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クエリ検索: "5世紀"
2,953件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 真田 久
    1985年 36 巻 013104
    発行日: 1985/08/20
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 木全 敬蔵
    1980年 19 巻 3 号 2-3
    発行日: 1980/09/10
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 西尾 〓次郎
    1955年 64 巻 4 号 167-168
    発行日: 1955/12/30
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 下間 頼一, 緒方 正則, 宮田 俊
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    In 1990, an ancient sacrificed chariots tomb of Qi Dynasty(斉国) in later period of Chun Qiu era about from B.C.7C. to B.C.5C. (春秋後期,前7〜前
    ), was discovered and excavated at Lin Zi district in Zi Bo city, Shan Dong province(山東省〓博市〓〓地区). Authors surveyed actually them on December, 1996. The sacrificed tomb contains complete appearance of 10 chariots and 32 horses. Moreover, a sacrificed horses tomb in the old castle of Qi dynasty surrounded by broken walls was surveyed.
  • 荒川 秀俊
    1954年 63 巻 4 号 193-200
    発行日: 1954/12/30
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The special purpose of this paper is to furnish the table of original data 1 : hat has been compiled by the late Dr. S. Fujiwara, so that research workers of this interesting subject may have at hand the valuable material for further investigations. This is facilitated by the recent publication of Fujiwara's work, in which the writer edited, which concerns itself especially with the tabulation and graphical representation of freezing dates of Lake Suwa in the Central Japan.
    Freezing dates of Lake Suwa have been kept by Suwa shrine, Yatsurugi temple, Mr. Y. Suwa and others. More recent freezing dates are kept at the Suwa weather station. The characteristic ruptures or “Omiwatari” occurring usually two or three days after the full freeze of Lake Suwa which was covered with ice are shown in photographs (see annexed plates).
    To show climate history, sequences of freezing dates of Lake Suwa may be tabulated as a chronological table. The dates of freezing and “Omiwatari” for Lake Suwa are given in chronological order. We are convinced that these historical data extending over more than 5 centuries are often remarkably exact : they constitute a unique and valuable source of climatology.
    The periods, 1444-1682 and after 1924 to the present, include the observations relatively homogeneous among themselves, having a sufficient degree of accuracy. The period, 1683-1923 contains the data, which are much inferior to modern or older observations and are regarded only as supplementary, but still they can serve.
    For example, we find for 1443/1444 winter noted as follows : The freezing date, January 7, 1444 and “Omiwatari” date, January 9, 1444.
    This list shows at a glance the approximate character of all winters for a period of five centuries, except only few winters (1457/8, 1594/5, 1682/3, 1824/5 and 1864/5).
    Thus the freezing dates of Lake Suwa as phenological indicator immediately provide the source for a 500-year chronology of winter temperature.
    The early records of Lake Suwa clearly show a long period (14501700) much colder than the average. The years since have been characterized by warmer winter (i.e. later freezing) even through there is a definite sequence of fluctuation between cold and warm. The frequency of mild winters in the last 21/2 centuries is a striking phenomenon that it has been noticed by many climatologists.
  • 14, 5世紀のナイトハルト劇
    小竹 澄栄
    1986年 77 巻 49-59
    発行日: 1986/10/01
    公開日: 2008/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Herr Neidhart-nicht der Minnesänger des 13. Jahrhunderts, sondern ein Held des späten Mittelalters, der sich immer wieder die Bauern zum Feind macht und den Betrug an ihnen als einen Akt von ritterlicher Ehre auffaßt, ist eine Schwankfigur, die im Laufe des Überlieferungsprozesses der Neidhartlieder erdichtet wurde. Seine Fabeln waren sehr bekannt und beliebt bis über das 15. Jahrhundert hinaus. Der "Veilchenschwank“, der unter allen Neidhartfabeln den größten Anklang gefunden hat, ist nicht nur episch, sondern auch dramatisch bearbeitet worden. Die fünf uns überlieferten Neidhartspiele unterscheiden sich natürlich in Einzelheiten voneinander, sind alle jedoch darin ähnlich, daß sie die Veilchenepisode als Hauptthema behandeln.
    Im 15. Jahrhundert hat man das Neidhartspiel, obgleich es auch in der Fastnacht aufgeführt wurde, von allen anderen Fastnachtspielen unterschieden und "Neithartstanz“ genannt, nicht "vasnachtspil“. Die Neidhartspiele nehmen eine Sonderstellung in der dramatischen Überlieferung des späten Mittelalters ein. Zunächst hatten sie, basierend auf dem Veilchenschwank und später noch andere Schwänke hinzufügend, zwischen den geistlichen Spielen (=in bezug auf die Aufführungsformen) und den weltlichen Spielen (=in bezug auf die Inhalte) gestanden, bis am Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts das Kleine Neidhartspiel als unzweifelhaftes Fastnachtspiel entstand.
    Der "Tanz“, den als Fundamentalstoff die Originallieder nicht entbehren können, bildet auch hier in den Spielversionen den Kern der Veilchenepisode, die aus folgenden drei Komplexen besteht: 1. die Maienfreude und die Suche nach dem Veiol; 2. der Veilchenraub; 3. Neidharts Rache an den Bauern. Im ersten Komplex ist zunachst eine "höfische“ Welt geschildert, wo die Damen und anderen Hofleute sich über das Maienherkommen freuen und miteinander tanzen (in Analogie zum Natureingangs- und Reienmotiv in den Sommerliedern). Aber keineswegs auf Originallieder bezieht sich die folgende Situation, in der Herr Neidhart sich auf die Bitte der Herzogin hin aufmacht, um den ersten Veiol im Mai ausfindig zu machen. Hier spielt der "Tanz-Reien“ eine bedeutende Rolle, so wird im Großen Neidhartspiel nach der Veilchenszene, einschließlich der vorangehenden Reienszene, acht Male getanzt. Der dritte Komplex, Neidharts Rache, beruht auf der Bauernfeindlichkeit, die sich aus den Dörperstrophen in den Winterliedern entwickelt hat und bei Neidhart neben dem Tanz zum wichtigsten Faktor wurde.
    Im Gegensatz zu den beiden aus den Originalliedern stammenden Komplexen können wir den zweiten, den Veilchenraub, als einen ganz neuen, mit Komischem gewürzten Faktor auffassen. Dieser Raub scheint uns dennoch an einen anderen zu erinnern: an den bei Neidhart als häufig wiederkehrendes Motiv dargestellten Spiegelraub. Veiol und Spiegel haben eine besondere Funktion! Der Veiol gehört sowohl dem "höfischen“ Umkreis an und wird mit der vrowenminne identifiziert, wie auch der Spiegel das Symbol der höheren Welt und zugleich der Jungfräulichkeit ist. Der üppicliche dörper hat Vriderûn den ihr von Neidhart gegebenen Spiegel zertrümmert und zerschlagen./Der Veiol, den er seiner edelen vrowe schenken wollte, wurde von dem groben Bauern zerpflückt und gegen Dreck ausgetauscht. Während im St. Pauler Neidhartspiel von diesem Austausch noch nichts erwähnt wird, wird dagegen im Großen Neidhartspiel, im Sterzinger Neidhartspiel und Neidhartszenar die Lust am Fäkalischen immer deutlicher und konkreter.
    Mit dem in den Vordergrund des Spiels tretenden Fäkalmotiv, hat das Bauernbild sich allmählich verändert. Im Großen Neidhartspiel,
  • 中村 陽一
    2023年 14 巻 1-10
    発行日: 2023/03/23
    公開日: 2023/04/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 前5世紀終わりのアテナイの暦について
    安永 信二
    2013年 3 巻 1-19
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    終わりのアテナイの暦をめぐって、これまでMerittとPritchettをはじめ多くの研究者たちが当時の暦について議論してきたが、説得的と思われる論はまだ出されていない。そこで本論は、これまで議論の根拠とされてきた碑文史料と文献史料を再検討することとした。  当時、暦は1年を10に分けたプリュタネイア暦(評議会暦)と、月齢に即した祭祀暦の2つがあり、始まりも終わりも同じ日になることはなかった。これまで研究者は、どちらかが規則性を持っているが、もう一つは不規則だったために「月の不満」になったと考えてきた。しかし、IG i3 369、i3 377などの碑文を再検討することにより両暦ともに一定の規則性を持っていた可能性があることを発見したのである。しかしこの規則性は前
  • 川島 彪秀
    1979年 1979 巻 18 号 67-73
    発行日: 1979/09/10
    公開日: 2012/11/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿ではCommunicationの研究分野を紹介し、特にその研究分野のなかでももっとも基本であるPublic Communication (Rhetorical Communication) の基本原理について説述を加えながら英語教育に適用出来る何ものかを示唆したいと思う。
  • 師尾 晶子
    2004年 52 巻 13-31
    発行日: 2004/03/05
    公開日: 2017/05/23
    ジャーナル フリー

    In this paper, I explored some valid criteria for dating controversial fifth century Attic inscriptions The appearance of some key letter forms such as the three-bar sigma and the tailed rho has been widely thought to be the only non-historical dating criterion of any value However, confidence in this criterion has been undermined by a recent work by Mortimer Chambers redating the Egesta decree from 458/7 to 418/7 Thus other statistically and objectively valuable criteria are required The criteria I have suggested result from the analysis of two incidents the appearance of superscripts (headings for official documents) and its stylistic characters, the infiltration of Ionic letters and orthography into Attic texts Both incidents are accompanied by visual effect, so they would seem to show a certain tendency of a given period and would seem to have been easily shared by people involved in writing and inscribing official documents Analyzing the appearance of superscripts is effective and perhaps most fruitful for dating undated or controversial Attic inscriptions if the tops of the inscriptions remain Superscripts occasionally appear in Attic inscriptions and are usually inscribed in slightly larger letters than those of the main texts Three types of superscripts are used in Attic inscriptions (1) theoi and/or other relevant words, (2) the words indicating the title or subject matter, and (3) the name(s) of the official(s) who passed the decree The earliest known examples of a simply written theoi as a superscript in dated or approximately dated inscriptions are IG I^3 50 from the mid 430s and IG I^3 292 from 434/3 Theoi constantly appears after this period From this evidence, IG I^3 34, 186, 190 and 418 can be dated in or after 430s respectively The earliest occurrence of (2) is IG I^3 65, dated ca 427/6, and there are 15 later examples in dated or approximately dated inscriptions Using this evidence for IG I^3 17, 18, 21, 28 and 31, low dates would be suggested, and for IG I^3 190 the last two decades of the fifth century The earliest known appearance of (3) is 427/6 (IG I^3 66) There are 18 examples in dated or approximately dated inscriptions, and 14 examples in undated or controversial inscriptions From the evidence, the latter examples could be dated to around 430 or after 430 This means that low dates are suggested for the particularly controversial decrees, IG I^3 31, 35 and 40 Concerning the infiltration of Ionic letters and orthography into Attic texts, I examined the following four phenomena (1) the infiltration of Ionic letters, (2) the appearance or disappearance of aspirate signs, (3) the orthography of syn-compounds, and (4) the forms of the first declension dative plural Though attention has been paid to each of these phenomena, no systematic and statistic examination has ever been attempted While evidence suggests that the use of this criterion is not as conclusive for the dating of undated inscriptions as the criterion of superscripts, it still offers some good clues for dating The analysis of phenomena (1) and (2) is more effective because their occurrence is less accidental than that of (3) and (4), and this is particularly useful when there is difficulty dating a decree between 440s and 420s The earliest known examples of (1) in dated inscriptions are IG I^3 521, dated at 427 and IG I^3 61, dated at 424/3 Concerning (2), I paid particular notice to inscriptions written in Attic orthography without aspirate signs The earliest example of this is IG I^3 383, dated at 429/8, and 9 other examples are from the last two decades As for controversial inscriptions, we can deduce low dates as more plausible ones using this criterion The two criteria presented here are far from absolute However, if they are used in combination with other criteria, they will assist in the more confident dating of some undated inscriptions It is true that, using the above criteria, low

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • 前野 弘志
    1995年 43 巻 32-41
    発行日: 1995/03/10
    公開日: 2017/05/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    At the end of the sixth century B.C., the Athenians began to establish colonies. This fact may indicate that the Athenian colonization is the starting point of a new era of Greek colonization. For approximately 200 years thereafter, the Athenians continued at intervals to establish colonies broadly along the northern shore from the Black Sea to Thracia, on the islands of the Aegean Sea, and on the southern tip of the Italian peninsula by the Adrian Sea. This Athenian colonization had, indeed, characteristics basically common to the other Greek colonies, but they had a unique character as well. This unique has been said to lie in the fact that although the typical Greek colonies "apoikia" forfeit their citizenship in the mother city, the Athenian colonies kept it. These Athenian colonies and the relation to the mother city, which was strengthened by maintaining citizenship in the mother city, have been called "cleruchia" by scholars, and recognized as one method of building an empire, i.e. "military colonies". There is no doubt that the Athenian colonies were used to establish an empire, but a question arises whether citizenship of the Athenian colonists was alternatively either forfeited or kept. This paper recognizes the citizenship of the Athenian colonists, not as a programmed alternative but as that having dual aspects ; both cutting off from the mother city and binding to the mother city, depending on the circumstances. Firstly, materials on the citizenship of the Athenian colonists will be examined and the lack of an alternative will be pointed out. Secondly, how the lack of an alternative has been understood by scholars will be shown and the unsolved contradictions will be pointed out. There are three points ; 1. Some colonists were not called Athenians, the Lemnians for example. This could mean that they were the citizens of the colony. 2. The colonists belonged to their original tribes and demes in Athens. This may indicate that they were Athenians. 3. In fact, they were able to return to their mother city and function as Athenian citizens. Finally, the contradiction will be solved by examining the inscription of Naupactian colonists from the East Lokris in about 460 B.C. (ML20) indicating the relation between these three contradictory factors. In conclusion, citizenship of the Athenian colonists in the fifth century B. C. must be separated into two groups ; one is that of colonists establishing a new polis and the other is that of colonist not establishing a new polis. The colonists of the latter were called "Athenians" and recognized as Athenians living abroad. However, those in the former category were called "Lemnians" for example. This means that they became citizens of their own colony in order to engage in the practical needs for their new polis. In this aspect, they were separated from their mother city. At the same time, they belonged to their original tribes and demes in Athen. This was not nominal, but a proof that they would be Athenian citizens again in future after returning to their mother city. In this aspect, they were connected to their mother city. The main purpose of their connection might be maintenance of an interchangeable land tenure between the colony and mother city. Actually, they returned to their mother city and were able to become Athenians again by declaring at the assembly of the demes to which they belonged in Athen, and being recognized by other members of the demes. The factor which made possible this manner of recognition was its small size.
  • *北村 繁
    2008年 2008f 巻 504
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/11/14
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    中米・エルサルバドル共和国中部に位置するイロパンゴカルデラ(約8 × 11km)で、A.D.3~
    に大規模な噴火が生じ、カルデラ周辺に軽石流が流下したほか、TBJ テフラと呼ばれる細粒火山灰が広い範囲に降下堆積した。メソアメリカ考古学では、従来、この噴火が、当時のメソアメリカの社会に壊滅的な影響を与え、都市の放棄や人口の移動を引き起こしたとみなすことが多かった。 しかしながら、本調査では、従来約50cm の堆積がある(Hart & Steen-Mcintyre、1983)とされたチャルチュアパ(カルデラの約70km 北西)において、16~18cm 程度の堆積しか見出されなかった。したがって、チャルチュアパ遺跡に降下堆積したTBJ テフラの堆積は下方修正する必要がある。また、先行研究(Hart & Steen-Mcintyre、1983)の調査結果を再検討したところ、層厚の過大評価や、対比の誤りの可能性が見出された。このため、イロパンゴカルデラの3~
    の噴火規模を明らかにし、当時の社会への影響を評価するには、より広い地域で、より詳細なTBJ テフラの分布調査を行っていく必要がある。
  • 特に5世紀までの甲冑製作技術と設計思想を中心に
    高橋 工
    1995年 2 巻 2 号 139-160
    発行日: 1995/11/01
    公開日: 2009/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 東海系曲柄鍬の波及と展開
    樋上 昇
    2000年 7 巻 10 号 41-70
    発行日: 2000/10/04
    公開日: 2009/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 長谷川 宜之
    2002年 205 巻 46-
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2022/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 外村 中
    2000年 64 巻 3 号 266-269
    発行日: 2001/01/29
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    後半頃には, 生活環境にすぐれた郊外に住居を構え. 朝早く起きて都市内にある職場に通うといった. いわば極めて現代的な生活様式が一部知識人達の間に流行していたらしいことが認められる. 本稿は, この点に関して最も詳しい記録を残した人物のひとりである梁の沈約 (441-513) の郊居 (郊外の住居) についての基礎的な考察である.
  • MIDI情報を媒介とする音楽とコンピュータ映像の統合
    小畑 郁男
    2004年 2 巻 1-12
    発行日: 2004/11/30
    公開日: 2020/05/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    20世紀後半に現れた「図形楽譜を用いた即興演奏」という音楽表現の形態は、コンピュータを導入することによって、新たな可能性を得ることができる。小畑郁男と三分一修によって協同制作された“GRAPHICAL IMPROVISATION for 2 computers and 2 players”を例として、(1)「楽譜の最終的な音響への具体化」に関わる演奏家の負担を軽減し、作曲家の望む音響現象を得ると共に、即興演奏を有機的なつながりを持った音楽作品とするための「自律的に振るまうプログラム」と「インタラクティブ(interactive=相互作用的)なシステム」の構築、(2)即興演奏によって音楽と映像を同時にコントロールするための演奏情報の転用法、(3)2人の奏者、2台のコンピュータによる複雑なインタラクティブ性を持つ表現形態、等について論じられる。この作品では、Java言語により三分一が制作した“Kinetic”、音楽プログラミング言語Max/MSPにより、小畑が制作した“GEO”という2つのプログラムが2台のコンピュータにおいて用いられている。

  • *鈴木 勉
    2002年 2002A 巻 C18
    発行日: 2002/10/02
    公開日: 2005/03/01
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • *野上 通男
    2016年 2016s 巻 908
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/04/08
    会議録・要旨集 フリー






  • 山中 龍夫
    1988年 1 巻 1 号 8-10
    発行日: 1988/09/20
    公開日: 2009/08/07
    ジャーナル フリー