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クエリ検索: "笠佐島"
17件中 1-17の結果を表示しています
  • 田中 健作
    2010年 56 巻 1 号 1-15
    発行日: 2010/03/30
    公開日: 2017/05/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 笹 健児, 清水 聖治, 古賀 英司, 藤井 雅之
    2012年 126 巻 105-114
    発行日: 2012/03/25
    公開日: 2017/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Obatake Seto, which locates in the Yamaguchi Pref. in western Japan, is famous for its strong tidal current. It sometimes makes ship navigation difficult. Casualties sometimes happen there because of strong tidal currents and complicated topography. Renewable and environmental friendly energy resources are inevitable to decrease the dependence with fossil fuels or nuclear energy. Authors pay attention the possibility on tidal current electric generation in the Obatake Seto. However, there is very few knowledge on spatial distribution of tidal currents around the Obtake Seto within 100 meters. In this study, properties of tidal currents are clarified through the field observation and numerical simulation from viewpoint of navigation safety and electric power generation.
  • 佐々木 彦一郎
    1932年 8 巻 1 号 38-47
    発行日: 1932/01/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Numerous islands scattering in “Setouchi” or inland sea present many facinating problems in terms of land utilization.
    2. The necessity of providing cheap grass fertiliser to agricultural islands induces the utilization of many islands exclusively for the cultivation of grass.
    3. The irregularity of roads pattern as well as the sectional limitation of the extension of roads are explained by the sectional isolation of the economic entity due to the irregular relief of the islands.
    4. Small islands adjacent to the mother island have no permanent habitation provided the shortness of the distance enables the easy access by boat.
    5. The lack and the existence of permanent habitation in small islands may be often explained by the relation of the seasonal demand of labor power. For while some of the islands that are exclusively utilized for paddy fields have no settlement, those for day farm have permanent dwellers without exceptien.
    6. Most of the small islands are, contraty to the general expectation, primarily agricultural, and fishing is carried on merely as a subsidiary business. Thus the existence of arable land is the vital factor for the dwellers of the islands.
    7. Farms are reached rather by boat than on foot. Thus each island has always some landing ports, although occassionally lacks in road. The farms are distributed in a most profused manner, as the location is mainly determined by the easy accessibility by boat.
    8. Each island though uninhabited or without farm land, has a shrine without exception. “Benten” the sea goddess, is enshrined here. Shrines which are surrounded by sacred forests, are located at the tip of the promontries, whic, before the introudction of the light house, served as the important marks for the sea going vessels.
  • 阿土 拓司, 中島 祐, 佐藤 徹郎
    1973年 50 巻 129-134
    発行日: 1973/12/30
    公開日: 2017/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    To investigate a change of tidal current influenced by the bridge pillar which is now under construction over OBATAKE STRAIT, and to cnosider safety way of sea navigation under the bridge.
  • 千葉 元, 道田 豊
    2022年 27 巻 1 号 81-93
    発行日: 2022/07/30
    公開日: 2022/08/27
    ジャーナル フリー

    Obatake-Seto, located in Inlandsea of Japan, is famous for its strong tidal currents, the maximum speed of which is about ±6–7 kn (positive indicates an eastward flow, and negative, westward). The Komatsu-Ko port area is located at the northwest side of Suo-Oshima Island. The currents around this area, which have a speed of about 0.5–1.5 kn, are caused by the currents of Obatake-Seto, and the speed and direction of these currents have complex characteristics due to the area’s terrain. To clarify these characteristics, we investigated the current speed and direction, over a period of approximately one month, at three stations in the Komatsu-Ko port area. Measurements were made using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler “ADCP” or electromagnetic current meters at each station. From these observations, phase differences between the main currents and local currents, at the spring and neap tide periods, as well as the presence of counter currents were identified.

  • 人文地理
    1961年 13 巻 2 号 164-178
    発行日: 1961/04/30
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 健作
    2020年 75 巻 1 号 1-18
    発行日: 2020/02/28
    公開日: 2020/04/03
    ジャーナル フリー



  • 田中 健作
    2015年 47 巻 105-114
    発行日: 2015/01/30
    公開日: 2017/04/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中島 裕, 藤井 英信
    1980年 62 巻 41-49
    発行日: 1980/01/15
    公開日: 2017/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to prevent radar false echoes caused by a bridge, the structure of a bridge and its materials for absorbing electromagnetic waves from the radar have been investigated in various methods. About the Osima Ohasi Bridge, the front side of No.3 bridge pier and the triangular part of the span structure were covered with "Aluminum Expanded Metal". And experiments on the effect of "The Metal" have been carried out. The radar reflection patterns were measured on the cross sections of the middle part and the triangular part of the span structure on No.3 pier. The radar reflection patterns were also measured on the vertical section of the side views of the same parts above mentioned.
  • 丹羽 康之, 本木 久也, 西崎 ちひろ, 瀬田 剛広
    2012年 127 巻 149-155
    発行日: 2012/09/25
    公開日: 2017/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have been focusing on wireless LAN for radiocommunication between ships for exchanging safety and efficiency navigational information each other. In the preceding trial, we used directional antennas and measured RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) and throughput between ships. However, the trial was held with one ship moored at the peer. In this time, we carried out on-sea trial by sailing two ships. The parameters of the trial were ship's speed (3 cases), passing distance (2 cases) and type of directional antenna (2 cases). Twenty-four trial series were done in two days. By this trial, following results were obtained. First, the radiocommunication ability did not fall by sailing both two ships. Second, comparing the speed different cases, it was appeared that the trim angle, which became larger at high speed on the small ship, did not affect the radiocommunication performance, because the E-plane half-power angle of the antenna was much wider than the trim angle. Last, the wider the bearing angle became, the lower RSSI became, depending on the E-plane half-power angle of the antenna. However, the throughput was over 1 Mbps and transferred data size was over 50-100MB in any case.
  • 荒谷 太郎, 宮崎 恵子
    2016年 59 巻 173-180
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2019/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    わが国の全離島の平均高齢化率(人口に占める65歳以上の割合)は43.9%であり、わが国全体の高齢化率、23.0%と比較して高い水準にある。高齢化が進んでいる離島において、生活基盤の維持は重要な政策課題であるといえる。離島居住者は、通院など本土との往来にはフェリーや旅客船を利用しなければならない。特に高齢者にとっては、待ち時間や交通結節点内での移動など、本土との往来は大きな負担となっている。 本研究では、離島と本土を結ぶ直通バス(シームレス運航バス)が運行された場合、これまでの路線バスとフェリーを乗り継いで移動した場合と比較して、どの程度の負担感に違いが生じるかについて明らかにすることを目的とする。具体的には、社会実験時に測定した被験者の歩行速度より、シームレス運航バスを利用した移動(以下、シームレス利用)、路線バスとフェリーを利用した移動(以下、フェリー利用)を比較し、一般化時間を用いることにより負担感の違いについて明らかにした。本研究において示した結果は、利用者減少が見込まれる離島航路において、船を小型化しても利便性が保てることを示しており、持続的な航路運営に寄与するものと考える。
  • 丹羽 康之, 本木 久也, 西崎 ちひろ, 浦上 美佐子, 南 真紀子, 小林 充, 瀬田 剛広
    日本航海学会誌 NAVIGATION
    2013年 186 巻 4-14
    発行日: 2013/10/20
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 浦上 美佐子, 松野 浩嗣, 岩崎 寛希
    2004年 111 巻 173-180
    発行日: 2004/09/25
    公開日: 2017/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently, due to an increase of sea accidents, it becomes more important to strengthen measures to ensuring the safe navigation of small craft. Generally speaking, a captain of small craft does not have much experience in safe navigation procedures. If such small crafts have the equipment to communicate with base stations on land or with other crafts sailing near them, it will be of great help for a captain of the small craft, compensating for their lack of experience in safe navigation. This paper proposes the use of a wireless LAN system on the sea to help captain of small craft to navigate safely. We carried out experiments of some wireless communications on the ad-hoc network constructed in Seto Inland Sea. From the experimental results, we found that wireless communication qualities on the sea are effected by changes in weather conditions and by the passing of large ships. In order to resolve these problems, this paper proposes a plan to use mobile agents which allow small craft to communicate with other stations even in severe wireless communication environments.
  • 大谷 誠
    2012年 52 巻 3 号 47-65
    発行日: 2012/06/01
    公開日: 2020/12/04
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    本研究は,離島漁業の存立基盤について,人的資源の側面から現状と課題を把握することを目的とする。このため,有人離島数が全国で 6番目に多い山口県において,若年者が多く存在する離島を対象として,島内への流入・定着条件を明らかにする。とくに,若年者の職業選択意識に関する今日的傾向に着目し,島内就業を選択するための条件を抽出する。


  • 井戸 庄三
    1976年 49 巻 5 号 285-299
    発行日: 1976/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    明治22年 (1889) の町村合併で誕生した新町村の名称について,茨城・埼玉など15府県の4,041町村を対象に検討を加えた.新町村名を, A (歴史的広域名称), B (中心地名称), C (合成名称), D (並列名称), E (自然名称), F (社寺名称), G (歴史遺跡名称), H (地形名称), I (狭域名称), J (人為名称)などに類型区分すると, Aが1,277町村で全体の31.6%を占めて第1位であり, Bが1,089町村でこれにっいでいる.以下, J・C・Eの順となり,これら5類型で3,567町村を数え,全体の88.3%に達する.これを府県別にこまかくみると,かなり多彩な特色が認められる.滋賀県は郷・庄名の継承を優先したためAの比率がきわめて高く,福岡県もAおよびBに重点をおいたので,この両県では歴史と伝統に恵まれた新町村名が選定された.これに対して, Cが高率である広島県とJが異常に多い千葉県は,新町村名の選定に関するかぎり,問題の多いケースといえる.
  • 周防・長門を事例に
    喜多 祐子
    2003年 55 巻 2 号 144-162
    発行日: 2003/04/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the Edo era, the counties were ordered to submit the kuni-ezu (the county maps) to the Shogunate Government as many as four times. The muragata in the kuni-ezu, are the village symbols. In this paper, however the ezumura is a general term referring to the village, the edamura (the branch village), the umatsugi (the inn) etc.
    The aim of this paper is to explicate the characteristic of the ezumura. Through this explication, we can obtain a glimpse into the difference of opinions between the Shogunate and the feudal clans.
    Several types of edamura are found on Suoh and Nagato kuni-ezu compiled both in the Keicho and Shoho period. On these maps, we can also find some symbols indicating non-availability of information on the payment of tax (the edamura symbol similar to a bean grain which signifies the mametsubu-komuragata). On the Shoho kuni-ezu, there was the umatsugi.
    On the Genroku maps, some of these do not appear. According to old manuscripts and previous research, the edamura on the Genroku maps were substituted for the edamura and the umatsugi on the Shoho maps. As for the edamura, they were isolated from the parent villages by mountains, rivers and roads. It is clear, however, that the isolation as such is never described on the Genroku kuni-ezu. They can be broadly classified into three types: (1) the umatsugi bearing the parent village name and the edamura name. (2) The island, which was more than 16 kilometers square, and had some houses. (3) The edamura placed near the county borders and the district borders on the Shoho kuni-ezu.
    It is also clear that many branch villages were placed near these borders, and that this manner of drawing was followed in the Keicho, Shoho, and Genroku periods. The district areas were highlighted by applying the same color to the ezumura within the district and by stating the district name. In short, the trend that intends to show boundaries visually became clear in these maps.
    It is obvious from the distribution pattern and contents of the ezumura entries that the interest of the Shogunate shifted from the coastal regions to the inland regions on the Genroku maps.
    From the foregoing observations, we can conclude that the ezumura was an expression of much information on politics, military, economy, society and general location. By creating and presenting the kuni-ezu to the Tokugawa Shogunate, this signified that these counties were under the rule of the Shogunate. It was very important for the Shogunate to have sound knowledge of the counties in order to defend them from the feudal lords (the daimyo). From these maps one can obtain information such as the payment of tax, the umatsugi, outcaste areas and so on. Geographic location played a vital role in the selection of edamura. For example, on the map, the edamura near the border represents the boundary of the territory.
  • 岩生 周一
    1936年 43 巻 516 号 660-691
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー