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16件中 1-16の結果を表示しています
  • 坂下 勝啓
    2006年 50 巻 1 号 99-102
    発行日: 2006/01/10
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    症例の概要: 患者は60歳の男性で上顎右側ブリッジの動揺を訴えて来院した.(7) 6 (5) 432 (1)(1) ブリッジ脱離, 5歯根破折と診断した.432部に対してミニSGのアタッチメント装置を用いた可撤性ブリッジによる補綴治療を行い, 5年経過するが経過は良好であった.
    考察: 脱離したブリッジの状況から, 固定性ブリッジでは側方力に耐えることが困難であると判断した.また, アタッチメント装着により, 機能的な咬合の安定が図られ, 良好な経過が得られていると思われる.
    結論: 本症例では, アタッチメントを使用することによって装着感のよい可撤性ブリッジとなり, 患者からも十分満足が得られ, 機能的にも良好な結果が得られた.
  • 三澤 弘子
    2005年 49 巻 2 号 290-293
    発行日: 2005/04/10
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    症例の概要: 交通外傷による歯槽骨および歯の欠損を1℃ アタッチメント応用部分床義歯で補綴した.
    考察: 前歯部にクラスプが使用されていないこと, 義歯の維持力の不足や使用時の疼痛もなく, 着脱が容易なことから審美性および機能性に対する患者の十分な満足が得られた.
    結論: 前歯部欠損症例において, 比較的小型でクラスプに比べ審美性の良いアタッチメントを用いたことで患者の十分な満足を得ることができた.また経過が良好なことから, 前歯部欠損症例に対してI-Cアタッチメントが有効使用できることがわかった.
  • 早乙女 雅彦
    日本顎咬合学会誌 咬み合わせの科学
    2008年 28 巻 4 号 200-207
    発行日: 2008/11/27
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    インプラントを主体とするブリッジにて補綴を考える場合, できるだけ自分の歯を残したいという患者の希望を受け入れることにより, 少数残存歯とインプラントが混在する歯列となり, 補綴設計に苦慮することが多い.このようなケースに対して, エレクトロフォーミングとハイブリッドセラミックスを併用したブリッジにて対応し良好な結果が得られたので報告する.
    患者は52歳女性で, 上顎前歯ブリッジの動揺と上顎臼歯欠損部へのインプラント治療を希望して来院した.初診時診査より上顎における保存可能な歯は14, 12, 23と診断.そこで17, 15, 11, 22, 24, 26, 27部インプラントと残存歯を支台とするエレクトロフォーミングとハイブリッドセラミックスを併用した術者可徹式ブリッジにより補綴治療を行った.現在治療終了後2年を経過しているにすぎないが, 良好な結果が得られている.この方法はロングスパンの症例においても精度の高い補綴物を製作できることが最大の利点と思われるが, 今回のような天然歯とインプラントが混在する症例に対しても有効な方法であると思われる.
  • ―第4報 磁性アタッチメントの使用目的による分類―
    田中 譲治, 星野 和正, 鳥居 秀平, 古市 嘉秀, 柏原 毅, 覚本 嘉美, 佐藤 甫幸, 小澤 幸重
    2001年 14 巻 2 号 313-321
    発行日: 2001/06/30
    公開日: 2016/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Magnetic attachments have various properties not found in other retainers because of their specific retentive force by magnetic energy, and they have received attention as excellent retainers with different functions. However, no sufficient guidelines have been established for designing magnetic attachments used in clinical treatment. In this study, we focused on the ability usefulness of magnetic attachments, and classified them according to their purpose of application, to obtain guidelines for their design:
    [Classification of magnetic attachments by purpose of application](Tanaka & Hoshino)
    Type R:for retention mainly. Support and bracing are not expected.
    Type SR:for support and retention. Bracing is not expected.
    Type BSR:for bracing, support, and retention.
    Type R should be applied to cases in which the amount of available remaining bone for implantation is insufficient, and the permanent abutment teeth condition is poor. That is, support should be obtained from the mucosa, and mainly retention alone should be obtained from the magnetic attachment abutments;therefore, magnetic attachment abutments should be placed in the area as far as possible from the area to which strong occlusal force is applied. We considered that this approach useful for protecting the abutments.
    In cases in which the amount of available remaining bone for implantation is sufficient, and the permanent abutment teeth condition is good, the application of Type SR is possible, and we considered that, by placing magnetic attachment abutments in the area, such as molar areas, where strong support was expected, the magnetic attachments could be used for improving occlusal support.
    Furthermore, in cases in which a sufficient number of magnetic attachment abutments are available, the application of Type BSR is possible, and we considered that, by placing magnetic attachment abutments in the anterior and molar areas, not only retention but also support and bracing could be expected.
    It is known that the prognosis of dental implant becomes poor not only by excessive lateral force but also by vertical force, and understanding this aspect is important in designing implants. It was suggested that, in applying magnetic attachments to implants, and also in order to bring out many advantages in magnetic attachments, using the above classification, in which not only retention but also support and bracing were considered, was very useful.
  • 瀬沼 壽尉, 山縣 徹哉, 佐藤 裕二, 金 修澤, 吉岡 達哉, 内田 圭一郎, 石橋 弘子
    2003年 16 巻 2 号 295-299
    発行日: 2003/06/30
    公開日: 2015/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Magnetic attachments are third-generation attachments with various characteristics, and their application to implant-supported dentures has been attempted. This attachment is useful in overdentures for difficult cases such as edentulous jaw, cleft palate, and remarkable defect of jawbone.
    This report describes an implant overdenture with milling bar attachment made of a goldplatinum alloy that has magnet keepers on the top face. The denture has a titanium frame in the permanent resin baseplate. This attachment has only retentive force, and support and bracing force are demonstrated with the milling bar.
    We have treated 20 cases with this type of denture in 6 years and there was no experience of disintegrated implant, broken bar or remade denture. The advantages of this method based on our clinical experiences are reliable occlusal registration because of the ease of checking the metal frame adaptation on the bar, sufficient support with rigid bar, and easy removal for aged and/or handicapped patients, as well as ease and reliability of repair and relining.
  • 山本 能康, 野田 拓聖, 坂井 清隆, 藤本 俊雄, 安田 清次郎, 安田 順一, 玄 景華
    2004年 17 巻 1 号 47-53
    発行日: 2004/03/31
    公開日: 2015/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Purpose: We report that a mentally disabled patient's masticatory function and esthetics were improved by applying the implant overdenture system by using a magnetic attachment.
    Case: The patient was a 56-year-old female. The chief complaint was disturbance of masticatory function because of ill-fitting of the upper jaw denture. The case was complicated because the patient was seriously mentally disabled and attended an institution for the mentally disabled in daily life. Oral findings were edentulous upper jaw 2 years ago and the lower jaw had only 2 teeth.The alveolar bone of the upper jaw showed remarkable bone resorption and the tongue and lips showed extramovement.
    Operation and Course: We performed surgical insertion of 7 ITI® implants around the 832|2378 regions under intravenous sedation. Six months later, we carried out a second operation to implant the Platon® magnetic head system, and then completed the upper overdenture without palatal base by using the magnet of Hitachi® High Colex. After completing the overdenture, the patient showed remarkably improved masticatory function and esthetics, and reduced extra-movement of the tongue and lips. We are now performing a regular check-up every three months.
    Discussion and Conclusion: We found that implantation for the mentally disabled patient involved many difficult factors such as whether the implant was done by surgical operation or not, and maintenance of oral condition was poor because of poor oral hygiene. In this case, the implant overdenture system by using magnetic attachment was shown to improve QOL for the mentally disabled patient and was very useful.
  • 山城 光明, 田中 譲治, 金田 隆, 星野 和正, 小澤 幸重
    2001年 14 巻 2 号 189-196
    発行日: 2001/06/30
    公開日: 2016/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently, magnetic attachments for implants have been reported to be useful. However, keepers of magnetic attachments have produced metal artifacts on magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the head and neck regions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate metal artifacts on MR imaging using Magnetic Attachments of a Cap Shape (MACS) removable keepers, in a phantom study and in clinical cases.
    The following results were obtained:
    1. In the phantom study, the dimensions of metal artifacts were 11.3 centimeters with a keeper,and almost none without a keeper.
    2. In clinical case, diagnostic imaging in the head and neck regions was impossible with keepers, and possible without keepers. These results suggested that MACS is useful for MR imaging in the oral region, because it has a removable keeper.
  • 村山 大悟, 宮坂 平, 入江 修充, 青木 春美
    2012年 25 巻 2 号 271-281
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2013/12/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical retention force of implant magnetic dentures. Dental implants for a demonstration were implanted into a model of an edentulous jaw, and a maxillary roofless denture, on which a magnetic attachment was placed, was made. The magnetic attachments were placed at the positions corresponding to 17, 14, 12, 22, 24, and 27 in the FDI dental formula. Three types of magnetic attachment, i. e., flat-type, cushion-type and dome-type, were used. A tensile load was applied at one of two positions to remove the denture from the model: one was the center of both maxillary center incisors (front center), and the other was the barycenter of the positions of 6 magnetic attachments (barycenter). The effects of the locations of magnetic attachments, types of attachment, and positions of applying tensile load on the retention force were investigated, and the following conclusions were drawn.
    1. The maximum retention force increased with the number of magnetic attachments, regardless of the tensile load application position, and the effect of the type of magnetic attachment in descending order was flat-type, cushion-type and dome-type.
    2. The two-factor interaction between magnetic attachment location and type on retention force indicated that the difference among magnetic attachment types was small if the number of magnetic attachments was small, but the difference between the flat-type or the cushion-type and the dome-type became significantly large as the number of magnetic attachments increased. This tendency was more pronounced when the number of magnetic attachments was greater than four.
    3. The two-factor interaction between magnetic attachment location and tensile load application position indicated that the retention force of the barycenter was greater than that of the front center in general, but the difference between the retention force of the two positions became significantly large as the number of magnetic attachments increased.
    4. The two-factor interaction between the type of magnetic attachment and tensile load application position indicated that the retention force decreased in descending order of flat-type, cushion-type and dome-type, and the difference became large when the tensile load application position was the barycenter.
    5. The retention force was strongly positively correlated with the area surrounded by magnetic attachments when the tensile load was applied to the barycenter, and increased with an increase of the area, although the correlation was poor when the tensile load application position was the front center.
  • 瀬沼 壽尉, 金 修澤, 佐藤 裕二, 山縣 徹哉, 内田 圭一郎
    2005年 18 巻 4 号 549-555
    発行日: 2005/12/31
    公開日: 2014/11/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    The use of magnetic attachments in implant-supported overdentures has been attempted in a variety of forms. Magnetic attachments for two implants inserted in the canines area between both mentale foramen in the edentulous mandible in particular are highly regarded for their simplicity and usefulness. Nevertheless, the distribution of force acting on the residual ridge differs depending on the shape of the upper surface and has yet to be clarified.
    To clarify the optimal shape of the upper surface for attachment, we geometrically analyzed the compression force acting on the residual ridge, bearing capacity of the residual ridge, and the effects of two types of upper surfaces, a dome shape and a reverse dome shape. We inserted an implant fixture in the portion corresponding to the canines between both foramen mentale in a standard model of the edentulous mandible and attached a dome attachment. We fabricated a plaster model and measured the slope and area of the residual ridge. In accordance with Young's modules, we calculated the compression force on the residual ridge mucosa by the denture with respect to a fixed amount of sinking and determined the ratio of the supportable occlusal force as support efficiency.
    In addition, symmetrical to the dome shape, a reverse dome shape with the same radius of curvature was analyzed in a similar manner.
    As a result, the dome shape was able to support occlusal force 10.7% greater than the reverse dome shape at a fixed amount of sinking. With respect to fixed occlusal force, the dome shape had 11.1% less sinking of the residual ridge mucosa than the reverse dome shape. In addition, the dome shape displayed maximum support efficiency at the portion distal to the first molar, and support capacity was evenly distributed. In contrast, the reverse dome shape displayed maximum support efficiency at the portion corresponding to the second premolar, and the range of support efficiency tended to be concentrated.
    These results suggest that the dome shape is superior to the reverse dome shape by effectively and evenly bearing a large occlusal force on the residual ridge mucosa.
  • ―磁性バーアタッチメントを用いたオーバーデンチャー症例―
    吉岡 達哉, 山縣 徹哉, 佐藤 裕二, 金 修澤, 瀬沼 壽尉, 内田 圭一郎, 石橋 弘子
    2003年 16 巻 3 号 423-428
    発行日: 2003/09/30
    公開日: 2015/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Magnetic attachments are regarded as the third generation retainer, and they are used extensively for the implant prosthesis. However, damage of the denture and recovery of it should be taken into consideration for long-term usage.
    We have treated 20 cases with magnetic bar attachments in six years. Although there are very few cases of trouble, we report the causes, recovery, and consideration points.
    The main trouble is ill fitness of dentures. In direct rebase after tissue conditioning and pressure impression was done for recovery. It was suggested that rebase could be done securely and easily because the relations of the bars and dentures were stable.
  • 磁性アタッチメントのくさび状間隙の状態が荷重支持能力に及ぼす影響
    菅原 孝, 佐藤 裕二, 北川 昇, 内田 圭一郎
    2007年 51 巻 2 号 270-279
    発行日: 2007/04/10
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    目的: 磁性アタッチメントの磁石構造体が傾斜し, キーパーとの間にくさび状間隙を生じた場合には吸引力が低下すると考えられる. さらに, インプラントオーバーデンチャーの回転離脱軸の位置が変化することから, 咬合面外側に咬合力が加わった際には荷重支持能力も低下すると推定される. そこで本研究では, このくさび状間隙の状態が, 荷重支持能力に及ぼす影響を引張試験および三次元幾何学解析を用いて明らかにすることを目的とした.
    方法: くさび状間隙が生じた場合の吸引力を測定するため, アルミ箔を用いて傾斜角度0°から10.0°の間隙を設定し, 磁性アタッチメントの最大引張り強さを測定した. 得られた結果を用いて, 上顎無歯顎模型の両側第一大臼歯, 犬歯相当部にインプラントを4本埋入したと想定し, インプラントオーバーデンチャーの荷重支持能力について三次元幾何学解析を行った.
    結果: 吸引力は, 傾斜角度が増すにつれ減少した. 0°~1.0°の間で低下が著しく, 2.0°で半減し, その後は緩やかな低下を示した. 荷重支持能力は, 口蓋側に間隙がある場合は傾斜角度に応じて減少したが, 頬側に間隙がある場合には, 間隙のない場合と比較し, 大臼歯荷重で1/7, 中切歯荷重で1/3に減少した.
    結論: 磁性アタッチメントのわずかなくさび状間隙により吸引力は大きく低下し, 特に頬側に間隙がある場合には荷重支持能力の大幅な低下を招くことが明らかとなった.
  • 増田 美樹子, 早川 徹, 渡辺 官, 五十嵐 郁, 高橋 徹也, 北川 剛至, 會田 雅啓
    2002年 46 巻 2 号 260-269
    発行日: 2002/04/10
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    目的: 日常の臨床において歯冠補綴物の脱離がみられるが, そのほとんどがポストを有する鋳造築造体からの脱離である. 原因については, ポストの形態や応力分布など力学的観点からの究明が多い. 接着性からの検討も行われているがわずかであり, 歯冠象牙質を対象としているのが現状である. そこで今回は, 築造体の脱離の原因を歯根象牙質とレジンセメントとの接着性から究明するため, その第一歩として歯冠および歯根象牙質に対するレジンセメントとの接着性について検討を行った.
    方法: 被着体は, 抜歯直後冷凍保存した人歯を使用直前に自然解凍し, #1000の耐水紙にて露出させた歯冠および歯根象牙質を用いた. 歯冠および歯根象牙質に対する4種の市販レジンセメントとの接着性, 前処理材処理後およびレジンセメント接着後のレジンタグの状態を電子顕微鏡によって観察を行った.
    結果: 4種のレジンセメントのすべてにおいて, 歯冠象牙質に対する接着性が歯根象牙質に対する接着性より高かった. また, 前処理材によるスメア層の除去効果は歯冠において顕著であった. さらに, 歯冠象牙質において長いレジンタグが存在していることが確認できた.
    結論: 歯根象牙質におけるスメア層の処理効果を歯冠象牙質と同程度に行うことが, 歯根象牙質に対するレジンセメントの接着性を高める一因となりうることが示唆された.
  • 第1報:ナノ化ハイドロキシアパタイトの応用による軟化根管象牙質の強化
    菊地 信之
    2008年 5 巻 2 号 117-128
    発行日: 2008/03/30
    公開日: 2008/05/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―第3報 各種インプラント対応オーバーデンチャー用キャップ式磁性アタッチメント(MACS)の検討―
    田中 譲治, 星野 和正, 鳥居 秀平, 堀中 昌明, 小倉 隆一, 深井 眞樹, 浅賀 寛, 小澤 幸重
    2000年 13 巻 4 号 661-671
    発行日: 2000/12/31
    公開日: 2016/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    For design of the superstructure of implants, overdentures are regarded as an indispensable alternative in the aspects of lip-support, speech, cleansability, economy, and aesthetics. As a retainer of overdentures, magnetic attachments have attracted attention due to their many useful aspects; for example, they can reduce lateral adverse force.
    We have developed various types of Magnetic Attachments of a Cap Shape (MACS) that can be applicable to implants. We applied them in many clinical cases, obtaining good results. In this study, for further detailed evaluation of three types of MACS, such as those applied to ITI, POI, and 3i, among various types of MACS applied to implants used in overdentures, we examined the fit, using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a retentive force test using dental force gauges, and evaluated the results with those of the clinical application of MACS. MACS applied to various types of implants used in overdentures are composed of a removable keeper that is directly connectable to the fixture or component using screws, and of a magnet that has a resin cap to cover the keeper.
    As a result, the three types of MACS showed good of fit by SEM observation. Regarding measurements by the retentive force test, 772.6 gf was measured in the MACS applied to ITI, 760.3 gf in that applied to POI, and 448.7 gf in that applied to 3i, showing sufficient suction force in all three types. As a result of clinical application of MACS, dislocation due to an improperly installed magnet, and falling of the magnet in later days, were prevented. Moreover, the magnet attachments were applicable to implants with a simple manipulation using self-curing resin without complicated laboratory procedure, and were excellent in retention force, feeling of use, and maintenance, showing a good clinical course. Because the keeper was removable, it was considered that adverse effects on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and deterioration of the keeper due to casting or treatment with acids, were prevented. From these results, it was suggested that MACS may have useful applicability for implant overdentures.
  • 秋葉 峻介
    医学哲学 医学倫理
    2020年 38 巻 1-10
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2022/07/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 大久保 厚司, 下御領 良二, 井上 正朗, 千坂 英暉, 鈴木 久二博, 辻本 恭久, 空閑 裕紀, 松永 常典, 三島 弘幸, 山本 仁, 筧 光夫, 寒河江 登志朗, 小澤 幸重, LeGeros Racquel
    2006年 3 巻 2 号 100-113
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    上顎洞底粘膜挙上術(サイナスリフト)において,上顎骨が約 1~2mm(分類SA 4)の挙上は洞底粘膜や毋床骨からの血流は乏しく,粉砕自家骨を用いても充分な骨量を確保できない場合がある.
    臨床医として施行可能な範囲で,組織工学の原則である腸骨より体性幹細胞,足場として CHA(carbonate apatite)と自家粉砕骨を混ぜたもの,成長因子としてAPC-PRP(Auto Platelet concentration Platelet Rich Plasma )の3要素を用いて,サイナスリフトを施行した.4ヶ月後,口腔インプラントを埋入時に内径2~3mmのフライスドリルを用いてD2程度に造成された新生骨をブロック状で採取することが可能であったため,これを用いて組織学的検討をおこなった.
    以上のことからコラーゲン?T型,結晶核として Ca2+,CO32-,PO43-等のイオンの介在の可能性,CHAによるpHの調整,骨造成蛋白の発現の制御を検討した.