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クエリ検索: "Chow検定"
38件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 藤見 俊夫
    2005年 2005 巻 236 号 103-111
    発行日: 2005/04/25
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    公共事業を円滑に推進するための住民と行政とのコミュニケーションをパブリック・コミュニケーションと呼ぶ. そこでは, 計画評価を歪めている誤った計画認識が解消されるべきである.それらを特定するには, 住民が各個人の計画認識に基づいて計画を評価するパラメトリックなモデルを構築する必要がある. パラメトリックなモデルで個人の評価構造を表現する際, パラメータの値は各個人で共通していなければならない.しかし, 自然環境を大きく変容させるような公共事業では, 環境保護を重視する住民とそれ以外の住民とで, 同じ計画認識の計画評価に及ぼす影響が大きく異なる可能性がある.本稿では, 沖縄市の泡瀬地区埋立事業を対象に, 環境意識の高さによって地域住民を2つのグループに分け, それらの間で計画認識に基づく評価構造が根本的に異なるかを統計的に検証した. その結果, 個別の計画認識が計画評価に及ぼす影響はグループ間でそれほど大きく異ならないものの, それらを総合して判断すれば評価構造は異なることなることが明らかになった.
  • 小池 淳司, 中 洋平
    2014年 70 巻 5 号 I_161-I_171
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2015/05/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小林 創平, 國光 洋二
    2021年 93 巻 2 号 214-219
    発行日: 2021/09/25
    公開日: 2021/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    The total factor productivity (TFP) of soybean production was measured from 1987 to 2015 by the Tornqvist index for different production scales in the large-scale farming region Hokkaido and other remaining regions. The TFP increased gradually in both the Hokkaido and other regions, though the former continuously increased grain yield per unit area (YU) while the latter decreased it. The latter region increased the proportion of middle-to-large scale farmers with relatively high TFP and low YU, thereby resulting in the overall TFP increase and YU decrease in Japan. Results suggest that the two regions adopted different strategies to increase TFP.

  • 石橋 尚平
    2007年 25 巻 23-33
    発行日: 2007/03/30
    公開日: 2016/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Action Program Concerning Enhancement of Relationship Banking Function was released by Financial Services Agency (FSA) on March 28, 2003. The period during FY 2003 and 2004 were set as Intensive Improvement Period of the action program. FSA required Japanese local banks to exert for prompt business revitalization, such as establishment of corporate reconstruction funds for regional enterprises and aggressive utilization of Debt-equity Swap, DIP financing and others. The local banks were obliged to disclose their every semiannual progress during and just after the intensive improvement period. By means of the panel data analysis, this paper analyzes the correlation between the local bank's rate of changes of the loan outstanding and that for small and medium-sized business and their aggressiveness of the prompt business revitalization during the intensive improvement period, in other words, the early stage of the proactive efforts of them for prompt business revitalization. In this paper, three dummy variables which means whether banks either established their corporate reconstruction funds or utilized Debt-equity Swap or DIP financing and whether they did both of them are used in the loan-supply-curve-based model. And more panel data analyses of grouped samples clarified the characteristics of the aggressive local banks both in increasing their loan outstanding and the prompt business revitalization.
  • 梶谷 義雄, 多々納 裕一, 岡田 憲夫
    2001年 18 巻 317-324
    発行日: 2001/09/30
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究では, 兵庫県南部地震で被災した神戸港貨物取扱量を対象に, 災害の事後評価段階における統計学的なアプローチの有効性について検討を行っている. その際, 震災によるショックのために生じる非線形性の強い過渡的な状態を含む時系列から, システマティックに長期的影響を分析する仮説検定の方法を提案している. 実際に輸出貨物取扱量には長期的に残存する震災の影響に加え, 視覚的には判断しがたい確定的な減少傾向が震災後に生じていることをこの手法を用いて発見している. 同時に災害後に取られた政策の有効性を震災の影響を分離して評価する方法を提案しており, 輸出, トランシップ貨物を対象にその有用性が議論されている.
  • 宮越 龍義
    2001年 16 巻 159-172
    発行日: 2001/03/30
    公開日: 2016/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 筒井 義郎
    季刊 理論経済学
    1982年 33 巻 1 号 38-54
    発行日: 1982/05/25
    公開日: 2007/10/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to make clear whether the bank loan market in Japan is in equilibrium or not. There have been three papers on the issue, Hamada et al. [7], Furukawa [6] and Kamae [15]. They are contradicted with each other so that the definite conclusion has not yet been reached. Hamada et al. [8] explains that the difference in conclusion comes from the difference in observation period. The present paper re-examines their estimation to show that the explanation is not correct. The re-examination indicates that their supposed supply functions have multicollinearity, causing the contradiction.
    In addition, those papers are found to have following weak points:
    (a) They say that excess supply periods were longer than excess demand periods in 1960's and early 70's. However, the opposite view is commonly accepted.
    (b) Whether the market is in equilibrium or not is judged in those three papers by the sign condition of estimated parameters. But this method fails to give a definite answer in many cases.
    The present paper suggests more appropriate way of analysis as follows:
    (A) Using three indices, an adequate sample separation can be found consistent with the popular view.
    (B) Chow Test [2] is applied to judge whether the market is in equilibrium or not. This method enables us to judge in any case and to assess the degree of disequilibrium quantitatively.
    With these modifications, the present paper concludes that the Japanese bank loan market is in disequilibrium whichever adjustment it has, the effective interest rate or the nominal interest rate.
    Futhermore, the excess demand for the bank loan and the equilibrium interest rate are estimated quantitatively, describing the market condition fairly well.
  • 宇野 伸宏, 飯田 恭敬, 久保 篤史
    1997年 14 巻 923-934
    発行日: 1997/09/30
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    高度交通情報システムの主機能である、情報提供による経路の分散・誘導機能には大きな期待が寄せられている。これを実効性の高い交通制御手法とするには、情報と交通行動の関係の解明が不可欠である。本研究では室内実験手法により、旅行時間情報提供下の逐次経路選択機構の解明を目指す。その際情報精度の影響も考慮する。被験者の旅行時間予測のモデル化を通して、(1) 経路選択機構は情報精度の影響を強く受け、継続的な高精度情報の提供は、均質な情報依存型の選択機構を形成する、(2) 逐次経路選択は経路の再考地点迄の部分的な走行結果の影響を受け、再考地点前後の区間の連続性が高い場合また情報が乏しい場合、影響が強くなる等の知見を得た。
  • 泉北ニュ-タウンの住民アンケートを用いて
    布施 匡章, 久米 功一
    2008年 2008 巻 60 号 135-144
    発行日: 2008/01/30
    公開日: 2012/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Social capital has been regarded as effective means to revitalize local communities though it is still unclear that how social capital accumulates. In this paper, using the dataset obtained from a recent survey on Semboku New Town, we analyze the positive effect of homeownership on the formation of social capital. In addition, social interactions between average social capital and individual behaviors at region level are empirically tested. The results show that homeownership encourages individuals to behave socially and that there exist positive social interactions of social capital formation between region and individuals. This paper also suggests several policy implications for accumulation of social capital from the viewpoint of homeownership.
  • 田中 隆
    2017年 14 巻 1 号 62-73
    発行日: 2017/12/24
    公開日: 2017/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study utilizes time-series data on the excess influx of population to the Greater Tokyo Area (Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa Prefectures) as well as indices of income per capita of this same region to conduct an analysis of the causal relationship between inter-regional income disparity and domestic demographic shift. Data from 1972 to 2014 were analyzed using the Granger causality test, which revealed the existence of a causal effect of inter-regional income disparity on demographic shift but not vice versa. This result suggests that this population influx into the Greater Tokyo Area could be motivated by higher income in that region. The data also revealed that the higher income was brought about by the concentration of industries with high labor productivity in the Greater Tokyo Area, particularly in Tokyo itself.

  • 都道府県間人口移動データを用いた新しいアプローチ
    樋口 洋一郎, 内山 俊介
    2003年 34 巻 1 号 285-298
    発行日: 2004/10/30
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Household is a unit of economy and society. Various studies have been conducted on its changes. However, its data are scarce and its measurement methods have not integrated. The reason for this situation may be the necessity to simultaneously consider both the number of households and the size distribution of households to investigate its changes. Researches from these two viewpoints have not been conducted.
    Objectives of this research are (1) the estimation of the average size of migrating households, and (2) the determinant analysis of its time-series variation. A Markovchain model of inter-prefectural household migration is constructed and on this basis, the average sizes of (1) staying households, (2) migrating households within prefectures and (3) inter-prefecturally migrating households, are estimated. The determinant analysis of their variations shows that they are influenced by life-events such as marriage and university-enrolment and by general economic conditions like GDP growth rate. A change in the causal structure is also found during periods of the oil-crisis and the collapse of the bubble economy.
  • 石島 博, 數見 拓朗, 前田 章
    2013年 2013 巻 FIN-011 号 06-
    発行日: 2013/10/12
    公開日: 2023/01/12
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    This study analyzes the sentiment of the Japanese economy that might appear in daily news articles. To quantify such a sentiment, we created an index that accounts for the frequency of occurrence of the words that affirmatively or negatively describe the current economic situation. Using articles taken from the Nikkei, we counted the numbers of "positive" as well as "negative" words in the articles. Constructing a daily summary index, we then conducted statistical analysis to examine correlations between the sentiment index and Tokyo Stock Exchange prices. One of our interesting findings is that the index significantly predicts stock prices of three day ahead.

  • 岩田 真一郎
    1997年 1997 巻 19 号 45-50
    発行日: 1997/09/30
    公開日: 2012/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper estimates the effects of the Tenant Protection Law on floor space, fixed investment (toilet, bath, kitchen, porch, etc.) and depreciation costs. This law protects the tenant so extremely that the landlord has little incentive to supply a good quality house. Thus, we can expect that the law, while on the one hand tends to raise the marginal rent of floor space, but on the other hand tends to lower both fixed costs and depreciation costs. To prove this, we estimate the rent functions for both rental housings affected by the law-those rented to individuals-and those not affected-rented to corporations. We find those rental housings affected by the law tend to have a higher marginal rent of floor space than the one not affected, whereas fixed costs and depreciation costs are lower than the one not affected.
  • 小野 裕亮
    1999年 13 巻
    発行日: 1999年
    公開日: 2017/07/15
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 金 炯洙
    1999年 35 巻 3 号 141-150
    発行日: 1999/12/25
    公開日: 2011/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    For investigating managerial behavior of aged farmers, this paper estimates the change in the aged farmers' preference for labor intensity and tests the hypothesis that the farmers' tolerance to high labor intensity in farm work decrease as they become older. The term “labor intensity” is defined as a technological index of job characteristics in crop production, and “preference of labor intensity” as the feeling of burden toward labor intensity.
    To do this, the paper identifies the age when farmers start to be strongly conscious of labor intensity, and also examines the impact of the change in the aged farmers' preference for labor intensity on the choice of crops. In this paper, we examine the case of lettuce and onion, where the former has high labor intensity, whereas the latter has low labor intensity.
    The results are as follows.
    First, it is at the age of 60 when farmers start to be strongly conscious of labor intensity and to increase the rate of the onion area cultivated relatively.
    Second, the change in the aged farmers' preference for labor intensity will reduce the lettuce area by 135 ares, which amount to 16% of the total decrease of lettuce area to be expected in five years.
  • 手塚 広一郎
    2001年 44 巻 61-70
    発行日: 2001年
    公開日: 2019/05/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―JDS奨学金カンボジア事業のケース―
    森下 泰至
    2019年 28 巻 2 号 123-141
    発行日: 2019/11/30
    公開日: 2020/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー

    From the 20th to the 21st century, major countries have invested large amounts of funds in international scholarship programs for higher education to build cultural, economic, and political ties with countries sending students. Japan also formulated a “Plan to Accept 100,000 Foreign Students” in 1983 and has been striving to enhance systematic measures for accepting international students.

    This paper analyzes the impact of changes to the application system for international scholarship programs on the quality of applicants and selected candidates, with special attention paid to the JDS scholarship project in Cambodia granted by the government of Japan.

    The analysis begins by comparing the English scores of three groups of applicants restricted by weak, medium, and strong application constraints at each stage of the application and final selection. Then, the composition of the applicants is examined to determine how their quality and composition have altered with the change to the system.

    This paper reveals that the quality of applicants restricted by strong application constraints is lower than for those restricted by weak or medium constraints. This is caused by the “Target Organization System” that reduces applicants' degree of freedom to choose a field of study in their application. As a result, it leads to the paradoxical situation of hindering talented public servants in Cambodia from applying for the JDS scholarship despite JDS introducing the new system with the aim of fostering human resources within the government sector.

  • ──コンピュータ関連企業営業職サンプルを用いて──
    板倉 宏昭
    2001年 34 巻 3 号 67-81
    発行日: 2001/03/20
    公開日: 2022/07/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     情報化とその貢献の関係が捉えにくい原因を探るため,組織コミットメントの概念を導入する.分析の結果,情動的な組織コミットメントが高い人は,情報化と組織貢献度の正の関係が大きい.しかし,コミットメントが低いと,情報化が高いとかえって組織貢献度が低くなる傾向がみられる.情報化時代には 組織へのコミットメントが一層鍵となるという示唆が得られた.

  • ──スキャナーデータによる飲用乳食中毒事件の分析──
    氏家 清和
    2002年 74 巻 3 号 109-122
    発行日: 2002/12/25
    公開日: 2015/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper investigates the effect of milk-poisoning, caused by a big milk company we will call "Company A", on demand for milk. For the empirical analysis, the AI Demand System with two-stage budgeting of four groups, i.e., Processed Milk Group, Company A's Brand Milk Group, Local Brand Milk Group and National Brand Milk Group (excluding Company's A Brand Milk Group) was estimated by weekly home scan data set over a 15-month (Jan. 2000-Mar. 2001) period. A change in the effect of milk-poisoning was observed, and a relation between the effect and consumers' loyalty to Company A's brand was examined.
    It was found that the milk-poisoning by the company decreased the total expenditure on milk. This finding suggests that the milk-poisoning worsened attitudes toward milk as a whole. As for the findings from the estimation of expenditure shares, the share for milk was decreased by the milk-poisoning in Processed Milk Group over the period observed. The expenditure share of Local Brand Milk Group was increased; however, quantity demand for this group was lowered by the decrease in total milk expenditure. The share of the National Brand Milk Group was decreased. This result suggests that the milk-poisoning caused widespread damage to the national brand's advantage. In Company A's Brand Milk Group, its share was decreased just after the milk-poisoning, but was increased in the latter half of the period observed. However, the expenditure share by those loyal to the company kept decreasing throughout that period. It is implied that loyalty to the company's brand was weakened due to the milk-poisoning. The contribution of this paper is to succeed in depicting empirically the impact of the milk-poisoning on consumption of milk and categorized groups.
  • X工場品質コストデータに基づく分析
    梶原 武久
    2007年 2007 巻 8 号 35-48
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2021/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー