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4,725件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 小野 記彦, 永井 静江
    1958年 33 巻 4 号 107-113
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    交雑の容易なことおよび花粉稔性や痩果形成率などから, ワダンとアゼトウナとが自然状態において独立性を保っているのは, 地理的隔離に原因するものと考えられた。
    属間雑種のワダン×ヤクシソウのF1 F2以後と比較した結果は, F2以後の
    1935年 11 巻 4 号 219-226
    発行日: 1935年
    公開日: 2007/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    スイバ (Rumex Acetosa) の花粉細胞の減數分裂に於て, 6個の二價染色體と1個の三連性染色體とが觀察される。二價染色體の染色體
    をなし, X 染色體の片腕の端部が Y1 染色體の長い腕と
    し, 他方の腕の端部が Y2 染色體の長い腕と
    し, Y1 と Y2 染色體の短い腕は相互に端部で
    した部分にはキアズマを作る。キアズマ説に從へばキアズマは乘違の結果であるから, 此植物の性染色體にも乘違のあることを示唆する。
  • 善如寺 厚
    1960年 35 巻 10 号 321-328
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2007/05/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    T. Timopheevi (AAGG) と Ae. squarrosa 同質四倍体 (DDDD) との交雑を行なって6個体の F1 (AGDD) を得た。この F1 の中5個体は 2n=28で両親の配偶子染色体数の和に等しいが, 残る1個体は2n=29で1本だけ多い (AGDD+1)。
    2n=28の F1 の染色体
    は70.3%で PMC で6~7, 29.7%で8~10の二価染色体がかぞえられた。同時に4.1%の PMC で 0~2III と0.2%で 0~1IV の多価染色体もみられた。1細胞あたりの平均
    は 0.0016IV+0.0428III+7.2476II+13.37I である (第1, 2表)。
    この F1 のゲノム構成により最高
    の 10II のうち 7II は 4x-Ae. squarrosa の同親
    (D-D) であることは明らかであるから, のこる 3IIT. Timopheevi の同親
    (A-G) でなければならない。
    型の頻度から D-D
    を除いて AG ゲノム間の
    量を計算すれば5個体平均4.71%で (第2表), これはすてに報ぜられた Emmer コムギの AB ゲノム間のそれ(木原1936, 近藤•釜野井1955~'58) に比べていくらか高い (第3表)。
    多価染色体について三価は D-D の
    に A または G の1~2染色体が, 四価は D-D にそれと部分相同な A と G の染色体が
    2n=29 F1 の結果は第4表に示された。染色体
    の状態から, 1個余計な染色体は D ゲノムに属すると思われ, 4x-Ae. squarrosa に生じた DD+1 配偶子に T. Timopheevi の AG 配偶子が結合した結果てあろう。この個体の AG ゲノム間の
    は2n=28の F1 と大差はない。
    この実験を行なうにあたり多大な便宜を与えられ, 終始指導くださった中島吾一教授にあつく御礼申し上げる。
  • Tutomu HAGA
    1952年 27 巻 3-4 号 72-74
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2007/05/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    の頻度は, 染色体の長さに逆比例的に増加する (第1表)。染色体構成がひじようにヘテロなオオバナノエンレイソウの様似個体群からとつた1個体は, 上にのべた染色体の長さと不
    の間の一定の関係を示さないものであつた (第2~3表)。オオバナノエンレイソウの染色体には著しい構造変異があることが退色反応によつて確められている (第4表)。これらの構造変異は, 相同染色体の
    の現象から個体群研究をすすめることは, 染色体の形態からの個体群分析の裏づけとしてもひじように興味ぶかいものと考えられる。
  • III. 4x-Ae. squarrosa×S. cereale F1 および戻し交雑してえた F1 の染色体対合, 特にRおよびDゲノムのゲノム内対合
    善如寺 厚
    1965年 40 巻 4 号 325-335
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/05/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    人為同質四倍体と二倍体との交雑によってえられた, diplo-haplo 雑種における成熟分裂の染色体の行動を観察し, その半数染色体側のゲノム内
    (intra-genome pairing) を知る目的で, 4x-Ae. squarrosa×S. cereale F1ならびにそれに S. cereale を戻し交雑してえた BCF1 植物の成熟分裂を観察した. そして, S. cereale の R, Ae. squarrosa のDゲノム染色体間に, それぞれ1対のゲノム内
    の存在することを明らかにした. それはRゲノムでは2.8%, Dゲノムでは0.8%の PMC で観察された. これら二価染色体はまれにキアズマを形成することもあり, 染色体の相同性による
    と思われる. 2個体の BCF1では, Ae. squarrosaS. cereale の染色体間の異親
    による三価を, それぞれ2.4%, 1.8%の頻度で観察した. また, いずれの植物においても一価染色体のあるものが, たがいに連絡しているようにみえる univalent association もまれに見出された. これはヘテロクロマチンの接着による現象と考える.
  • 芳賀 〓
    1940年 16 巻 5 号 211-227
    発行日: 1940/10/20
    公開日: 2011/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present paper a theoretical consideration was made on the problems of differentiation and homology-relationship of the genom. Though tentatively the followings were concluded.
    (1) In two genoms which are in 'intimate homology', the chromosome pairing is nearly complete, the modal class of number of pairing per nucleus corresponding to the basic chromosome number, n (Fig. 1, a), while in the ease of 'remote homology' the number of pairing is considerably variable, the modal class being 0 (Fig. 1, b). A good example of these extreme pairing ways is found in Trillium Hague (3n=15, K1K2T). The mode of pairing between K1 and K2 represents intimate homology and that between (K1+K2) and T remote one (Fig. 1, the ordinate indicates frequency of PMCs in percentage and the coordinate number or pairing per nucleus. cf. Haga 1937 and Tables 1-2).
    (2) As a general rule it will be stated that the increase in the degree of genetic differentiation decreases the quantity of pairing proportionally to the grade or quantity of the differentiation. The relative value of the quantity of genetic differentiation will be then expressed by the quantity of pairing which will be adequately given by the following percentage index : 100× (Total number of pairing observed) /n× (Total number of PMCs observed).
    Theoretically, we can expect all values of the index ranging from 0 to 100. Values of the two modes of pairing. in Trillium Hague were 95.7 for K1-K2 and and 5.6 for (K1+K2) -T, respectively, the former showing the intimate relation and the latter the remote one (Fig. 1, these values are indicated in italics beside the polygons). A more or less continuous variation in this value is evident in a series of diploid hybrids (2n=14) of Aegilops and Triticum (Fig. 2, the ordination and indication of the value are the same as in Figure 1. cf. Table 3). An interesting fact in the present case is that the decrease in quantity of pairing is accompanied by the transposition of the mode of frequency distribution in the direction from the intimate to the remote relation. The most continuous range of variation is obvious in a series of various diploid hybrids (2n=26) in Gossypium. The mean number of bivalents per nucleus shows a complete series from 13 to 2 (v. Skovsted 1937), The pairing relation in the inter- and intra-generic hybrids (2n=14) of Aegilops, Triticum. and Haynaldia is like-wise very suggestive for the present considerations (Fig. 3, only the maximum numbers of bivalents per nucleus are shown after the data compiled by Kihara 1937).
    (3) The above considerations, will support the inference that : genetic differentiations will express, though superficially, a property of a continuous system. Thus homology is naturally the relation between any two of the genoms differentiated variously in a continuous system. In other words all the relations are included in the term 'homology', which ranges however in quantity of pairing from 0 to 100. Thus it is probable that 'homologous' or 'non-homologous' relation in the cytological sense implys nothing else intonate or remote relation respectively. Theoretically, only the 'identical' relationship-equality in quality, quantity and arrangement of all genes-may be absolute. This consideration naturally leads to the nullification of the critical boundary between auto- and allo-polyploidy.
    (4) Certain differentiation as a whole of two or more sub-genoms in an allopolyploid would eventually lead to the formation of a new genom, which is no longer indivisible into the ancestral genoms. The new genom is polyploid in chromosome number but functionally diploid.. In the light of the recent knowledge it seems quite probable that the secondary polyploidy is an evolutional product. Then a genom has a potentiality to give rise to a non-pol
  • I. 減数分裂の染色体対合
    胡 兆華
    1957年 32 巻 1 号 28-36
    発行日: 1957年
    公開日: 2007/05/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Based on the study of secondary association of meiotic chromosomes in diploid plants of rice, Sakai (1935), and Nandi (1936), have made the suggestion that the haploid set (12 chromosomes) of rice woule have been derived from an ancestral genome consisting of five chromosomes. In order to test the validity of this hypothesis, the writer investigated the mode of chromosome association in haploid rice. The principal findings are:
    1. At diakinesis, though twelve univalent chromosomes appeared in a greater part of cells, one or two bivalents loosely associated were occasionally seen. In addition to this, secondary associations were frequently found. (Table 1)
    2. The primary as well as secondary association were most apparent at the trasitional stage from late diakinesis to MI. The mode of association most frequently found was 1(3)+3(2)+3(1), and the maximum association was 2(3)+3(2). (Table 2)
    3. At MI, not only bivalent but trivalent chromosomes were pointed out in a part of cells (Table 4). Having compared with the “Poisson” distribution which was to be expected if the associations occurred merely by chance, the frequency distribution of cells with different numbers of primary associations was found to differ significantly from the former. Thus, the chromosome association appearing in haploid plants cannot be said as chance occurrence.
    4. The frequency of primary and secondary associations found in haploid plants was comparable with that of secondary associations reported by the former authors with diploid plants.
    5. It was discussed that the primary and secondary associations in haploid rice might suggest the presence of some residual homology among the twelve chromosomes of the present genome of rice.
  • 芳賀 〓
    1938年 14 巻 1-2 号 74-90
    発行日: 1938年
    公開日: 2007/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 信徳
    1942年 18 巻 2 号 82b-83
    発行日: 1942年
    公開日: 2007/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松原 重厚, 木下 俊郎
    1982年 22 巻
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2017/04/28
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 升方 久夫
    1988年 28 巻 3 号 125-130
    発行日: 1988/05/25
    公開日: 2009/05/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Initiation of ColE1 plasmid replication requires hybridization of the primer transcript (RNA II) to the template DNA at the replication origin. The hybridization is inhibited by binding of another RNA, RNA I, to RNA II. This binding, which occurs in the nonessential region proximal to the 5'-end of RNA II, alters the secondary structure of RNA II even in the region far downstream of the segment where RNA I binds. Similar functional and Structural alterations of RNA II are caused by a single-base change within the nonessential region. By forming an alternative structure, the dispensable region affects folding of a downstream region, and thus participates in the regulation of DNA replication.
  • 髙橋 明寛, 今北 千春, 塩田 真, 今 一裕, 立川 敬子, 黒田 真司, 中田 秀美, 春日井 昇平
    2020年 33 巻 1 号 28-35
    発行日: 2020/03/31
    公開日: 2020/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー













  • 小国 征哉
    1974年 12 巻 2 号 77-90
    発行日: 1974/12/25
    公開日: 2013/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 嶋村 翔, 平田 耕一
    人工知能学会研究会資料 人工知能基本問題研究会
    2015年 98 巻
    発行日: 2015/08/05
    公開日: 2021/07/01
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    In this paper, first we formulate a kissing hairpin between two RNA sequences as RNA tertiary structures kissing two hairpin loops for every RNA sequence. Then, we design the method of finding all of the maximal kissing hairpins between two RNA sequences, where a kissing hairpin is maximal if the length of its kissing part is maximal. Finally, by connecting maximal kissing hairpins with the same kissing part between two RNA segments, we give experimental results of finding maximal kissing hairpins through 8 RNA segments in influenza A (H3N2) viruses.

  • 林 豊彦, 宮川 道夫, 渡部 厚史, 齋藤 彰, 河野 正司
    1994年 12 巻 27-37
    発行日: 1994/08/10
    公開日: 2016/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    In dentistry, the opposing relations between the upper and lower teeth during contact, which is referred to as occlusion, are evaluated chiefly by the location and/or total area of their contact portions. Considering the amount of force applied to the teeth during chewing, however, the proximity between the opposing surfaces as a whole should also be evaluated. In order to evaluate the relations of opposing teeth, including both contact and clearance, the distance transformation was applied, in which any surface point was mapped into the distance between that point and its opposing surface. That distance and its distribution on the surface are referred to as the interocclusal distance and the distance map, respectively. This map provides a closed surface-region where the interocclusal distance is less than or equal to xmm, denoted as R(x). This region can be interpreted as a generalization of contact region R(0) by the interocclusal distance. The proximity can be evaluated by the area of R(x), denoted as s(x)mm^2, which decreases monotonously as the two surfaces approach each other. To verify the validity of s(x) for the occlusal analysis, it was applied to that during lateral excursions. The occlusal surfaces of the upper and lower first molars were digitized by a laser scanner, and the jaw movements were measured in 6 degrees of freedom. The combination of these measurements provides any positional relation between the opposing surfaces during lateral excursions. Proximity s(x) of the upper first molar was computed at various occlusal positions, where the incisal point was less than or equal to 2.0mm from its location in the intercuspal position (ICP). Proximity s(x) relative to that in the ICP, referred to as the relative proximity, was compared on the working and non-working sides. For s(0.3), the difference between the two sides was not significant statistically on the relative proximity in all the lateral positions, suggesting that the portions relatively close to the opposing surface remained even on the non-working side. For s(2.0), however, the relative proximity on the working side was on average larger than that on the non-working side, as was expected. These results revealed that proximity {s(x)|x≧0} considerably reflected the opposing relation of the two surfaces as a whole.
  • II 核型および体細胞染色体の対合
    胡 兆華
    1958年 33 巻 9 号 296-301
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In haploid plants derived from two Japanese varieties of rice, the morphology and behavior of chromosomes in somatic mitosis were observed. Low temperature treatment (4°-5°C. 20-24 hours) was applied for the root tips. Then, they were squashed and stained with 1% aceto-orcein. The results are briefly stated as follows:
    1. Among the twelve chromosomes of haploid rice, four were of median, and the remaining eight of sub-median or sub-terminal types. Among both latter types, one chromosome with a secondary constriction (Fig. 2c, no. 2), one with a satellite (no. 8), and one with a secondary constriction and a satellite (no. 7) could be identified. In addition, the largest (no. 1) and the smallest (no. 12) chromosomes could also be identified. Thus, seven types of chromosomes were distinguishable in good preparations.
    2. A tendency to somtic pairing was recognized at mitotic metaphase. The maximum pairing so far found consisted of four groups of two and one group of three chromosomes. The largest and the smallest chromosomes tended to pairing. The mode of somatic pairing was thus similar to that of secondary pairing in meiosis.
    3. From the results of these observations, it was assumed that the karyotype of rice could be written as Asm1<(1)>+Asm2<(12)>+csBst<(2)>+Csm1<(3)>+Csm2<(4)>+2Dm<(5, 6)>+tcsEst1<(7)>+tEst2<(8)>+Fsm<(9)>+2Gm<(10, 11)>.
  • 須藤 千春
    1940年 16 巻 6 号 304-306
    発行日: 1940年
    公開日: 2007/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 栗田 正秀
    1946年 21 巻 3-4 号 63
    発行日: 1946年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 隆莊
    1955年 30 巻 1 号 17-23
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2007/05/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ch. indicum var. hexaploid (2n=54)×Ch. lavandulaefolium (2n=18) においてそれを種々の栽培条件下で行い, Ch. indicum var. hexaploid の半数体植物(2n=27)を作ることに成功した. なおこの交雑においては染色体数の増加したF1 (2n=45)をも生じた. この二種類の子孫における細胞学的研究を行つた結果, 半数体において9IIIその他, 雑種において多数の五価染色体を含む
    が観察された. 又二種類の子孫の何れにおいても, ゲノム数より多い多価染色体が観察された. この観察結果から Ch. indicum var. hexaploid が同質的六倍体で, 且つそのゲノムがすべてCh. lavandulaefolium 田中: Ch. indicum var. hexaploid× Ch. lavandulaefolium の半数体と雑種 23のゲノムと同質的であることが明らかとなつた. これらの結果と下斗米及び竹本氏 (1936, 1938, 1939) による核型の研究結果とから, Ch. lavandulaefolium のゲノムは A A で表すとCh. indicum のゲノムは A A A' A', Ch. indicum var. hexaploid のゲノムはで AAAAA'A' 示される.
  • 田中 信徳
    1946年 21 巻 3-4 号 58-59
    発行日: 1946年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー