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15,164件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 高橋 明彦
    2024年 34 巻 2 号 69-73
    発行日: 2024/05/01
    公開日: 2024/05/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 原田 一人, 大竹 和樹, 小川 直樹, 生方 実, 判谷 理恵
    2024年 34 巻 3 号 150-154
    発行日: 2024/08/01
    公開日: 2024/08/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    酸化ストレスは、慢性腎臓病(CKD)の進行の一因である。Keap1-Nrf2タンパク質間相互作用(PPI)の阻害によるNrf2の活性化は、CKD治療の新たな手段として注目されている。筆者らは、ハイスループットスクリーニング(HTS)により、物性に優れた新規PPI阻害剤2を見出した。その後、構造および計算機化学を用いた解析を行い、メチル基とフルオロ基のみの導入により400倍以上の活性向上を示すリード化合物6の創製に成功した。これら劇的な置換基効果は、等温滴定カロリメトリー(ITC)による解析により説明可能であった。化合物6は、高い経口吸収性と持続性を示し、ラット腎臓で抗酸化タンパク質heme oxigenase-1(HO-1)を増加させた。本稿では、構造活性相関(SAR)とともに、メチル基とフルオロ基の効果について紹介したい。

  • Sachie Uyama, Keiichi Hanaki
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2015年 27 巻 3 号 947-950
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    [Purpose] An insufficient head control is the most troublesome condition for children with impaired mobility who require optimal seating. [Subjects and Methods] We report on the clinical trial of the newly developed
    head & neck positioning & support system called
    for locomotively disabled children with periventricular leukomalacia (PVL). [Results] Two major advantages of the
    were observed in the trial. The first was its favorable effect on the alignment of the spine to prevent scoliosis and to provide stable breathing and optimal seating, which resulted in improvement of the children’s activities of daily living (ADL). The second was its direct application of force to the head rather than indirectly to the pelvis in a conventional seat arrangement. The conventional way of head support is based on stabilization of the trunk which is based on stabilization of the pelvis by some seating arrangement. [Conclusion] The trial of the
    device demonstrated its usefulness in helping PVL children with insufficient head control develop their abilities while preventing secondary disability.
  • Taichi YOSHIDA, Taizo SUZUKI, Masaaki IKEHARA
    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
    2014年 E97.A 巻 1 号 384-392
    発行日: 2014/01/01
    公開日: 2014/01/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    We propose an adaptive reversible data hiding method with superior visual quality and capacity in which an adaptive generalized difference expansion (AGDE) method is applied to an integer-to-integer subband transform (
    -ST performs the reversible subband transform and the AGDE method is a state-of-the-art method of reversible data hiding. The results of experiments we performed objectively and perceptually show that the proposed method has better visual quality than conventional methods at the same embedding rate due to low variance in the frequency domain.
  • 西村 健, 矢島 博文, 石井 忠浩, 遠藤 隆一
    1991年 48 巻 8 号 525-528
    発行日: 1991/08/25
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    DP約20のアミロースを用いてアミロース・ヨウ素錯体の青色発色機構を, CDと吸収スペクトルのストップトフロー同時測定により検討した. 結合ヨウ素種がI-3のみで, アミロース濃度がI-3濃度に比べて大過剰のとき, 錯体形成は2段階過程が観測された. 第1段階は288nmと353nm近傍に正の誘起CD帯を伴うI-3とアミロースに基づく無青色錯体が生成した. 第2段階は錯体の青色発色に関与する2量体I-3・I-3が生成した. 一方, ヨウ素の発色種が
    -3となるKI不在下における錯体形成は見掛け上1段階反応で進行した. 青色発色種I-3・I-3形成の見掛けの初速度は
    -3より小さく見積られた. 青色発色種
    -3は, 2個のI-3間に比べてI2とI-3間の協同的相互作用により, 形成が容易なことが示唆された.
  • Ryogo Hirota, Kinji Kimura
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
    2000年 69 巻 3 号 627-630
    発行日: 2000/03/01
    公開日: 2000/07/28
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    The Euler top described by the equations I1 frac d ω1 d t =(
    2 ω3, I2 frac d ω2 d t =(I3-I13 ω1, I3 frac d ω3 d t =(I1-I21 ω2, is discretized in the following form I11(t+δ)-ω1(t)] = frac12 δ (
    )[ω2(t+δ)ω3(t)+ω2(t) ω3(t+ δ)], I22(t+δ)-ω2(t)] = frac12 δ (I3-I1)[ω3(t+δ) ω1(t)+ω3(t) ω1(t+ δ)], I33(t+δ)-ω3(t)] = frac12 δ (I1-I2)[ω1(t+δ) ω2(t)+ω1(t) ω2(t+δ)], which exhibits conserved quantities and exact solutions.
  • Tadasu Sanuki, Masayuki Naruse
    Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan
    1966年 12 巻 4 号 156-162
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2006/10/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Part 1 reported on empirical formulas by which we can predict a mixed color from the chromaticity of the colors for mixing. Deviation coefficient F can be shown by this equation: F=mlog(S1/S2) Where S1 and S2 are the tristimulus values of each of two colors for mixing. Here is a report on the method of fixing proportional constant m in the foregoing equation.
    (1) We define optical diffusibility D, which comprehensively shows the phase of the outermost layers of yarns, as follows: D=∫
    *di where Bi* is normalized brightness on the surface of the materials used; and B0* is normalized brightness on a perfectly diffused surface.
    (2) The value of m can be instantly fixed by optical diffusibility D according to the way of color-mixing. Therefore, deviation coefficient F can be fixed by obtaining the ratio of S1 to S2.
    (3) This Method can be applied only to materials of medium or high luminosity. It must be avoided if one or both materials are extremely low in luminosity.
  • 西村 健, 矢島 博文, 窪田 茂, 石井 忠浩, 遠藤 隆一
    1988年 45 巻 12 号 945-952
    発行日: 1988/12/25
    公開日: 2010/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    アミロース・ヨウ素錯体の吸収及び円二色性 (CD) スベクトルに及ぼすI-濃度効果を, 広範囲のI-濃度領域 (0~2×10-2MKI) にわたり検討した. 600nm近傍にある錯体の最大吸収帯は, I-濃度の増加に伴い強度の増加及び短波長移動を示した. これに対応して観測される正負対称なCD帯は, 吸収と同様の挙動を示した. しかしながら, 光学異方性因子gmax及び最大吸収波長λmaxは, I-3の結合モル分率Rに対して直線的に変化し, R=0.5においてそれぞれ, gmaxは極小値及びλmaxは屈曲点を示した. R=1及びR=0.5における錯体のスベクトルに基づく波形解析により, 錯体には独立した3種のスベクトル種の存在が明らかとなった. 電子論的考察に基づき, これらのスベクトル種は独立した3種のヨウ素発色種.
    -3, 及びI-3. I-3と帰属された. その結果, I-濃度に伴う錯体のスベクトル変化は, 3種のヨウ素発色種の存在分布の変化に起因することがわかった.
  • 塩﨑 真, 野路 悟, 小西 典子, 谷本 敦男, 仲 裕一
    2023年 59 巻 6 号 536-540
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宮崎 孝雄, 山田 善郎, 小峯 勇
    1988年 24 巻 7 号 670-677
    発行日: 1988/07/30
    公開日: 2009/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new high speed photometric ellipsometer consisting of simple optical elements, electronics, and personal computer is developed. Data acquisition time of the new ellipsometer is only limited by the response time of the photodetector's circuitry. This ellipsometer, having no moving parts, is suitable for measuring film thickness moving fast in the process line, where no conventional ellipsometer can be applied.
    In this proposed apparatus, a certain polarized light (ex. linearly or circularly) is used as an incident beam and the reflected beam from the object is split into 3 beams through the beam splitter which consists of 3 or 4 optical pararells. The intensity of each beam transmitted through the analyzer with a certain azimuth angle is measured by the photodetector.
    Each intensity signal multiplied by the gain factor for each channel, denoted by I1,
    , can be used to derive the two ellipsometric parameters. The analysis with Jone's vector representation shows that the ellipsometric parameters cosΔ, tanψ are expressed as follows; cosΔ=I3-I2/2I1I1/
    -I1, tanψ=σ1σ2I1/
    -I1where incident beam is linearly polarized (azimuth -45°), the azimuth angle of each analyzer is 0° (ch. 1), 45° (ch. 2), -45° (ch. 3) respectively, and σ1σ2 is a constant determined by the refractive index and the angle between the reflected beam and the beam splitter.
    The precision of cosΔ and tanψ by this ellipsometer is on the order of 5.0×10-4.
    This new ellipsometer is applied to measure oil film with thickness of order 0-100Å coated on tinned steel sheet moving at a speed of 300m/min. In this case, the following considerations are further taken into account.
    1. Linear relation between ellipsometric parameter cosΔ and film thickness d is used.
    2. Two lasers (He-Ne laser, Ar laser) with different wavelength λ1, λ2 are used to eliminated the ellipsometric parameter cosΔ0 of substrate which changes continuously.
    Oil film thickness measured by the new ellipsometer and those by conventional off-line method (hydrophil balance method) are agreed within the uncertainly of 1mg/m2 (corresponding thickness is about 11Å).
  • 尾畑 寛, 川端 季雄, 河合 弘迪
    1970年 73 巻 7 号 1519-1523
    発行日: 1970/07/05
    公開日: 2011/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    非圧縮性を有する等方性粘弾性物質の有限変形下における力学的性質に関する研究は, 理論的にはゴム弾性の統計理論および熱力学の応用により数多くの研究結果が報告されている。一方, 連続体の理論を応用した現象論の立場からみると, 任意の有限変形下における応力とひずみの関係を一般的に記述するためには二軸実験が必須であるにもかかわらず, この種の実験結果は数少なく, ほとんどが単純伸長実験によるものである。
    先に加硫天然ゴム, および加硫 NBR (アクリロニトリル-ブタジエンゴム) について, 直交二軸変形下における応力をそれぞれ平衡状態および応力緩和過程において測定し, ひずみエネルギー関数Wの変形テンソルの不変量 I1, I2 の偏微分関数 ∂W(I1,
    の加硫度依存性, 温度依存性等について報告した。本報では結合アクリロニトリルの分率の異なる三種の加硫 NBR (アクリロニトリル・ブタジエン共重合体ゴム) について直交二軸応力緩和実験を行い, 応力 fi12,t), (i=1,2) の伸長比 (λ12) 依存性, ∂W(I1,
    の時間依存性, および単純伸長特性と ∂W(I1,
    との相関に焦点をしぼって, これら三種のゴムの特性を比較し, 検討を加える。
  • (第5報) 光学的拡散度とずれ係数
    佐貫 尹, 成瀬 正行
    1966年 19 巻 1 号 T1-T6
    発行日: 1966/01/10
    公開日: 2010/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    霜降り糸, もく糸, 無地糸など先染め糸の混合色を, 被混合色の色度から予想する実験式を前報で報告した.被混合2色の3刺激値をS1, S2とするとずれ係数Fは
    本報においては, 上式の比例定数mの決定法について述べる.
    (1) 糸表面層の状態を包括し表現する量として, 光学的拡散度Dをつぎのように定義する.
    (2) mの値は, 色混合の形式が定まれば光学的拡散度Dによって, 一義的に定めることができる.したがって3刺激値のコントラストS1/S2を求めることによって, ずれ係数Fを定めることができる.
    (3) この方法の適用できる限界は中・高明度の試料に限られ, いちじるしく低明度の1色以上を含む試料については避けなければならない.
  • 小池 義和, 森野 博章, 栗原 邦彰, 糸井 成夫, 河上 達, 清水 悦郎
    JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development
    2014年 19 巻 49-58
    発行日: 2014/09/01
    公開日: 2015/05/09
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
    近年,深海探査の要求は高まっており,低コストで簡易な深海探査システムの実現が望まれている.江戸っ子1号プロジェクトは,東京下町の中小企業,大学,研究機関,金融機関,企業有志がフリーフォール型の簡易深海探査システム実現を目的として集まって実施したプロジェクトである.プロジェクトでは,深海7800 mでの3Dビデオ撮影に成功している.このプロジェクトに参加した筆者らは,江戸っ子1号プロジェクトで使用したフリーフォール型深海探査システムのガラス球内部に温度センサと気圧センサを設置し,深海の温度プロファイル,着底,離底の検知ができないかを検討した.その結果,センサ出力から得られる体積変化分から着底,離底の検出が可能となることを確認した.
  • 熔射におけるポリエチレン平均分子量の低下
    長坂 秀雄, 小野寺 陽子, 武井 武
    1957年 8 巻 2 号 54-56
    発行日: 1957/03/28
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    By viscosity method, mean molecular weight of Polyethylene was measured before and after the flame spraying, and it was found that the molecular weight is decreased to
    /5 by spraying. This is an undesirable phenomenon.
    Some stabilizers were mixed with polyethylene in spraying, but no remarkable effect was observable. However, by improvements of spraying apparatus and technics, the decrease may be avoided to some extent.
  • 西村 健, 矢島 博文, 石井 忠浩, 遠藤 隆一
    1989年 46 巻 9 号 537-544
    発行日: 1989/09/25
    公開日: 2010/03/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    アミロース・ヨウ素錯体の分光学的特性を支配する要因を解明するため, 錯体のヨウ素発色種に関するアミロースの分子量効果を広範囲のI-濃度において検討した. アミロースとヨウ素に基づく青色錯体の生成は, 重合度 (DP) 約20以上で最初に認められ, 200nmと560nm近傍に正負のCD帯が観察された. 600nm近傍の最大吸収帯は, アミロースのDPが約100まで増加するに従って, 対応するCD帯の強度の増加を伴い, 長波長移動及び分子吸光係数の増加を示した. スペクトル解析の結果, DP約20のアミロースにおける錯体の吸収及びCDスペクトルは,
    -3及びI-3I-3の2種の青色発色種のスペクトル分布に基づくことが判明し, DP約35以上の錯体では
    を含む3種の青色発色種が確認された. 電子論的考察により, 錯体の分光学的特性に及ぼすDPの効果は, アミロース格子中の結合I2あるいはI-3の電子状態とその幾何配置がDPに対応して変化することの結果と解釈された.
  • Mohammad A. MOJID, Taposh K. ACHARJEE
    Environmental Control in Biology
    2013年 51 巻 1 号 35-39
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Characteristics of rainfall-induced salt leaching was investigated in a field after wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivation under irrigation by synthetic saline water, which was prepared by mixing sodium chloride (NaCl) with fresh water pumped from a borehole well. The treatments of the experiment — I1: root zone soil with salinity 0.12 dS m −1, and
    , I4 and I5: root zone soils with salinity 0.39, 0.51, 0.69 and 0.86 dS m −1, respectively — had three replications. The soil salinities were developed due to irrigation by fresh water (of 0.385-dS m −1 background salinity) for I1 and by saline water of 4, 7, 10 and 13 dS m −1 salinity for
    , I4 and I5, respectively. Soil samples were collected from each plot from 0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm soil layers at 15 (in a few cases at 30) days interval during rainy season (April–September 2011) after harvesting of the crop. By measuring electrical conductivity (EC) on saturation extracts of the samples salt dynamics at the three soil layers under the five irrigation treatments were characterized. Variation of soil pH due to the leaching process was also evaluated by measuring pH of the soil extracts. At the end of rainy season, the salt that accumulated in the soil due to irrigation by saline water leached almost completely out of the top 0–20-cm soil layer in all treatments. The salt from the upper layer leached down and initially elevated salinity of the lower layers. Salinity in the bottom layer of
    treatments did not reduce to pre-irrigation non-saline level, implying that rainfall, although a substantial amount (1673 mm) could not wash out the imposed salinity from the root zone soil. At the early period of leaching, both the frequency and quantity of rainfall were relatively small, but the rate of reduction of EC in the soil profile was quite substantial and rapid, especially in the soil with high salinities (e.g., I4 and I5). At the later period, on the other hand, the rate of EC reduction slowed down although the frequency and quantity of rainfall were higher than at the early period of leaching. The salt removal rate was thus inversely related to its concentration in the soil. It is concluded that, irrigation by saline water of EC 4, 7, 10 and 13 dS m −1 caused accumulation of salt in the soil in excess of that washed out by the monsoon rainfall.
  • Toyozo HASHIMOTO
    The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology
    1980年 30 巻 2 号 173-186
    発行日: 1980年
    公開日: 2006/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of intrarenal-arterial (i.r.a.) and intravenous (i.v.) infusions of PGE2, I2 and F on systemic blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), renal blood flow (RBF), urine volume (UV), renal function and plasma renin activity (PRA) of the renal venous blood (RVPRA) were investigated. A dose-dependent fall in BP was observed with PGE2 and I2 and was accompanied by a tachycardia (PGE2<
    .r.a.<i.v.). PGE2 and I2 induced increases in RBF and UV in a roughly dose-dependent manner (PGE2>
    .r.a.>i.v.), however, antidiuresis was observed with the highest intravenously given dose of PGI2 (300 ng/kg/min) such being ascribed to a pronounced hypotension. Changes in electrolyte excretion induced by PGE2 and I2 were similar to the pattern of those in RBF or UV. Neither PGE2 or I2 produced any significant changes in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The diuretic effect of PGE2 and F correlated with osmolar clearance (Cosm) (r=0.89, p<0.01 ; r=0.55, p<0.01) and free water clearance (CH2O) (r=0.52, p<0.01 ; r=0.83, p<0.01), whereas that of PGI2, only with Cosm (r=0.74, p<0.01). PGF produced the weakest changes in the parameters described above. PGE2 and I2 (30 ng/kg/min, i.r.a.), but not PGF, produced a significant elevation of RVPRA without any significant change in BP. These findings suggest that PGE2 plays a primary role in the kidney, whereas PGI2 is important in the regulation of the systemic circulation, and that PGE2, I2 and F all have different modes of action in producing diuresis. Both PGE2 and I2 may participate in the control of renin secretion.
  • F. L. Shyu, Ming Fa Lin, C. P. Chang, R. B. Chen, J. S. Shyu, Y. C. Wang, C. H. Liao
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
    2001年 70 巻 11 号 3348-3355
    発行日: 2001年
    公開日: 2003/02/28
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    Electronic properties of AB-stacked nanographite ribbons depend on the edge structure, the ribbon width (Ny), and the ribbon number (Nz). All zigzag ribbons are metals, while armchair ribbons are metals only for Ny=3
    an integer). The dependence of energy gap on the ribbon number is weak for the semiconducting armchair multiribbons with Nz>5. The semiconductor-metal transition is absent in the increasing of Nz. Density of states exhibits many special structures. The interlayer interactions would affect the energy dispersions of band structures. They could induce the hybridization of energy bands, the new partial flat bands along the kx- or kz-direction, the asymmetry of the electronic structure about the Fermi level, the change from the direct energy gap into the indirect energy gap, the destruction of the state degeneracy, and the alternation of the special structures in the density of states.
  • 岩本 光雄, 渡辺 毅, 浜田 穣
    1987年 3 巻 1 号 18-28
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2009/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    A total of 406 observations on dental eruption was obtained from 343 Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) of known birthdays (Table 1).
    The order of the beginning of eruption was estimated as (M1, M1), (I1, I1), (
    ), (M2, M2), (PPPP), (C, , C'), (M3, M3) for male and (M1, M1), (I1, I1), (
    ), (M2, M2), (C, , P3, P3, C', P4, P4), (M3, M3) for female.
    Among 406 observations, 270 were used for statistics of the eruption age, because the remaining 136 which were obtained from monkeys of Shiga and Koshima show a fair degree of delay in the eruption age as a whole. The statistical results were shown in Tables 2 and 3, and a norm of the eruption age as a tentative interpretation was given in Table 4 with a footnote concerning the delay of eruption in monkeys of Shiga and Koshima. Interpretation of the delay in these monkeys is difficult, though the delay in monkeys of Koshima may be related to the general delay of their growth which has been caused by their isolation on a small islet.
    From the comparison of the present results and related reports on macaques (Table 5), it is apparent that among four species, M. fascicularis, M. mulatta, M. nemestrina and M. fuscata, the eruption is comparatively late in M. fuscata for most teeth, and it is generally earlier in female than male for every tooth except for M3 which erupts at similar age in both sexes or earlier in male than female especially in M. mulatta. Sexual difference in the eruption age of C, and possibly of P3, is relatively small in M. fascicularis and large in M. nemestrina. It seems that these interspecific differences are more or less related to those in body size and canine size.
  • Tsutomu SAKURAI, Mishiroku IZUMO, Akira TAKAHASHI, Yoshihide KOMAKI
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
    1987年 24 巻 11 号 931-936
    発行日: 1987/11/25
    公開日: 2008/04/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    A hundred milligram of UO2 was irradiated in JRR-4 (burn up 0.017%) and dissolved in boiling 3 M-HNO3 (20 ml) to study the behavior of fission-product iodine (131I, 1 ng). During the dissolution, 8090% of the iodine volatilized together with 133 Xe. Zeolitel3X (4g) trapped completely the iodine in the dissolver off-gas. Blowing a NO2 flow through the solution was effective for expulsion of the remaining iodine and finally 9095% of the initial iodine was removed from the solution with the aid of addition of KIO3. The iodine species in the solution includes
    -, IO3- (IO4-), organic iodides and other unknown species. The expulsion operations caused the unknown species to increase in relative abundance. This tendency was also noticed for iodine of higher concentration in 3 M-HNO3.