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クエリ検索: "第三世代の人権"
25件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 深田 三徳
    1998年 1997 巻 268-280
    発行日: 1998/10/30
    公開日: 2009/02/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 尾崎 公子
    2001年 8 巻 262-265
    発行日: 2001/06/23
    公開日: 2017/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 牧 貴愛
    2018年 2018 巻 56 号 196-198
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2020/09/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宮本 光雄
    1996年 44 巻 91-
    発行日: 1996/03/15
    公開日: 2017/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中川 幾郎
    2022年 19 巻 2 号 35-36
    発行日: 2022/09/30
    公開日: 2022/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宮盛 邦友
    2007年 14 巻 248-251
    発行日: 2007/06/30
    公開日: 2017/12/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 永山 茂樹
    2018年 50 巻 141-146
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2023/11/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小林 卓, 高橋 隆一郎
    2009年 59 巻 8 号 397-402
    発行日: 2009/08/01
    公開日: 2017/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鮎京 正訓
    1989年 1989 巻 41 号 217-222
    発行日: 1989/04/20
    公開日: 2009/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 東 泰介
    1990年 26 巻 3-27
    発行日: 1990/05/20
    公開日: 2017/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    One of the major tasks of the present International Law is the protection of human rights in the community of nations. It is after the second world war that the importance of international protection of human rights was widely recognized. Before the war the protection of human rights was mostly depended upon the internal legal systems of individual States. The United Nations has made great efforts for the advancement of international protection of human rights. The General Aseembly adopted "the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" in 1948. It also adopted the "the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Economic Rights", "the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" and "the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" on 16 December 1966. These Covenants and the Optional Clause came into force on 3 January 1967 and 23 March 1967 respectively. Presently these "International Bills of Rights" are the most important documents for the protection of human rights. The United Nations has adopted many other declarations and conventions on human rights in various fields. The UN Specialized Agencies such as the International Labour Organization and the UNESCO have also adopted conventions for the protection of human rights in the areas of their mandates. The regional organizations such as the Council of Europe, the Organization of American States, and the Organization of African Unity have also made significant contributions for the protection of human rights. These organizations have adopted regional conventions on human rights and operated their own systems for the implementation of the conventions. In spite of the large number of human rights conventions adopted and brought into force, still the present state of international protection of human rights is not satisfactory. The weakest point is in the systems of implementation of the conventions. Although the committees have been set up by the conventions in order to secure the compliance of the contracting States, these committees usually have no power to give binding decisions. The committees can examine the reports submitted by the contracting States on the implementation of the conventions. But their opinions on the reports are not binding. A committee may specially be empowered to receive complaints of the contracting States on the violation of a convention by other contracting States, or the complaints of individuals whose rights assured by a convention have been injured by a contracting State. Yet what the committee can do on the complaints is to lead to "friendly solutions" or to make recommendations. The Courts of Human Rights under the conventions adopted by the Council of Europe and the Organization of American States can make binding decisions. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is given the same power. Therefore, they are rather exeptional. The systems of the protection of human rights in the international community should develope to the same level as these regional systems. The attitudes of the Japanese government towards the international protection of human rights may generally be summarized as not positive. The government has not adhered to many human rights convention on such as the prevention of "Genocide, Apartheit, Discriminations, Tortures or the convention prohibiting discriminations in the field of education adopted by the UNESCO. It has not recognized the power of the Human Rights Committee of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to receive complaints of other contracting States or individuals against Japan. The judiciary is not inclined to apply human rights conventions to the cases brought before the courts. Yet the influences of human rights conventions are observed in enactments or amendments of legislations as well as in public activities for the promotion of human rights.
  • 北島 英治
    2017年 58 巻 3 号 183-188
    発行日: 2017/11/30
    公開日: 2018/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小林 洋司
    2014年 24 巻 45-53
    発行日: 2014/10/28
    公開日: 2018/03/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 酒匂 一郎
    1997年 1996 巻 85-100
    発行日: 1997/10/30
    公開日: 2008/11/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • (小特集:近現代中国・台湾をめぐる政治思想史研究の現在)
    薛 化元, 原 正人
    2022年 2022 巻 96 号 79-92
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2023/06/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 国際社会における人間の移動
    栗野 鳳
    1988年 1988 巻 87 号 57-71,L8
    発行日: 1988/03/30
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the first section the author gives a brief description of various groups of refugees based on his own experience of engaging in relief work, such as the Palestine refugees (under UNRWA), Indochinese refugees, Afghan refugees and “famine” refugees in Africa (under UNHCR). The author in this way intends to offer general concepts of refugees and various features of their problems.
    Then, in the second section explanations are given on the present situation and the manner of responding to them by international society, and especially UNHCR and VOLAGs (voluntary agencies), under existing international legal instruments. Refugees are defined under the “Refugee Convention” of 1951 and “Refugee Protocal” of 1967. Besides these “definition refugees, ” for whom UNHCR has the primary responsibility of protection and assistance under its Statute, there have been other groups of refugees UN General Assembly resolutions have placed under UNHCR. This resulted from the recent situation, where the mass flow of refugees made the definition of refugees almost out-of-date. The second problem concerns the attitudes and policies of the countries which accept refugees (countries of first asylum). The ASEAN states, for instance, do not allow the refugees the “local settlement or integration”. Then, for the durable solution of the refugee problem two other formulas have been applied by UNHCR; namely (the third country) resettlement and voluntary repatriation. Such countries as the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and other “advanced” countries have been according the refugees the chance for re-settlement. Through voluntary repatriation great many Cambodian refugees and about 3, 000 Laotian refugees have been repatriated, for whom UNHCR have given some relief goods. In addition to these measures, as a special counter-measure for the potential refugees in the countries of their source, UNHCR made an agreement for authorized departure from Vietnam in 1979, although the flow of “boat-people” from Vietnam has not yet been totally absorbed.
    Special attention is given to Cambodians who are staying along the Thai-Cambodian borders, amounting to about 250, 000. Since international relief organizations will not give food and other relief goods to the combatants of the so-called Tripartite Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea, an exile regime, the combatants have been using these displaced Cambodians as a utensil for receiving relief goods. Recently some VOLAGs working at the border areas or inside Cambodia (People's Republic of Kampuchea) for humanitarian purposes, took steps to appeal to the UN and their respective governments that these Cambodians should be treated as refugees, be accorded the care of UNHCR and be moved to safer area in Thailand.
    In the third section recent moves in the international society for seeking new approaches to the fluctuating refugee problem are pointed out. In the late 1970s the UN asked Prince Agha Khan to study the mass displacements of people. He submitted the so-called Agha Khan Report in which he offered some proposals and suggestions including an early warning system on refugees. But, this report has not been given much attention in international society. Prince Agha Khan then set up, together with the Crown Prince of Jordan and other prominent personalities, the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues (ICIHI), which is in the future expected to produce its final report on various problems or issues, including the refugee problem. In Japan a group of experts was formed in 1984, under the co-sponsorship of the UN University and Soka University (Institute of Asian Studies), and submitted an interim report and the final report, respectively in 1985 and 86, on the potential refugees in Asia.
    Although these reports would be of much importance for the future response of international
  • 岡田 仁孝
    2013年 5 巻 2 号 15-29
    発行日: 2013/09/30
    公開日: 2017/07/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The base of the economic pyramid(BOP)に関して討論が盛んに行われている。以前は、リスクやコストが高く、利益が得にくい発展途上国での貧困層を対象としたビジネスは、ほとんどの多国籍企業にとり興味の対象外であった。では、なぜBOPビジネスが重要になってきたのか。持続可能性の概念が個人や組織に大きく影響を与え、それに一番脅威となる貧困と貧富の差の問題を解決することが、不可欠となってきたからである。その解決策として、富の再分配ではなく、市場原理を基にした価値創造による方法が模索され、開発と企業活動が融合する領域であるBOPビジネスが重要視されるようになってきた。また、持続可能な発展を実現するには、包括的な考え方が必要になり、市民社会は、企業を社会に依存する組織として認識し、社会における合法性と正当性、人権の擁護、そして、公平性.透明性.説明責任等を伴うガヴァナンスの実施を強く要求した。結果、企業市民として、また、これらの要求に沿って行動している証として、企業のBOPビジネスが重要になってきたのである。持続可能性実現への動きの中では、数々の新しい制度が創られ、組織変革を起こした。そして、これらの新しい動きと連携することにより、企業はリスクと取引コストを下げることができるようになり、以前はビジネスとして成立しえなかった領域においてさえも、ビジネス機会が増え、BOPビジネスが可能になってきた。当然、このような変革から、必要とされるビジネスモデルも変わってきた。貧困層が持つ分散知識への理解がBOPビジネスの発掘を助け、そして、彼らの合理的行動を理解することが、彼らをビジネス活動に参画させる方法を見出すのに役に立っている。当然、これらのノウハウは開発関係の諸組織に集積しており、彼らとの協働というクロス・バウンダリー・コラボレーションが重要になり、その手法は、リスクをヘッジさせ、取引コストを下げ得ることから、非常に効果的なビジネスモデルと理解されるようになってきた。このことは、全く新しい考え方、ノウハウ、経験がBOPビジネスに必要になって来たことを意味し、特に、分散知識に基づいた価値観の多様性、分散知識を動員する能力、そして、現地合理性への理解が不可欠になってきた。その結果、企業がこのような動きに対応できる価値観や組織の適応能力を持っているかどうかまで試されるようになってきた。
  • 佐藤 安信
    2009年 34 巻 45-65
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2023/11/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    UNTAC was, as a 2nd generation of UNPKO, successful in organizing a free and fair election for legitimizing the Cambodian government. As a result, the government of Cambodia has been receiving international assistance for peace-building since then. The UN human rights operation, assisted by NGOs, promoted peace by means of law and judicial reform as well as human resource development for the authorities. Democracy was, however, fragile. Through the armed conflict in 1997 and termination of the Khmer Rouge’s resistance, the Cambodian Peoples’ Party (CPP), led by Prime Minister Hun Sen, has gained power and become a de facto dictatorship. The rapid economic growth of the market economy has created social problems resulting from gap between rich and poor. The land law and the judiciary, which was reformed for peace and human rights with international assistance, are even manipulated for justifying human rights violations caused by land grabbing and corruption. Judicial corruption is 220 difficult to address in terms of respect for the independence of the judiciary. Thus, structural violence can be seen paradoxically as a result of massive international assistance for peace-building. The ECCC was finally created to address the demand of the Cambodian people to punish those who were responsible for the mass killings by Khmer Rouge. However it also faces another dilemma between peace and justice. How to deal with international standard in the local context and reality? How to define corruption and control it to assist local governance? How to realize human rights? From the viewpoint of human security, cross-border networks of civil society and the private sector might be a key for resolving this challenge.

  • 安全保障の理論と政策
    栗栖 薫子
    1998年 1998 巻 117 号 85-102,L10
    発行日: 1998/03/25
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This article attempts to clarify the concept of human security in relation to the current debate on what the primary referent of security is and whose security comes first. Then the traditional concept of security closely identified with the military affairs of states, as well as the relatively new concepts of societal security and global security will be examined in contributing to the theoretical development of human security.
    Although ‘human security’ is a word originally coined in the UNDP's Human Development Report 1993, the idea that individual human beings should be the ultimate referent of security has been asserted by some schools of thought. Ken Booth argues for recasting security in terms of ‘emancipation’ from social inequality and oppression, which seems to be mostly shared by the UNDP's Report (human rights and development approach). For sociologists like Anthony Giddens, individuals face globalized risks arising from more abstract system of modernity challenging the continuity of their very identity. Among global governance school, Richard Falk advocates humane governance for all individuals as well as peoples.
    Threats to human security include broad range of issues covering from social violence to military conflicts, from poverty to environmental degradation, or from racial discrimination to the loss of identity. I argue that concern with human security becomes especially acute in the following situations. (1) Inability or non-existence of a government (‘failed state’) tends to result in poverty, famine, ethnic conflict or flow of refugees. (2) On the contrary, in case of excessive level of state intervention (a ‘maximal state’ like Nazi Germany), a state itself becomes a source of threat to its citizens. (3) Military conflicts and wars among states are of course the most dangerous threat to the existence of individual humans. (4) Threats to human identity could be examined in terms of identity of various social groupings which individuals belong to. (5) Some threats to human life may be caused by activities diffused throughout the globe, which include destruction of ozone layer, overpopulation and international terrorism.
    This paper concludes, first, the human rights and development approach which places individuals at the center of security studies serves as the core for further theorization. Second, the role of states and of national security for individual human beings, however, should be clarified and incorporated into the theory of human security. Then, multi-layered analysis in which we also examine security of social groupings and the planet is to be introduced.
  • 土田 龍太郎, 孝忠 延夫, 堀本 武功, 古賀 正則
    1995年 1995 巻 7 号 160-177
    発行日: 1995/09/30
    公開日: 2011/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山本 龍彦
    2002年 38 巻 2 号 1-24
    発行日: 2002/06/15
    公開日: 2017/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    With genetic technology developing rapidly, as shown in the Human Genome Project, a third party such as governments have started to show great interest in collecting and preserving personal "genetic information". In the United States, all 50 states have already established DNA databanks for criminal investigation. It is said that the government may be able to improve the natural characteristics of a criminal by manipulating his or her genes. Even in the realm of law, genetic information has gained constitutional status, which is seen especially in the United States. However, this controversy is still at its developing state. The word "genetic information" itself is defined differently according to each argument. In thes document, "genetic information" is divided into three types by using the debates in America as a reference. They are "DNA infromation area", "information drawn out by DNA testing", and "DNA fingerprints". The document reviews each type's constitutional status.