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8,530件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • ―血行再建術の適応判定基準として―
    新宮 正, 藤田 雄三, 荒木 攻, 松本 陽, 松永 守雄
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1979年 19 巻 11 号 1063-1070
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2006/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    99mTc-dynamics study” and computed tomography (CT) were analyzed on patients with ischemic lesions of the unilateral middle cerebral artery. Regions of interest (ROIs) were placed symmetrically on both hemispheres in frontal static scanning image, and their count ratios to the background were plotted on the time scale. Mode of transit time (MOTT) of the patients were prolonged bilaterally compared to the controls. The prolongation was more marked on the lesion side especially in acute cases, and it gradually became normal with the passage of time from onset. The plotted curves (count ratio dynamics) of the ROIs on the lesion side were clearly divided into the following four types: gradually increasing pattern (Type I); pattern of higher count ratio than contralateral side without gradual increase (Type II) ; decreasing pattern and lower count ratio than contralateral side (Type III) ; and gradually decreasing pattern almost identical to the contralateral side (Type IV). There is no correlation between MOTTs and the four types of count ratio dynamics. Therefore, the factors affecting the MOTT (the primary hemodynamics) seemed to be different from those of count ratio dynamics (pathological changes following ischemia). These types were very characteristically distributed by the duration from onset. The majority of Type I was distributed after the 4th week from onset and a small percentage in earlier phases. Type II was similar to Type I, but it seemed to be seen in relatively earlier phases. Type III was characteristically distributed in two phases; ultra-acute phase and late chronic phase. Type IV was distributed over all phases, except ultra-acute. The findings of CT also had close correlations to difference in type. The results from Type I indicated that the increasing pattern of gamma-ray ratio in acute cases seemed to reveal the accumulation of radio-isotope (RI) at the extravascular spaces probably due to disruption of blood-brain barrier (
    .). In chronic cases, the accumulation of RI would be due to neovascularization without
    . and/or to necrotic brain tissue. Type II suggested focal hyperemia (luxury perfusion). The ultra-acute cases in Type III usually showed normal CT findings but they frequently changed to Type I or Type II along the course of time. Type III seen in the ultra-acute phase was thought to reveal the state of low perfusion not associated with massive disruption of
    . In late chronic phase having massive low density (LD) without mass effect (ME) or contrast enhancement (CE), may suggest the terminal stage of massive infarction. Type IV suggests mild or no change of cerebral circulation.
    It is concluded that Type I and Type II cases with ME and CE are contraindicative for surgical revascularization in acute phase, because they have disrupted
    . massively. On the other hand, Type III and Type II cases with normal CT findings have an indication for vascular reconstructive surgery.
  • 大益 忠弘, 北川 淳, 中原 凱文
    2000年 5 巻 4 号 163-168
    発行日: 2000/11/25
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Stiffness of the calcaneus was measured in 1995 and 1997 by using the ultrasound bone densitometer in 278 posmenopausal healthy Japanese women (aged 70.6±6.3 years, mean±SD). There was a significant negative correlation between age and stiffness. The genetic effects on stiffness were investigate with 49 among 278. The VDR gene polymorphisms were defined by PCR - RFLP using the endonuclease Bsml. No significant association between Bsml VDR gene polymorphisms and stiffness was found in either year. There was a possibility of higher stiffness in the subjects with
    genotype according to the simple regression analysis with the correlation of age but not significant. There was the significant difference in stiffness between 1995 and 1997 in the subjects with
    genotype, but there was no significant association between VDR genotype and stiffness changes in all the subjects. Moreover, daily walking steps as physical activity, which influences bone, was evaluated. The significant difference in stiffness changes between low walking steps group in
    and that of
    was observed, although the welking steps of low groups in
    were similarly on the increase in 1997. It is inferred from these results that the
    genotype has good response to physical activity on bone.
  • 亀井 英夫, 小尾 由美子, 河野 公雄, 平野 実, 村田 慎二, 今西 英世
    1983年 82 巻 5 号 335-342
    発行日: 1983年
    公開日: 2007/03/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    -1502はIgE様抗体によるラットのpassive cutaneous anaphylaxis反応に対し,経口投与によっては有意な抑制効果を示さなかったが,同一抗体によって惹起した喘息発作に対しては十二指腸内投与により用量依存的に抑制し,その作用の強さはaminophyllineの約13倍であった.モルモットのIgG様抗体による喘息発作に対しても経口投与により強い抑制作用を示した.また,この化合物はIgE様抗体およびIgG様抗体で感作したラットあるいはモルモット肺切片からの抗原によるヒスタミン遊離を非特異的に抑制し,その作用はaminophyllineの2~3倍であった.本化合物はモルモット摘出回腸におけるヒスタミン,アセチルコリンおよびBaCl2による収縮に対しても非特異的拮抗効果を示し,抗ヒスタミンあるいは抗コリン作用は有さないものと思われる.
    -1502はモルモット各種臓器由来のcyclic AMP phosphodiesterase(PDE)およびcyclic GMP PDEを阻害し,特に,脳,肺のcyclic AMP PDEに対し選択的に強い阻害作用を示し,その作用はaminophyllineの約15倍であった.aminophyllineの阻害作用に組織選択性は見られなかった.以上の成績より,
    -1502の気管拡張作用および抗喘息作用はaminophyllineと同様に,cyclic nucleotide系を介して発揮されるが組織選択性においてaminophyllineとは異なることが示唆された.
  • 下山 美徳, 星野 達郎
    1960年 26 巻 171 号 1501-1507
    発行日: 1960/11/25
    公開日: 2008/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since there are few reports on rectangular weirs when m=h/b (h : head, b : weir width) has comparatively large value, and further, the study on the influence of D (height of weir) has not yet been performed, the authors carry out experiments of weir in which the channel width B is 0.11∼0.72m, m=h/b≤2.4, D≒0.28m and ≒0.05m. The results obtained may be summarized as follows : 1) The coefficient of discharge c has its minimum value cmin. 2) According as the value
    increase, cmin approaches to a certain constant value which is prescribed by the magnitude D. 3) The region of
    in which the side contraction is perfectly performed is given by a function of h/ (h+D). 4) When the value
    is somewhat large, the coefficient c does not change by the magnitude of D. When the value
    is large, in the region of m larger than that at which cmin takes place, the influence of D to the coefficient c decreases as m increases.
  • 渡辺 剛史, 陳 玳〓, 増田 健一
    2009年 2009 巻 OS0116
    発行日: 2009/07/24
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    In this paper ,the elastoplasticity collapse of T-shaped Joints subjected to torsional loading is studied by numerical analysis that using the fmite element method. It is focused attention on the maximum torsional moment, and it is changed the geometry parameters of the main tube to investigate the effects of main tube geometries on the torsional collapse behavior. It is found that the maximum torsional moment decreases with approaching the ratio of the width :
    is the width of the main tube, b is the width of the sub tube)=1.0, because the shear deformation of the main tube. It causes shear deformation of the main tube by twisting sub tube . And the shear strain at the specified faces of the sub tube decreases, so the shear stress decreases .Moreover, it is showed a correlation between the maximum torsional moment and amount of the maximum shear deformation of the main tube.
  • 小田 誠, 渡辺 洋宇, 清水 淳三, 林 義信, 太田 安彦, 渡辺 俊一, 岩 喬, 佐藤 日出夫
    1991年 13 巻 5 号 521-526
    発行日: 1991/09/25
    公開日: 2016/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    教室で経験した成人の先天性気管支疾患8例の診断と治療法を検討した。内訳は, 食道気管支(E-B)瘻5例, 気管支胆道(
    )瘻1例, 気管支閉鎖症(BA)2例である。E-B瘻の4例は女性で, 年齢は40, 41, 68, 72歳, 他の1例は58歳の男性である。
    瘻の全員が2∿30年間の繰り返す呼吸器感染症状を有していた。BAの2例は, 25, 38歳の男性である。1例は幼少児期から繰り返す肺炎の既往を持つが, 1例は検診(無症状)で発見された。診断には詳細な病歴聴取が重要であり, 確定診断にはE-B瘻では食道造影と食道ファイバースコピー,
    瘻, BAでは気管支造影, 気管支ファイバースコピーが有用であった。治療はE-B瘻では3例に瘻孔切除術を, 2例に瘻孔切除術に加え肺区域あるいは部分切除術を施行した。
    瘻に対しては瘻孔切除術を施行した。BAの1例には, 肺葉切除術を, 他の1例には肺区域切除術を施行した。成人の先天性気管支疾患の治療にあたっては, 良性疾患であることから縮小手術を施行しており, 肺機能を温存した良好な結果を得ることができた。
    1998年 53.1.1 巻
    発行日: 1998/03/10
    公開日: 2018/03/04
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 藤森 速水
    1950年 2 巻 2 号 34-39
    発行日: 1950/03/01
    公開日: 2011/10/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中山 恵子, 山田 幸子, 高山 浩明
    1981年 24 巻 46
    発行日: 1981/09/10
    公開日: 2017/08/18
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    Stereoselective and efficient syntheses of (23R,25S)- and (23S, 25R)-25-hydroxyvitamin D_3 26,23-lactone(Calcidiol Lactone)(1Aa and 1
    ) have been achieved using optically pure (S)- or (R)-citramalic acid as a synthon to introduce the chirality at C-25,and C-22 steroid aldehyde(2) as the precursor of the seco-steroid skeleton. (S)- or (R)-citramalic acid was converted to the phenylsulphonyl derivative(7A or 7B) and used for the subsequent reaction with the ahdehyde(2), so that the condensation proceeded in excellent yield and regioselective intro-duction of the 22(23)-double bond was made possible. Oxidation of diol (13) to the γ,δ-unsaturated-α-hydroxy carboxylic acid(15) was successful in high yield by using two steps oxidaion, modified Moffat oxidation followed by oxidation with alkaline iodide solution. Iodolactonization of the acid(15) generated the other asymmetric center at C-23 and the stereoselectivity of the reaction was found to depend on the stereochemistry at C-25 and reaction conditions. Thus, stereoselective iodolactonization to the desired direction was effected: 25S-carboxylic acid(15A) gave 23R,25S-lactone(17Aa) in 90-95% stereoselevtivity by treatment with iodine in CH_3CN, while 23S,25R-lactone(17
    ) was afforded in 80% selectivity from 25R-carboxylic acid(15B) with iodine/CH_2Cl_2 in the presence of pyridine, after reductive removal of iodine. 17Aa and 17
    thus obtained were transformed into the corresponding vitamin D_3 by the usual method. Both (23R,25S)- and (23S,25R)-calcidiol lactone(1Aa and 1
    ) synthesized, showed spectroscopic properties in good agreement with those of the natural product reported. Direct comparison(HPLC) of the synthetic and natural calcidiol lactones has been performed and the result demonstrated that the natural product has 23S,25R-configuration.
  • 安枝 浩, 油井 泰雄, 清水 章治, 遠藤 久子, 信太 隆夫
    1980年 29 巻 8 号 763-772
    発行日: 1980/08/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    スギ花粉の0.125M NH_4HCO_3抽出液から, 硫安塩析, DEAE-セルロースクロマトグラフィー, ゲルクロマトグラフィーによつて, アレルゲン活性を有するFr.2-
    , Fr.2-c, Fr.3-
    の3分画を得た.それぞれの推定分子量は3.8, 1.7, 3.8×10^4であつた.皮内テスト, RAST inhibition testによる活性は, Fr.2-
    が最も強く, しかも3分画ともcrude extractより強い活性を示した.ゲル内沈降反応の結果, Fr.2-
    は共通の抗原成分を, Fr.2-cは異なつた抗原成分を持つことが示された.Fr.2-
    の活性は, 加熱処理, 蛋白質分解酵素処理により著明に低下し, 一方Fr.2-
    を等電点電気泳動で分画すると, pH7から9の間に強い活性が存在した.これらの結果より, スギ花粉のmajor allergenは熱, 蛋白質分解酵素に対して不安定な塩基性の等電点を有する蛋白質であると推定された.
  • 毎田 悠承, 前川 利雄, 濱田 真, 増子 寛
    2020年 58 巻 4 号 273-280
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 小西 正一, 中村 宏
    1959年 25 巻 151 号 221-227
    発行日: 1959/03/25
    公開日: 2008/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    An experimental test of the loads on the wheel passing a curved track, -lateral, vertical, and longitudinal loads, -was carried out for the new
    diesel electric locomotive of type DF 50. The results are as follows. 1) Lateral load : For the leading axle, the lateral loads act from outside towards center of the wheelset for both wheels. As for the inside wheel, the load is nearly independent of the curvature of track, while, for the outer one, it increases as the radius of curve diminishes, attainings a max. value of 5.6 tons (Lateral load/Vertical 1oad=0.7) for 200m. radius. On the other hand, for the trailing axle, the loads are very small with indefinite directions of action. 2) Vertical load : The vertical loads generally agree with the theoretical values, calculated considering centrifugal force. 3) Longitudinal load : While the longitudinal load has been hitherto rarely treated theoretically, considerable loads were revealed, attaining a max. value of 1.9 tons. The direction of loads is forward for the outer wheel of the leading axle and the inside wheel of the trailing one, and backward for the remainder.
  • 中山 恒
    1973年 76 巻 653 号 670-
    発行日: 1973年
    公開日: 2017/06/21
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 佐々木 賢
    1987年 42.1 巻 28a-BB-13
    発行日: 1987/03/27
    公開日: 2018/03/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 宮坂 淳介, 市橋 則明, 建内 宏重, 森 公彦, 西村 純, 中村 孝志
    2008年 2007 巻 864
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/05/13
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    )上での下肢CKC(closed kinetic chain)トレーニングは臨床上よく行われている。しかし、
    にはBOSU(Bosu Fitness社製)を用いた。BOSUは半球状の
    であり、半球を上にした場合(BOSU表)と下にした場合(BOSU裏)とに分けて測定した。測定値は各筋の最大随意収縮時のRoot Mean Square(RMS)振幅値を100%として正規化し、%RMSとして表した。統計には、反復測定分散分析を用い、有意差が生じた場合Scheffeの多重比較を行った。
  • Schwanda Christoph
    2003年 58.1.1 巻
    発行日: 2003/03/06
    公開日: 2018/03/03
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    The magnitude of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix element V_<ub>, which is known still with large experimental uncertainty, can be determined from exclusive semileptonic transitions B→X_u1v. So far, the decays B→π1v and B→p1v have been observed by the CLEO experiment. In this talk, we will present a search for the decay B^+→ω1^+v. based on a sample of 85 million Y(4S)→
    ^^^- events recorded with the Belle detector at the KEKB e^+e^- storage ring.
  • 石屋 冬香, 江原 均, 吉田 典子, 後藤 仁志, 門出 健次, 原田 宣之
    1998年 40 巻 15
    発行日: 1998/08/31
    公開日: 2017/08/18
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    The CD exciton chirality method has been extensively applied to various natural products and chiral synthetic compounds to determine their absolute configurations in a nonempirical manner. However, application of the CD exciton chirality method has been limited to chiral compounds with two or more functional groups, because exciton CD Cotton effects are observable only for the interaction between two or more chromophores. This has been a weak point of the CD exciton chirality method, and therefore it has never been applied to mono-functional chiral compounds. We report here a new strategy for determining the absolute configuration of mono-fucntional compounds by the CD exciton chirality method. Di(1-naphthyl)acetic acid 2, an achiral CD auxiliary with two naphthalene chromophores was designed, because the ^1
    transition of naphthalene chromophore located around 230 nm is the most ideal for observing exciton CD Cotton effects. This CD auxiliary was condensed with various chiral mono-alcohols. For example, ester 6 prepared from di(1-naphthyl)acetic acid 2 and (S)-(-)-α-methylbenzyl alcohol 6a exhibits intense exciton split CD Cotton effects of positive exciton chirality around 225 nm indicating that the long axes of two naphthalene chromophores constitute a clockwise screw sense: CD (EtOH) λ_<ext> 229.6 nm Δε +81.1) and 219.8 (-44.9), A = +126.0. To correlate the positive exciton chirality with the absolute configuration of 6a, the conformational analysis of 6 was carried out by using the CONFLEX-MM3 program. It was revealed that the most stable conformer of 6 had a positive exciton chirality in agreement with the observed CD spectra. It was also found that the population of the conformer with positive exciton chirality exceeds that of conformers with negative chirality: positive/negative 70: 30. The absolute configuration of mono-alcohol 6a was thus determined by the new strategy of the CD exciton chirality method. The absolute configurations of other chiral mono-alcohols including steroids were similarly determined by this new strategy of the CD exciton method.
  • 佐藤 登志郎, 池田 憲昭, 鶴田 陽和, 竹内 昭博
    1982年 20 巻 3 号 177-183
    発行日: 1982/06/30
    公開日: 2011/08/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    “Metabolic indices” of blood acid-base status, such as base excess (BE) and buffer base (
    ), are usually estimated by Siggaard-Andersen's nomographic method based on the measured pH of blood under preset pCO2. Although many attempts at automating the nomogram reading have been made by numerically simulating the BE curve, the theoretical background of the hyperbolic functions of BE and
    had not been clearly presented.
    On the assumption of two-compartmental model of blood in which both compartments, red. blood cells (RBC) and plasma, have linear buffer slopes of acid-base balance and the RBC membranes are selective in permeating HCO3- and H+, the relation of [HCO3-] and pH of plasma Phase in blood have been derived :
    [HCO3-] =- ((1-Ht) kp+Htkc′) (pH-7.4) +24 (Ht (a-1-7.4b) +1)+ [BE] / (1-Ht) +Ht (a-bpH)
    where Ht is hematocrit, kp, kc', linear buffer slopes of RBC and plasma; a, b, partition coefficients of [HCO3-] between plasma and RBC. Explicit hyperbolic functions of BE and
    curves have been derived analytically from this equation. The predicted and the observed curves fit fairly well using the parameter values estimated on the least square principle.
    The relatively simple formulae of the blood “metabolic indices” which are directly derived from this equation can be as accurate as any of the complex computer algorithms of simulating the nomographic reading.
  • 澤洲
    1943年 14 巻 3 号 161-174
    発行日: 1943年
    公開日: 2007/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 中國の古代農書に依ると中國に於ては少なくとも3,000年以前に已に棗の栽培がなされて居たことが記載されて居る。此等古籍中に記載されて居る棗の品種は100餘種に達し,近代の文献中に記載されて居る棗の品種も300~400種の多きに及んで居る。
    2. 現在華北一帶に栽培されて居る棗は Zizyphus jujuba, MILL. 種に屬し, 其多くは高度500m以下の山地或は原野中に分布して居る。其等棗の品種數に關しては未だ確實な統計なく, 文献に記載されて居るものも全國的に統一された調査を缺き, 其の爲に多數の同名異物或は異名同物のものが存在する状態である。此の品種の決定の爲には古籍中の品種記載方法を研究すると共に新らしい品種記載方法を設定し,一方充分な調査により品種の特性,長短を明らかにし統一された分類をなすことが必要である。
    3. 古籍中棗に關し最も古い記載のあるのは爾稚である。植物名實圖考中には棗の78種が記載されてる。此の古籍中の品種の記載及命名法の多くは果實の形状, 色彩,風味及核等に依るものである。近代の文献中にもも棗に關するものがあるが棗の性質の全般に亙つたものは極めて少ない。
    4. 他種重要果樹の記載方法に準據して, 果形により8種に, 果頂形により4種に又核形により5種に其他葉, 花, 枝及び樹全般に亙つて分類した棗の特性記載方法を製作した。
    5. 棗結果枝基部2~3節の葉の大小は全葉の平均値を近似する故に結果枝基部2~3節の葉を取つて棗の標準葉とした。
    6. 上記特性記載方法により北京近郊にて調査採集せる40餘種の棗 19品種に分類した。其の中生食用のものは郎家園棗, 白棗, 纓絡棗及牙棗等, 加工用のものは晒棗なることを認めた。
    7. 調査結果に基き各品種を果の大小, 果頂の形状, 果形及核の性質等に依り分類し棗品種の檢索表を製作した。
  • 武藤 睦治, 坂本 勲, 野村 敬一, 綾 健次
    日本機械学会論文集 A編
    1985年 51 巻 468 号 2008-2013
    発行日: 1985/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    ASTM E 813-81 in USA and JSME S 001-1981 in Japan, Which are concerned with standard test method for fracture toughness JIC have been published. From the industrial and practical point of view, it is as a matter of course that a more economical and convenient test method is desired. In the present study, a significantly simple test method for evaluating JIC by suing a single Charpy-size specimen with a side-groove has been investigated. The materials used in the present study were SM50 A steel, HT 80 steel and SNCM 8 steel. It was found that Be2 (=
    -BN)2/B) is proper as the effective thickness of side-grooved specimens for calculating J-values. The maximum load point was found to coincide with the ductile crack initiation point in the 25% side-grooved Charpy-size specimen with the crack length to width ratio a/W of 0.6 From the foregoing results, a quite simple and convenient test method for estimating JIC has been proposed.