesner and co-workers, total synthesis of the natural products that possess the carbon skeleton of lepenine has not been achieved to date. Therefore, we initiated our synthetic studies toward the total synthesis of lepenine (1). Our synthetic studies commenced with preparation of enyne 9 from commercially available o-vanillin acetate in seven steps. Enyne metathesis of 9 was performed under an atmosphere of ethylene to give diene 10 in excellent yield. Reduction of the ester of 10 afforded the primary alcohol, which was condensed with methacrylic acid. When the resultant triene 11 was heated at high dilution in the presence of sodium bicarbonate and hydroquinone, intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction proceeded smoothly to afford the desired tetracy clic lactone 12. Diels-Alder adduct 12 was converted to the Mannich reaction precursor 15 in four steps. When 15 was treated with palladium catalyst and acetic acid, removal of the Alloc group and subsequent intramolecular Mannich reaction took place via imminium ion 16, giving a complex cyclic system containing bicyclo [2.2.1] skeleton with high stereoselectivity. After removal of the benzyl group and stereoselective reduction of the ketone, transformation into orthoquinone monoketal 2 was attempted by oxidation with iodobenzene diacetate. While direct oxidation of 19 caused decomposition, oxidation of the corresponding hydrochloride salt 20 yielded orthoquinone monoketal 2. Construction of the bicyclo [2.2.2] skeleton was accomplished by Diels-Alder reaction of orthoquinone monoketal 2 and ethylene with complete stereoselectivity. Thus, we could achieve the construction of the skeleton of the natural product 1. Finally, we attempted a series of functional group manipulations toward the total synthesis of lepenine (1). After protection of the hydroxy group as a MOM ether, reductive removal of the ketal moiety was performed with samarium(II) iodide to give 22. Introduction of exomethylene unit at the a position of ketone 22 and subsequent 1,4-addition of thiophenol afforded 25. When 25 was treated with borane-THF complex at 50 ℃, the regio- and stereoselective hydroboration of the double bond and stereoselective reduction of the ketone proceeded smoothly, and diol 26 was obtained after oxidative workup and treatment with ethanolamine. Protection of the two hydroxy groups with acetic anhydride, followed by careful oxidation of the sulfur atom yielded sulfoxide 27. Sulfoxide elimination and removal of the protecting groups led to the first total synthesis of lepenine (1).
  • 大地 信彰, 佐内 透, 小林 和夫, 名西 史夫, 布井 清秀, 小野 山薫, 藤島 正敏
    1987年 76 巻 8 号 1264-1268
    発行日: 1987/08/10
    公開日: 2008/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    経過中rhabdomyolysisを発症し,急性腎不全をきたした悪性症候群の1例を報告した.症例は精神分裂病に対して向精神薬にて長期治療中の48才,男性.胃潰瘍に対して,抗潰瘍薬(H2受容体阻害薬)を投与したところ3週後に下肢を中心とした筋強直と黒褐色尿が出現し,乏尿が持続したため当科に転院した.入院時, BUN, creatinine, CPK,血中ミオグロブリン,尿中ミオグロブリンの異常高値を認め, rhabdomyolysisによる急性腎不全と診断した.臨床経過からcalpipramine系の向精神薬に抗潰瘍薬のH2受容体阻害薬を併用したことが本症発症の誘因と考えられた.向精神薬で治療中の患者に対するH2受容体作動性抗潰瘍薬の使用には十分注意すべきである.
  • 檜井 孝夫, 田中 一誠, 春田 直樹, 大段 秀樹, 吉川 雅文, 中谷 玉樹, 宮本 和明, 大城 久司, 大久保 孝, 佐々木 伸博, 大上 和行
    1993年 26 巻 6 号 1219-1224
    発行日: 1993/06/28
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    我々は, 長期血液透析例に生じた後天性嚢胞腎Acquired cystic disease of the kidney (ACDK) に, 腎癌を合併した3例を報告した. 症例は, 47歳と46歳の男性2例と62歳の女性1例で, 主訴は, それぞれ左腰部痛, 血尿, 右背部痛, 透析歴は, それぞれ11年10か月, 15年7か月, 9年3か月であった. 術前画像診断では, 前2例に腫大した多発性腎嚢胞を, 他の1例で萎縮性嚢胞腎を認めたが, 嚢胞壁内および腎実質に石灰化像を認めたものの, いずれの症例にも, 明らかな腫瘍性病変を認め得なかった. しかし各症例とも, 症状の頑固な持続と明らかな増悪を呈すること, 画像診断で石灰化像を認めたことから, ACDKに合併した腎癌発生の可能性を考慮して, 手術に踏みきった. 手術術式は, 全例, 経腹的に両側腎摘術と腎動静脈起始部のリンパ節郭清を行った. 病理組織学的検索にて, 前2例に両側腎癌を, 他の1例で右腎癌を認め, 治癒切除が可能であった.
    長期透析症例にACDKを合併した症例では, CTや超音波検査などの画像診断により, 腫瘍性病変の有無を定期的に検索することが基本的に重要である. しかし, 我々の経験した3例のように, 術前に, かかる病変を指摘し得ない症例も存在する. 従ってこのような症例を手術すべきか否かは, 議論の多い所であろう. 我々は, 今回の経験から, 疼痛や血尿などの症状が顕著で, かつ増悪傾向を示し, 画像診断で石灰化像を伴うACDK症例は, 相対的手術適応と考え, 積極的に両側腎摘を施行すべきと考えている.
  • 馬越 龍太郎, 吉村 浩明
    Dynamics & Design Conference
    2008年 2008 巻 501
    発行日: 2008/09/02
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    To strengthen the competitiveness of machine products, it is indispensable in the initial stages of development to create and run on computer virtual prototypes with which mechanical performance, functioning and reliability can be confirmed. This paper introduces the basic theory of automating modeling process of complex mechanical systems on computer. The main modeling strategy is that the energic primitive systems defined by Lagrangian should be interconnected through interconnection multiport systems which can be obtained by employing principle of interconnections. The virtual prototypes are visualized and differential algebraic equations are hierarchically derived via bond graph. Simple virtual prototypes are introduced using modeling of mechanical system and analysis examples.
  • 上皮膜輸送系の回路網表示の試み
    今井 雄介

    1977年 2 巻 4 号 246-254
    発行日: 1977/08/01
    公開日: 2010/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今井 雄介, 吉田 秀世, 宮本 学, 中張 隆司
    1987年 27 巻 4 号 a159-a164
    発行日: 1987/07/25
    公開日: 2009/05/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Biological system is consisted of various kinds and states of flow processes of energy, i.e. powers. If a system is able to be subdivided into representable power processes of free energy changes, dissipations and transductions, it is reconstructed as a circuit model by network thermodynamics. Membrane transport system is a typical example which can be synthesized as a model with the modules represented by generalized capacitors, resistors and transformer type transducers. The coupling mechanism in the membrane transport system is well interpreted with the circuit model.
  • 山田 晋也, 大竹 正剛, 大場 孝裕, 山口 亮, 大橋 正孝
    2013年 1 巻 1 号 1-5
    発行日: 2013/12/20
    公開日: 2017/06/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    We evaluated the stress in deer that were captured using corrals, foot snare traps, grand hunt, and sharp shooting by determining the cortisol and creatine kinase levels. The means of the cortisol levels were 2.5±1.3μg/dL, 11.3±5.3μg/dL, 2.1±2.5μg/dL, and 0.4±0.1μg/dL for deer captured using corrals, foot snare traps, grand hunt, and sharp shooting, respectively. The means of the creatine kinase levels for deer captured using corrals, foot snare traps, grand hunt, and sharp shooting were 93.5±129.1×10^3U/L, 253.6±303.3×10^3U/L, 46.6±70.1×10^3U/L, and 2.6±2.0×10^3U/L, respectively. The means of the cortisol levels of the deer captured using corral, grand hunt, and sharp shooting were significantly lower than that of the deer captured using foot snare traps (p<0.01). The mean of the creatine kinase levels of deer captured using corrals was significantly higher than that of the deer captured using sharp shooting (p<0.01), but was equal to that of the deer captured using foot snare traps and grand hunt.
  • 佐藤 喜和, 高田 まゆら, 園原 和夏, 伊藤 哲治, 小林 喬子, 伊吾田 宏正
    2014年 54 巻 1 号 161-163
    発行日: 2014/06/30
    公開日: 2014/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山本 亮介
    2021年 2021 巻 19 号 145-151
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2023/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 脇水 鐵五郎
    1891年 3 巻 3 号 155-163
    発行日: 1891/03/25
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー